7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXII, NO. 28. RED BANK, N. J.f THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1950 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Bottner Heads $653,419 School Red Cross Leader VanHorn Reports Social Security Sterling Sale, Start* Dr. George Davis Riverview Gets Church Committee Budget Approved Record Sales for Advice Offered Guest Speaker at $208,806 in At Shrewsbury In Middletown December, 1949 At Red Bank Baptist Dinner Federal Grant Pregbyterinns Plan * Public Hearing Two Choice Fair Haven Administration lo (,'<mi:rci.'atioii;il Kvrnl Parkcs Keceives Year of Celebration Jan, 19—Terms Places Sold During Have Representative To Re Held at Church Confirming Letter On 200th Anniversary Of 3 to Expire Holidays Here Twice a iWnntlt Wed. Night, Jim. l« From Snnford Bates 1 Gustave Bottner, Jr., of Silver- The Middletown township •school Real estate activity in the Red It was announced today by .7. The Rod Bank Baptist chinch James S. Parkes. chairman oj brook rd., Shrewsbury, has been board Friday night approved a ten- Bank, Fair Haven, Rumson area is Herbert Reid, manager of the As- lnratPfl a I. Maple -IVP. nnd Oakland th« Rivcrvicw bospitil board ot named general chairman of the tative school budget of $653,419 for definitely on. the increase according bury Park oinco of the Social Se- st., is in creat. nee.d of better fa- trustee?, announced receipt of % 200th anniversary committee of the 1950-51 fiscal year. Last year's to the Ray Van Horn Agency, Fair curity Administration, that for !he cilities for R« growing church letter Friday from the state de« the "Bi-Centennial Celebration" be- budget was 5588,481.50. Haven Realtors, who report that convenience of persons residing in sehool. It nl.so needs a fellowship partmnnt of institutions and aK-in* ing conducted by the Presby- The jump in the budget is re- total sales in dollar volume for Red Bank nncl vicinity who may hall nnd an up-to-d.-ite kitchen to ries, approving .S203.8O6 in fedora] terian church of Shrewsbury. flected In most items listed, with December 1949 closed by the Van be entitled to old-ape and surviv- enable the church lo provide for jrrants for tho hospital's construc- teachers' salaries representing the Horn organization set a new high ors' insurance benefits or those larger and more attractive bnn- tion program. for the month. Between Christmas otherwise interested, the Asbury rjuets and social nctivitic.-, accord- The money will be, available frota greatest increase. Tho bond and in- ing lo church (illlcinls. terest account, and new bus routes and New Year's day, usually a par- Park field office of the Federal Se- 1050 funds and will be paid In ln« were further causes of the in- ticularly slow period, three sales curity Administration will have one Rev. W. Clinton Power.", thr; pas- .stallments a.s the construction pro- crease. The figure is $3O1,G2O this were negotiated and contracts dos- of its staff of trained representa- tor, in lii.s sermon Sunday on the gram proceeds. Mr. Parkes said year as compared with $273,700 last ed which indicate the strong realty tives present in the Council room topic, "Being Worthy of Our Horit- that it will not he necessary tn year. market being experienced with thu of the borough hall on Monmnuth nge," said in part. "We can be borrow money to start construction! The board adopted tho following Joseph C. Williams turn oE tho year. Prices on new St., on the first nnd third Wednes- Samuel Weinstcln worthy of our heritage by looking I n.s would have been the case had construction are firm and advanc- days of each month between 9:30 | toward the future and planning for [ the federal srrant been availabla schedule for teachers, not including it. We are in a growing area. Rod those in a supervisory status, max- ing slightly while prices on well- and 11:30 a. m. ! from in.il funds. located older medium-sized homes Brink Jia.s grown SO per cent, since The .$208,806 represents the full imum for teachers with no degree, in good condition are about 25 per- Every one included under I he Sterling Shop 1910 . from 10,000 to 1,-j.OOO. The $3,700; maximum for teachers ho'd- Williams Heads provisions of this federal insurance i 40 per rent of the hospital's con* cent to 35 percent lower than at "shopping area" from r>0,000 to j struction cost allowed. The con* Ing B.A. degrees, $3,900; and max- proRiam should know his or her 7.">,000. This is a great, business the peak of activity in 1946 and I ."truction i.ost is Mtlmated at 5522,< imum for teachers with master de- 1947. rights, benefits, and just how condi- Holding Sale area. Bank deposits in Monmoiilh grees, $4,250. The new schedule Red Cross Drive OOfl. The £ino Massa -residence on tions of eligibility arc met, and the county for 1(119 inciea.