I IN MILWAUKEE @ SUMMERFEST GROUNDS HEADLINERS SATURDAY: TAYLOR DAYNE, RUPAUL HEADLINERS SUNDAY: PAMELA MEANS, JADE ESTEBAN ESTRADA, AND SOPHIE B. HAWKINS JUNE 11 & 12, 2005 WWW.PRIDEFEST.COM W.I. CIT., CREW MEDIA CITY GROUP .A. CAGE scene QUER LIFE fellOW The Official Beer Of PrideFest WYNDHAM MILWAUKEE CENTER tv\ N I 2003 falconstudios.com flie Largest Adult. tint Novelty. and Video Store of POW the state! atigosio 1/ •"11.fr, Osse „ to rp- sat. C eticonsow. Aamiukr.,4 Semi Parking and Booths Available at Most Locations Airsui....tamomorwormr,.. 4 71111 heridan News & Video Supreme Video Superb Video 2212 S. Sheridan Rd. 945 Washburn St. 6005 120th Ave. enosha, WI 53140 `'Oshkosh, WI 54904 Kenosha WI 53142 (262) 694-6769 (920) 235-2012 (262) 857-9922 Open 24/7 Open 24/7 ; Open 9am-Mid 7/days/week , Special Sovenirs Until 2am Fri. & Sat. Super Video & Variety 9800 W. Greenfield Ave. .:-., 9284 Skyline Dr. Selective Video Milwaukee, WI 53214 - ;',--Allenton, WI 53002 2709 Beltline Hwy. (414) 258-3950 (920) 488-2704 Open 24/7 Success Video Madison, WI 53713 Super Video II 1819 Douglas Ave (608) 271-3381 5049 S. Pennsylvania City News & Video Racine WI 53402 Open 24/7 Select Video Cudahy, WI 53110 1606 Pearl St. (262) 638-2435 16475 W. Russell Rd. (414)744-5963 (-::. -) Waukesha 53186 Open 9am-Mid 7days/week (-4.. .:DJZion 1160099 Open Sam-3am '1 7 ';,:', (262) 513-8481 Until 2am Fri. & Sat. (847) 395-6142 Open 24/7 Open Noon-Mid, Mon.- Sat. OUR NEWEST LOCATION /OM ilk AN. el/0MM fifr Super Video III N I < * * t N6441 5th Ave - - i t° ' Plainfield, WI 54966 (715) 335- 8277 We hake you in of Videos & DVDS for rent or sale! and s ore you DVDS & Videos... Stop in Tue-Sun 9am-3pm can uParill h or Store Credit! Free RAPID e mg at Pridefest. No Needles! No Blood! I AIDS is still killing iaople. HIV infections are on the rise. Be tested. 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BiWM,BiwM, 50,50, 6', 6', medium medium build, build, d/d a/d Before 8845 (7/5)a/5) your desires. Please be serious. [1] free, discreetdiscreet & & free flee to to travel. moral ISOIS0 UNCUT WM & CD/TVCD/IV from from around around thethe state who are Man on Man Fun!Fun! 18+18+ RecordRecord & I.istenListen All Male Chat!Chat! 18+18+ recordrecord && listenlisten FREE!FREE! real "Wisc."Vlsc. cheescheads." cheeseheads." Any Any ageage or or weigivt weight FREE! (920) 431-9000, code 4166 [P]p>] (920)(920) 431-9000 codecode 41204120 p>] [P] OK, but prefer smooth or shaved. This fore-fore- Mommie Dearest,Dearest, skin lover enjoysei|joys oral, oral, JO, JO, toys, toys, aromas, aromas, Would`hfould you you be interested inin helpinghelping form a Milwaukee g`ryguy seeks long term or ???? movies & muchmuch more.more. Please send descrip- new ultimate frisbee team in the Milwaukee HIV+IITV+ GWM, GWM, all all races races welcome, welcome, 6', 6', 159 159 lbs., lbs., tive letter with photosPhctus (optional)(optional) toto Paul,Paul, POPO area? E-mail layoutulty(@yahoo.com.lavoutultw®rahoo.com. No early 40s,40s, 31" 31" waist, waist, 7.5-8" 7j-8" cut, cut, smokes, smokes, dark dark EckBox 44166, Westwest Allis,Ants, WI VI 5321453214 [2] [2] there was...was... experience or commitment necessary.nerPcsary. [1] br. hair, hair, gray/bl grayfol eyes. eyes. E-mail E-mail [email protected]~conm[1] [1] Bill/M,BiWM, 5'10", 5'10", 190, 1" 43, ISO IS0 biM biM 35-48, 3548, dis- dis- linoTfro sexual adventurous MilwaukeeMinrmikee menmen (1) © MilwaukeeMilwaukee Sales ease free,free, for for ATVing AIvlng upup north,north, oral oral pleasures, pleasures, biWM,biwM, top, 33,33, 5'11",165 5'11", 165 lbs., Ibs., dr. drbl. bl.hair, hair, goat- goalHi,myrmmeisRon.I'm28,5'1",bldylooldngforHi, my name is Ron. I'm 28, 5'1", blibr, looking for too. Oshkoshdsh]wh (920) (920) 251-2343 251-2343 [2][2] 414-418-45124144184512 ee, hairy chest, chest veryvery cute cute (2) Q) GWM GWM bottom, bononi, 44, 44, men 25-30 for fun .. I enjoy music, movies,movies, long long P.O. Box 510666 s'ir,5'11", 155, dr.dr bl.bL hair, hail mustache,mustache, cute, cute, oral oral walks,walks,ITVnegAMUST.I.ikerrmandcevenings RN neg A MUST. Lie romantic evenings GWM `hrfer:writer. qualfty,quality, seeksseeks goodgood timestimes && goodgood MEDEAMEDEA expert...Joolcingeexperl...Ioolchg toto exploreexplore 33-way-way sexsex w/ inin &&jus(beingdcoetothatapecialsomeone.Yburpic just being dose to that special someone. Your pic ifends.friends. Humanist, naturist,naturist, poet, poet, film