Rajasthan- at a Glance State Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Jaipur Rajasthan • Date of formation Nov.01,1956 • 3422393,42,239 sq. km • 10.41% of Land area. • Thar D esert :70% o f to ta l lan dmass • Forest vegetation - 9.54% • The oldest chain of mountains - the Aravali • Roads: 1,51,914 km. (8,798 km National Highway) • 33 districts and 289 development blocks. SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 2 Rajasthan • Districts: 33 • Blocks: 295 • Total revenue villages: 44672 – TiblditiTribal distric t: 7 – Desert district: 6 – Plain district: 20 SIHFW: an ISO9001: 2015 certified institution 3 Divisions// Districts Ajmer Ajmer, Nagaur, Tonk, Bhilwara Bharatpur Bharatpur, Dholpur, Karauli, Sawai-Madhopur Bikaner Bikaner, Churu, Hanumangarh, Sri-ganganagar SIHFW: an ISO9001: 2015 certified institution 4 Jaipur Jaipur, Alwar, Dausa, Jhunjhunu, Sikar Jodhpur Barmer, Jaisalmer, Jalore ,Jodhpur, Pali, Sirohi Kota Baran, Bundi, Jhalawar, Kota Udaipur Banswara, Chittorgarh, Dungarpur, Rajsamand, Pratapgarh, Udaipur SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 5 Tribal Desert Plain 1. Banswara 1. Barmer 1. Ajmer 11.Jhalawar 2. Baran 2. Bikaner 2. Alwar 12.Jhunjhunu 3. Dungarpur 3. Churu 3. Bharatpur 13.Karauli 4. Chittorgarh 4. Jaisalmer 4. Bhilwara 14.Kota 5. Pratapgarh 5. Jalore 5. Bundi 15.Nagaur 6. Sirohi 6. Jodhpur 6. Dausa 16.Pali 7. Udaipur 7. Dholpur 17.Rajsamand 8. Ganganagar 18.Sikar 9. Hanumangarh19.S.madhopur 10.Jaipur 20.Tonk SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 6 J & K, 1.25 Cr. (1%) Uttarakhand, 1.01 Cr. (1%) Other states & UTs, Delhi, 1.68 Cr. (1%) Haryana, 2.54 Cr. (2%) 2.61Cr. (2%) Uttar Pradesh Chhattisg,garh, 2.55 Cr. ()(2%) Punjab, 2.7&Cr. (2%) 19.96 Cr. (16%) Assam, 3.12 Cr. (3%) Jharkhand, 3.30 Cr. (3%) Kerala 3.34 Cr. (3%) Orissa 4.19 Cr. (3%) GjGujara t 6.04Cr. (5%) POPULATION Maharashtra SHARE OF 11.24 Cr. ( 9%) STATES Karnataka (IN CRORE) 6.11 Cr. (5%) Rajasthan, Bihar 6.86 Cr. (6%) 10.38 Cr. (9%) Tamil Nadu 7.21 Cr. (6%) West Bengal 9.13 Cr. (8%) Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh 7 7.26 Cr. (6%) 8.47 Cr. (7%) Source: Census 2011 Population Source: Census-2011 India Rajasthan • Total : 1,21,05,69,573 • Total : 6,86,21,012 – Ma le: 62, 31, 21, 843 – Ma le: 355509973,55,50,997 – Female: 58,,,,74,47,730 – Female: 3,,,,29,97,440 • Urban: 37,71,06,125 • Urban: 1,70,48,085 • Rural: 83,34,63,448 • Rural: 5,15,00,352 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 8 Demographic Indicators India Rajasthan SC Population 16.6 17.8 ST Population 8.6 13.5 Literacy 73% 66.1% Male 80.9% 79.2% Female 64.6% 52.1% SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified 9 Institution Demographic indicators PARTICULAR INDIA RAJASTHAN CBR 21.4 25.6 CDR 7.0 6.5 TFR 2.3 2.4 Natural Growth 14.5 19. 