LARRY CHAPPELL GOES BACK TO MINORS Same Thing. Hearing a noise at the kitchen en­ ter luncheons trance, the man of the house slipped MRS. MABEN f quietly to* the rear door and suddenly ■IM inajiffy V| Astonishing Records Made in opened It The grocer’s delivery boy p r r Throwing Runners Out was there with a basket containing a of hot-* cooking. Stock dozen eggs, a pound of butter and panfay m _ *helf with H some Roquefort cheese. "Oh, it’s you, is it, Billy?" said the By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sliced George Van Haltren Made Sensational man. “ My wife Is always afraid when table Compound knd Wants Dried B e e f Play on “ Cy” Swain, a Washing­ she hears a noise here, especially af­ ton Pitcher—Harrv Niles Holds ter it begins to grow dark. She thinks Other Suffering Women i f and the other good summer meats — 5 including L i b b y 's Major League Record. it's n robber ” To Know It § Vienna Sausage— you'U had ' Well, she neeiln't change her mind ' & fresh and appetizing. In the season of 1S98 George Van on my account," gloomily responded Murfreesboro, T enn. — “ I have *J§ Haltren of the New York Giants, in a the grocer’s boy, handing over the wanted to write to you for a long time )| Libby, M9NeHI 4 game against Washington, was playing goods and presenting the bill, which to tell you what your J. Libby, Chicago center field. “ Cy” Swain, who was called for $1.S7.—Pittsburgh Chronicle wonderful remedies if hurling for the Senators, while at bat. Telegraph have done for me. I % happened to make what looked like a was a sufferer from j| safe drive to center. Nine times out ROTTEN COFFEE. female weakness o f ten it would have gone safe, but When your coffee is harsh and a n d displacements M g Van made a mad dash and gathered it nasty, you may know that the berries and I would hava on the socond bound and. without stop­ have fallen from the tree, and have such tired, worn out J5 ping, threw to first, the ball beating been swept up from the ground after feelings, sick head- ig the slow-footed “Cy” by a good six a certain amount of deterioration. aches a n d dizzy -J| spells. Doctors did feet, and Swain was sprinting his best Remember, then, that there Is one me no good so I tried | all the time. line of coffee that Is all liqnd picked and pure, and buy a pound of Denison's the Lydia E. Pink- Statistics show that the outfielders 3 Coffee for trial. ham Remedies —Vegetable Compound % back in the eighties and nineties had Denison's Coffees are always packed and Sanative Wash. I am now well and i the shade on the present-day outfield­ In cans, cartons or bags. None other strong and can do all my own work. I ers in making assists The best record is genuine. owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- | WHEN YOU THINK FLAGSin number of assists made iu one sea­ If your grocer does not have Den­ table Compound and want other suffer- ^ Think of Factory Price son in the majors in recent years, or ison's Coffee, write the Denison Coffee ing women to know about it.” —-Mrs. "I Than writ* to ua for catalogue Since 1900, was made by Harry Niles, Co., Chicago, 111., who will tell you H. E. Maben, 211 S. Spring S t, Mur* % AMERICAN FLAG MFC. CO., Easton, Pa. then with the St. Louis team. In 1906 where it may be purchased.— Adv. freesboro, Tenn. $ Harry nailed 39 men from the outfield, K.Uo(eman,WMb- A Test. This famous remedy, the medicinal f Books free. Hlgh- getting them at different bases. In PATENTS i?:;-referencea. Seat rasulla. "A t last." said the young woman, ingredients of which are derived from -i| 1907, while playing right field for the native roots and herbs, has for nearly s, Cincinnati team, Mike Mitchell equaled "I am sure that I have made my com­ W. N. U., FARGO, NO. 26-1915. mencement essay properly profound forty years proved to be a most valua- | the mark set by Niles. ble tonic and invigorator o f the femal® % “ T y” Cobb. Joe Birmingham. Trls and dignified." The demand for sincerity is far in "How do you know?" organism. Women everywhere bear || Speaker and Milan all have made es­ excess of the visible supply. “ I read It to father and he didn't willing testimony to the wonderful vir- J pecially good records in this direction. tue of Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable f understand a word of it " YOUlt OWN DRUGGIST W ILL TEI.I. YOU Compound. M rry Marino Bye Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery W l»y Lose Hope. | Byes and Granulated Byellds. No Smarting— just Bye comfort. Write for Book of the Bye AT THE FIRST SIGNS No woman