: OCTOBER 14, 2010 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * $2.00 THIS WEEK FOOD OKTOBERFEST Bring on the best of the wurst PAGE 26 Home Frönt by BlockShopper House calls Which local residence sold, and for how much? Turn to Home Front to find out PAGE 19 Inside! Priva te CROWNING Maine East seniors Soo Hun Lee and Zenya Yap are crowned homecoming king and queen during the Oct. 7 homecoming rally at Maine East. PAGE 5 Schools ACHIEVEMENT (Suzanne Tennant/Staff Photographer) Start here withahealth care career. 9OE-$'TLOgii S31IN . iSla LS NO..LWJOt0959 Attend a free Health Care Information Session. AèIkJèj 3I1 S1IN iSIs Aèj8Ii3IlEjn1j S1IN Health Information Technology T00OO 5o 8o6og Wednesday, October 20, at 6 p.m., Des Plaines Campus, Room i 604 For more information, call 847.635.1700. (:i1z1yWi 1600 East Golf Road, Des Plaineswww.oakton.edu 'V'Community College A PIONEER PRESS PURLICAIION 'GIL www.pioneeriocal.com www.pioneeroca.com NIL 'IHLtSDSY, SCTOSER14, 2010 Coat & Warm Clothing Drivé! Help make a difference in our community by dropping off a donation of new or gently used coats, scarves or mittens at any of our Chicagoland Branch Offices or - you can bring your donation to any Baird & Warner "Open House" through Oct. 24th We will wake sure your donation gets to where the need is greatest in our local communities. Thanks for caring! Morton Grove $893,000 CflOotgo $084,900 Skekie $SSO,000Llncolneseod $900,000 Sloekfs $349,000 i 1, 05 5220kW $srv,000MortonGr000 3299.999Morton Grove $299.000Okokis, t9S2Lock,vood 3299,000Skekle 3299,300 2-23,go.Ivn.dvIvp34e44lrr 10003133187 pky,p,L 14203143151 n/,nohv,,,134,0331,130, 10004433035 pn,,h&nvv 01,45081 10303100235 3n.ir010vledOl,pl 0304433381 ,.,:1J .7319,0 oral rot orri4000Nr broyer 50 pools WitI' 01130 04k "nOt, 4e gnons 44441 -'s 3 roflornino Who o n tmnoform tired moms Into 343mo làry new livingpecr,for Nor 0m thon paveo rdreanred posoiblo Krtohen, b srm nt m InI vitnwh t ver 84300 5070,900 Skokoo $273,000 hvan300r - $267.500500kb $249,030 Skelsis $249.000 3.113 1510313,13,3 4,03,100313 11,3,111 31044 EmIly 43k. Novo, M415S410353,01500100033,530d/2b44,gt15,331223d,l,37e,4310h403.34511300,34317, 473410204211304 4271v 4.34 1g lnen,IvoIo free 343 vil tino todoy 10334434231 v3,fl3r14314.G,334 1343,11 14303124223 &hvgelt,olt. 14333131330 314. 23005,103204431d. 10322303334 0314.4733lilonvplo,34, 10294300221 posh vr In mind, n 1117 the br t in the b, ire olor CalI 888.349.1714 tor a complimentary inshome consultation spEciAl FIWAPICING 2.99%* 0333550 Nos- Coil For 285435! Nibs $245,000Llneolnwood $373,000 Motvn300,062380s23tgo5d311 1133,3e MertoeGnent 3344,750 3203inOr3383sosotSLaeoflaO $333,330 2,1303,31 hly,,24v1fl13 OrloOr,3 ,pdslod Ck3n,34o110208lnsdll030InIOloi 05,1,31 Spe,14303bliOhtnO,1 103404vn313111.s3- 03343113r31 2r341450354-33n1r100443131 011n41343,,vrdo 0335103113,1731d,I o4flo AROOMI LjnOnI,mv4d000003319n0b4W1440 100055,L,nnolnA43.LOovhnov3dfOp3nr720330030 I Open Ploya 3032k 00030/033011451 12n1403p,no 10304523430 ,,Iom,,nvno4snln,ne. 14302402342 ,ssoke,113,133,hirg,nd. 10333035433 4h13 s20-hognIlIdlos500 10334403131 03343312543,1I,,0,h,l,. 