H-21 ¥j& 7 E: (%S&S ! • #%%####! EB$©g938 5p^9¥3 010010717- H-219 ) ^ JM \ t M £r v' fz & #5 f£ i^j $j ^ mmm<Dm& ¥f&9*Z3M {*&$£*$**£ fWMB ¥fi69¥3^ 3 1 B 53-ff/ ftW : s-*/V¥- ■ ## : H-219 h#^7 I^S • #j% 7°bJ?x ^ h& fcmmmzm^tc£mttm>*wmm<DM% ¥fi£7^1 lfl 1 B~9¥3fl 3 IB E2S©glft -eoCaffi^^mSJ i: LTfiJffl-f"5SfS’kiS8b$ E%©fi£5l • Camntnm^^y'J-^mmr^>ci:ici:V. Cafi C #e>nZcCaSit#t©E B6iiSS.u:SHte'lk$ll5E¥fcti:^TS L < iS^ofe. - zk mti} ivi/fy b. <d®&t R#©mm##a^# • casern t t <Dm&Mtenmz. z o . cam# • CaS#m^fi$6-ffc*S©^* LT ^ g»T iW?S14"C c irtfSzrtSiifc- /$S5S8 • 211th ACS National meeting* ^33[Bgm##&», $2 mm*©cao@mmf©mm^fS©ma#^*#^K# V\ ### <k©#^##lcov\-c&###-&. Summary of New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Entrusted R&D Report for FY 1995 Date of preparation 1997.3.31 Field/ Field: Energy and environmental technology No.: H-219 Project number Research Gunma University organization Post of the research Faculty of Engineering, Professor coordinator Name of the Takarada Takayuki research coordinator Title of the project Development of economical and high efficient desulfurization process using low rank coal Duration of the November 1,1996^March 31,1997 project Purpose of the The objective of this study is to develop a new efficient project desulfurization technique using a Ca ion-exchanged coal prepared from low rank coal and calcium raw material as a S02 sorbent. Summary of the Ion-exchange of calcium was carried out by soaking and mixing results brown coal particles in milk of lime or slurry of industrial waste from concrete manufacture process. About 10wt% of Ca was easily incorporated into Yalloum coal. The ion-exchanged Ca was transformed to ultra-fine CaO particles upon pyrolysis of coal. The reactivity of CaO produced from Ca-exchanged coal to S02 was extraordinary high and the CaO utilization of above 90% was easily achieved, while the conversion of natural limestone was less than 30% under the similar experimental conditions. High activity of Ca-exchanged coal was appreciably observed in a pressurized fluidized bed combustor. Ca- exchanged coal was quite effective for the removal of hydrogen sulfide. Publication, patents, Ten papers were presented at 211th ACS National meeting, etc. 33rd Conference on Coal Science, 3rd Symposium on Fluidization etc. Future plans The reaction kinetics of ultra-fine CaO in coal char toward S02 will be basically examined and the continuous pressurized fluidized bed combustion of high sulfur coal with Ca-exchanged coal will be carried out. The mixture of Ca-exchanged coal and industrial waste will be discussed. 