l llllll lllll illll lilll lllll lllil ililililililililililt ililililililt ilililililil| 108222014001509 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SECBuilding, EDSA, Greenhills, MandaluyongCity, MetroManita,phitippines Tel:(632) 726-0931 to 39 Fax(632)725-S293Emait: [email protected] Barcode Page The following document has been received: Receiving Officer/Encoder : Dharril Curaffes Receiving Branch : SEC Head Office Receipt Date and Time : August 22, 2014 04:47:25 pM Received From : Head Office Company Representative Doc Source Company Information SEC Registration No. 0000060s66 Company Name CENTURY PROPERTIES GROUP INC. Industry Classification Real Estate Activities Company Type Stock Corporation Document Information Document lD 108222014001 509 Document Type GENEML INFORMATION SHEET Document Code GIS Period Covered July 23, 2014 No. of Days Late 0 Department CED/CFD/CRMD/MRD Remarks FOR THE YEAR 2014 STOCK CORI'ORiATI'ON GENEML INSTRUCTIONS: SU$TTTEo WITHIN THIRTY (30) CAT.ENDAR DAYS FROII, THE DATE OF THE FoR USER coRPoRATIoN: THIS GIs SHoTJLD BE \' A^d |^^o| c lS Nor APPLICABLE ro srocKHoLDERs, I/EETTNG. Do M)T LEAVE ANY lTEll Bl-AllK. WRITE 1,14.' lF TilE INFORMATION REQUIRED coRpoRAloN oR.loNE tF THE INFoRMATION ls iON-EXISTENT. lF THE AtlNuA[ ST@X]OLDERS'MEEING F HELD ON A DATE OTHER FRd ftE ACruAL MJE OF tr THAT STATED IN THE BY.I-AWS, THE GtS STIATL BE SUEI'ITTED I,VITHIN THIRTY (3O) CALENM MYS STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. rHAN JANUARY 30 oF THE FoLLowNG YEAR' rr-l.ro uiiirpc 15 FIELD, T6E coRpognoN 5HALL suofrtlr rxE Gts Nor LATER BE SUBI'ilTTED/FIIED' SHOULD AN ANNUAL STOCK}IOLDERS'I/EETIT'IG BE HELD THEREAFTER, A NEW GIS SMLI- CORPORATE SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION' THIS GIS SHALL BE AC,COI/FI-ISHED IN ENGUSH AND CERTIFIED AND SWORN TO BY THE FOR CHA}IGES RESUL' APPR|SED OF RELEVANT CHANGES iN THE SUEI'ITTED INFORMATION AS THEY ARISE' THE SEC SHOTJLD BE TSiELY Gls mb!? aer*eeN rHE ANNUAL i/GErNGs, rHE coRpoRAroN sHALL suBrnr ohrLy rHE AFFECTED PAGE oF rHE ;ffi;';rifi+-di SEcIETARY oF THE coRPoMTloN' rHE NEW tNFoRrvrATtoN ToGETHER wrrH n covri crreR sGNEo BY THE coRPoflATE RELATES ro oRi BEcArrE6EAAIIE EFFEcrlvE'CEEEATI\, ffi?';; firlii iiio #veiirerrER SHALL BE suaurrED wrrHrN sEvEN (z) DAys AFrER sucH crlnt€E o@uRREo BLOG.' EO6A IUANDALUYONG CITY ALL C( suBt tT FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE GtS TO THE CENTRAT RECEIVTNG SECTIoN, GROUND FLOOR, SEC pApER PAGE. TflE PAGES OF ALL @PIES SHALL UNIFORi Ly BE ON A4 OR LETTER-SIZED wlrH A STANDARD CovER SUBI/IT ONE (1) I|ARO COPY OF THE""*j""-1$:I.T,l GIS' TOGETHER WITH CORPORATIONS SUBII'ITTING A COPY OF THEIR GIS ONLINE OR VIA INTERNET SHALL coNTAlNs THE ExAcT DATA lN THE HAF cERTtFtcATloN UNOER oATH By tTs coRPoRATE SECRETARY Ttl,AT THE coPY SU$,0TTED ONLINE COPY. aE GONSIDERED As }iAvlt{G BEEN FILED' of{Ly THE Gts AccoilpltsHED ttit AocoRDAl'lcE wlTH THESE lNsTRucTloils SHALL ORECTORS/OFFICERS FOR ANYVIOLATION OF THIS GIS MAY BE USED AS EVIOENCE AGAINST THE CORPORATION AND ITS RESPONSIBLE LAWS. RULES AND REGULATTCNS l3-Itla.