American Media Services P

American Media Services P

Stations in the U.S. Oregon American Media Services P. 0. Box 20696 u-c CHARLESTON, SC 29413 DEVELOPERS & BROKERS OF RADIO PROPERTIES TEL (843) 972 -2200 W W W.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAX (8431 881 -4436 (916) 251 -1650. E -mail: [email protected]. Web She: Site: www.linfield.eduIkslc. Licensee: Linfield College. Format: 772 -0322. Fax: (541) 7724233. Licensee: Opus Broadcasting Licensee: Educational Media Foundation. Group owner: EMF Alternative rock. News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 12-25; young Systems Inc. (acq 7 -9 -91; $63,634 with KYJC -FM Grants Pass; FTR: Broadcasting. Wash atty: Shaw Pittman. Format: Christian Hit Radio. people looking for new mus. Spec prog: Black 2 hrs. heavy metal 7 hrs 7.29 -91) Rep: Tacher Wash airy: Leibowitz & Spencer. Format: Sp. Target aud: 18 -35: Judeo -Christian, female. *Richard Jenkins, pres; wkly, relg 2 hrs wkly. Micah Shelton, gen mgr: Zach Bowden. dev VP News progmg 9 hrs wkly. Target aud: 12 plus: Hispanic. Spec prog: Lloyd Parker, gen mgr; Ken Mayfield, nati sls mgr; Ted Gillette, rgnl sls & progmg dir. Southern Oregon A's, North Medford 8 Oregon State football 8 mgr; Chris Joyce, prom dir: Mike Novak, progmg dir; Bryan O'Neal, basketball, Portland Trailblazers. *Dean Flock, CEO & gen mgr; Brian progmg mgr & mus dir. Medford Fraser, gen sls mgr; Oscar Bonilla, opns mgr 8 progmg dir; Dusty Brooks, chief of engrg. KSHO(AM)- 1950: 920 khz; 1 kw -U. DA -1. TL: N44 34 30 W122 55 KBOYFM- February 1958: 95.7 mhz; 100 kw. 935 h. TL: N42 27 07 15. Hrs opn: 24. 36991 KGAL Dr. (97355). (541) 451 -5425. Fax: (541) W23 03 20. (CP: 60 kw, ant 751 It.). Stereo. 1438 Rossanley Dr. KTMT(AM) -See Ashland 451 -5429. E -mail: chadie @kgaLcom. Web Site: (97501). (541) 779 -1550. Fax: (541) 776-2360. Web Site: Licensee: Eads Broadcasting Corp. (acq 10.1 -81; $425,000; FTR: Licensee: Mapleton Communications LLC (group Milton -Freewater 10-5-81) Net: ABC Rep: Allied Radio Partners Wash arty: Crowell & owner; acq 10 -26 -01; grpsl). Format: Classic rock. one. Ron Hren, Moring. Format: MOR, adult standards. News staff: 4; news progmg 7 gen mgr; Alan Vezzani, sls dir; Matt Roberts. mktg dir, prom dir, KLRF(FM)- Jan 1, 1999: 88.5 mhz; 5 kw. 1,302 ft. TL: N45 47 16 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus; mature aduhs with money & leisure. progmg dir & mus dir; Chris Canter. news dir; Jim Sute, chief of engrg. Richard B. Eads. pres; Florence R. Eads, CFO; Richard C. Eads, W118 10 31. 1390 W. Poplar St., Suite 201, Wallawalla, WA (99362). exec VP & gen mgr; Jim Willhight, opns dir; Shelly Garrett. sls dir; Ted Box 209, Venere, TN (37885). (509) 524 -0885; (423) 884 -2800. Fax: KCMX(AM) -(Phoenix). Apr 7, 1962: 880 khz: 1 kw-U. TL: N4218 36 Jenne, progmg dir: Weldon Greg. news dir: Sparks Scoh, chief of (509) 524-0884; (423) 884 -2802. Web Site: Licensee: W122 48 41. Hm opn: 24. 