94 # 94 V? d n 0* SB a Xnn Or to 5<rb d m 5B he fl V ■Ff a 3 SB d <r«✓ 04 Or 5# H-* d 3 d 5 04 St % fs # A SS-B-iiiSi n <r 0 rs & W* w 9-r 0 » g. = SI ffl SS ffl Jfl 9 94 #© 0 # y@ 04 3§ 0 irt o S M A a fit vsr d # §K Or S ft H »*£! % P # ift & 0 s * % d I $ IS 3 d Ot Si ft 04 ft & V % 1* ? SB 0 ° rv yffl -% I 6 & + d # M r^4 s 1 n a| P i % » ft- 8fi ft 94 trtr 3 6 n \3 ft n> d y ft* 9v $ m (V d r 3t " d % p# m 04 to 94 d 0 * * @ z z ##### fl # # rtf' m 0 04 # SI # rv 0 P # ° » tn cn Sfl Se M SiE M d OOX-X-X-M-M- 3 X 2$ % * o d d S & 9* 4 rtf' r d 4n no- 04 # 94 @ M 3 X(v OOff ft •! rtf' # Or 3F n tf B SB ny ^ 35..................... I Or BS H H H H H SB 3 94 0* SB ft 0 «*i/4 > d ft rs y rv d* ft mm##### rtf' rs Si d P » ft 0 ft w 3 \3 jb in..................... ft 1* SB d 38 0 m # ffi v3 d ' -X &4 ft rtf' S ft ft ft d or n 5 S9$8 8$SS II m Vt S t* s 9v rs CV H H CT CT v W d rt 9-v d #t r » 0 94 # # # # # # 0 Or ft 04 g? d 3 d " HS^H H v c/3 # # # 531 y % ft o r si| d s Xr S $2 ^ St V d @ to rtf' »■ ft EE vz 38 “7? nfr d $ r # rw 1 V3 04 § ss*»* 0 d SB * 9- V gr V # P 9^ 04 d M 04 9v 1 O y- On 3t j® M 6 % /X ft a ft 531 =» rtf' w s d S2 # St Vi 5 P ft Or » ft hr 38 3 o r r H4 ft % di ffl ft d d SB 0 ft 1 SB2S 2-1 4 2-2 5 2-2-1 ±*EBSS;S*5 ±T>*SS5iS 5 1) CaCO3j3±^CaMg(CO3)2<0B^SS 6 2) CaCOsti Z tFCaO JM5S 7 3) 9 2-3 cammwj<z#m## 10 2-4 CaO@##f a > 11 2-5 $ 6 * 12 <%>#&%## 3-1 auftc 22 3-2 22 3-2-1 SW 22 3-2-2 23 3-2-3 cmmfcoi&ftm 24 3-2-4 502%##% 24 3-3 mm a## 24 3-3-1 Ca^yS&SfiF 24 3-3-2 CajS^^^Y-^OCaOO v-e-'>ay 25 3-3-3 Ca&jfJ^<ySC>2@:iR#tt 26 1) CafiSJ^^6>#e,*LfcR©S02l%lR5S 26 2) Cafi^J^»^#^tL/c^1'-©S02®lRSS 28 3) — irCaSSfW^Y — ©Sg-njBj&fl#© S02i6ctti^S6 29 3 -4 * i it) 30 4$ -r-6SO26#&&&## 4-1 f± b ib (z 54 4-2 ^£Sfc 55 4-2-1 SS5ESHH 55 1) fimmn 55 2) %### 55 3) warn# 56 4) 56 4-2-2 57 1) s£.U£>WM 57 2) 57 4-2-3 ^jEayyi/y^X iO®J6 58 58 2) TPD$ft 58 4-2-4 —<D jSBu^tFf 59 i) fimuu 59 2 ) XPSS1S 60 4-3 60 4-3-1 Sl6|0i|©M*liiPCoV'-r<D»PBJ 60 1) RI&i>J%ICDtf Xftya 7 T 4 * 61 2 ) 3 #@©7C###r 62 4-3-2 62 1) MSirifx-lfc^toBS 62 2) 64 3) mm<D»m 64 4) to*&##©## 65 5) SSSS©B# 66 6) iSJ^'lfcSJ^eOSOatfX'lh 67 4-3-3 S02*'X4fcK*5ti'5r£tt^iWto 68 1) ifX4k^J©SS 69 2) J%n<omW 71 3) @ma©## 73 4) iisoif 73 5) 75 4-3-4 $gH©-ffc^S®tz:ov'-T 76 1) XPS#% 76 2) so 3) ^X/tkmfrK j:6B# 81 4) Kto#©## 82 5) Cato m<D&W 87 4-4 £ b 89 5$ 5 - 1 (4 D tb f£ 146 5-2 146 5-3 146 5-4 £btb 148 6# 6-1 fiD»K 160 6-2 iei 6-3 iK5U3J:U^gS 162 6-3-1 i62 6-3-2 CaSSrJ^SiPOSS 163 6-3-3 igE&#TT?<9i«; - @ES5S$©#F#r 164 1) SnE^#TKj3»5^ - BSlSm© 165 2) - BEf&ma 168 6-3-4 APEm##m^#@#W 169 6-4 £b#> 169 7 S Cajfl#J£ V'X\t • teLjo(t5S&®E8;<£>ll9% 7-1 tiDfcfc 195 196 7-2-1 un<omm 196 7-2-2 197 1) mnomfrffi&xxsxm 197 2) mm## 197 3) mimm 198 7-2-3 198 1) 198 2) mam 199 3) j±&m 200 7-2-4 ^ScJMS: 202 1) sj$m 202 2) if-* 202 7-3 203 7-3-1 mibxfcS(D#S 203 1) mm*m 203 2) 205 3) mfrffium<D&w 205 7-3-2 207 7-3-3 CaS (Dmt 207 1) f&Mm<Dmm<D&w 208 2) SfgOgf 208 3) m*### 209 4) 210 7-3-4 S02 DSSfctti 210 8 $ 8-1 245 8-2 245 8-2-1 M# 245 8-2-2 245 8-2-3 246 8-2-4 H2S bORl&^tk 246 8-3 MStf§ 247 8-3-1 Ca^;i-yjE&#14 247 8-3-2 t omA-## 247 8-3-3 $£lfc*S (H2S) 248 8-3-4 CaS(D^lk#% 248 8 - 4 £ t ft 249 Mini 268 269 270 272 l S St #m©#A)&ma#R©—=»-e&%, -■©isww^it) iotiffl^5S02ili, lih>/¥ (S##) ^©S/SSr Table 1-1 IC^-f1). 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