3% Sex Ratio 943 928 Child Sex Ratio 914 888 Source: Census: 2011(Rajasthan)/ Demographic Indicators September‐2014on https://nrhm-mis.nic.in/SitePages/HMIS-PeriodicReport.aspx SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 10 Slum Population Towns Reporting Total No. of % of total slum slums Households population to urban population India 2,613 13,920,191 17.4 Rajasthan 107 394,391 12.1 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified 11 Institution 2584913 3671999 District Population– Census 2011 1798194 1223921 2604453 2549121 2410459 2367745 1113725 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution certified ISO 9001:2015 an SIHFW: 1544392 2041172 1637226 1207293 1969520 1779650 6663971 672008 1830151 1411327 2139658 3685681 1458459 1950491 3309234 2038533 868231 1158283 1338114 2677737 1037185 1388906 12 1421711 12 3067549 Sex Ratio: India Year India Rajasthan 2004‐06 908 882 2005‐07 914 876 2006‐08 915 876 2007‐09 914 869 2008‐2010 945 879 2009‐2011 946 880 Sex Ratio ((j)Raj) 935 926 908 891 883 881 875 877 Total 867 Rural Urban At Birth Age (0‐4) All Ages Source: AHS – 2011-12 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 14 Child Sex Ratio (0-6 yy)rs.) 960 945 India Rajasthan 940 927 916 914 920 909 888 900 880 860 840 1991 2001 2011 Source: Census of India SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 15 Female & Child Sex Ratio-INDIA Females per 1000 Males 980 976 972 Child sex ratio 0-6 age group 970 964 964 962 960 955 950 945 950 945 946 941 940 933 940 934 930 927 930 927 920 914 910 900 890 880 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 Source-www.censusindia.gov.in- SIHFW: an ISO9001: 2015 certified institution 16 Female & Child Sex Ratio-Rajasthan Sex ratio 930 926 921 921 919 Child Sex Ratio (0(0--66 920 917 915 Year) 911 910 910 908 908 905 905 910 900 890 885 888 880 870 860 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 Source-www.censusindia.gov.in SIHFW: an ISO9001: 2015 certified institution 17 Dungarpur 990 Rajsamand 988 Di Pali 987 Pratapgarh 982 st ct Se at o Banswara 979 Chittorgarh 970 ri Bhilwara 969 ct Udaipur 958 Jalore 951 Se Ajmer 950 Jhunjhunu 950 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution certified ISO 9001:2015 an SIHFW: x R Tonk 949 Nagaur 948 Jhalawar 945 at Sikar 944 Churu 938 i Sirohi 938 o Baran 926 – Bundi 922 Jodhpur 915 Ce sus 0 Jaipur 909 Hanumangarh 906 n Kota 906 sus Dausa 904 Bikaner 903 Barmer 900 2 Alwar 894 Sawai Madhopur 894 0 Ganganagar 887 11 Bharatpur 877 Karauli 858 Jaisalmer 849 18 18 Dholpur 845 Highest Child Lowest Child Sex Ratios- Sex Ratios- Districts Districts 990 887 990 890 877 988 880 988 987 870 858 986 849 860 845 984 850 982 982 840 980 830 820 978 Source-www.censusindia.gov.in SIHFW: an ISO9001: 2015 certified institution 19 Di Jalore 55.58 Sirohi 56.02 st ct te acy ate Pratapgarh 56.30 Banswara 57.20 ri Barmer 57.49 ct Jaisalmer 58.04 Dungarpur 60.78 Li Jhalawar 62.13 Bundi 62.31 te Tonk 62.46 Chittorgarh 62.51 r SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution certified ISO 9001:2015 an SIHFW: Bhilwara 62.71 acy Udaipur 62.74 Pali 63.23 Rajsamand 63.93 R Nagaur 64.08 Bikaner 65.92 ate Sawai Madhopur 66.19 Jodhpur 67.09 Karauli 67.34 – Baran 67.38 Ce sus 0 Churu 67.46 Hanumangarh 68.37 Dausa 69.17 n Dholpur 70.14 sus Ganganagar 70.25 Ajmer 70.46 Bharatpur 71.16 2 Alwar 71.68 Sikar 72.98 0 Jhunjhunu 74.72 Jaipur 76.44 11 Kota 77.48 20 20 Organogram – DM&HS (Raj. ) SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 21 Hon’ble Minister for Medical , Health, FW, Ayurved and ME Hon’ ble State Minister for Medical and Health PHS, Medical, Health & Family Welfare Director (PH) Addl Joint Addl State Joint Joint State Dy Directorat