The Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: It’s a classic G. Randy Keller Oklahoma Geological Survey, Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, The University of Oklahoma, 100 E. Boyd St, Rm. N-131, Norman, Oklahoma 73019. [email protected]. ph. (405) 325-7968. INTRODUCTION Connell, 1989; Granath, 1989). In some places, oblique slip involves approximately equal amounts of strike-slip and Southern Oklahoma has long been recognized as the dip-slip movement (Granath, 1989). Thomas (this guide- home to a series of very large and complex intraplate book) also stresses the importance of strike-slip in the in structures that are exposed in the Wichita and Arbuckle the initial Cambrian phase of tectonism. Mountains. These features are the result of early Paleo- However, the SOA is widely viewed as a classic ex- zoic extension and late Paleozoic compression. Strike-slip ample of an aulacogen and consists of a linear alignment movements probably played a role both phases of deforma- of structures that have been extensively inverted and that tion. Today, the resulting features are together referred to begins at the rifted margin of Laurentia (ancient core of as the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen (SOA). This classic North America) in northeast Texas and extends north- feature was recognized as a major intraplate structure by the westward at least to southern Colorado (Fig.1). The main famous Russian geologist Nikolay S. Shatsky (also spelled structures commonly associated with the SOA are the Am- Nicholas Shatski). The Shatsky Rise in the north Pacific arillo-Wichita Uplift and the Anadarko Basin. Because of was named after him, and he was awarded the Lenin Prize extensive petroleum exploration, the late Paleozoic histo- in 1958 for his compilation of the first tectonic map of Rus- ry of this part of the SOA is well known and summarized sia. In 1946, he published a paper comparing the tectonic by Ham et al. (1964) and Ham and Wilson (1967). How- history of southern Oklahoma with the Dniepr-Donets Ba- ever, many other significant structures are involved, and sin region of the Ukraine. His impressive index map from the aulacogen has been interpreted to extend as far to the this paper is shown in Figure 1. northwest as the Paradox Basin and Uncompahgre Uplift in In terms of continental tectonics, rifts that do not suc- Utah (Larson et al., 1985). ceed in breaking a continent apart are often referred to as The large late Paleozoic faults and the large upper having “failed.” The classic failed rift or aulacogen is one crustal load represented by the Cambrian mafic intrusions that intersects a rifted continental margin at a high angle in the Wichita Uplift show that it should be no surprise for as part of a triple junction (e.g., Burke and Dewey, 1973; the region to have experienced significant Holocene move- Hoffman et al., 1974). Failed rifts usually are the sites of ment along faults in the aulacogen (Crone and Luza, 1990). post-rift subsidence and sedimentation that provide import- In fact, the Meers Fault is the southernmost element of the ant records of continental evolution and usually contain pe- complex and massive (10-15 km of throw) frontal fault zone troleum resources. In the case of the Southern Oklahoma that forms the boundary between the Anadarko Basin and Aulacogen, one would think that the main magmatic mod- the uplifted igneous rocks of the Wichita Mountains (Fig. 1). ification of the crust would be centered under the post-rift The Meers Fault is the best-exposed and -documented Qua- basin. However, this does not appear to be the case given ternary fault scarp east of Colorado (e.g., Crone and Luza, the extensive magmatic modification of the upper crust ob- 1990). The most recent movement occurred in the late Ho- served by the UTEP/UTD seismic experiment integrated locene (1100-1300 yr ago) with an earlier movement 2,000- with seismic and drilling data (e.g., Keller and Stephenson, 2,900 yr ago. During faulting, the Quaternary soils along 2007; Buckey, 2012; also this guidebook). This poses just the fault were folded as well as ruptured, and the scarp has one of several questions about the structure and evolution dammed small gullies where fine-grained alluvium has col- of the SOA. Another is the relative role of thrusting versus lected that has been used in dating efforts (Crone and Luza, strike-slip faulting during the late Paleozoic inversion; this 1990). There is as much as 5 m vertical and possibly appre- has been the subject of considerable debate because there ciably more left-lateral strike slip displacement on the fault. are many northwest-striking faults that have a significant Motion on the Meers Fault represents continued activity on left-lateral, strike-slip component of movement (e.g., Mc- one of the largest structural features in North America. 389 Keller Figure 1. Index map of tectonic features in the southern Mid-Continent region. Modified from Shatski (1946). MF – Meers Fault. 1 – Top of Mississippian; 2 – Base of Mississippian; 3 – Top of Permian; 4 – Top of Panhandle Big Lime; 5 – Top of Cambrian; 6 – Normal fault; 7 – Thrust fault; 8 – Strongly folded anticline; 9 – Broad anticline; 10 – Pre-Pennsylvanian outcrop in Ozark Dome; 11 – Mesozoic cover. In summary, we are left with a picture of the southeast- REFERENCES CITED ern part of the SOA in which pervasive magmatic modifi- cation of the upper crust occurred in the Cambrian; cool- Buckey, A., 2012, An integrated geophysical analysis of crustal structure in the Wichita Uplift region of southern Oklahoma: Shale Shaker, ing and subsidence followed that was in turn followed by v. 62, p. 432-452. a huge (up to 15 km) amount of structural inversion in the Burke, K., and Dewey, J.F., 1973, Plume-generated triple junctions: Key late Paleozoic. The scale of this magmatism and deforma- indicators in applying plate tectonics to old rocks: Journal of Geol- tion is impressive. The result is the 15-km-deep Anadar- ogy, v. 81, p. 406-433. ko Basin that is floored by igneous and basement rocks Crone, A.J., and Luza, K.V., 1990, Style and timing of Holocene surface faulting on the Meers Fault, southwestern Oklahoma: Geological that crop out in adjacent uplifts. 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