Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 138, 365–368. With 2 figures A new species of Acantholimon Boiss. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/botlinnean/article-abstract/138/3/365/2433727 by MIDDLE EASTTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY user on 24 July 2020 (Plumbaginaceae) from Turkey MUSA DOGˇ AN1* and GALIP AKAYDIN2 1Department of Biological Sciences, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey 2Department of Biology Education, Hacettepe University, 06532 Ankara, Turkey Received May 2001; accepted for publication November 2001 A new species, Acantholimon avanosicum Dogan & Akaydin in the Plumbaginaceae is described and illus- trated. The species grows on argillaceous slopes in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The diagnostic morphological charac- ters that distinguish it from closely related taxa are discussed. A revised key to Acantholimon species in Turkey with densely distichous simple spikes is presented. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 138, 365–368. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: conservation – distribution. INTRODUCTION relevant floras, e.g. Flora Orientalis (Boissier, 1879), Flora Iranica (Rechinger & Schiman-Czeika, 1974), In 2000 as a part of a revision of the genus Acan- Flora Europaea (Tutin et al., 1972), Flora of USSR tholimon, the authors carried out extensive field (Komarov, 1967) and Flora of Syria, Palestine and studies in Central Anatolia and collected a large Sinai (Post, 1933). number of specimens from the area. These included The new material was compared with the isotype interesting material between Avanos and Hacibektas specimen (D. 16600) of Acantholimon confertiflorum as at two stations in Nevsehir (B5). At first glance in the well as the duplicate of another Davis specimen (D. field, the specimens looked like Acantholimon confer- 14603) both of which were cited in the Flora of Turkey. tiflorum Bokhari because of their rather dense distic- The material of Acantholimon confertiflorum either hous spikes. Acantholimon confertiflorum was first collected from the field by the authors or kept at described from Bozkir in C4 Konya (Turkey) (Bokhari, various Turkish herbaria in Ankara (ANK, GAZI and 1970) and it appears to be a local endemic species. HUB) was examined and cross-checked. The authori- After closer examination and consultation with the ties are cited using Authors of Plant Names (Brummitt Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands (Bokhari & Powell 1992). & Edmondson, 1982; Davis, 1988) it was realized that the specimens were quite different from Acantholimon confertiflorum on their morphological characteristics DESCRIPTION and habitat preferences. The other species which Acantholimon avanosicum Dogan & Akaydın, exhibits densely distichous spikes in Turkey is Acan- sp. nov. (Figs 1 & 2) tholimon dianthifolium Bokhari. Here the leaves are flat and linear-lanceolate; the spikelets are 12–15mm. Holotype: B5 Nevsehir: Between Avanos–Hacibektas, A. dianthifolium is a local species in Turkey and grows 3km from Avanos, argillaceous slopes, 950m, 20. viii. on rocky slopes in Hakkari (C9 and C10) and crosses 2000, Dogan 2052 & Akaydın. (holo. ANK). into North Iraq. The specimens were cross-checked with various Acantholimon accounts given in the Paratype: B5 Nevsehir: Between Avanos–Hacibektas, 6km from Avanos, argillaceous slopes, 950m, 20. viii. *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] 2000, Dogan 2053 & Akaydın. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 138, 365–368 365 366 M. DOGAN and G. AKAYDIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 42 A Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/botlinnean/article-abstract/138/3/365/2433727 by MIDDLE EASTTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY user on 24 July 2020 40° B 38° C 36° ° ° ° ° 26 28 30 32 34° 36° 38° 40° 42° 44° Figure 1. Acantholimon avanosicum sp.nov. (A) habit; (B) spikelet; (C) outer bract; (D,E) inner bracts; (F) calyx; (G) bracts. 1cm A 1cm BC D E F G Figure 2. Distribution of Acantholimon avanosicum sp.nov. (᭡), A. confertiflorum (᭹), and A.dianthifolium (⧫). © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 138, 365–368 NEW SPECIES OF ACANTHOLIMON FROM TURKEY 367 Diagnosis: A. confertifloro Bokhari l.c. affinis sed 1. Spikelets 9–13mm; scapes foliis vernalibus subulatis 13–32mm longis, margine with 3–6 scales minute ciliato; caulibus 40–60mm longis e foliis 2. Scapes longer than leaves; exsertis 5–6 foliatis; spicis 15–40mm longis; bracteis outer bract shorter than inner Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/botlinnean/article-abstract/138/3/365/2433727 by MIDDLE EASTTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY user on 24 July 2020 4.5–6mm longis ovato–lanceolatis acuminatis vel cus- bracts, 4.5–6mm; scapes with pidatis; bracteolis 6–7mm longis oblongo–lanceolatis 5–6 scales; calyx 8–10mm ........... A. avanosicum mucronatis, marginibus hyalinis; calycibus 8–10mm 2. Scapes shorter than leaves; longis, limbo 4mm diametro. outer bract longer than inner bracts, c. 9mm; scapes with Description: Laxly pulvinate glaucous shrublet. Leaves 3–4 scales; calyx 11–12mm.......... A. confertiflorum subulate, 13–32 ¥ 1–1.5mm, smooth, scabridulous on margins. Scapes simple, 40–60mm, longer than leaves, DISCUSSION with overlapping 5–6 scales, glabrous. Spikes densely distichous, 15–40mm, with 6–14 spikelets; internode c. Acantholimon avanosicum is certainly related to the 3mm. Spikelets 1-flowered, 9–10mm. Bracts glabrous; endemic species A. confertiflorum which is an Ir.