ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 Department of School Education & Literacy Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 Department of School Education & Literacy Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India DR. M. MANGAPATI PALLAM RAJU MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ANNUAL REPORT – 2012-13 DR. SHASHI THAROOR HON'BLE MINISTER OF STATE FOR HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT SHRI JITIN PRASADA HON'BLE MINISTER OF STATE FOR HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ii ASHOK THAKUR SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION ANNUAL REPORT – 2012-13 R. BHATTACHARYA SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY iii ANNUAL REPORT – 2012-13 L to R (sitting): Shri Ashok Thakur, Secretary(HE), Dr. M.M. Pallam Raju, Hon’ble HRM, Shri R. Bhattacharya, Secretary (SE&L). LtoR:Ms. Amita Sharma, Additional Secretary, Ms. Vrinda Sarup, Additional Secretary, Shri J. Alam, Joint Secretary, Shri R.C. Meena, Economic Adviser, Shri Anil Kumar Singhal, PS to HRM, Dr. Nagesh Singh, Economic Adviser, Shri Amit Khare, Joint Secretary, Shri Yogendra Tripathi, Joint Secretary & Financial Adviser, Dr. Amarjeet Singh, Additional Secretary, Shri R.P. Sisodia, Joint Secretary, Ms. Shakila T. Shamshu, OSD, Ms. S. Radha Chauhan, Joint Secretary, Ms. Veena Ish, Joint Secretary. iv CONTENTS Contents CHAPTER-10 CHAPTER-1 Initernational Cooperation Overview 1 and UNESCO 129 CHAPTER-2 CHAPTER-11 Major Initiatives 7 Skill Development 141 CHAPTER-12 CHAPTER-3 Education of SCs/STs Elementary Education 21 and Minorities 149 CHAPTER-13 CHAPTER-4 Educational Development in Special Category States Secondary Education 41 163 CHAPTER-5 CHAPTER-14 Higher and Techical Educational Development Education 55 of Women 181 CHAPTER-15 CHAPTER-6 Educational Development Adult Education 79 of Persons with Disability 199 CHAPTER-7 Technology Enabled CHAPTER-16 Learning 89 Administration 209 CHAPTER-17 CHAPTER-8 Achievements under Language and RFD 2011-12 Related Areas 103 by Ministry of HRD 215 CHAPTER-9 Copyright & Book Promotion 119 v Chapter 01 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The Ministry of Human Resource Development has groups and simultaneously to provide greater two Departments i.e. Department of School Education opportunities for access to quality higher education by & Literacy and the Department of Higher Education. investing in infrastructure and faculty, promoting The vision of the Department of School Education & academic reforms, improving governance and Literacy is to ensure education of equitable quality for institutional restructuring. The RTE-SSA (Right of all to fully harness the Nation's human potential, and Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) ANNUAL REPORT – 2012-13 the vision of the Department of Higher Education is to Act, 2009 –Sarva Shiksha Avhiyan) lays a special focus realize India's human resource potential to its fullest in on the children of disadvantaged social groups (SC, ST, the education sector, with equity and excellence. OBC & Minority communities). It provides for development of context specific interventions/ As a recognition of our vision, a number of initiatives strategies for education of these target groups. The are being taken by this Ministry both at School and initiatives include: ensuring availability of primary higher education levels. The Central Government and upper primary schools within the habitation (as continues to play a leading role in the formulation and prescribed under the RTE Rules), uniforms, textbooks, implementation of educational policies and etc. Special Training interventions are also largely programmes, the most notable of which is the National focused on girls and disadvantaged groups. Under Policy on Education (NPE), 1986, as modified in 1992. SSA, the enrollment of SC children increased Other initiatives include: providing universal access, substantially leading to a significant drop in the ensuring retention and improving quality in number of out-of-school SC children from 8.2% in elementary education, special emphasis on education 2005 to 5.9% in 2009. Similarly, there is reduction in of girls, establishment of pacesetting schools like the percentage of out-of-school ST children from 9.5% Navodaya Vidyalayas in each district, in 2005 to 5.2% in 2009. In the case of children from vocationalisation of secondary education, synthesis of Muslim minorities, the percentage of out-of-school knowledge and inter-disciplinary research in higher children is reduced from 10% to 7.7% in the same education, starting more Open Universities in the period. This has been possible due to awareness among States, strengthening of the All India Council for parents towards access to education and role of the Technical Education, encouraging