F Dir- Dir- Dir- DDO TB Dir- Dir- Leprosy Legal e General A RH TA Gaz officer Plan RPG Officer Advisor Admin Chief Store ALR AO Dy. Dir. Dy. Dir Officer Plan Assembly Senior AO Dy. CM&HO Plan SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 22 Addl. Director (Rural Health) Joint Director Joint Director (Famine Joint Director SPO Statistical (()Malaria) & Epp)idemic) (()RH&PFA) (()Blindness) Officer Dy. Dir Dy. Dir Dy. Dir Chief Public Malaria Entomology PFA Analyst Asst. Dir. Entomology Dy. CM&HO IDSP (Health) SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 23 PHS, Health & Family Welfare Deptt MD, NRHM Director (RCH) Addl Director(RCH) Joint Director(RCH) FA (FW) Dy. Director (2) Cold Chain Officer SMO (2) AO AAO (2) Demographer & Evaluation Officer Divisional Level Joint Director (IDSP) Joint Director(Zone) Social Scientist Stat. Officer(2) District Level CM&HO 24 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution CM&HO Dy CM&HO (Health) RCHO Addl/Dy CM&HO (FW) Urban FW BCMO CHC MCH Center Center PHC SC SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 25 Organizational Structure of NHM Hon’ble Minister, Medical & Health Principal Secretary, Medical & Health Spl. Secretary, Medical, Health & MD- Director – IEC, AMD- FW RMSCL Director – Director – NHM MD-NHMMD NHM PH AIDS Ad. Dir. Chief PD-NRHM Director – Dir-Finance SPM-NRHM PD-MMJRK PD- IEC Eng, M&H RCH PCPNDT DD-IEC AD-AYUSH Civil JD-Fin Ass t. SPM DD- Addl. Sp- Wing DD-Fin SDO PCPNDT PCPNDT AO PO HM (PNDT) Consultant AYUSH SFM s MOs CRIME PBI Staff PD-MH PD-CH PD- DD-FW BRANCH Constable Immu. DEO- SI LDC Immu FW HC Info Asst Cell FW- Constable Cell HlhIfHealth Infrastructure SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 27 Establishment of SC –Five year plans No of SC estblis hed 16000 14407 14000 10612 11487 12000 9400 9926 10000 8000 8000 6000 3790 4000 2000 0 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified 28 Institution 1000 1500 2000 2500 Establishment 500 0 Sixth Plan (1981‐ 448 85) Seventh Plan 1048 (1985‐90) N SIHFW: o of of 1616 o o Eight Plan (1992‐ an f PH ISO PHC PHC Institution 97) 9001:2015 C C E stab s ed stab Ninth Plan (1997‐ 1674 certified – 2002) li s Five h ed 1499 Tenth Plan (2002‐ year 2007) year Eleventh Plan 1528 plans (2007‐2012) plans 2082 29 2012‐17 Establishment of CHC –Five year plans NO of CCCHC estblis hed 600 567 500 382 400 337 300 261 263 185 200 100 76 0 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified 30 Institution Health Facilities (Govt.) Health Facilities Rajasthan India Sub-centres 14407 153655 PHC 2079 25308 CHC level hospitals 579 5396 SDH 19 - Satellite 8 - DH 34- Source: Pragati Prativedan 2016-17 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 3131 Health Facilities (Govt.) Norms PPltiopulation PPltiopulation covered per covered per facility facility India Rajasthan Sub-centres 3000‐5000 5615 4487 PHC SIHFW:20000 an ISO 9001:2015‐30000 certified Institution 34641 33731 CHC level 80000‐120000 172375 134922 hospitals 3232 Average no of Villages covered No of Villages Sub-centres 4 PHC 27 CHC level hospitals 133 SIHFW: an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution 3333 Blood Banks Total India 2708 Raj.
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