June 9, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 7 10377 For example, as a judge he presided over a Peninsula Health Access Coalition. These Again, on behalf of the Sixth District of full-schedule of cases, but was particularly dis- awards highlight Schoolcraft Memorial Hos- North Carolina, we would like to congratulate turbed by the vulnerable at-risk youngsters in pital’s commitment to continuously improving the Eastern Randolph softball team, the fac- the juvenile court system who were being the care it provides and its dedication to serv- ulty, staff, students, and fans for an out- shoved under the rug by society. This inspired ing the community. standing season. him to take time every Monday to check at- However, the physicians, staff and adminis- f tendance records at the local high schools. In trators of Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital are the evenings, he would visit with families of not known to rest on their laurels. Rather, they COMMENDING ELKS LODGE IN students exhibiting high rates of absenteeism are steadfast in looking ahead to the hospital’s FOREST GROVE, OREGON, FOR in an effort to get their support in encouraging future growth and improvements. Whether it’s CELEBRATING FLAG DAY the students to stay in school and make the the acquisition of new rehab equipment, like most of that experience. This concern for im- the ‘‘omnicycle;’’ converting electronic medical HON. DAVID WU proving society continued throughout his ca- records to email to save money and space; OF OREGON reer. Sometimes limited to simply seeing His- upgrading current facilities to include a new IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CT scan room, triage room and emergency panic children given equal access to the Wednesday, June 9, 2010 YMCA, to concentrating on improving human room treatment room; or working towards the rights abroad while serving as an ambassador, development and construction of a brand new Mr. WU. Madam Speaker, as Flag Day ap- he never lost sight of using his opportunities to replacement facility, Schoolcraft Memorial proaches, I rise to pay tribute to our Nation make a difference. Hospital strives to provide its patients with the and to commend the Elks Lodge in Forest Throughout our history it has been proven most positive experience and effective treat- Grove, Oregon, for celebrating Flag Day in my that immigrants are far more than just an inex- ment possible. district. pensive work force. They are in fact a valu- Madam Speaker, Schoolcraft Memorial Hos- The United States flag is a hallmark of the able asset to this country and Raul H. Castro pital provides its patients with hometown famil- enduring character of America. In 1818, Con- is an outstanding example of one such per- iarity combined with state-of-the-art services. gress passed legislation that provided the son. Therefore, in light of today’s divisive view Over the years, it has continued to innovate, basic design of our flag, with 13 stripes hon- of immigration, his story should be noted as a grow and provide critical health care services oring the 13 original colonies and one star per symbol of how the United States has bene- to Schoolcraft County. Therefore, I ask state. fitted from those who value this country so Madam Speaker, that you, and the entire U.S. Throughout our history citizens have hon- much, and that after moving here to build a House of Representatives, join me in recog- ored the flag and the principles for which it better life for their families, they remain dedi- nizing Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital on its stands, but we did not have an official day cated to making sure that they improve our 60th anniversary. honoring our flag until President Woodrow Wil- Nation for future generations. f son issued a presidential proclamation in 1916 establishing Flag Day. In 1949, congressional f EASTERN RANDOLPH SOFTBALL legislation designating June 14 as national TEAM WINS IT ALL HONORING THE 60TH ANNIVER- Flag Day was signed into law by President SARY OF SCHOOLCRAFT MEMO- Harry Truman. RIAL HOSPITAL HON. HOWARD COBLE I am pleased to offer my thanks and support OF NORTH CAROLINA to the Elks Lodge of Forest Grove, Oregon, HON. BART STUPAK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which has organized a Flag Day celebration to OF MICHIGAN Wednesday, June 9, 2010 educate the community about our flag and its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COBLE. Madam Speaker, on behalf of history. The Order of the Elks promotes Amer- ican principles of individual freedom, oppor- Wednesday, June 9, 2010 the citizens of the Sixth District of North Caro- lina, we wish to extend our congratulations to tunity, and dignity, consistent with the prin- Mr. STUPAK. