- ' - . - . ~ ' ~ Beill-)Facts VOL. XXIX • NO . · ~ ' • THE NEWSLETTER OF OCEAN IDS • MARCH 1990 ~ -· - -- : - u.c.S.D.'.s Departnte.nt·· Of Theatre PRESENTS An Original Cabaret . ~l~~~*';,~~,;~~i\~k·~ . ' ~. ~.,i~,~~~~<' ' ...... Graduating· Cla:·ss ~· or The Professional Theatre Training Program (~ Sund~y~ c ~~c~ - l} _th. ··~:: ~ ·:·~:~ ··~-- · :- ~- - AT THE Mandell Weiss Theatre Master of Ceremonies Arthur Wagner No-host Wine at 6:00 $50 . 00 per person Dinner at 7:00 $32 .90 tax deductible can 534-3 793 BearF•cts . ,. .-~ BEAR FACTS .. ' CALENDAR Please address all mail to: MARCH 1990 Bear Facts OCEANIDS BOARD UCSD Q-049 MeetsThursday, March 1 at the La Jolla, CA 92093 Ellen Revelle Pavilion on 9:30 for refreshments 1O for the meeting Editor: Shirley Liebermann 453-0354 OCEAN/OS si'e Invited to lunch · 2644 Ellentown Rd with Frieda 11 :45 to 1 :30 at the FACULTY CLUB La Jolla, CA 92037 Please call Liz for your reservation. BEAR FACTS STAFF Calendar: Helene Baouendi 558-8877 Ed_it9,r Shirley Liebermann, 453-0354. 9704 Claiborne Sq. Staff meets Thursday, March 22 at 9:30 for La Jolla, CA 92037 meeting and coffee: Membership/Subscription: NEWCOMERS Elisabeth Marti -755-1408 .. - . Chairman Netty Paar, 942-0183 13424 Calais Dr. '"Qomm1ttee meeting March 13 at 1 :30 p.m. at the Del mar 92014 home of Malkit Minura, 6049 Cardeno Drive. La Jolla. Nature walk on Sunday, March 18, at 10:30 a.m. Circulation: Isabel Wheeler 459-7461 Nora Atlas, Elaine Halperin Ilse Warschawski INTEREST GROUPS . ·" . ~--,~z::;.:.::~±\ ct'·, "·?;;~~~nt~~=:-~!.5>LIP~ : .... ~~l~!1Jyited to use the Ellen Housing: Ilse Warschawski · -· 4$.:2479·- .,.,~· ~,. " .... · · _,,. ··Rey.elle Pavilion for meetings. 8902 Nottingham Place Contact Ilse Warschawski, 453-2479: or Mabel La Jolla, CA 92037 Bittmann, 453-7328 to be put on the calendar. Reporter: Jon Frankel 453-2154 Oceanids may attend any group at any time: please call the Publication Advisors: group chairman in advance. New groups may be Laura Galbraith, Ellen Revelle-, formed if Frieda Urey five or more Oceanids are interested. All members of Interest Groups must be members of Artist: Elibet Marshall 459-5246 Ocean ids. Write or call Interest Group Coordinator Jean Kramer, 9430 La Jolla Shores Dr. W 92037. 453-0379 Bear Facts is the newsletter of Oceanids, a UCSD campus women's organization. It is published monthly AT THE MEDICAL SCHOOL except for July, August and September. Letters to the Editor and articles of interest to UCSD women are The Diabetes Center has moved to the new invited. All submissions must be received by the editor UCSD Ambulatory Center, a primary medical no later than the 10th of each month. The post office outpatient facility adjacent to the Medical Center at does not toward Bear Facts. Please notify Circulation of 4168 Front Street. any change of address. The Center offers treatment for newly Membership and/or subscription $15 per year. diagnosed or established diabetics who need further diabetic education and management. 1 Viet Nam protest era had peaked under McGill's chancellorship, but York experienced noticeable heat with student activists. "But the second time was more fun because we were a real University then." From 1982-'88 he was the first Director of the Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation ( IGCC), at UCSD. where peace and security issues are studied, focusing on large scale conflicts, especially those threatening nuclear war. When I identified myself as a reporter for Bear Facts, Herb York's secretary asked, "Is that a How has the ending of hostilities between the US and nudists' magazine?' Russia affected the focus at IGCC? The famous man opened our interview by saying That has occurred mostly since I retired. While I was that his three themes are that elegance never hurt director the focus was on conflict, now the focus is anyone past 50, privilege never hun anyone more on cooperation. past 60, and unearned Income never hurt anyone past 70. After the split between China and Russia, the Soviet Born in 1921 in Rochester, New York, the son of occupation of Central Europe was the main point of a railroad man, he attended the University of the Cold War. We focused on the Soviet Union as Rochester, took a BAIMA in Physics, was recruited the center for potential conflict - on the Middle East during the war to Berkeley under Ernest Lawrence to only where there were Soviet dimensions. I believe work on the Manhattan Project, and received his that the liberation of central Europe which has PhD in Physics at UCB under Segre. occurred is irreversible. They will not be able to Herb York is open and direct. He speaks in a restore order by terror as Stalin did. loud firm voice and smiles frequently. His incisive intelligence provides him with ready and significant Are you worried about terrorists