4 I f MIRRORTl I Ml I 1 hen RUDY ALLEE Away leal Reason MARY ICKFORD to Radio ge Our M i o Laws! says orge Rogers >f Radio Operator VALLEE he Morro Castle — ( . yet she uses a 25^ tooth paste At Palm Beach and Nassau, California slippery barrier over which the brush and Cannes, every year they flock by scores slides only partly removing the debris — those smart, cultured women with beneath. enough money to indulge the slightest See and Feel the Difference whim. And the number of them who use the difference Direct Cleans- Listerine Tooth Paste is amazing. Obvi- You can feel the moment you use Listerine ously price could be no factor in their ing makes, Paste. Your teeth actually feel choice. Why then did they choose this Tooth cleaner when you run your tongue over tooth paste with its modest price of 25^? yourself and see. And within Only one answer: better results. them. Try it a few days your mirror tells you that Direct Cleansing they look whiter. Listerine Tooth Paste does cleanse teeth Try It One Week better than ordinary pastes, says a great Paste a dental authority. That is because its cleans- Why not give Listerine Tooth teeth ing agents come in Direct Contact with trial? Why not let it make your decaying matter on teeth. With the aid of cleaner, more brilliant, more sparkling? paste is the tooth brush they spread overtooth sur- In every way this modern tooth it bears; faces and penetrate hard-to-reach crevices, worthy of the quality name in LISTERINE attacking tartar and sweeping away germ worthy too, of the confidence placed women. In 2 sizes laden debris and discolorations. it by millions of TOOTH PASTE Unlike some dentifrices, Listerine regular 25^ and doublesize 40^. Lambert Tooth Paste does not cover teeth with a Pharmacal Company, St. Louis, Mo. — 850,000 Customers have proved the economy of FACTORY PRICES You'll thrill at the FACTORY PRICES in this NEW, FREE Kalamazoo Catalog— just out. You'll marvel at the beautiful new Porcelain Enamel Ranges and Heaters new styles, new features, charming new color combinations. 200 Styles and Sizes of Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces Mail coupon now—get this exciting, colorful Free catalog, sparkling with over 175 illustra- tions— 200 styles and sizes— 174 Ranges, 12 Different Heaters; 22 Furnaces— the finest new features. Everybody will be rooms. We furnish FREE plans. Catalog Kalamazoo ever printed. More bar- talking about this FREE Catalog. gains than in 20 Big Stores—Come straight to Buy Your Stoves Direct from the Factory. Quality that over 850,000 satis- Quality Heaters and the Men Who Make Them fied customers have trusted for 34 years. Furnaces You don't have to pay more than What This Catalog Offers You Many styles of Porcelain Enamel the Factory Price. Don't "guess" 1. Combination Gas, Coal and Wood Ranges; Heaters—both Walnut and Black. at quality. Follow the lead of Coal and Wood Ranges; Circulating Heaters; Also Wood-burning stoves at bar- 850,000 others who saved mil- Furnaces — both pipe and one-register type — all gain prices. Make a double sav- lions of dollars by buying their at FACTORY PRICES. ing by ordering your furnace at stoves direct from the men who 2. Cash or Easy Terms — Year to Pay — A New the factory price and installing make them. Come straight to the Money Saving Payment Plan. it yourself. Thousands do. It's Factory. Mail coupon now for sketch of this interesting Catalog. 3. 30 Days FREE Trial—360 Days Approval Test. easy. Send rough your FREE 4. 24 Hour Shipment— Safe Delivery Guaranteed. THE KALAMAZOO STOVE COMPANY, Manufacturers 469 Rochester Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Warehouses: Utica, N. Y.; Akron, Ohio 5. $100,000 Bank Bond Guarantee of Satisfaction. 6. 5 Year Parts Guarantee. Prepare for a Cold Winter 7. FREE Furnace Flans—FREE Service. 20 inches wide 2 2 ! 2 inches Fire Door wide Fire Pot The "Oven 1 That Floats in Flame" takes logs 1 ' 2 takes big FREE 0^£°^ inches thick, chunks of coal. Read about the marvelous "Oven that 18 inches long. Holisnrel5hrs. KALAMAZOO STOVE Floats in Flame"— also new Non-Scorch CO., Manufacturers Lids, new Copper Reservoirs and other I 469 Rochester Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Dear Sirs: Please send me I your FREE Catalog. I Check articles in which I you are.interested. Coal and Wood Ranges 1 I | Comb. Gas. Coal and Wood Ranges [J a Oil Stoves Heaters Furnaces I Name (.Please Print Name Plainly) A Kalamazoo, | Address '«££? Direct toYou' 1 City State / lO VOL .3 NO . 