suffering from any form 97 Free. Murine Bye Remedy Co. Chicago. o f female troubles should lose hope un- Of Falling Hair Get Cutlcura. It tit she has given Lydia E. Pinkham’s Accounts for It. Lavem e Chappell, Now W ith Minneapolis Team in the American Association. "I say money is trouble ” Works Wonders. Trial Free. V ogetable Compound a fair trial. "Maybe that is why people are so Larry Chappell, the young outfielder whom the Chicago American league I f you want special advice write to fond of borrowing trouble.” club purchased from the Milwaukee club for $13,500 in cash and playcrB Touch spots of dandruff and itching Lydia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co. (confl- >• dcntinl) Lynn, Mass. Your letter w ill worth $3,000 more, has been released to the Minneapolis American associa­ with Cuticura Ointment, and follow next morning with a hot shampoo of be opened, rend and answered by a % Minimax. tion team. Chappell was bora on February 19, 1891. at Jerseyville. 111. about Yromnu and held in strict confidence* -% The simplest, yet most perfect and forty-six miles from St. Ixrais. where his father is engaged in the grain busi­ Cuticura Soap. This at once arrests positive Fire Extinguisher in the ness. He made his professional debut with the Quincy club of the I. I I. falling hair and promotes hair growth. world. Easy to operate Reduces your league in 1910. but was sold by Quincy to the Eau Claire club of the \Vls- You may rely on these supercreamy Y o u r L iv e r fire risk to a minimum Agents want­ consin-Illinois league for $100. Chappell finished that season and part of 1911 emollients for all skin troubles. ed. For information write Arthur M. with Eau Claire and was then purchased by the Milwaukee club of the Sample each free by mail with Book. Is Clogged Up Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Seekell, Northwestern Agent, 36 Hunt­ American association. With that club Chappell developed rapidly In 1913 That’s W hy You’ra Tired'—Out of Sort ington Block, Fargo, N D.—Adv. and 1913. and when Chicago bought him in 1913 he was leading the American Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. “ Have No Appetite. association batsmen with .356 for Si games. When Chappell reported to tbo CARTER’S LITTLE White Sox he was in bad shape as the result of injuries, but was forced to Maw Was a False Prophet. Exploration. "Now, Tommy," said Ills ma, "if you play regularly His work was not up to the standard and he was immediately LIVER PILLS "What are your plans for the sum­ cat any of that cake in the pantry it will put you right dubbed an exploded pbenom. Chappell is a left handed hitter and right- mer?" will make you sick ” ta a few days. jj| handed thrower "Further exploration. I suppose," an­ "Say, ma," remarked Tommy on hour They do^ swered Mr Muvings " I’m going to later, "you was dead wrong about thnt their duty keep on looking for some place that cake. It didn’t make me uick at all.” Cure Con­ carries out the impressions I get from NEW INDIAN FIRST BASEMAN stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache the pictures of the summer resort post A I.I.ICN’8 FOOT-RASB for tlia TllOOFS cards." D IA M O N D Joe Jackson Is Seventh Southerner Over 100,000 packages of Alien’* Koot-Ka.e, the SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK antiseptic powder to shake Into.voiirshoee, are in Succession to Hold Down Ini­ being used by tbe German and Allied troops at Genuine must bear Signature Jimmy Ryan. tial Sack for Cleveland. the Front because It rests the feet, gives In­ Aggrieved. stant relief to Corns and Bunions, hot, swollen, "Did you say that my production NOTTS aching, tender feet, and makes walking easy and lead their respective teams in Bold everywhere, 85c. Try It TODAY. Dtn't is a thoughtful, educational and moral The designation of Joe Jackson as throwing out base runners from re­ Heinie Groh is the leading hitter any mbititutt. Adv. entertainment which couldn't ofTend the Indian first sacker makes Joe the mote corners of the outer garden. In of the National League. the most refined sensibilities'’ " asked seventh son of Dixie in succession In the Kitchen. DAISY FLY KILLER «Sf S S " S % 1 his day Fielder Jones was a past mas­ tin. Meat, elejta. o » the manager who has been appointed to the task of The Vanilla Bean—1 have a great ter in pegging the ball from the out­ Red Corriden was such bad luck 'asmsatal.ssBvsmlsaa “Yes,” replied the pla\goer "Isn’t guarding Cleveland’s initial cushion.
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