NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A MEETING OF SWALLOWFIELD PARISH COUNCIL WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY 12th JULY 2016 IN THE ROSE ROOM, SWALLOWFIELD PARISH HALL, SWALLOWFIELD STREET, SWALLOWFIELD AT 7.30PM Mrs. E. Halson, Clerk 08/07/16 Members: Cllr. P. Sampson (Chairman), Cllr. J. Anderson, Cllr. G.E. Collender, Cllr. W. Dance, Cllr. M. McDonald, Cllr. R. Norris, Cllr. J. Sant, Cllr. J. Wheelwright Note: This meeting is open to the public and press who are welcome to attend. A G E N D A 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of interest in matters to be discussed by the Council at this meeting. 3 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To receive questions or comments from the public, including those on planning. Up to 20 minutes will be allocated for questions/comments from members of the public with a guideline of no more than 5 minutes per subject. If several members of the public wish to speak on the same subject, they are requested to nominate a spokesperson. Comments will be minuted. For more details please read the document Guidelines for Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings which is available on the Parish Council website or at the Parish Office. 4 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 4.1 Emergency Services Day – to NOTE that this event will take place on Thursday 27th October 2016, 10am-4pm. 4.2 Casual Vacancy – to NOTE that there is a casual vacancy for a Councilor, anyone interested should contact the Clerk. 5 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 5.1 To APPROVE the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th June 2016. 5.2 Clerks report on matters arising and outstanding actions from last meeting. (available at the meeting) 1 Swallowfield Parish Council, Annual Meeting, Agenda Tuesday 12th July 2016 _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 PLANNING Chairman of Planning Committee: Cllr. J. Anderson 6.1 Current applications 6.1.1 161256 - Mill House Hotel, Basingstoke Road, Swallowfield, Wokingham, RG7 1PY Application to vary condition 2 of planning consent F/1999/69762 to allow the siting of the functions marquee from 1st January to 31st December in any calendar year. 6.1.2 161813 - Mill House Hotel, Basingstoke Road, Swallowfield, Wokingham, RG7 1PY Full Planning application for the proposed erection of a gazebo. 6.1.3 161819 – 2 School Road, Riseley RG7 1XP Householder application for the proposed erection of a part single storey part two storey rear extension. 6.2 Results 6.2.1 152270 – The Marshes, School Lane, Riseley RG7 1XT Full application for proposed demolition of existing two storey dwelling and outbuildings and erection of a four bedroom, two storey dwelling with associated parking. Permission granted The Parish Council did not object to this application, but did make comments regarding the on-site parking and ecological surveys which have been addressed in the conditions. 6.2.2 153209 – Land at Fairlands, Church Road, Farley Hill RG7 1UH Application to vary condition 1 of appeal planning consent F/2011/2602 for the change of the use of land to allow Billy and Emma Cole to lawfully occupy the pitch. Permission refused The Parish Council strongly objected to this application as the original appeal decision concluded that the site was not suitable as a gypsy and traveller site and that approval was granted on a temporary basis for the families on the site at the time. 6.2.3 160973 – Onich, Basingstoke Road, Riseley RG7 1QD Householder application for the proposed erection of a part single storey, part two storey rear extensions to dwelling. Permission granted The council had no comment. 6.2.4 160975 – Riseley View, Basingstoke Road, Riseley RG7 1QD Householder application for the proposed erection of a two storey rear extension, single storey front extension and creation of new front entrance and alterations to existing fenestration. Permission granted The council had no comment. 6.2.5 161236 – Tudor Farm, Park Lane, Riseley RG7 1RU Householder application for the proposed replacement of existing outbuilding with oak framed outbuilding. Permission granted 2 Swallowfield Parish Council, Annual Meeting, Agenda Tuesday 12th July 2016 _________________________________________________________________________________ The council had no comment. 6.2.6 161442 – Wellington House, Riseley Business Park, Basingstoke Road RG7 1QF Prior approval submission for the conversion of existing office building (Use Class B1(a)) to 10no residential apartments (Use Class C3). Prior approval granted The council is not able to comment on this type of application. 6.2.7 161444 – Waterloo House, Riseley Business Park, Basingstoke Road RG7 1QF Prior approval submission for the conversion of existing office building (Use Class B1(a)) to 10no residential apartments (Use Class C3). Prior approval granted The council is not able to comment on this type of application. 