CHURCH TODAY Volume XLVI, No. 4 www.diocesealex.org Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana Since 1970 April 20, 2015 Preparing for an Extraordinary O N T H E INSIDE Holy Year of Mercy Bishop Friend dies Bishop William B. Friend, the first bishop of the Diocese of Shreveport and the eighth bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria, died April 2 at his retirement home in Coral Springs, Florida. He was 83. Read more on page 5. Oklahoma becomes 2nd state to outlaw dismemberment abortion Oklahoma has become the second state to outlaw an abortion procedure that “dismembers” the fetus in the womb as part of the process. Read more about it on page 2. Pope Francis says Year of Mercy will be a time to heal, help, and forgive Traditionally, every 25 years the popes proclaim a holy year, which features special celebra- tions and pilgrimages, among other events. Extraordinary holy A DIVINE MERCY IMAGE stands at the front years, like the Holy Year of Mercy, of St. Anthony Church in Natchitoches in are less frequent, but offer the preparation for the Extraordinary Holy Year same opportunities for spiritual of Mercy -- Dec. 8, 2015 - Nov. 20, 2016. See growth. Find out more on pages 3 related stories on pages 3 and 8. and 8. PAGE 2 CHURCH TODAY APRIL 20, 2015 Oklahoma is 2nd state to outlaw dismemberment abortion By Cheryl Wetzstein a second-trimester abortion, said The Washington Times the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Oklahoma has become the “Even if we disagree about second state to outlaw an abortion abortion, politicians shouldn’t procedure that “dismembers” the prevent doctors from providing fetus in the womb as part of the what they think is the best process. and safest medical care to Oklahoma Gov. Mary their patients,” said Jennifer Fallin signed the Oklahoma Dalven, director of the ACLU’s Unborn Child Protection from Reproductive Freedom Project. Dismemberment Abortion law on “This is just one more bill Monday, April 13. that chips away at a woman’s The law, which goes into access to safe, legal abortion effect Nov. 1, generally affects by substituting a politician’s pregnancies older than 12 weeks judgment for a medical or in the second trimester. professional’s,” Ms. Dalven said. The law would not apply in Oklahoma’s new law is cases in which there’s a “serious intended to prevent doctors from health risk” to the woman if she using forceps, tongs, clamps, doesn’t receive the abortion. scissors and other cutting devices “Kansas welcomes to extract a living unborn child Oklahoma as the second state OKLAHOMA GOV. MARY FALLIN signed the Oklahoma Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion law “one piece at a time.” to protect unborn children from lon April 13, making Oklahoma the 2nd state (Kansas was first) to outlaw the procedure. (Photo by Sue Ogrocki-Pool/ These “dilation and dismemberment procedures,” Getty Images) evacuation” or D&E abortions Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback have long been used for second- tweeted the next day. trimester abortions. “This law has the power to Tobias, president of the National Pro-choice supporters have a letter protesting that state’s Doctors who violate the law change how the public views Right to Life Committee. The protested the measure, saying it is bill, saying it was blocking the could be fined $10,000 and face the gruesome reality of abortion pro-life organization developed a “dangerous restriction.” “safest and most expeditious” professional discipline. in the United States,” said Carol model legislation on the issue. In Kansas, 20 doctors signed kind of care for women needing One Million Rosaries for Unborn Babies to be held May 1-3 The 2015 multinational One prayer event). lion Rosaries being prayed is def- Million Rosaries for Unborn Ba- This year 31 nations will be initely reachable, but it will take bies prayer event will be held participating, including Guatema- a lot of people getting involved,” May 1 -3. Persons participat- la, Tanzania, Poland, Denmark, concluded Benedict. ing in this multinational pro-life Kenya, Croatia, England, India, Registration for the prayer prayer event will pray (with a Malaysia, India, Germany, Malta, event is quick, and no personal group or individually) at least one USA, Australia, Italy, Romania, information is required. In ad- Rosary for an end to the surgical Trinidad and Tobago, Argentina, dition to registering, the website and non-surgical killing of un- Uganda, Netherlands, Colombia, has information about promoting born human persons. South Africa, United Arab Emir- the prayer event, a counter that “The One Million Rosaries ates, Canada, Pakistan, New Zea- keeps up with the number of Ro- for Unborn Babies is an oppor- land, Scotland, Philippines, Aus- saries registered, etc. tunity for members of the Church