1438 Rossanley Dr. (97501). (541) engrg. Rates: $16: 15; 16; 13. Lifetalk Broadcasting Association. Formal Relg, inspirational talk. 779 -1550. Fax: (541) 776 -2360. Web Site: Owen Bandy, gen mgr. Licensee: Mapleton Communications LLC (group owner; acq KXPC(FM)- Apr 8,1974: 103.7 mhz; 100 kw. 1,099 ft. TL: N44 3017 10- 26 -01; grpsl). Rep: Allied Radio Partners Art Moore. Format: Talk, W122 57 20. Stereo. Hrs opri: 24. 1207 9th Ave. SE., Albany (97321). news. News staff: one. Target aud: 18 plus. Ed Hardy, pres; Ron KOLW(FM)- Sept 10, 1992: 97.9 mhz; 50 kw. 705 ft. TL: N44 54 22 (541) 928 -1926. Fax: (541) 791 -1054. Web She: en Hren, gen mgr; Alan Vezzani, sls dir; Devin Harpole. mktg dir & prom W124 37 25. (CP: 8 kw, ant 1,112 ft.). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 2485, Licensee: Portland Broadcasting L.L.C. (acq 4 -11 -01; $4.1 million). dir: Bill Jacobs, progmg dir; Chris Canter, news dir & pub affrs dir: Jim Td- Cities, WA (99302). (509) 547 -9791. Fax: (509) 547 -8509. Web Rep: McGavren Guild Format: Country. News progmg 2 hrs wkly. Sute, chief of engrg. Site: Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner: Clear Target aud: 18-54. Rich Coleman, gen mgr; A. Kim Hughes, prom Channel Communications Inc. (acq 2.15 -01: grpsl). Rep: Tacher Format: Classic Rock. News staff: one; news progmg 6 hrs wkly. dir; Rich Cole, progmg dir: Shelly Carter, mus dir: Tim Ryan, pub affrs KTMT -FM-Co -owned with KCMX(AM). Oct 15, 1970: 93.7 mhz: 31 Target aud: General. Eric Van Winkle, gen mgr: Scott Souhrada, dir; Al Boyd. chief of engrg. Rates: $24; 24; 24; 20. kw. 7,580 ft. TL: N42 04 55 W122 43 07. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Web chmn & stn mgr; Ed Hardy, opns VP; Paul Drake, progmg VP, mus dir Site: Wash ally: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: 8 pub affrs dir; Curt Cartier, progmg dir; Ron Sweetie, engrg VR Lincoln City Adult CHR. News staff: one; news progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18.49. *Casey Baker, mktg dir, prom dir & mus dir: Matt Roberts, progmg dir. Milwaukie KBCH(AM)- Listing follows KCRF -FM. KCMX -FM -See Ashland KGUY(AM)- February 1988: 1010 khz; 4.5 kw -D. TL: N45 29 03 KCRF -FM- Nov 1, 1981: 96.7 mhz; 19.5 kw. Ant 872 ft. TL: N44 45 W122 24 40. Stereo. 15240 S.E. 82nd Dr., Clackamas (97015. 9606). 22 W124 02 57. Stereo. Box 1430, Newport (97365). (541) 265 -2266 KCNA(FM) -See Cave Junction (503) 222 -1150. Fax: (503) 722 -9111. Licensee: Northwest Radio Fax: (541) 265 -6397. E -mail: info® Web Site: Broadcasting Co. (acq 12 -4 -01; $750,000). Format: Classic country. Licensee: Pacific West Broadcasting Inc. (group owner: acq 11- 15-00: Target aud: 25 Bill gen mgr. Rates: na. KDOV(FM)- Aug 1, 1995: 91.7 mhz; 26 kw. -364 ft. TL N42 20 13 -54. Sizemore, $50; 50; 50; grpsl). Rep: McGavren Guild Format: Classic rock. David Miller, pres W122 51 44. 