This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas .. ~~> ~:: .- -· .:·.' __ :,(_~~; ·~.- :·.~ - . -.- --, ·.-. http://dolearchives.ku.edu- ------ . JJ!·~ .. :. ~ - W ?~· - ~ , : . -~ -~ -.,.- . : : ' . .. .. .. .• - .. ·:t;;,:~Ji;1f~M~~~~1r~il·~~~~~~~iL .. ··:.... : ·:; ·. .... -. ·'.; '. ·· .>.·.: ,,,,. : . -·· ~ ~ ­ £,. THE HONORABLE ROBERT DOLE SENATE MAJORITY LEADER THE HONQRABLE NEWT GINGRICH SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES :· ·_. , ...... THE HONORABLE TRENT Lorr SENATE MAJORITY WHIP JOHN N. PALMER CHAIRMAN AND CEO, Mtel · - .:~·· and R. GERALD TURNER CHANCELLOR, THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI request the pleasure of your company at dinner to honor ·'•;.·.• THE HONORABLE THAD COCHRAN ~ ._ ; -_.: ·· Wednesday, March 22, 1995 The Andrew W. Mellon Audito1·iu111. - ~ - -: ~ .. 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 6:30 P.M. COCKTAILS BLACK TIE 7:30 P.M. DINNER RESPOND BY ENCLOSED CARD : ~ i )~ - · \ ·. ·-.· '··· 'i. .: :-. ~ ~-- . · ~·; -.. _-:. -~·. ..:: -:·,: ··:· -.! •:'·.:.... ..:;·;. _. .. - -~-: .u-tT ··· ...· :·· ·.,.,.. ., _._ .... >:.:~:;< ;~~=~~-. ·:-" : '-": . :: ·- · .-. - .. -.· ... ·.· ; , ._ ;:· . : .:: · ·.' : .-;,,_., :_. _ . ~, . Page 1 of 15 -~ .... This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu .. · .·.· . .... .,. .. ···;··· ::;;!~~- ..··. ·,;:.: ·. THE DINNER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN John N. Palmer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ·.. - Mtel .. ~· · .. ; . CoCHAIRMAN . ~ . ., ·' , ··1 . Bernie J. Ebbers .. ··.. , President and Chief Executive Officer LDDS Communications... ..- .. VICE CHAIRMEN J. Kelly Allgood Edward 0. Fritts George W. Bryan President- Mississippi President and Chief Executive Officer Senior Vice President South Central Bell National Association of Broadcasters Sara Lee Corporation WASHINGTON COMMITTEE Edward 0. Fritts, Chair Haley Barbour Macon Edwards Charles Overby Richard M'. Bates John Ford Bill Simpson Wayne Boutwell Lanny Griffith Cindy Stevens Ken Crosby R. L. Mickey McGuire D. Scott Yohe Manly Molpus MISSISSIPPI COMMITTEE Kirk Fordice, Governor Jack Reed, CoChair William Van Devender, CoChair J. Kelly Allgood William F. Goodman, Jr. Aubrey B. Patterson George Bryan James C. Hays L. F. "Sandy" Sams, Jr. Wiley Carter Preston Hays Joe Frank Sanderson, Jr. ·= Johnny Crane Warren Hood, Jr. Leo W. Seal, Jr. Frank Day Dudley Hughes Jerry St. Pe Bernie J. Ebbers Julius W. King Don Waller Paul Franke, Jr. Edwin A. Lupberger Harry L. "Sandy" Williams, Jr. John H. Geary Howard L. McMillan, Jr. Wirt A. Yerger, Jr. '!!'.- ·- ·.- .·.- -.o1· "'.:·. Page 2 of 15 ., This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu · ..... .. ; ·····. · .. ... ,,. ; ! .... : .. ~ . :,- <~ .. >~ :. · :: · ~ ~·-~~ --- - .. .. ·. :: . ·:.... _ . : ·= -· .. .. ! " ·.·.• .. t . ·' . ~ :.. ~- • : : ··= ,. - .• ' .:,:; · .:-~, ':: · · .:· . ·.. ~ . :·>·: :_'::(':···.. -' -.: ... :.,>.>._,:.:--.~~: ._ : .: :.' ~'- ~ : - ~'.: _:·._':· ~ - . ·...... ,_:_ .< .>, '.· - ~·._,-ff; ~-?:;········-. : . CONGRESSIONAL HONORARY COMMITTEE .. SENATE Hon. Harry Reid Hon. David Dreier Hon. Susan Molinari r·.: t :··:.