getting nuclear answers. weapons, or small countries such as Libya using them? Was there much soul searching among physicists No. There are enough other people who spend all after the bomb was dropped? too much time worrying about that. It's a remote Among some yes, but not those around Ernest possibility, but it's not as dangerous as other Lawrence. Everyone thought the A-bomb was a possibilities, namely, state sponsored nuclear war or good idea. After all there were more people killed by large scale war of any kind. or another war in the knives in WWII than by the A-bomb. Some physicists Middle East or chaos in the Soviet Union. It's not chose to work in radar and other areas rather than really likely that terrorists will get hold of enough nuclear weapons after the war. But the existence of materials to build a bomb. the bomb did influence world leaders; they were much more cautious than before. Do you think Edward Teller lied to President Reagan about the feasibility of Star Wars (SDI)? For Herb York a stellar career unfolded, Not in his own mind. First of all he is a tremendous high-lighted by sitting at conference tables with two optimist when it comes to science, and then, he's a Presidents, Eisenhower and Kennedy, ("nothing was messiah. He felt he knew the truth about the Soviet more exciting than that'). He was an intimate of the menace and others did not. He felt it was his Pentagon, chief negotiator on the Comprehensive obligation to push for Star Wars. Those who support Test Ban Treaty; he met with the Soviets and the SDI tend to be very conservative; I don't know why British in Geneva for Test Ban negotiation and that is. testified before Congress regarding military preparedness, all the while Director of the Livermore There is a great deal of agitation now to get out of Laboratories. weapons building. Do you think Livermore and Los Herb was twice chancellor at UCSD, the second Alamos Laboratories should remain with the U.C. time, '70-72 acting chancellor. The confrontational system? please turn the page 2 Yes, definitely, because the University provides a buffer between the government bureaucracy and the I labs. The labs can do a better job of executing their 1~~~1~~~~~;~1 ~I~~~~~~ programs, and also, with the University involved, the SHUKRVA laboratory leadership plays a more effective role with decision makers in Washington. It took the unflagging efforts of twenty-five ladies to pull it off, but we did it! Everyone had a wonderful How do you like your retirement? time at the second annual Oceanids Dinner Lecture, in I love it. I have time to be very active as chairman of which Stuart Collection Director Mary Beebe gave the committel. advising President Gardner an exiting talk about present and future public art on concerning the two weapons labs. Much of the the campus. material must be classified, but it's important to The talk was preceded by an eight-course Indian prevent them from going too far and becoming overly dinner, which received rave reviews. For our India classified. We need to make certain that secrecy diners it was terrific fare, and it certainly introduced a doesn't override free speech. lot of people to some startling new taste sensations. I also work with the Jason group here summers, and Shukrya (Hindi for thanks) to the following cooks: the !DA think tank in Washington, D.C. Hazel Alksnis, Doris Bailey, Mary Bailey, Hansha Bhayani, Allie Boynton, Alma Coles, Herb married Sybil in Berkeley in 1947. They Mary Anne Curray, Beverly Douglas, Edie Drear, have three children and three grandchildren - "at the Dorothy Edwards, Virginia Frost, Jean Kramer, moment." More grandchildren are hoped for. Jean Lindsley, Rosemarie Lugmair, Ma/kit Miura, Claire Moore (in town for a quick visit before An anonymous source recounted that Herb was taking their saliboat through the Canal), Greta involved with the development of the plutonium MacDonald, Georgette Nlcolaou, Georgl Price, reactor, called the 49er, at Los Alamos. While in New Susan Scholander, Phyllls Schwartzlose, York he needed to know if the reactor had reached Georgina Sham, Ilse Warschawskl and Penny the critical state. Of course everything was super West. secret, so Herb sent a telegram to Los Alamos A special thanks to the Sun God or Whoever asking, "How is Clementine?'. Los Alamos knew for holding back the rain until Alma and Beverly what he meant, sent him the information and from finished barbequing tandoori chicken for 100 in the then on the reactor was named Clementine. outdoor grill!. Jon Frankel For those who have not heard the news, Bill Coles is spending his sabbatical at a Norwegian University which is as close to the North Pole as a University can be! ~EOPLE TO PEOPLE ) I believe Alma is planning to Liven up Santa's workshop.
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