~ nrollment cap? -state residents targeted the committee. Complete spending in the bill contains just over Sl bil­ lion. This is $43 million less fvou are from Montana than what Governor Racicot and have tO attend col­ proposed and $107 million lege in the state, maybe more than the present budget. u should start packing your Racicot wanted $34 mil­ s. lion returned ro rhe bill but rhe - Last Fnday, the leg1sla- panel came up S14 million short committee amended the of the goal. This money was >posed 1996-1997 budget restored to the Republican ich altered the Wa\· the uni governor's budget. "Sit\ S\ Stem \\'OUld be The amendment comes ded. according to Rorie along with restrictions. First of rahan, Governor Racicot's all, the amendment spells out ss s.:cretar\' the exact average amount spent The lcg1sl~nn~ .:onference on in-state students given the mine.: on House Bill-2 general fund levels. When the 1e\ ed portions of the gen- funds dim111ish, so do the ,\Ion­ ! fund monc\' that was cut tana students. m higher edu.:ation in a It 1s anticipated that 2,500 ·v1ousvlegislarive sess10n. Montana students will be de­ With the 518 million re­ rued enrry mto the university non, the Republicans did system throughout the neu two - tore $8 million in state aid. years. e Board of Regents was This means rhe MSU cam- A young Native American participates in the pow wow held at the field house on Saturday. See story photo by Nate Howard d ro raise another $16 mil­ pages 16-17. from tuiuon increases by see Cap page 2 iring for cutbacks Summer session offers science fiction including ASMSU officials, meaning behind the concepts raught in the class­ an RD, .as well as administra­ Rindi White rooms. tion personnel narrowed the Exponent news editor "Science and Science Fiction" has been taught Despite the $18 million choice down to rwo. once before, rwo years ago, also with Nava. In that cutbacks facing .Montana For the past seven years, It's a case of Commander Spock meets Sir Isaac class, there were students from many varied back­ tate, the Office ofthe Dean Klewin has been handling the Newton. grounds and many different majors. "It really spices f Srudents is nor planning responsibilities of rhe Dean of That's what the Physics 280 class to be offered this up the class a lot," Nava said. "The discussions were lessen its service to the Srudents himself with the help summer will be discussing. interesting simply because we has so many different dents. of pan time assistants. The class is being taught by a points of view.~ .MSU smdents have nor «\Ve wenr through some husband and wife team, Ran and Vfhen the class was d a full time Assistant reorganization of which was Nava Sivron. The class is entitled first taught, Nava was ean of $rodents for quite necessitated by the money situ­ "Science and Science Fiction." It "We are going to fight a lot the only instructor, but e time, Dennis KJewin, ation and the cutbacks, "Klevvin will examine the influence of sci­ in class, but we are definitely this time, her husband anofStudents ar111ounced said. 'Where this office used ence on science fiction, and vice will be offering his terday. However, MSU to have four on sraff, it is now versa. well informed, so our fights point of view as well. now in the process of really down to one and half. As Nava, a former Montana State Ran is an astro­ nducting interviews of the times are, we don't need student, graduated from the phys­ will be a lot of fun." physicist and is cur· dtdates for the position. four, butwecertainlyneed two." ics and the media departments, and -Dr. Ran Sivron, MSU physics professor rently teaching "Mys­ According to Klewin, The responsibilities ofthe was looking for a way ro success· teries of the Sky." He c search has been an elabo­ Office of the Dean of Stu­ fully combine her interests. is eager to teach stu­ te process which began in dents include helping with "I was always seeking new ways of teaching phys­ dents physics in a different way. Some classes will be cember. of last year. programming, conflict and ics and new ways of looking at media. This seemed to taught solely by Ran and some solely by Nava, bur Originallr, 112 candi­ conduct resolution, as well as be a good way to combine both areas," explains Nava. they will often be together in the discussion times. tes applied for the job. working with students and The class, while giving students a taste of physics, - .ccentlv a search commit­ faculty in general. also offers theories of how those equations can actually see Science fiction page 2 c consisting of students see Candidate a e 2 be used. It allows physics majors to take a look at the Fcatt.1rcs Sl"lc>rts Tuesday: Patchy morning fog, otherwise Up and away sunny periods and high clouds. Highs near Any extra pen­ cils in your book 50. Not so cold tonight. Pole vaulting bag? Stop by the takes MSU Wednesday: Partly cloudy and wanner Bookstore today and track team to with highs near 60. 