-75 'VE \F'Eiiit: il;'lii,ifi :i-' 2lrF paclfic star Bullding, sen. Gll Puyat Avenue corner lsakatl Avenue, Itatatl city 21/F P.clfic star BulHlng, sen. Gll Puyat Avenue comer ilekatl Avenue, i/lakdi cfty Tolld |\ Ftu, dcbdbqf. rdffi!hold@'.{ -dgq ldstu' m'tgao'' ffip.'rdE|o' il ilrt h p.mft.d bt hxr, d rd d P..sC ptogdy ot .wy ftu dcdlFdon d o|hwtse dtOH, 'd ldbcro ait6 ot !toa& rncdFot6, bddn da0rttt6' Fte d.|da|B of h'lU'lt5t' -d olh" cls_STocK(v.2013) Page 1 I GENERAT INFORTIATION SHEET STOCK CORPORATION PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY :orcorate Name: CENTURY PROPERTIES GROUP INC. A" ls the Gorporation a covercd penson underthe Anti Money Laundering vae l-l L-l Act (AM|'A). as amended? (Rep. Acts. 916019164110167110365) '-- r-r ^,^'-- l:l tlease check the appropriab box: 1. a. tsanlG Ell Jewd.V dealers in precious metals, who, as a b. Otrshore Banking Units /t. Et E business, trade in precious metals E3 c. Quasi-Banks ftd. TrustEntities El e. Non-Stock Savings and Loan Associations El f. Pawnshops Elg. Foreign Exchage Dealers E t-t Jewelry dealers in precious stones, who, as a lIh. MoneYChangers business, trade in precious stone tll i. Remittance Agents El j. Electronic Money lssuers l= k. Financial Institutionswhich Under Special Laws are subjectto Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas'(BSP) supervision ancUor regulation, Company seMce providers which, as a business, inehrr{ina lhair srrhsidiaries and affiliates * provide any of the folloWng services to third parties: 2. E::la. Insurance Companies El b. Insurance Agents 6 a. acting as a formation agent of juridical persons f= c. Insurance Brokers El b. acting as (or arranging for another person to act as) El d. Professional Reinsurers a director or corporate secretary of a company, a t3 e. Reinsurance Brokers partner of a partnechip, or a similar position in juridical persons Gl f. Holding ComPanies relation to other El g. Holding ComPanY SPtems Elh. Pre-need Companies El c. proMding a registered offce, business address or El i. Mutual BenefitAssociation accommodation, correspondence or administrative El j. All Other Persons and entities supeMsed and/or regulated by the address for a company, a partnership or any other ' Insurance Commission (lC) legal person or arrangement 3. Ela. Secudties Dealers El d. acting as (or arranging for another peeon to act as) EI b. Securitie6 Broker€ a nominee shareholder for another person El c. Securities Salesman 7. Persons who provide any of the following aeruices: j3;1 d. Investment House€ El a. managing of client money, securities or other asseh El e. Investment Agents and Consultants C= f. Trading Advisors El b. management of bank, savings or securities 1;3 g. Other entities managing Securities or rendering similar services accounts El h. Mutual Funds or open-end Investment Companies El c. organization of confibutions for the creation, El i. Close-end Investment Companies operation or management of companies Et j. Common Trust Funds or lssuers and other similar entities El k. Transfer