PART I: GENERAL STUDIES 1. Through which of the following pairs of the states Kaveri rivers flows :- (a) Andhra Pradesh – Tamil Nadu (b) Karnataka – Tamil Nadu (c) Maharashtra – Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka – Maharashtra 2. According to Census 2011, which of the following states of India have least population density? (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Mizoram (c) Sikkim (d) Nagaland 3. Which one of the following is not correctly matched:- National Parks - States (a) Corbet - Uttarakhand (b) Dachigam - Jammu & Kashmir (c) Manas - Madhya Pradesh (d) Periyar - Kerala 4. Which one of the following countries is the largest producer of coal in the world? (a) U.S.A. (b) China (c) India (d) Australia 5. Along which of the following the Konkan Railway route runs:- (a) Himadri (b) Western Ghats (c) Eastern Ghats (d) Nilgiri Hills 6. For which of the following Firozabad is famous? (a) Cotton textile industry (b) Information technology (c) Chemical fertilizer industry (d) Cottage glass industry 7. Which of the following rivers is known as the “Sorrow of China”? (a) Yangtze Kiang (b) Sikiang (c) Hwang Ho (d) None of the above GEC 2 SERIES-A [k.M& I lkekU; v/;;u 1. fuEufyf[kr jkT;ksa ds tksMksa esa fdl ls gksdj dkosjh unh cgrh gS %& (a) vk/kazizns”k&rfey ukMw (b) dukZVd&rfey ukMw (c) egkjk’Vª&vk/kzaizns”k (d) dukZVd&egkjk’Vª 2. tux.kuk 2011 ds vuqlkj Hkkjr ds fuEufyf[kr jkT;ksa esa ls dkSu jkT; lc ls de tula[;k ?kuRo okyk jkT; gS\ (a) v#.kkpy izns”k (b) fetksje (c) flfDde (d) ukxkySaM 3. fuEufyf[kr esa dkSu ,d lqesfyr ughughughaugh aaa gS %& jk’Vªh; m|m|kukukuku jkT;jkT;jkT; (a) dkcsZV & mÙkjk[k.M (b) nkphxe & tEew ,oa d”ehj (c) ekukl & e/; izns”k (d) ifj;kj & dsjy 4. fuEufyf[kr ns”kksa es dkSu lalkj dk lc ls vf/kd dks;yk dk mRiknd gS\ (a) la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk (b) phu (c) Hkkjr (d) vkLVªsfy;k 5. fuEufyf[kr esa fdl ls gksdj dksadu jsy ekxZ xqt+jrk gS %& (a) fgekfnz (b) if”peh ?kkV (c) iwohZ ?kkV (d) uhyfxjh igkfM;k¡ 6. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fQjkst+kckn fdl ds fy, izfl) gS %& (a) lwrh oL= m|ksx (b) lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh (c) jlk;fud moZjd m|ksx (d) dkap dqVhj m|ksx 7. fuEu ufn;ksa esa ls fdl unh dks ^phu dk “kksd* dgk tkrk gS\ (a) ;kxRlh D;kxa (b) lhD;kxa (c) gkaxgks (d) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugh GEC 3 SERIES-A 8. In which of the following spheres the ozone layer lies? (a) Ionosphere (b) Photosphere (c) Stratosphere (d) Troposphere 9. Kirghiz tribes are the inhabitants of:- (a) Congo Basin (b) Kalahari Desert (c) Arctic Tundra Region (d) Central Asia 10. India accounts for what percentage of the world population? (a) 11.02 (b) 12.40 (c) 13.28 (d) 16.70 11. Which of the following states is the most populous state of India according to 2011 Census? (a) Bihar (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) West Bengal (d) Maharashtra 12. Which of the following plants is a bio diesel plant? (a) Jawa grass (b) Jatropha (c) Guggul (d) Rosha grass 13. Based on percentage of World Population - 2010, select the descending sequence of the following continents:- (a) Africa, Europe, North America, South America (b) Europe, North America, South America, Africa (c) North America, Europe, Africa, South America (d) Europe, Africa, South America, North America 14. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes:- List-I (Mineral Fuel) List-II (Highest Producing Countries-2009) A. Uranium 1. China B. Coal 2. Saudi Arabia C. Crude Petroleum 3. U.S.A. D. Natural Gas 4. Canada Code: A B C D (a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 3 4 1 2 (c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 1 2 3 4 GEC 4 SERIES-A 8. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl e.My esa vkstksu ijr fLFkr gS\ (a) vk;ru e.My (b) izdk”k e.My (c) lerki e.My (d) {kksHk e.My 9. fdjxht tutkfr fuEu esa ls fdl ds fuoklh gSa\ (a) dkaxks csflu (b) dkykgkjh e#LFky (c) vkdZfVd VqaMªk {ks= (d) e/; ,f”k;k 10. fo”o dh tula[;k esa Hkkjr dh tula[;k fdrus izfr”kr gS\ (a) 11-02 (b) 12-40 (c) 13-28 (d) 16-70 11. fuEufyf[kr jkT;ksa esa tux.kuk 2011 ds vuqlkj Hkkjr dk dkSu jkT; lc ls vf/kd tula[;k okyk jkT; gS\ (a) fcgkj (b) mÙkj izns”k (c) if”peh caxky (d) egkjk’Vª 12. fuEufyf[kr ikS/kksa esa ls dkSu ck;ksM+hty ikS/kk gS\ (a) tkok ?kkl (b) jru tksr (c) xqXxy (d) jks”kk ?kkl 13. fo”o tula[;k izfr”kr 2010 ds vk/kkj ij fuEuyf[kr egk}hiksa dk lgh vojksgh Øe p;u dhft, %& (a) vÝhdk] ;wjksi] mÙkjh vesjhdk] nf{k.kh vesjhdk (b) ;wjksi] mÙkjh vesjhdk] nf{k.kh vesjhdk] vÝhdk (c) mÙkjh vesjhdk] ;wjksi] vÝhdk] nf{k.kh vesjhdk] (d) ;wjksi] vÝhdk] nf{k.kh vesjhdk] mÙkjh vesjhdk 14. lwph& I dks lwph& II ls lqesfyr dhft, rc fn;s x;s dwV¨a esa ls lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft, %& lwph& I ¼[kfut ÅtkZ½ lwph& II ¼loksZPp mRiknd ns”k 2009½ A. ;wjsfu;e 1- phu B. dks;yk 2- lÅnh vjc C. [kfut rsy 3- ;w0,l0,0 D. izkÑfrd xSl 4- dukMk dwV% A B C D (a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 3 4 1 2 (c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 1 2 3 4 GEC 5 SERIES-A 15. Which of the following is the large scale map: - (a) Physical map of the world (b) Political map of India (c) Road map of Uttarakhand (d) Topographical map of Dehradun 16. Sri Jayawardene P ura is the capital of which of the following countries: - (a) Maldives (b) Thailand (c) Sri Lanka (d) Cambodia 17. Which of the following countries receives the maximum solar insolation in the month of January:- (a) Egypt (b) Kenya (c) Congo (d) Botswana 18. Identify the Atomic Power Station which is not correctly located on the given map of India: - (a) Rawatbhatta (b) Narora (c) Tarapur (d) Kaiga 19. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: - List-I (Ports) List-II( States) A. Haldia 1. Tamil Nadu B. Tuticorin 2. West Bengal C. Mangalore 3. Gujarat D. Kandla 4. Karnataka Codes: A B C D (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 3 4 1 2 (c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 1 2 3 4 20. For which of the following ‘Chal Khal ’ is made in the hills of Uttarakhand? (a) Protection of landslide (b) Conservation of water (c) Protection of wild life (d) For irrigation 15. fuEufyf[ky esa c`gr eki d ekufp= dkSu gS %& (a) lalkj dk HkkSfrd ekufp= (b) Hkkjr dk jktuhfrd ekufp= (c) mÙkjk[k.M dk lM+d ekufp= (d) nsgjknwu dk VksiksxzkfQdy ekufp= 16. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl ns”k dh jkt/kkuh Jh t;onsZukiqjqj gS\ (a) ekynho (b) FkkbZySaM (c) Jhyadk (d) dEcksfM;k 17. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ns”k tuojh ekg esa lokZf/kd lw;Zrki izkIr djrk gS\ (a) feL= (b) dsfu;k (c) dkaxks (d) cksRLokuk 18. Hkkjr ds fn;s x;s ekufp= esa ml ijek.kq mtkZ LVs”ku dks pqfu, tks lgh ughughughaugh aaa n”kkZ;k x;k gS %& (a) jkorHkêk (b) ujksjk (c) rkjkiqj (d) dSxk 19. lqph& I dk lwph& II ls lqesyu dhft, vkSj fn;s x;s dwVksa es ls lgh mÙkj dk p;u dh ft, %& lwph& I ¼cUnjxkg½ lwph& II ¼jkT;½ A. gfYn;k 1- rfey ukMw B. rqrhdksju 2- if”peh caxky C. eaxykSj 3- xqtjkr D. dkanyk 4- dukZVd dwV% A B C D (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 3 4 1 2 (c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 1 2 3 4 20. mÙkjk[k.M dh igkfM;ksa esa ^pky [kky * fuEu esa ls fdl ds fy, cus gksrs gS\ (a) Hkw[kyu fu;a=.k (b) ty&laj{k.k (c) ou tho laj{k.k (d) flapkbZ ds fy, 21. Which of the following is known as the ‘Boiling Tal’ of Uttarakhand? (a) Bhaink Tal (b) Veni Tal (c) Bayan Tal (d) Badani Tal 22. Which of the following Puranas has the description of Uttarakhand? (a) Airtaiy Brahmana (b) Skand Purana (c) Manas and Kedarkhand (d) Garun Purana 23. Who was the first and only member from the British Kumaon Division (Kumaon and British Garhwal) in the Legislative Assembly of the United Provinces of Agra and Awadh (after independence):- (a) Gobind Ballabh Pant (b) Victor Mohan Joshi (c) Barrister Mukundi Lal (d) Tara Dutt Gairola 24. How many square metre land area is covered under one Nali in hills of Uttarakhand:- (a) 100 m 2 (b) 200 m2 (c) 500 m 2 (d) 1000 m 2 25. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the given codes:- List-I (Temples) List-II (Places) A. Kim Kaleshwar Temple 1. Almora B. Chitai Temple 2. Pauri C. Tapkeshwar Temple 3. Nainital D. Garjia Devi Temple 4. Dehradun Codes A B C D (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 1 4 3 (c) 3 2 1 4 (d) 2 1 3 4 GEC 8 SERIES-A 21. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu mÙkjk[k.M dk ^mcyrk rky* dgykrk gS\ (a) Hksadrky (b) os.khrky (c) c;k¡rky (d) cnk¡.khrky 22.
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