QQ AnonAnon PostsPosts AnalyzedAnalyzed ► In the post above, current “Q” anon proves he or they are not military intelligenceintelligence nornor dodo theythey havehave anyany typetype ofof legitimatelegitimate intelligence.intelligence. TheThe document “Q” refers to is not about Flynn. It was merely filed by LeeAnn Flynn Hall - the County clerk! It has nothing to do with FISA warrants on Flynn, as “Q” suggests. This “Q” anon seems to claim there was a FISA on Flynn at the time they took out the FISA spy warrants on Carter Page. Those warrants on Page were in were in October of 2016. Yet Flynn was under surveillance way before that when Trump wasn´t even running for office. So this FISA corruption during the Trump campaign has nothing to do with Flynn international FISA warrants from years before he was even targeted under Trump. Flynn was under surveillance ever since he leftleft thethe DIADIA inin 21042104 andand TrumpTrump waswas notnot eveneven runningrunning forfor officeoffice atat thethe time.time. So Flynn was not a Trump associate target at that time. Nor had any Russia collusion narrative been concocted by the Obama team yet either. That happened only in 2016. Manafort had been spied on since 2014 also, as noted in the video below. This link explains when Flynn left the DIA: https://foreignpolicy.com/2014/04/30/defense-intelligence-agencys- flynn-leaving-after-rocky-tenure/ ► Flynn took on his job in 2012, clearly during the Obama time. What “Q” claims about Flynn thus is non-applicable. This because there were no FISA warrants on Flynn or Manafort at the time Trump decided to run for office and when Cross-Fire Hurricane initiated in the Obama – Susan Rice 2016 meeting as an attempt to pin a DNC hack on the Russians in order to cover-up the murder of Seth Rich. Then this turned into Cross-Fire Hurricane to target the Trump campaign. Flynn and Manafort were already being spied upon. In fact, Flynn was long ago under surveillance before these incidents with Trump. More “Q” posts which easily can be shown to be incorrect. Here is the FISC link “Q” refers to: https://www.fisc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/MIsc %2019%2002%20191217.pdf ThisThis narrativenarrative onon thethe initiationinitiation ofof Cross-Fire-HurricaneCross-Fire-Hurricane hashas beenbeen well covered in this post here on Steemit: TheThe ShadowShadow JusticeJustice SystemSystem Exposed!Exposed! TheThe BarrBarr –– HorowitzHorowitz SESSES DeepDeep StateState && TheThe ShadowShadow GovernmentGovernment TacticsTactics ofof deceptiondeception exposedexposed TargetTarget && exonerateexonerate DeepDeep StateState SESSES membersmembers UntouchablesUntouchables xx TargetTarget && prosecuteprosecute PatriotsPatriots Tactics of Shadow Government Fake Justice Exposed https://busy.org/@motherlibertynow/shadow-government-and- deep-state-operatives-banning-mother-liberty-exposed ► As you can see and as I have explained, these SES swamp creatures areare operativesoperatives ofof The Shadow Government and runrun aa ShadowShadow JusticeJustice SystemSystem wherewhere DeepDeep StateState SESSES membersmembers involvedinvolved inin thethe Cross-Fire Hurricane crimescrimes areare targetedtargeted andand exonerated while the Patriots are targeted and prosecuted by Weissmann and the angry Democrats, by Mueller corrupt Star Chamber judges such as Amy Berman Jackson,, byby thethe SESSES 500500 corrupt attorneys. In the meantime, the wife of Rosenstein Lisa Barsoomian protects the Shadow Government in their crimes. Rosenstein also needs to go to jail as he signed the fake FISA applications, among others. But because of the Shadow Government tactics of stalling justice, target and exonerate, practically none of them will go to jail, perhaps only a few long- hanging fruit and fall guys. The rest will walk. These “Q” posts are analyzed here also: >>5232 >>5228 This post above is not correctly representing the facts. TheThe aboveabove imageimage postpost byby fakefake “Q”“Q” anonanon refersrefers toto thisthis linklink here:here: https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/967231/download Download & read the document, it says ComeyComey notnot CorneyCorney as “Q” anon & team claim! >>42644 >>42649 ► In a series of posts as noted below, Q-Source-X provesproves “Q”“Q” anon is a lie, a hoax, a fraud, fake and defrauding the public with disinformation, lies, misleading people! So Source-X has not only proven “Q” anon to be a fraudulent operation, but now has laid grounds for the prosecution of “Q” for lying to the American people, defrauding the American people, pretending to associated with POTUS, which is criminal impersonation, defrauding people of money via the “Patriot Soap Box”, defraudingdefrauding Q-Source-XQ-Source-X byby stealingstealing his one million dollar