sports, physical States to make more and more schools available to SC, education, Yoga and adoption of an effective ST and Muslim minority children. evaluation method, etc. With a view to enhance enrollment, retention and The Ministry's endeavour has also been to achieve attendance and simultaneously improving nutritional Education for All. Special emphasis is laid on levels among children, the National Programme of education of children belonging to disadvantaged Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) 2 was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on 15th Saakshar Bharat, a centrally sponsored scheme was August 1995. Subsequently, the Scheme was extended launched in September, 2009 with prime focus on to cover children of upper primary classes and the women and other disadvantaged groups in rural areas Overview name of the Scheme was changed from 'National of low literacy States/UT. Through large scale Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary countrywide environment building and Mass Education' to 'National Programme of Mid-Day Meal Mobilization Campaigns, voluntary teachers/preraks in Schools'. The scheme has been revised from time to have been motivated and trained in large numbers and time in its content and coverage. The Mid Day Meal community has been mobilized. During the 12th Five Scheme now covers 10.44 crore elementary class Year Plan, it shall strive to raise the literacy rate to 80% children in 12.12 lakh schools in the country. Recently, and reduce the gender gap to less than 10%. Saakshar to increase the coverage of this scheme, Planning Bharat will give special focus on young adults and out Commission has approved extension of Mid Day Meal of school adolescents for a paradigm shift from basic scheme to unaided private schools in special focus literacy to lifelong learning. areas. In addition, Planning Commission has also Higher education provides people with an opportunity proposed fiscal incentives like tax exemptions to to reflect on the critical social, economic, cultural, encourage private participation in the scheme. moral and spiritual issues facing humanity. It Recognising the need for education for values in contributes to national development through Schools, NCERT has brought out framework for dissemination of specialized knowledge and skills. schools on Education of values which articulates a Being at the apex of the educational pyramid, it has comprehensive and pragmatic approach to value also a key role to play in producing teachers for the education in schools. Continuing with its efforts in the education system. In the context of the unprecedented area of Value Education and in light of above explosion of knowledge, higher education has to framework, the Central Board of Secondary Education become more dynamic as never before, constantly has decided to bring out the 'Value Education – A entering uncharted domain areas. The higher Handbook for Teachers'. In order to institute a sense education system in India has grown remarkably, of discipline and inculcation of moral values in youth, particularly in the Post Independence period, to it has been decided to implement NCC as an elective become one of the largest systems of its kind in the subject with credit points in 30 autonomous colleges world. from academic year 2013-14 and will be extended to all Substantial achievements have been made in other 400 autonomous colleges and interested increasing access, ensuring equity and improving universities from the academic year 2014-15. This quality of higher education. As per the first provisional initiative will help in instilling values of emotional report of All India Survey on Higher Education, the integration, secularism, tolerance, sense of adventure Gross Enrolment Ratio in 2010-11 (estimated) was and sensitivity to issues among youths. 3 18.8. The improvement in higher education is being and standards are uniformly applicable to all the brought through restructuring academic programmes colleges. To enhance the access to degree courses in to ensure their relevance to modern market demands; EBDs of the country, so as to achieve expansion in domestic and global linkages with employers and higher education with inclusion, equity and quality, a external advisory resource support groups and tracer new scheme has been introduced to provide central studies. Greater emphasis is also laid on recruitment of financial assistance for establishment of a Model adequate and good quality teachers; complete Degree College in each of the identified 374 revamping of teaching/learning methods by shifting Educationally Backward Districts (EBDs) where Gross from traditional repetitive experiments to open-ended Enrolment Ratio (GER) for higher education is less ANNUAL REPORT
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