14303103310 soysnillo Homo 0331go tlwo,vom I 0704 u,,omu,o, OoperViIlo 030lon003r3On 114-113-1333 LlrvP4lp.4 4,3-no-lev 1334 0133344k 113-343-134310300n374311r23 130-113-18330311to100 344-431-1033 CUSTOM HOMES HOME ADDITIONS KITCHENS BATHS BASEMENTS I Sqrrnniy15ubvvo nhy of 713 ilsrnes3ro,sn hose ojoirnply nnite'i140dn1 bài-rdwarner.c-om ID N'lilibn° n OsI h'nrliopapr FAST FIND Hou. tIlt' THURSDAY, OCIaStE 14, 2015 4 wWw.pioneerloCal.com 51L'THURISAS 051550 14 tO ManagingJlditor: Matt Schmitz l'hosses (708) 524-4123 mochmitz@pionrerlocal,cem T4ocal News THIS WEEK: POntE RD WIDEMINO NEARLY DONE j SCHOOLs: RUINE EAST StOUtS tHAKtUPtOtEOtICOMEDY ACCIDENT: HiltS EttIDEtit STRUCK OH CAR j BUSINES5S MUttl'CHAUtER ERRO SHOWCASES ANCA BIOI U.S. STATE'S ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Nuesman charged in home repairscamstargeting elderly Scheme allegedly has here indicted On two resets employre in charge nf wrieiag vioring them io raSnance their U.S. AiEeraey'n OfSae. of mire fraud. rantrauts forjaba. homes to pay for Iba ropoirs In 2504 the city of Chicega ab- involved victims Arrant warrants na charges Tho rompaey names includ- while turniog 00cc o"subston- tamed a parmaneot injsartiaa of wire Ornad wore also issUed ed New Leak Hama Sarvirre, tini portion of Che reSaanvs'0g egaloet New Lash Heme Sor- paying for pricey for Daniel Sultieaa's brother, Inc.; J&D Heme Sarciren, One.; prooeedo" directly in their rem. vioen and Jobo Snllican, pm- John J. Sullivan, 47, et Surprise, A-Z Hemp Serelees; and Ccc- pony, Uhr U.S. Attorney's 015er hibiting them frem participat- work never done Arie., fermnrlyafNorthbroek, irerE Services. Angie ney mey is Ehe home-re- and Patrick R. Reoany, 52, of Between 2002 and 2006 the The men then allegedly failed pair indantry in Ehe city the in- Nerthbrook. three wan allegedly neommad to eowplesr the repairs prom- dictment states, A Nitos men has Oseen indict- Aerurdingie Ihr U.S. State's noosepeeiSed number of nid- lard to ihr homeowners. Sack rosat of wire frond car- odin an alleged home-repair Atierary's OfSoe the Outlives erly homeownars oc Chiraga'a The mas also falsely claimed rion e mens'mum penalty of SR feasd srhemo targetieg eldor- brulhnrsuwned four home-re- South and West sides by telliog on adeertinieg Dyers that their years in prmnas, a $200,000 Eme ly residents in Chicago. pair lausierssrs io Chicago nod them ecpensieo repeira to their companies roerr lieeasrd, bond- and mandatory restitatian. Daniel Sulliean, 44,00 Nitos, Nitre, while Roeaey was their homos w ore aeeesaary nod ron- ed end insared, according to the Cammast;piocueerloratram Pool hall toopen nextmonth nermed to hace no problems, hot Village board ihr board did not ospport Ihr idea of requiring necurity. mandates VillageTrustee Joseph LoVerdr said orrarity woe a gang training, but good ideo, but ha did ant believe not security guard the dilaga should mandate it. Give your home a complete exterior makeover ... for less than it would cost you to sell it! Wouldn't you like to No alcohol will br sold at Cha dramatically increase your herne's value for e fraction of the cost of moving? Elevadons is ready todo just that, with the best materials fuollity. on the market and the unmatched quality and energy standards of our proprietaryWeatherEzatlonTe process. We'll do it all without By TRACS GRUEN "It should be avery quics up- touching the interior, and Yvish within a few wcehc of the day we start. And the result is a timeless asset cf trulyelevated beauty, Ce rIciN ator ernimon," said Commsaity De- velopment Director Chuch Oso- performance