-Tur. outer bract 4.5–6mm, calcareous-punctate, ovate- element and grows in a small area between Bozkir (C4 lanceolate, acuminate-aristate, hyaline except for Konya) and Ermenek (C4 Karaman) in Turkey. This veins; inner bracts 6–7mm, oblong-lanceolate, keeled, new species, A. avanosicum appears to be different hyaline except veins, mucronate. Calyx infundibular, from A. dianthifolium because of its habitat prefer- 8–10mm, sparsely pilose on tube; limb white, 5- lobed, ences and morphological characteristics. A. dianthi- lobes obtuse, c. 4mm in diameter; veins brownish, not folium grows on rocky slopes in Hakkari (C9 & C10) excurrent, disappearing below margin, sparsely pilose where it is found at 2070–3600m. It has flat, linear- to middle of limb. Petals pink. lanceolate leaves and larger spikelets (12–15mm) and calyx (11–13mm) and thus is quite different from A. confertiflorum as well as A. avanosicum. A. Phenology: Fl. 7–8, argillaceous slopes in Astragalus avanosicum is more closely related to A. confertiflorum steppe. than A. dianthifolium. A. avanosicum differs from A. confertiflorum on Ecology: This new species grows on argillaceous the basis of leaves, scapes, spikes, spikelets, bracts slopes, between Avanos and Hacibektas in Nevsehir and calyx properties. Leaves are ± subulate, 13–32mm (B5) with Astragalus microcephalus Willd. and various long and scabridulous on margins in A. avanosicum, grasses of the Central Anatolian steppe. while they are narrowly linear, ± subulate, 30–50mm long and glabrous on margins in A. confertiflorum. The scapes of A. avanosicum are 40–60mm long, Distribution: Central Anatolia (B5 Nevsehir). longer than leaves and having 5–6 scales, but in Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. A. confertiflorum they are shorter than leaves and having 3–4 scales. Outer bract of A. avanosicum Status: It is known only from the type locality and appears to be calcareous punctuate, 4.5–6mm long, another place 3 km away from the type locality on the ovate-lanceolate and acuminate-aristate but in A. con- road to Hacibektas from Avanos in Nevsehir (B5). The fertiflorum, it is glabrous, c. 9mm long lanceolate- population seems to be small and scattered. Therefore triangular and acute. In A. confertiflorum, the calyx it should be graded as Critically Endangered (CR) is 11–13mm long, its limb spreading open, 7–8mm in category (IUCN, 2001) because of its local distribution diameter and calyx tube obscurely 5–10 veined, while and small population size. in A. avanosicum, calyx is 8–10mm long, having funnel shaped limb c. 4mm in diameter. Calyx tube is Etymology: Named in honour of Avanos, an interest- clearly 5- veined. ing historical town in Nevsehir because of its well- These two species are also different in their habitat known ancient underground settlements, in the preferences because A. confertiflorum grows on chalk vicinity of which the type was collected. hills between 1100 and 1500m altitude while A. avanosicum is found on argillaceous slopes between A REVISED KEY TO Acantholimon 950 and 1000m. The identification key includes existing Turkish SPECIES WITH DENSELY DISTICHOUS Acantholimon species, A. confertiflorum, A. avano- SIMPLE SPIKES IN TURKEY sicum and A. dianthifolium, in which one can see 1. Spikelets 12–15mm; scapes densely distichous spikes and the outer bracts are usually without scales ................. A. dianthifolium twice as long as the internodes. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 138, 365–368 368 M. DOGAN and G. AKAYDIN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bokhari MH, Edmondson JR. 1982. Acantholimon Boiss. In: Davis PH, ed. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean The authors wish to thank the Regius Keeper of the Islands, Vol. 7. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh (E.) for making the 478–502. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/botlinnean/article-abstract/138/3/365/2433727 by MIDDLE EASTTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY user on 24 July 2020 duplicates of Davis’ material of Acantholimon avail- Brummitt RK, Powell CE. (eds.) 1992. Authors of plant able as a gift to Professor Musa Dogˇan, the Scientific names. Royal Botanic. Gardens, Kew, London. ISBN 947- and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) 643-44-3. for their financial assistance for the revision of Acan- Davis PH. (ed.) 1988. Acantholimon Boiss. In: Davis PH tholimon in Turkey and Mr A. Sargın from the Min- ed. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 10. istry of Environment in Ankara for his drawing of the Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 212. species. Thanks are also due to the following herbaria IUCN. 2001. Red List Categories: Version 3.1. Prepared by the for making their material available: ANK, GAZI and IUCN Species Survival Commission, IUCN, Gland, Switzer- HUB.
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