reward,, paidpaid toto PamphletPamphlet AnonAnon atat thethe PatriotPatriot Soap Box. PamphletPamphlet andand hishis boardboard atat Q-ResearchQ-Research onon 8-chan8-chan claimedclaimed they had posted the information which Q-Source-X posted and then claimed a one million dollar reward for information and research they had not posted, thus defrauding Q-Source-X of the one million dollar reward. Further,Further, thesethese peoplepeople whowho workwork forfor thisthis soso called Patriot Soap Box are ex criminals and carry secret FBI informantinformant guns.guns. NemoNemo isis anan exex convict.convict. PamphletPamphlet anan informantinformant carrying a gun. Others are anti-Trump and pretend to be pro Trump. Others never voted and run the scam. Pamphlet uses his father´s basement and company to do the mass promotion of fake Q on Youtube. Many people investigating this have created Youtube videos explaining all of this around a year ago. The “Patriot Soap Box” team have used the one million reward they stole from Q- Source-X to do mass social media campaigns on Twitter and Reddit as well, hiring an army of trolls and people they recruit on boards, Reddit. They push out the fake “Q” memes, #Qsent meme hashtagshashtags and convince an army of duped patriots and Trump supporters that they are “saving the planet”,, thatthat therethere willwill bebe mass arrests,, thatthat there are mass sealed indictments. All of this is a lie, a larp, a hoax. As Source-X has explained, none of this can take place until we first Restore The Republic. Source-X has posted The Blue-Print For the New Republic, The Plan to Save the Planet and the Steps To Restore The Republic. (See the Mother Liberty Steemit posts for details). In these new series of posts from the last week, Q-Source-X has proven the Q anon fraud, lie. All those supposed sealed indictments are nothing but procedural documents and Anti-School on Youtube did a great expose on this a full year ago. And now these scammers and larpers, after being take-down two months ago, re-surfaced recently on the Internet and new Q discussion boards have been created. Former duped followers and researchers were conscripted again to continue where they left off, being convinced that this new “Q” poster is legit and that he is part of the Trump administration, taking-down the cabal. This is a crime. It is a disinformation war. ThisThis warwar isis beingbeing wagedwaged uponupon thethe AmericanAmerican peoplepeople byby thethe Deep State SES and their rogue Intel agents who have hired this “Patriot Soap Box” and their criminal group to do their work for them, telling all to trust bad SES actorsactors suchsuch asas SESsions, Huber, Wray, all swamp creatures protecting the SES swamp. Nobody can fool Q-Source-X.Q-Source-X. ThisThis isis thethe sourcesource ofof thethe saucesauce and once again these deep state Intel agents running this fake “Q” psyop are sending you down rabbit holes wasting your time! See the attached files at the links above. These facts on Flynn & Manafort are explained in this video here starting 25 minutes in: https://www.bitchute.com/video/X0OZKFn9UBjU/ Although we do not agree with all that AIM concludes with regards to Barr, the information on the warrants is relevant. This video above exposes the Horror Witch as well: Please see these relevant past posts: Fake "Q" anon lies exposed here also: Who Is The Elf on a Shelf? https://busy.org/@motherlibertynow/who-is-the-elf-on-a-shelf And here: TheThe MerchantsMerchants ofof DisinformationDisinformation Exposed!!Exposed!! https://busy.org/@motherlibertynow/the-merchants-of- disinformation-exposed CloudFlareCloudFlare && QanonQanon CIACIA MK-UltraMK-Ultra ControlControl && CensorshipCensorship Exposed!Exposed! https://busy.org/@motherlibertynow/reason-for-cloudflare- blocking-8-chan-qanon-exposed 8-chan8-chan “Q”“Q” -- FBIFBI –– CIACIA HoneytrapHoneytrap exposed!exposed! https://busy.org/@motherlibertynow/8-chan-q-qtards- fbi-cia-honeytrap-exposed Chan board also exposed banning, editing and removing Q-Source-X posts: TheseThese sitessites havehave beenbeen caughtcaught pushingpushing thethe fakefake “Q”“Q” anonanon larplarp ¨¨&& attemptingattempting toto preventprevent youyou fromfrom discoveringdiscovering thethe truth!truth! HereHere isis anan imageimage PartPart 11 ofof thethe deleteddeleted posts:posts: HereHere isis anan imageimage PartPart 22 ofof thethe deleteddeleted posts:posts: TheThe twotwo keykey indexindex imagesimages cancan bebe foundfound herehere also:also: https://tinyurl.com/yx7zq6dfhttps://tinyurl.com/yx7zq6df andand here:here: https://tinyurl.com/uw8v3wehttps://tinyurl.com/uw8v3we ManyMany ofof thesethese deleteddeleted postsposts && muchmuch ofof thisthis informationinformation beingbeing bannedbanned
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