THE TEXIAN The Official Publication of The Sons of the Republic of Texas VOL VII NUMBER 3 JULY 2014 201ST ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF MEDINA The public is invited to attend the 14th annual ceremony commemorating the 201st anniversary of the bloodiest battle in Texas history! The Battle of Medina occurred on August 18, 1813, between the Royal Spanish Army and the Republican Army of the North when between 800 and 1,300 Americans, Tejanos, Indians, and Spanish soldiers died in this all but forgotten battle which historians have named the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition. Since August 18th is on Monday this year, we will hold our normal commemorative ceremony beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 16, 2014 under the large oak trees on Old Applewhite Road. We will have a Color Guard representing the U.S.A., Spain, Texas and Mexico, plus descendants of the men who fought and died in this battle. Due to the heat, we will try to keep this ceremony as short as possible, and adjourn to the nice cool Church of Christ located at 1003 North Main Street in Pleasanton, Texas beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, August 16, 2014, courtesy of Norman Porter, Atascosa County Historical Committee Chairman, and his church. Our speakers this year, including Robert Thonhoff, teacher, Administrator, County Judge, and award winning author; Frank de la Teja, PhD. the former State Historian from Texas State University; and our feature speaker, Dr. Caroline Castillo Crimm, Ph.D., Sam Houston State University History Department. The Battle of Medina was between approximately 1,800 men in the Royal Spanish Army and approximately 1,400 men in the Republican Army of the North, which included Spaniards, Tejanos, Native Americans, and men from the USA. In fact we have identified 5 men who fought in the American Revolution who were involved in some way in the Gutierrez- cont. pg. 3 PRESIDENT GENERAL’S MESSAGE Our Texas, accompanied by the Deer Bryant, KSJ, Chairman of the SRT Park High School band. Texas Essay Contest and I presented Ron Stone Jr. was the emcee and did the awards to the two recipients who a great job. The main speaker was the were there at the ceremony. They were Texas State Historian, Dr. Bill O’Neal. first place winner Austin Ackerman He gave a unique twist to the battle and second place winner Hunter Corb; which was very interesting. Denton third place winner Margot Brose, who cont. pg. 3 Robert Kendall, KSJ WHAT’S INSIDE Battle of Medina .......................1, 3 Since the last time I wrote you, I Texian Navy Day ..........................7 President General’s Message ....1, 3 have been to another wonderful San Chapter News ............................8, 9 Janet’s Korner ...............................2 Jacinto Day with a great crowd and Hospitality Update ........................3 In Memoriam ................................9 nice weather. It started with the sing- September Registration .................4 New SRT Members ...............10, 11 Lecture Series ............................5, 6 Calendar of Events ......................12 ing of our National Anthem and Texas EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE JANET’S Korner 2014 - 2015 By: Janet Knox Administrative Assistant email: [email protected] %IGHTH3TREETs"AY#ITY 4EXAS (979) 245-6644 s 4HENEXT1UARTERLY-EETINGIS3EPT Stagecoach- Inn; P.O. Box 97- #1 Main Street, Salado, TX 76571; (254) 947-5111 or (800) 732-8994, cutoff date is August 13, 2014, Rates: Standard Upstairs $69. Standard downstairs $80., Jacuzzi $100. Poolside $120., all plus tax. s 9OUCANVIEWh4HE4EXIANvNEWSLETTERONTHEWEBSITE FORFREE9OUMAYALSOPURCHASEh4HE4EXIANvANDIT will be mailed to you for a fee of $20.00 this year. If you would like it to be mailed please send the fee to the National office. Left to right front row: David Stone, Chaplain General; Bob Steakley, First s 4HEEDITORWELCOMESALLSUBMISSIONOFNEWSARTICLES Vice President General; Robert Kendall, KSJ, President and photos for The Texian. Please submit electronic General, Edward A. Heath. Second Vice President Data using the following guidelines. 1. Submit text in General; and Janet Knox, Administrative Assistant. WORD document format; articles may be edited due to space limitations. 2. Submit photos as separate Left to right back row: attachments in .jpg,/eps, or .tif format. Caption for Kenneth W. Pfeiffer, Treasurer General; David Hanover, each photo or after the article’s text. Identify the KSJ, PPG, Executive Committeeman; Joe R. Davidson, placement of people (e.g. L to R, center, front row, KSJ, Executive Committeeman; William D. back row, etc.), with a corresponding key that matches Power, Secretary General; Randy Pollard, Historian the name of the file attachment (e.g.) file name Photo 1, General. Photo 2, etc.) Please limit the number of photos submitted per article. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES s 4HOSEMEMBERSTHATHAVENOTPAIDTHEIRDUESARE 2014 - 2015 now considered delinquent and must pay a $50.00 reinstatement fee plus the $40.00 dues fee for the CURRENTYEAR9OUCANMAILORGOTOOURWEBSITETOPAY your dues with PayPal. s 0LEASENOTETHATANYAPPLICANTSFORMEMBERSHIPIN the SRT must have 3 signatures of recommending SRT members. There has been a problem with the signatures from chapters, if the applications are not signed and I have to send the application to the chapter, it may take up to an additional month to receive them back at National Office. Please let us remember to fill out the application completely and save us all $$$ on postage. It is not necessary if the applicant lives out of state, but every applicant should affiliate with a chapter. This does not mean that they Left to right front row: will have to attend meetings. Application must be Arthur O. Evans, Gulf Coast District; Bob Steakley, typed and notarized and don’t forget the check. Frontier District; William D. (Buddy) Power, North East s )WOULDLIKETOTHANKYOUFORTHEARTICLESANDPICTURES District; and Ronald W. Brown, San Jacinto District. you are sending for your newsletter; they have been '2%!4)NEED9/52HELPWITHARTICLESANDPICTURES Left to right back row: If your chapter has or will be celebrating any events Tom Gann, Piney Woods District; Tim Gibson, North PLEASE email me at: [email protected]. I will be Central District, John W. Knox Post Oak District, and submitting the October issue for publication; the John Meredith, Lone Star District Representative. (Not deadline for submissions is September 23, 2014 shown, Jim Massingill, Heart Of Texas District; and George Nelson, Brazos Valley District.) 2 cont. from pg. 1 201ST ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF MEDINA Magee Expedition, with only one Patriot of the American Revolution, Peter Sides having been proven to have fought in the American Revolution and also fought and died in the Battle of Medina. Direct descendants of Peter Sides are eligible for membership in the DAR, the SAR, the DRT and the SRT, and descendants directly related to any of the 3,200 men who fought in this battle are eligible for membership in the DRT and the SRT. Over the past 14 years the SAR, DAR, SRT, DRT, Mayflower Society, the Daughter of the War of 1812, and descendants of the men who fought here have dedi- cated markers to the men who fought and died in this battle, and these descendants will rededicate their markers at the Saturday morning ceremony under the large oak trees. Everyone interested in history is invited to attend. Signs will be placed where you turn to the west off Highway 281 onto the Old Pleasanton Road about 15 miles south of San Antonio. Signs will also be placed where Bruce Road branches off Old Pleasanton Road to the west. Signs will also be where Old Applewhite Road where it branches off Bruce Road to the west, but for additional directions, contact Tom Green at [email protected] or 713-340-1965. cont. from pg. 1 PRESIDENT GENERAL’S MESSAGE lives in Wyoming, was unable to attend. Sam Houston IV recited the battle report of that day. On a sad note Sam also told everyone that this would be his last time to be at San Jacinto Day; he will be greatly missed. On May 30th, I was privileged to be at the meeting of the Fayette County Historical Association in LaGrange. The guest speaker was Tom Green, KSJ. His subject was the Battle of San Jacinto and the San Jacinto Monument. As usual Tom had many interesting facts about both. There was a lady in the audience this year, who told us that when she was a little girl, she was at the monument when it was being built. The quarterly meeting on June 7th, at Bastrop was well attended. I want to thank everyone who traveled to central Texas to participate. Two upcoming events we need to remember: First is the quarterly meeting at Salado on September 12 & 13; the second is Texian Navy Day on September 20th. I hope that everyone can attend one or both of these events. God Bless Texas. HOSPITALITY UPDATE For some years, there has been concern about the liability of SRT providing liquor at the Hospitality Room. The trans- portation of open bottles and the conflicts with hotel contracts is also a concern. Therefore, at the Bastrop quarterly meet- ing, with the agreement of the members in attendance, the Executive Committee decided that until further notice, for all h(OSPITALITY2OOMSvMEMBERSWILLBRINGTHEIROWNALCOHOLICBEVERAGES4HE(OSPITALITY#OMMITTEEWILLCONTINUETO provide the set-ups, beverages, and appetizers. 3 The Sons of the Republic of Texas September Quarterly Meeting Stagecoach Inn, P.O. Box 97- #1 Main Street. Salado, TX 76571, 254-947-5111; 1-800-732-8994 Schedule of Events Friday, September 12, 2014 5:00 p.m. Hospitality Room – Rm. # 135- Ronald W. Brown, Chairman 7:00 p.m. Dinner- In the Garden Room of the Stagecoach Inn Saturday, September 13, 2014 8:30 a.m. Executive Quarterly Meeting (all members are welcome but may not vote) _______ I will attend the Executive Committee Meeting on Saturday ************************************************************************************************************************** September Reservations You’re pre-registration for the Friday night dinner is REQUIRED.
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