6.2.8 161445 – Stratfield & Apsley Houses, Riseley Business Park, Basingstoke Road RG7 1QF Prior approval submission for the conversion of existing office building (Use Class B1(a)) to 11no residential apartments (Use Class C3). Prior approval granted The council is not able to comment on this type of application. 6.3 Enforcement Investigation – to NOTE that on case has been opened, regarding breach of a planning condition. 6.4 Development off Trowes Lane – to NOTE that Cove Homes are running a public consultation on Wednesday 13th July, 2:30pm-8pm in the Davies Room, Swallowfield Parish Hall. 6.5 Richborough Estates – to NOTE that Cllrs. Anderson, Collender, McDonald and Sampson attended a meeting with Richborough Estates. Notes circulated. 6.6 Arborfield Garrison Development Community Forum – to NOTE that this meeting was held on 29th June 2016, Cllr. Sampson attend and notes have been circulated. 6.7 Gravel Extraction, Farley Estate – to NOTE that public exhibitions took place on 28th June and 30th June, Cllr. Wheelwright attended. 6.8 West Berkshire Minerals and Waste Sites Consultation – to NOTE that a public consultation on submitted sites will run from Friday 1st July to Friday 5th August. 6.9 WBC Planning – to NOTE receipt of a letter from WBC Planning – circulated. 7 BOROUGH PARISH MEETINGS 7.1 Clerks Forum – to NOTE that this meeting was held on 15th June 2016, the Clerk attended. 7.2 Strategic Asset Review – to NOTE that the Clerk met with the Strategic Asset Review Team at WBC on 14th June 2016. 7.3 Wokingham Borough Council: Our 21 Century Programme – to NOTE receipt of a letter from Keith Baker, Leader of the Borough Council and Andy Couldrick, Chief Executive of the Council outlining changes in the Borough Council and offering the 3 Swallowfield Parish Council, Annual Meeting, Agenda Tuesday 12th July 2016 _________________________________________________________________________________ opportunity for Swallowfield Council to meet with them to discuss issues outlined in the letter. Circulated. 7.4 Borough Parish Liaison Forum – to NOTE that this meeting was held on 4th July 2016, Cllr. Sampson attended. Agenda items included an update on the Local Plan and on the new grass cutting contract. 7.5 Wokingham Borough Clerks Forum – to NOTE that the next meeting will be held on 14th July 2016, agenda items include local plan update, budget engagement and grass cutting. 8 FINANCE (Budgets/investments/sinking fund/grants/risk assessments/insurance) Lead Councillor: Cllr. P. Sampson 8.1 Accounts 8.1.1 June accounts – to NOTE that the accounts for June 2016 have been circulated. 8.1.2 Bank Reconciliation Statement – to APPROVE the Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 6th July 2016. Circulated. 8.1.3 Unity Trust Alto Card – to NOTE that Unity Trust are withdrawing this pre-paid card facility from 31st August. It is PROPOSED that the council applies for a Multipay charge card in the name of the Clerk with limits of £500 for an individual item and a monthly limit of £500. 8.2 Effectiveness of the Internal Audit – to NOTE that the Finance Working Group met on 22nd June 2016 to review the Internal Audit report. A report detailing the findings and recommendations has been circulated. It is PROPOSED that the council accepts the review and implements the recommendations. 9 BILLS FOR PAYMENT – to APPROVE [list to be provided at meeting] 10 RECREATION (Play areas/skateboard park/recreation grounds/football pitches/mpg court) Lead Councillor: Cllr. J. Sant 10.1 Vandalism – it is PROPOSED that due to personal information this item is discussed in Part II. 10.2 Spencers Wood Football Club (SWFC) – to NOTE that Cllr. Collender and the Clerk met with representatives of SWFC on 27th June 2016. SWFC have enjoyed using the facilities and would like to continue next year, pitch size and frequency of use will be confirmed shortly so that hire fees can be agreed. The pitches at Riseley are very muddy due to worm activity. It is PROPOSED that the pitches at Riseley are treated with worm repellant at cost of £250 plus VAT. 4 Swallowfield Parish Council, Annual Meeting, Agenda Tuesday 12th July 2016 _________________________________________________________________________________ 10.3 Tennis Club – to NOTE that the last meeting was held on 27th June, Cllr. Sant attended. 11 PROPERTY (Fieldfayre, The Marshes House) Lead Councillor: Cllr. J. Anderson 11.1 Update – to NOTE that the building regulations application has been passed. 11.2 Schedule of Works – it is PROPOSED that a Quantity Surveyor from Julian Stokes Management is commissioned to produce a Schedule of Works to accompany the tender document at a cost of £1,750 plus VAT. 12 ALLOTMENTS 12.1 Lease of Calico Field – it is PROPOSED that the council enters into negotiations with the Calico Trust to renew the lease on a 25-year term. 13 RESILIENCE (Flooding/ditches/rivers/ Flood Resilience Group ‘FRG’) Lead Councillor: Cllr.
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