tria, Ireland, and France. More information about the to unite in praying for an end “All things are possible with rosary so that an accurate count one to register to pray at least one One Million Babies prayer event to the killing of unborn human God and that, of course, includes can be made toward reaching the Rosary for unborn human per- may also be received by sending persons,” said Patrick Benedict, ending this horror against inno- 1 million goal. To register, go to sons. And, I hope those who reg- a stamped, self-addressed enve- director of the Saint Michael the cent babies. www.SaintMichaelTheArchan- ister will let other people know lope to: S.M.T.A.O., P. O. Box Archangel Organization (the or- Participants are asked to reg- gelOrganization.org. about this pro-life prayer event. 41257; Memphis, TN 38174. ganization that is coordinating the ister their intentions to pray the “I greatly encourage every- “The goal of at least one mil- Download the App Laudette It’s the # 1 App for Catholic prayers and devotions APRIL 20, 2015 CHURCH TODAY PAGE 3 Pope says Year of Mercy will be time to heal, to help, to forgive By Cindy Wooden ing wrongs patiently, forgiving Catholic News Service injuries and praying for the living and dead. (CNS) -- Mercy is what The date the pope chose to makes God perfect and all-power- open the year -- Dec. 8 -- is the ful, Pope Francis said in his docu- feast of the Immaculate Concep- ment officially proclaiming the tion and the 50th anniversary of 2015-2016 extraordinary Holy the closing of the Second Vatican Year of Mercy. Council. Both dates, he wrote, are “If God limited himself to related to the Year of Mercy. only justice, he would cease to be Mercy, he said, is “the bridge God, and would instead be like that connects God and man, open- human beings who ask merely that ing our hearts to a hope of being the law be respected,” the pope loved forever despite our sins.” wrote in “Misericordiae Vultus,” That bridge was made concrete (“The Face of Mercy”), which is when God chose Mary to be the the “bull of indiction” calling a mother of his son. Holy Year to begin Dec. 8. The Year of Mercy, Pope Standing in front of the Holy Francis wrote, is also a way to Door of St. Peter’s Basilica April keep the Second Vatican Council 11, Pope Francis handed copies of alive. “The walls which too long the document to the archpriests of had made the church a kind of for- the major basilicas of Rome and tress were torn down and the time to Vatican officials representing had come to proclaim the Gospel Catholics around the world. in a new way,” he said. The coun- Portions of the 9,300-word POPE FRANCIS PREACHES during FIRST VESPERS OF DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY IN ST. PETER’S BASILICA cil recognized “a responsibility proclamation were read aloud be- AT VATican. Pope Francis preaches during first vespers of Divine Mercy Sunday in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican to be a living sign of the Father’s fore Pope Francis and his aides April 11. Before celebrating vespers, the pope released a 9,300-word document officially proclaiming the 2015-2016 love in the world.” processed into St. Peter’s Basilica extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy. (CNS photo/Cristian Gennari) The life and action of the to celebrate the first vespers of Di- church, he said, “is authentic and vine Mercy Sunday. credible only when she becomes In his homily at vespers, the Jesus’ compassion, healing and their cathedral or another special priests who have broken the seal a convincing herald of mercy,” a pope said he proclaimed the Year mercy demonstrate, the pope said, church or shrine, and that ev- of confession; priests who have mercy that “knows no bounds and of Mercy because “it is the favor- that “the mercy of God is not an ery diocese implement the “24 offered sacramental absolution extends to everyone without ex- able time to heal wounds, a time abstract idea, but a concrete real- Hours for the Lord” initiative to their own sexual partners; des- ception.” not to be weary of meeting all ity through which he reveals his on the Friday and Saturday before ecrating the Eucharist; and mak- While some people try to ar- those who are waiting to see and love,” just like mothers and fa- the fourth week of Lent. In Rome ing an attempt on the life of the gue that mercy, even God’s mer- touch with their hands the signs thers love their children. the last two years, the pope has pope. Usually, the Apostolic Peni- cy, is limited by the demands of of the closeness of God, a time to “How much I desire that the opened the celebration with a pen- tentiary, a Vatican court, handles justice, Pope Francis said mercy offer everyone the way of forgive- year to come will be steeped in ance service in St.
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