and value, We call it CssrbEppeapa .You'll call it perfect. Call or visit Elevations today, The olingo of Nues mill seos moss, hace ils fOnt billiardo hell nod said that nftar the Ihr monagar end statt will re- moneger end Stoff members cc- Call 888.616.4686 for a free consultation. onice gong-nweraaaas training. reine gnog-awnrnaess training The billiards ball, which will they ovili hnaw whet te bob for OOOFF0 tenture Il billiard toblrn aed ano and thon they con set their awe /) EVERYWNOWt', pool table, will lihaly Opas in roles soUth the praper toanwledga, about a month ai Golf Oleo such us sos allowing certain hats Ahappiog Center, SSNO W. Galt Rood. The busisens esili be apeo Paul ttolpalo, attnrsny far the from 11a.m. 102a.m. petitionec Christina Jasng, cold NilesiPalike Chief Oras Stro- billiards halt sore ver y popular elarhi réoomméadod tour honra among the Korean vulture. The ELEVATIONS i efgnag-awat'esanairas'niag by fenulity oleo incladen on elnclrir- EXTERIOR RENOVATIONS POR YOUR HOME the Nitos Pollee Department 01 mmc oreo, free W'doisernire und PLUS no interest or payments fori full year**e She Aoguai villoge board meet- six free Internet obliano. Gsm- All ereroy-effvort replccemorrt windows elluible fue the 1,500 Too Credit ing, Tha Suard of Trostorn ap- hung will oat be permitted. proved the gong-0warenesn At the August boord meeting www.myelevations.com training. Sat trustees deaird 1hz Linsolewood RaCOR Design Showroom 6825 N. Liecole Ave., Liecolewoort (Opec 7 days e week Osiman slated that s'mre tUte bil- chlora recomsonadatioa of bar- liard hou is Ike Oral special sao Neperoilie Horero 005ign Showreew I 2764 Aurore Ave., Nepervillel Opec 7 days e week ingasarorily guord in pIece for this purposa, Statt plans to otter 7p.m. ecaluate it nod communicate "This is new io Nilrs," Otra- with the Potion Dapnrtmynt eleohi said. "I wastad them lo throughout the peor. They will ha oduratod io gongaworasess." then abaca their lindiags with Arcordisg tonanreny 0Cc bu- 'Offer eoliA os asasesoe sea RsoiR need eeylsaomset oleanwe. "ORee eolia os oflolo-heern soslalss erle asles cussomse's cheles ofnaeaisadlcsesoaaes, "No 0550,5 or psamsot otSor IImlSed a the Plan Commission und Zon- to loses peouldod by EesRsk USA es spesoeoa aeoals. Reroemset 55Cm, core Cram aale 55e mecths.17.S1X tIssa APR sunloes 5e chars,. all oes,, 11,015,4 telobs aarsesetod by Oatebor 5e, 2010. Hyping up Homecoming The ahrertedders AReA Ihn earetH w balare mAleO Ihr triA IsOlo the Oal.f lorda rooms Sirnelerhi anid the ing Board nl Appeals. Othor aoedi005s ara rlmiSatlees 000ly. ask yen, EI,assloes mrmneerstiae 5es aomelsto doSoll,. haweaseict rallY at Mslce tssl. ISue500r teoosrtltlett ptataaeaphsrl 000ilitiea chat hove security Comment; pinseertorotrorer 6 news www.piooeeriocal.com NILTHURSDAY, OCTOBER14,2010 N PIONEER PRESS POBLICRTIIN 'NIL Www.pioHe8rtOcal.com news 7 MAINE EAST HIGH SCHOOL ELECTION 2010 * 805RLICAL105RCE * INSIDE THIS WEEK Shakespearean shenanigans CALENDAR 27 Recessionabeoverbut 'ohs stillscarce CROSSWORD BOO By JOHN BOSZKOWSKI Moine EosL High School's FILM CLIPS 04 jresehoes biB pion icr loa a loIrs Drame Deportment will present OPINION Dl "The Complete Works of Williaso Jobs and Ihn eeonomyrnill Shobespeare (Abridged)" el '1120 PSLICL BLO1'IES 20 once again be the top issues p.m.
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