film historian. historian Milwaukee, WI 53203 shapecrape playful males,males, females, females, (she (chemales,-males, must must gets mine. Write Ron Ron , , 810 810 Hawthorne IIavthome Dr.,DL, Alsoseeksdreanmanasmentol;patron,daddytoAlso seeks dream man as mentor, patron, daddy to havecleavagr)It'snewtous!ve'reahittlenerv-have cleavage). It's new to us! We're a little nerv- Appleton,Airplcton, WI 54915 or e-mail meme serveserveandbetTeatedbysafe,sane,linitsreapcted and be treated by safe, sane, limits respected by Euripides ©OutsideMihaukeesalesOutside Milwaukee Sales ousoous and and excited, exdted, hopeful hopeful and and eager. eager EvenEven ifif justjust rmh5413covahoo.comNogameplayers,[email protected] No game players, please. but expanded. LE.LE. Ward,VIfard, Esq. Esq. PO PO Box Box 107, 107, Iron hen 800-578-3785 a little interested, let'slet's talk.talk. RickRisk oror Dale (414)(414) RiveBRiver, Mich.Mick 49935. (906)qu6) 265-3253.265-3253. "ToTo havehave a 489-9702. If no answer;answer, leave message. [1] Tom: fun,fun, funny, funny, loving, loving, loyal, loyal, manly, manly, love love ffiifendistobeone."Emelsonfriend is to be one." Emerson pr#8#noii#iingProduction & Printing beaches, camping, calnping, Vegas, \fegas, fishing, fishing, hiking hiking or or P.O. Box 1961 Hi, ladies. Plain 'n`n simplesimple & & so so good, good, I Ihope. hope. ??? manbeachOmsn.commanbeachthsn.Com (773)(773) 585-62755856275 GWM, 60,60, petite, petite, seeeking seeeling younger younger males. males. Green Bay, WlWI 54305 HaveHHavealongtimefantasyOfababedoil|gme a long time fantasy of a babe doing me ChicagoChieago area. [2] I+Levetogiveoral&reeeiveanal,1840:;Q62)Love to give oral & receive anal, 18-40; (262) w/ a strapstrapon-on (mine (mine is is new; new, never used). 18-35 237-0640,237u640, oror 1147 SheridanSheridan Rd.Rd. (#107), (#107), in a modern E["abfoTNews,rdea5es,GilendaT,adverdsing:-Mail for News, releases, calendar, advertising: Tall, slender, sexy GWM TV/CD in my late preferred, noIro heavies, heavies, I'm I'm a a clean clean & & disease disease Tall, slender, sexy GWM TV/CD in my late Beachaire Motel,Motel, Kenosha,Kenosha, WI WI [2] [2] [email protected] free white male, tannedtanned w/w/ blondblond hair,hair, medi- medi- 40s, looking forfor aa gaygay oror bibi malemale companion, companion, translation 38 yny.o. seddng seeking friendship friendship & ultinatelyultimately aa lqug-long- Web Site: um build, good good looking, looking, 5'10", 5'10", 49, 49, from from relationship possible. I'm aa bottombottom && verryvery tenterm relalonchfty relationship. `hfuild Would like like to to meet meet scrmeone someone http://quest-online.com Appleton/FoxApplcton/Fox Cities. AnywhereAnywhere butbut my talenterd orally.orally. Interested/sincereInterested/sincere write write T.L, TL, http://quest-online.com ro Ebx 311, Appleton, VI 54912 [2] whowhoisnprsible,independertycaringandhon- is responsible, independent, caring and hon- place. (920)(920) 707-43377074337 afterafter 1 1 p.m. pin [1] PO Box 311, Appleton, WI 54912 [2] est inin thethe Wausau/Central VIhirm]©l Wis. Wis. area. area I Iqujqy enjoy PutwishaPublisher. MarkMah MariutiMarine (ZA)(ZA) GWM looking for a cool HVHIV meg. neg. Asian or being outside, gardening, gardening, walks, walks, hiking, hildng, some scme WM, 58, 5'9",5'9", 155,155, will will provide provide expert experl oral oral Contributors:(ontrihifro:Nun:MfroquDan News: Mke Fitzpatrick, Dan Hmong dude; looking for a permanentpermanent love.love. TV. spiderwortwauau(@hotmail.comsoiderwotwaunu®hotmail.Com [2] serviceselvice to masculine men,men, anyany race,race, age. age. Ross,toshoieoubeng&frovaTgas Jamie Steckelberg & Stew Vargas Blacks get priority. EnjoyEnjoy raunch,launch, light light S/M, S/M, ArtsArts(rfumns:Gentry(as) Cokimrts:Glen Bishop ragas) nippleripple work,work, uncutsuncuts a +.+. Clean/healthyClean/healthy only. Leatherleathgthmn:LeffHth Colurnn:leff lidts Karl, 515515 E.E. Judd Judd St., St., Woodstock, Wbodstock, IL IL 60098 60098 Production:Pnduden: MatMark Mariutd Mariucd VA) (U) --(815) (815) 338-9137338-9137 [1] cz) `-The f Photography:stevevIngas,MifeFiitspatickPhotography: Steve Vargas, Mike Frtspatrick White couple, husband && wife,wife, seek seek bisexual bisexual Browse, match, chat! DanD]nbeihtryRIde floss,ZaTony Ritschards female, age operLopen, as friend & lover to both Ofof us.us.
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