2 i «v 1M. rvi i i* m o DECEMBER 1934 ERNEST V. HEYN, EDITOR BELLE LANDESMAN • ASSISTANT EDITOR WALLACE HAMILTON CAMPBELL special features ART DIRECTOR The Real Reason Mary Pickford Turned to Radio Fred Rutledge 12 When Rudy Vallee Runs Away from It All Bill Vallee 14 Visit Rudy on the Shores of Lake Kezar Xmas Shopping for Babies Dorothy In January RADIO MIRROR: Brooks 18 New joy for the Jack Pearls, George Burnses, and Jack Bennys A revealing story about Kate Smith's "Change Our Radio Laws!" Mary Jacobs 20 Matinee . Phil Baker's Honeymoon A startling plea from the Morro Castle radio operators lit- for Three . The stars confess the Don't Be Afraid to Fail Roxy tle sins of which they're ashamed in 22 Frank, fearless self-revelation from Mr. Rothafel their past . and a surprising Bing Crosby feature! Below, the Crosby "I'm Not Crying Over My Smashed Marriage," says Helen Morgan twins themselves, in person (first photo). —Herb Cruikshank 24 He Opened the Door of Fame for Them Ruth Geri 34 Louie Witten, the Palace Doorman, tells on the stars Behind the Scenes of the Gibson Family Broadcast Fred Sammis 36 Are Radio Stars Snooty? Hilda Cole 38 James Melton—He Always Took a Chance Jane Cooper 40 Ride 'Em Cowboy! Robert Eichberg 44 Why Carson Robison and his Buckaroos seem real unusual departments Reflections in Radio Mirror 4 Frank opinions of the editor and the readers What's New on Radio Row? 6 News and gossip of your favorites Adele Ronson's Winter Wardrobe 42 RADIO MIRROR'S On the Pacific Airwaves Dr. Ralph L. Power 46 Dialing the Shortwaves Terry Miles 48 Gallery of Stars This month the Globe Twister helps you select a Xmas gift Radio stars in "College Rhythm" 27 Jumbled Names Contest 49 Lowell Thomas v . 28 Homemaking Department Sylvia Covney The Pickens Sisters 29 In the Stars' Kitchens 50 Mary Howard 30 What Do You Want to Know? The Oracle 52 Block and Sully and Eddie Cantor 31 Chicago Breezes Chase Giles 54 Priscilla Lane 32 We Have with Us 56 Bing and Bob Crosby 33 Something new in program guides! COVER PORTRAIT—Rudy Vallee, by A. Mozert ! KAlJlo MIKKOK (Copyright I9J4) is fully protected by copyright, and the contentl «i this magazine may not be reprinted either wholly or in part * ii tiom I'ubliihed monthly by Macfadden Publications, inc., Washington and Smith Avenues, Dunellen, New Jersey. Executive and editorial Unr, 1926 Broadway, New York. V Y Bernari Macfadden, President; Wesley P I'ape. Secretary; Irene T. Kennedy, Treasurer; Engel-van Wise- Representative*; Carroll Rheinstrom, Advertising Director, Entered as second class matter September 14, \'>M, at the Post Office at Dunellen, mclrr the Act "I March I, 1879. Price In United States $l.t)() a year; 10c a copy. In ll. S. Possessions, Canada, Newfoundland, Cuba, i untries (2,00 a year. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owners' risk, fill be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by 1st class postage. Hut we will not be responsible for any losses of such buted, ('.Hint, in pecially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions: otherwise they are taking an unnecessary risk. Printed in the (J, S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. f. ! y l/ufuUtG yiMn44£4iZo ccnaGM£/ijzcr How WONDERSOFT KOTEX gives women freedom never before dreamed of • But the modern girl can enjoy sports with- out discomfort. Wondersoft Kotex never ropes or pulls; it keeps readjusting itself be- cause of the special center— unlike other pads. £ faK£6 cwtc£4<ifiLatam *&l'j • At the bridge-table, she used to squirm and fidget on those days. But Wondersoft Kotex stays dry at the edges, stays soft for hours. No chafing or harsh rubbing because sides are covered in filmy cotton. *\ M, ftuUuf, C&MutG, feo€/< • The kind of frock she wouldn't have dared to wear yes- terday; so sheer, so light in color. But she is sure of abso- lute protection to both dress and lingerie, when she wears Wondersoft Kotex. The special center absorbs safely; the sides stay dry. And not a single tell-tale line shows. • Too bad all women don't know the special patented ad- vantages found only in Wondersoft Kotex. Wear it on either side, of course. Buy it in that smart new box that doesn't look like a sanitary napkin package. All stores have it—and you pay the same price for either Super or regular size. In emergency, find Kotex in West cabinets in ladies' rest rooms. One Woman Tells Another About This New Comfort THE FIRST BELT THAT'S BECAUSE AND ITS YOU DONT REALIZE THAT REALLY IT'S SHAPED TO SO EASY TO THE DIFFERENCE UNTIL THE FIGURE FASTEN! YOU ACTUALLY WEAR IT FITS ! AVE you tried this lorm- fitting belt by Kotex? It doesn't cut, kv^h ride or irritate. It's soft, inconspicu- ; ous.
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