E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 No. 160 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was Maryland, serving Prince George’s July when she was diagnosed with mul- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- County, Calvert County, and Anne tiple myeloma and departed Maryland pore (Mr. CUELLAR). Arundel County. Earlier, she had to seek treatment closer to family at f worked for former Maryland State Sen- the University of Rochester Medical ator Ulysses Currie. Center. We had all hoped to welcome DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Mr. Speaker, she knew the Fifth Dis- her back soon, but sadly, Daryl’s condi- TEMPORE trict and its communities better than tion worsened quickly last week, and The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- almost anyone, and she cared deeply she passed away on Saturday morning fore the House the following commu- about the people who called, emailed, with her family by her side. nication from the Speaker: and wrote to us asking for assistance Mr. Speaker, Daryl was a true friend with Federal agencies and help access- and partner in service to the people of WASHINGTON, DC, ing government services. In particular, Maryland’s Fifth District. She will September 16, 2020. I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY Daryl was a fierce advocate for our dis- long be remembered by those she CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on trict seniors, but she was also a mentor helped and by those of us who worked this day. to countless young people, including closely with her. NANCY PELOSI, interns who came to our district office Her passing is a great loss to my con- Speaker of the House of Representatives. and learned lessons from Daryl, not stituents, our office, to this House, and f only about serving our constituents to our country. I hope my colleagues but how to approach life through perse- will join me in offering her family the MORNING-HOUR DEBATE verance, faith, and positive thinking. condolences of the whole House and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Daryl drew heavily on her personal thanks of a Nation grateful for patri- ant to the order of the House of Janu- faith as a member of the Evangel Ca- otic Americans like Daryl Ann Pen- ary 7, 2020, the Chair will now recog- thedral in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, nington who serve their country and nize Members from lists submitted by for more than a quarter of a century, communities so dutifully and so well. the majority and minority leaders for and as a partner with Dr. Corinthia Mr. Speaker, now Daryl rests in morning-hour debate. Ridgely Boone of the International peace with God, whom she served so The Chair will alternate recognition Christian Host Coalition organizing the faithfully throughout her life. between the parties, with time equally National Capital Region’s Day of Pray- f allocated between the parties and each er for many, many years. Mr. Speaker, she believed strongly MEMORIALIZING REVEREND BILLY Member other than the majority and that prayer was a powerful tool, not GRAHAM minority leaders and the minority only to connect with her creator, but The SPEAKER pro tempore. The whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no to connect with others here on Earth, Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from event shall debate continue beyond 9:50 to communicate her love for others, North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- a.m. and to spread peace and joy to those utes. f around her, which she surely did. Her Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. IN MEMORY OF DARYL ANN sense of humor, her wit, her warmth Speaker, I am proud to announce that PENNINGTON will be sorely missed not only by her a familiar figure within North Caro- colleagues in my office, but by all who lina’s history will soon be featured The SPEAKER pro tempore. The knew her. here in the United States Capitol. Chair recognizes the gentleman from I and all of us who worked so closely On July 22, I came to the floor and Maryland (Mr. HOYER) for 5 minutes. with Daryl will miss her very, very spoke about how the first Republican Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, it is with much. Daryl had so many spiritual majority in the North Carolina legisla- profound sadness that I share the news daughters and the many young women ture in over 40 years voted in 2015 to re- that a great friend and public servant who looked up to her over the years as place the current statue of Charles has passed away. a mentor and friend, but her pride and Aycock in the Capitol with a statue of Daryl Ann Pennington was a dear joy were her five children: Laura, Billy Graham. A week later, on July 29, friend, trusted member of my staff, and Christie, Toi, Peter, and Lenny, as well a committee within the North Caro- a tireless advocate for Maryland’s as her grandchildren to whom, of lina’s General Assembly unanimously Fifth District. course, she was devoted. approved a model of Reverend Gra- For the past 12 years, Daryl served as A native of Rochester, New York, ham’s statue and commissioned a a caseworker in my office in Greenbelt, Daryl made her final journey home in sculptor to create a life-sized model. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4431 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:18 Sep 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16SE7.000 H16SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H4432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 16, 2020 The level of expediency in this proc- In 1980, she won election to the board blessing so many people with enough ess is a true testament to how Rev- of education, which she served for 8 foolishness to believe that we can erend Graham was revered not only in years. make the impossible possible. North Carolina, but also across the Equity in education was always at f world. Recently, President Trump has the forefront of what she did, because expressed his support for a statue of even though the courts declared sepa- CONSERVATISM DURING COVID Reverend Graham to be commissioned, rate but equal was unequal, too many The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and he even suggested that Reverend schools in Charlotte were still both Chair recognizes the gentleman from Graham would be memorialized in a separate and unequal. North Carolina (Mr. BUDD) for 5 min- new statuary park known as the ‘‘Na- What she did made a difference. In utes. tional Garden of American Heroes.’’ 1984, halfway through Miss Sarah’s ten- Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Reverend Graham came from humble ure on the school board, President Ron- to set the record straight. beginnings in Charlotte, North Caro- ald Reagan made a campaign stop in The American people are wondering lina, where he was raised on a dairy Charlotte at the height of his popu- what Congress is doing to help folks farm in the early 1920s. larity. President Reagan had a line in who are still struggling from the ef- During his lifetime, he counseled for- his stump speech that won thunderous fects of COVID–19 on their health and eign dignitaries, numerous Presidents, applause in cities across the country, on all of our economy. They see no members of the Royal family, and and in Charlotte, he repeated it, saying movement in negotiations, and I have many other significant public figures. that school busing was a failed social had folks back home ask me, What are However, his work was not solely experiment that nobody wants. you all doing up there? Well, sadly, the consigned to the upper echelons of gov- The crowd went silent. There was, at answer is, Not much, really. ernment or politics. His life’s work was best, scattered applause. That is be- Some in this Chamber claim that it dedicated to the millions of people cause in Charlotte, activists like Sarah is us, the Republicans, who have no so- around the world who sought Jesus Stevenson worked hard so that Black lutions on COVID. Nothing could be Christ as their one true Lord and sav- and White parents could come together further from the truth. Let me just speak for myself. I have introduced ior. in support of Charlotte’s ‘‘finest more than a dozen bills with my col- He once described being a Christian achievement’’—school integration. as, ‘‘more than just an instantaneous She lost reelection to the school leagues. Some of these bills are bipar- conversion. It is a daily process where- board in 1988 because she continued to tisan, and they apply time-tested con- by you grow to be more and more like value equity and integration even as servative principles to help people im- Christ.’’ the political winds changed. Her values pacted and hurt by COVID–19. These are bills that expand In 2018, Reverend Graham passed were more important to her than win- healthcare access. They support work- away at the age of 99, and to say that ning votes. And that is an example ers. They incentivize telework. They he left an indelible mark on society that we can all learn from.
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