-ed more represents a raise In each category. To Conduct Annual public is urged to get the answers While St. Widening than one am] one-half million dol- The letter from the department The school board terms of Har- Harding Road, Fair Haven, nao reads as follows: been purchased through the Van to these social .security problems r lars. There, is a great, need for a old Copeland of Belford, Herbert Campaign in County from an official source instead of l orccs AllcralioiiH spiritual mini.stry to this aren. j "We am pleased to advise you V. Disney of New Monmouth (.nd Horn Agency by Mr. and Mrs. taking their questions to friends ! that this department, acting on th« Joseph C. Williams of Rumson James Campbell, Jr. of Demarost, The widening of White street for "This challenge, can IJP met if i recommendation of the hospital ad- George C. Ruppel of Leonardo will and neighbors. we provide, nt the corner of M.-tpIn 1 expire next month. Mr. Copeland, has been named chairman of the N. J. Mr. Campbell is a New York the purpose of providing more visory council, ha. * approved thd annual fund drive of the county stock broker. The house was built "I'll grant you," stated Mr. Reid, parking space for Red Bank shop- :ive. <md Oakland st. an institution application of the captioned hospiN chairman of the board's building "that these friends and neighbors of spiritual technology. We have committee, told The Register he Red Cross chapter. The new chair- about two years ago by Mr. Massa pers, has presented a dilllcult prob- al (Riverview) for Federal grants* man has been working with Red who Is a general contractor, for his are well-intentioned and sometimes lem for at least one Red Bank our great institutions of scientific in-aicl to a-tslst In Its proposed COM will seek re-election. Mr. Ruppel they do know the right answers. technology today. It is up to us to told tho board he will not run Cross fund raising activities since own occupancy. Mr. Massa is now business concern. The Stevling atructlon program. We ara prchl 1944, handling display and ' out- building a new dwelling in Tinton Too often however, thoy give misin- furniture sh°P at 21 White st. mu.st. provide spiritual institutions. This ccssing your application for approve again. Mr. Disney was not available formation that results in the loss institution must, provide an op- for comment. door advertising. Falls on acreage on the north side tear down the front of its present al by I he V. S. Public Health serv^ of the Freehold road and expects of monthly insurance payments for structuro to make way for the im- portunity for (1) men and women Rev. Arthur J. Joice Mr. Williams is a native of Red to meet God in vital worship; 12) Ice and will communicate with yoi| Bank, and was graduated from to move to his new homo In tho one or more month*. It .seems n provement. Approximately .'10 fert when we receive formal notifica- early Spring. little strange to me that the very of tho building must, be demolish- a school for teaching the Bible and The celebration is scheduled to Red Bank high school and the Christian beliefs to young and old; tion from that agency. University of Pennsylvania. He es- The house purchased by Mr. and ,poople that wouldn't dream of let- ed, reducing the size of tile store "The amount of the grant-ln-aiol begin In February to coincide with Kiwanis Club ting a friend give them medical nlmost one third. (.1) the means of expressing the granting of the charter in tablished his outdoor advertising Mrs. Campbell Is of stone and Christianity In terms of service; I* 5208,806. It will be paid to you firm in Rod Bank in 1927, and frame construclion, one story advice—will accept tho friends' an- Samuel Welnstein, owner of the 1750. A copy of the original char- swers on social security questions and (•!) regular occasions when In installments as the construction ter is on display in the vestibule later moved It to the present Ranch design, and has six rooms, busincsr, today launched a huge Christian people cin meet, to- program proceed*. The allocation Dinner-Dance quarters in Asbury Park In 1940. an electric kitchen, automatic 'ic.it, as the gospel truth. Just as a doc- storcwide 5aln to clear out his of the church. The original reposes tor is a specialist In modiclne, so gether for fellowship and recrea- Li contiagent on the receipt at in the vaults of the Presbyterian Ho is active in many civic or- a game room, and attached garage.
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