·. Hon. Spencer Abraham Hon. v\Tilliam Roth Hon. John Duncan Ho1;i:.Ta~~o~t~~~ery Hon. Robert Bennett Hon. Rick Santorum Hon. Vernon Ehlers r<. ". _ Hon. Christopher Bond . _Hon. Richard Shelby Hon. Robert Ehrlich 2 ,.!'~ . -- Hon. Hank Brown Hon. Alan Simpson Hon. Thomas Foglietta ~ .. .. Hon. Olympia Snowe - · Hon. Mark . .. "';-·:'. Hon. Dale Bumpers Foley Hon. Conrad Bums Hon. Ted Stevens Hon. Bob Franks Hon. John Chafee Hon. Craig Thomas Hon. Sam Gejdenson Hon. Dan Coats Hon. Fred Thompson Hon. Wayne Gilchrest f Hon. William Cohen Hon. Strom Thurmond Hon. Paul Gillmor ::~t~i;~~~:: ~1.1pc~ Hon. Larry Craig Hon. John \'\'amer Hon. Henry Gonzalez Hon. Thomas Petri ! · . Hon. Thomas Daschle Hon. Paul Wellstone Hon. Bob Goodlatte Hon. Owen Pickett Hon. Christopher Dodd Hon. William Goodling Hon. John Porter ~ ~·: . Hon. Pete Domenici HOUSE Hon. Steve Gunderson Hon. Rob Portman Hon. Byron Dorgan Hon. Neil Abercrombie Hon. Gil Gutknecht Hon. Ralph Regula Hon. Russell Feingold Hon. Spencer Bachus Hon. Lee Hamilton Hon. Harold Rogers Hon. Dianne Feinstein Hon. Cass Ballenger Hon. Denny Hastert Hon. Matt Salmon Hon. Wendell Ford Hon. Bill Barrett Hon. Fred Heineman Hon. Jim Saxton Hon. Bill Frist Hon. Joe Barton Hon. Van Hilleary Hon. Joe Scarborough Hon. John Glenn Hon. Herbert Bateman Hon. Peter Hoekstra Hon. Patricia Schroeder ~~f2,, Hon. Slade Gorton Hon. Tom Bevill Hon. Stephen Hom Hon. Joe Skeen Hon. Rod Grams Hon. Michael Bilirakis Hon. Steny Hoyer Hon. Ike Skelton Hon. Charles Grassley Hun. Th01n.i;; J3]iky H<m. l;rnry Jnhn~nn Hon. Gerald Solomon Hon. Judd Gregg Hon. Peter Blute Hon. \-\7alter Jones Hon. Floyd Spence Hon. Mark Hatfield Hon. Sherwood Boehler! Hon. Marcy Kaptur Hon. Charles Stenholm Hon. Howell Heflin Hon. Henry Bonilla Hon. John Kasich Hon. Bob Stump ·· ~u~~"~'" Hon. Jesse Helms Hon. David Bonior Hon. Joe Kennedy Hon. John Tanner Hon. Ernest Hollings Hon. Sonny Callahan Hon. Peter King Hon. Charles Taylor r:. '. : Hon. Kay Bailey Hutchison Hon. Dave Camp Hon. Jack Kingston Hon. Gene Taylor [·\-(-·. .: Hon. James Jeffords Hon. Michael Castle Hon. Jim Kolbe Hon. Bill Thomas i/" Hon. Bennett Johnston Hon. Jim Chapman Hon. John LaFalce Hon. Bennie Thompson .. .. .... Hon. Nancy Kassebaum Hon. William Clinger Hon. Tom Lantos Hon. Mac Thornberry Hon. Edward Kennedy Hon. Howard Coble Hon. Rick Lazio Hon. Todd 1iahrt Hon. Patrick Leahy Hon. Mac Collins Hon. Jerry Lewis Hon. James Traficant Hon. Carl LeYin Hon. Larry Combest Hon. John Lewis Hon. Walter Tucker Hon. Richard Lugar Hon. Christopher Cox Hon. John Linder Hon. Fred Upton '": .: -/ :- . Hon. Connie Mack Hon. William Coyne Hon. Bob Livingston Hon. Barbara Vucanovich Hon. John McCain Hon. Phillip Crane Hon. Donald Manzullo Hon. Robert Walker .. Hon. Mitch McConnell Hon. Barbara Cubin Hon. Bob Matsui Hon. James Walsh ·. ~-- Hon. Barbara Mikulski Hon. Randy Cunningham Hon. Bill McCollum Hon. Zach Wamp Hon. Frank Murkowski Hon. Pat Danner Hon. Scott Mclnnis Hon. Henry Waxman Hon. Don Nickles Hon. Thomas Davis Hon. Buck McKeon Hon. Jerry Weller :.~~~::t ·. Hon. Bob Packwood Hon. E. Kika de la Garza Hon. Jack Metcalf Hon. Roger ¥\Ticker Hon. Claiborne Pell Hon. Tom DeLay Hon. George Miller Hon. Charles Wilson ,.; . _· Hon. Larry Pressler Hon. Peter Deutsch Hon. Norman Mineta ;.: ·. Hon. David Pryor Hon. Lincoln Diaz-Balart Hon. Patsy Mink ... ··· ·;'-.: .. -. .. ·: . "" .. -·. -· .