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- the Eastern Randolph softball team for win- ciples that the U.S. flag represents. ognize Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital as it ning the North Carolina High School Athletic I am honored to provide the Elks Lodge of celebrates its 60th anniversary serving resi- Association 2-A state softball championship. Forest Grove with a flag flown over the U.S. dents in Schoolcraft County and across Michi- There is no doubt that the level of athleticism Capitol for their celebration, and I thank them gan’s Upper Peninsula. Schoolcraft Memorial and fortitude these young women possess is for their service to our community and Nation. Hospital is known both for the quality of care without reproach. f it provides and its leadership role in keeping Eastern Randolph’s journey to the state title the community active and healthy. was one of a remarkable comeback. After CELEBRATING THE 25TH ANNIVER- Located along Lake Michigan’s northern being placed in the loser’s bracket early in the SARY OF THE FRIENDS OF THE shores in Manistique, Michigan, Schoolcraft competition after their first encounter with PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. Memorial Hospital is a 25-bed progressive crit- Central Davidson the team was disappointed, PAUL AND RAMSEY COUNTY ical access hospital, offering comprehensive but even more determined. Having success- medical and surgical care, health care in 30 fully defeated South Lenior, the Eastern Wild- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM specialties including cardiology and neurology, cats faced Central once again in the cham- OF MINNESOTA a 24-hour physician staffed emergency room, pionship game. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a walk-in clinic, physical and occupational Led by pitcher and Most Valuable Player Wednesday, June 9, 2010 therapy, cardiac rehabilitation and a wide Jessica Gordan, the Wildcats defeated the range of diagnostic services. It has also Central Spartans 9–2. After pitching three Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, today I opened a number of clinics throughout games during the tournament, Gordan tossed rise to congratulate the Friends of the Parks Schoolcraft County, as well as a fitness center a three-hitter with only two walks and three and Trails of St. Paul and Ramsey County, on to increase access to health care services and strikeouts. The entire team exhibited superior the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the or- improve health and wellness in the community athletic ability and are well-deserving of their ganization. Since it was established in 1985, and surrounding areas. first state title in Eastern’s school history. this group has been dedicated to serving and Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital’s excellence Team members include: Rachel Burgess, promoting parks and green spaces in St. Paul, has been widely recognized. The hospital re- Jana Cheek, Liza Elliott, Jessica Gordon, Dal- Minnesota, and surrounding communities. ceived the Michigan Center for Rural Health’s las Heaton, Kailey Hill, Olivia Millikan, Codie Executive Director Peggy Lynch has been 2009 Michigan Rural Health Quality Improve- Rhodes, Gina Ritter, Brittainy Rush, Kayla there every step of the way, first leading a ment Award—Award for Excellence for its Saliga, Kaitlyn Scheuering. The team was led group of citizens to found the organization to work to improve care processes in the treat- by Head Coach Randall Myers and his assist- keep a massive high-rise development out of ment of heart failure and pneumonia and ants Richard Thomas, Gary Heaton and Tony Hidden Fall/Crosby Regional Park in order to emergency room transfers. It also was named Hill. Also contributing were team managers preserve green space for everyone in our a 2008 ‘‘Hero for the Uninsured’’ by the Upper Leslie Honeycutt and Chesley Honeycutt. community. The Friends of the Parks and VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:55 Jul 02, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E09JN0.000 E09JN0 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 10378 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 7 June 9, 2010 trails has since developed into a broad, mem- 56 countries that comprise the OSCE, I share Shame’’ of those governments that still have bership-supported nonprofit group. many of the concerns raised by Ms. Mijatovic not brought to justice the perpetrators of The Friends of the Parks has proven their in her testimony and commend them to col- the horrifying murders that happened in commitment to St. Paul and Ramsey County their countries. leagues. The most recent murder of a journalist in parks by promoting open space preservation, ORGANIZATION FOR SECURITY AND CO-OPER- the OSCE area is the one of the Kyrgyz oppo- protection, improvement, and development of ATION IN EUROPE REPRESENTATIVE ON FREE- sition journalist Gennady Pavlyuk (Bely new parks. And as a vital member of the com- DOM OF THE MEDIA Parokhod), who was killed in Kazakhstan in munity the Friends of the Parks have success- (By Dunja Mijatovic) December last year. It gives me hope that fully laid the foundation for lasting change by [From the Helsinki Commission Hearing on the new Interim Government of Kyrgyzstan working with St.
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