845 Alder Creek Dr. (97504). (541) 776-5368. Fax: (541) & gen mgr; Vern Mords, gen sis mgr: Johnny Randolph. progmg dir: 776-0618. E -mail: kdov © Web Site: Howard Wright. mus dir; Bill Hall. news dir. Myrtle Point Licensee: Family Life Communications Inc. (group owner) 1995 Net: Salem Radio Network Format: Relg, news/talk. News staff: news May 1400 1 KOOZ(FM)- Aug 1, 1996: 94.1 mhz; 1 kw. Ant 1,456 ft. TL: N42 57 KBCH(AM) -Co -owned with KCRF -FM. 27. 1955: khz; progmg 5 hrs wkly one;. Target aud: 25.54; women. Randy Carlson. 32 W124 16 23. Hm opn: 24. Jefferson Public Radio, 1250 Siskiyou kw -U. TL: N44 59 27 W123 58 45. E -mail: [email protected]. Web pres; Perry Atkinson, gen mgr; Pat Daly, progmg dir 8 pub affrs dir; Blvd., Ashland JPR Foundation Site: Rep: Tacher Format: Adult standards, full service. Hope Russell, news dir: Russ Jump, engrg mgr. (97520). (541) 552 -6301. Licensee: News staff: 2; news progm. David Miller, gen sls mgr. Inc. (acq 4.19 -02: $83,700 with KTBR(AM) Roseburg). *Net: NPR, PRI Format: Class, news. News staff: one: news progmg 35 hrs wkly. KLDZ(FM)- Aug 19, 1991: 103.5 mhz: 100 kw. 1,023 ft. TL: N42 17 Ronald Kramer, gen mgr; Bryon Lambert, opns dir; Paul Westhelle, KSND(FM)- Mar 23, 1995: 95.1 mhz; 6 kw. 846 ft. TL: N44 45 24 10 W123 00 21. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 3624 Avion Dr. (97504). (541) dev dir 8 mktg dir; Eric Teel, progmg dir; Eric Alan, mus dir; Darin W124 02 53. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 484, Newport (97365). 131 774 -1324. Fax: (541) 857 -0326. Web Site: Ransom, engrg dir. N.E. 15th St.. Newport (97365). (541) 574 -1005. Fax: (541) 574 -0791. Licensee: Citicasters Licenses L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: Licensee: Communications Inc. (acq 5 -1 -99; grpsl). Rep: Tacher Format: Oldies. Radio Beam LLC (acq 6 -7 -02; $400,000). Tacher 8 Co. Wash arty: Target aud: 25 plus. Bill Nelsen, gen mgr; Mike Confer, progmg dir; Newport Wiley, Rein 8 Fielding. Format: Classic hits. News staff: one; news Bill Howell, engrg dir & chief of engrg. progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. Spec prog: Jazz/new age 4 hrs ' KLCC(FM)- Sept 11. 1990: 90.5 mhz; 3.2 kw. 256 ft. TL: N44 45 22 wkly. Ernie Hopseker, pres. gen mgr. gen sls mgr & chief of engrg; May 1954: 730 khz: 1 kw -D. 74 w -N. TL: N42 1836 KLVB(AM)- 31. W124 02 57. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KLCC(FM) Eugene Charlie Foxx, opus VP, opns mgr, mus dir 8 news dir; Ron Eggert, sls 41. Hrs Blvd., Rocklin, W122 48 Stereo. opn: 24. 5700 West Oak CA 100% 4000 E. 30th Ave., Eugene (97405. 0640). (541) 463-6000. Fax: 17, dir; Jim D'ville, pub affrs dir. Rates: S22; 20: 22; (95765). (916) 251 -1600. Fax: (916) 251 -1650. E -mail: (541) 463-6046. E -mail: klcc Web Sie: klove Web Licensee: Educational Site: Licensee: Lane Community College. *Net: NPR Format: Jazz, div, Malin Media Foundation.

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