-.-::·, :.. .· ... ~- . ·. .,,_ .. .. .. ;_. • - ~:.:. • • I .. ,-.. : :·. ·~· . ...... ...... ..... -.· ::- Page 3 of 15 ··- ....·... _, This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu ..·. ' .·.-->;._\.:. ~ _';-.~; · ·. ., . .- · .. ~ ... : . • - .. •• • : .•• : • ~ 01 • • • • . .: ;:; , ~<: .. ' .. ·: <- : .. .. '•. ··. ·"·.; , .. ;: /. ~ ... -.·... · .:: .r :.... : • • < ••• . ... ... ... ; .··- . :.·.,.-· ..· •. __.. ·_. "Senator Thad Cochran has served our state and '· ·. nation well in his leadership role in the U.S. Senate. I • : • The Congressional Archives will lzonor his invaluable service and his dedication, along with that of other Mississippi statesmen." -JOHN GRISHAM AL'THOR, ATTORNEY, FORMER LEGISLATOR, AND OLE MISS LAW SCHOOL GRADUATE :-·:: '. ,, ... .. SENATOR THAO COCH RAN ;;.!·~~(~::~~:.: THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI HONORS the dedicated service of Senator Thad Cochran and other Mississippians through the establishment of the Congressional Archives, which will chronicle more than ! ' . • 200 years of combined sen·ice by Mississippi statesmen to their districts, their state, and their nation. I i _;. Because of his role as Mississippi's senior senator, Senator Cochran's papers will be the focal point r ,,. of the Congressional Archives. The Archives also will feature documents donated by alumni of the University's School of Law and other distinguished Mississippians including Representative Jamie Whi'tten, Senator James Eastland, Senator Pat Harrison, Representative John Rankin, Representative Will Whittington, Representati,·e Tom Abernethy, House Door Keeper \.\lilliam "Fish Bait" Miller, and former Governor Ray Mabus, who currently sen•es as U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Thad Cochran made his first bid for public office in 1972, when he successfully campaigned for the post of U.S. Representative for the Fourth District of Mississippi. In 1978, he became the first Republica n in more th:m 100 yc~.rs lo 1,·in a stalewiJe eleLtion in Miss1ss1pp1. Senator Cochran sen·es as chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, chairman of_ the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, and senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee. Following a Republican sweep in the 1994 elections, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole named Senator .. .·. ! ;. Cochran to head the Senate Transition Committee and appointed him cochairman of the National Security Task Force. -.~ .. During his congressional career, Senator Cochran has served as a member of the committees on Appropriations, Agriculture, Rules, Governmental Affairs, and Indian Affairs. He also has written legislation to fund a variety of educational programs including teacher training, vocational education, libraries, educational television, and adult literacy. Senator Cochran earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in psychology and a minor in political science from Ole Miss in 1955. After a
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