10 percent chance of drop them off. See dizzying precipitation. story heights. page 15 Page24 2 Page · Tuesday, April 11, 1995 ASMSU Exponent Science fiction __ from page 1 "Both of us ha,·e ,·en· different ideas about the same thing, ,,·h1eh ''ill make for a lot of fun," Ran ,aid. "\\'~ .ire go111g ro fight ,1 lot 1n class, bur we definitely are well- 1nformed, so our fights will be ,1 !or of fun We light up different shades of the same subjects because Xa' a has her O\\ n e:1.pcrt1sc, and I ha\'c my own. In general, I think It ma\' be a ltttle more fun for rhe srndenrs ro see people ~------------------------.., ralk about the subiecrs from different points of,ie\\ thar ''di let them 101n in much more read1h·" The Plw~1cs 280 class 1s two credns. and costs $140 I GENETIC I There are no prerequisites RFSC ARCH ro the class and It 1s an I R I interd1sc1plinary class. The class will be studying up­ ro-date topics, such as black holes and worm holes, along with light swords, Csnddale Melissa A Green speaks with students Monday. ...-11r-­ nme-iravel and e\'en the crear10n ofrhe universe. Ir will be offered in the first Candidate_ from page six-week session, and there will meet Monday through Melissa A. Green, a finalm: appliant with a master's dcgrcc Wednesday from 3·00-4:00 education, guidance and counseling, was the first of the two candida p.m. and o~ Thursdays from to give a presentation and speak with students Monday. 3:00-5:00 p.m. in room During a question-answer forum held with students ycsrerdaY.j 108 of Ried Hall on the Green stressed issues facing college students and felt raising awarco kvds on campus and cultural sensitivities was important ~1SlJ campus In past experiences, Green has dealt with sexually a~aulted s Both Ran and Nava are dents, suicides and attempted suicides. clearly exnred about the .. I think ifa sexually assaulted person comes to me anJ asks for hcl class. I would see what action thev would want done,'' Green answered. "I "I think the class can be is a complicared situation -since you arc dealing with all ty~-1 a wonderful starting point happens to guys as well-but the most important cbmg wou!J be t for writers," said Ran. help them determine what they wanr to do." ~one thing 1t 1s, it's a good In addition to her experience in critical situations, Green ha \\av to have a brainstorm fonncd participated with many programs including .. Native America session for people that like Week..,~ "Human Rights Weck," as well as formulated a counselor' science and science fiction. That's cool Zork, now let's scare protocol. This protocol assists profcssio~~l al_ld p.l.!aprofrss1ona counselors with issues such as referrals, smc1de mten enrion, sc.xu "I hope it will be an the girls with the mutant. assault intervention and counseling ethics. adventure!", ava added. Mary Dowd, another finalist candidate, will hold a similar sru..:len forum, at 4:15 p.m. April 13 in SUB 1~6E . Students will be able ro meet and ro mterv1ew the candidate at th time. Cap from page 1 Student busfees not to increa.~ puses alone will lose 700 in-state students and gram reducnons, 111 addinon ro compromis­ 150 fewer residents than presently on campus ing the salary packages for the next rwo years. while for the next cwo years. The committee told the Regents the num­ faculty may pay mmc Even the non-residents wiU be affected by ber ofMontana students the school can educate government rook a sun·ey on the amendment. Since the amendment desig­ at a spending rare of $4,040 per student is Rindi White individuals who ride, at one rim nates what percentage of resident and non­ dictated by the amount ofstate money available. Esponcm news cdiror they ndc and where they live. resident students may be, 350 fewer non­ tudents expressed their feelings on the Opinions on how transit effec­ residents will be anticipated for the next two alterations. racey Barta, senior in range sci- Take a hike? Nor this term. tiveness could be- improved up• years. ence, does nor According to Rya n were also solicited. early 301 The amend­ agree with limit­ Hendrickson, an ASMSU senator, students and faculty members ment was negoti­ It is anticipated that 2,500 ing the admittance this is going to be the case for the participated in the survey ated by MSU-Bozc­ Montana students will be denied of Montana stu­ student bus fees.
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