Companies and other similar entities El d. creation, operation or management of juridical Ef l. Other entitieo administering or otherwise dealing in cunency, peFons or arrangements, and bulng and selling commodities or financial dedvatives based there on entities El m. Entities administering of othenruise dealing in valuable objects 8.1-business / lNoneoftheabove El n. Entities administering or otherwise dealing in cash Substlutes Describe nature of business: Holding Company and other similar monetary instruments or property supervbed -l -Property Devt. and/or regulated by the Securfies and Exchange Commission (sEc) B. Has Ure Gorporation oomplled wiur ttc requlrements on custorncr Due Dillgcnce (CDD) or Know Your Custorner (l(YC), rccord-teepang, and submbsbn of reports res fll under the Afttt-Ar as amendcd, slnoe thc last fillng of lts GIS? "" l-l Gls_STocK(v.2013) 1-A GEI{ERAL INFORMATIOil AHEET ST@KCORPORATION PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ]oRPOMTE l,lAME: CENTURY PROPERTTES cRoup tNC. CAPITAL STRUCTURE IUTHORIZEI' CAPITAL SIOCK ?YPEOF TUMBEROF Aroul{t lPhP} SHAREST PAR'STATEDVALUE SHARES (llo.of shro X Parrstrtcd Valuel commo !s,o_oq.s9q_aq( 0.5i TOTAL totAt 5,300,0m,[email protected] CAPITA 'UBSCRIBED ilo.oF I{UTBER OF SIIARES IN TYPE Of TUTB€ROF PAR'STATCD FtLtPtl{o stocx- TflE SHARES* SHARES HANDS Of TI{E AHOUITT {PnP} % OF OYV}IERSHIP PUBIIC - VA|-UE 46S qgnq'91 r,095,164.07t 164.071 o:53 0.436.959.7! common 6.469,$5,Gt: 053 3.429.081.466.9r mmon 0.53 4.24 TO'AI 7,56t,129.111 rOIAI TOTAI {,0cr5r8/|30.1 77.9$r FOREIGN NO.OF IIUIIBER OF SHINES il TYPEOF NUiiBER OF PAR'STA'EO sTocK- T]IE HAIIDS OF TI{E AilOUI{T NATIONALITY SHARES' SHARES K VA|.UE lPhPl % OF OWNERSHIP I PUBLIC @mmon -99LeF-- ?J3-4!9{,9r ?J34,5e1,e1 22.o1 @mmon 4FpIicr!. 0.5! _0,5( 0.@96 !rccnBg.d rotatgn Equny: YoTAL loTAt- TOTAL t.t3t.Il5.303.31 n.uq TOTALSUBSCRIBEO F 5.1/to.81i3.734.31 tmi{ NO.OF TYPEOF NUf,BEROf FILIPINO sTocK- PAR'STATEOVALUE s]tARES. SIIARES AMOUilT(PhPl %OFOWNERSHTP 'IOLDERS 1$ @mmon 912.767.15t 0.531 common _gl49q'_c95r!'3: mmmon , -.---ffi::-: TOTAI 7'3tit:tti2,,l9f, TOTAL P 3.9t FO REI G II ilo.oF llxDrcATEBY sTocK- TYPE OF }IUMBER OF I{ATIONAL!TY SHARES' PAR'STAIEOVALUE Amouxr %OFOUINERSHIP HOLOERS SHARES {PhPl I --g[Lqs-. cm|lm 2,3J6,ser,sar ;ilt -Agtplrgaj common i ;'^-"1 TOTAL ,13 totA|. r.zn.005.5tl3a 23"4'| TOTALPAIGI'P P ,l/|o.Esil,7L.31 r00i Page2 AMENDED GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET STOCK CORPORATION PLEASE PRIiIT LEGIBLY NAJI/IE: CENTURY PROPERTIES GROUP INC. DIRECTORS OFFICERS ' NAME, NATIONALITYAND STOCK EXEC. INC'R BOARD CURRENT RESIDENNAL ADDRESS H'II NFE COMM. 1. JOSE E.B. ANTONIO N c Ghairman N/C 21F Pacific Star Building, Sen Gil Puyat com€r Makati Prcsident c/c t D -os?-g tq Avenue, Makati City and CEO E/C 2. JOHN VICTOR R. ANTONIO N M vrce N/M 21F Paciftc Star Building, Sen Gil Puyat comer Makati Chairman c/M t 6r - 42b- 133 Arnnrra Malr4i llihr trrt, 3. JOSEMARCOR.ANTONIO N M Chief i/M 21F Pacific Star Buiftring, Sen Gil PLryat com6r Makati Operating E/M t 1s- 815 -qll Avenue, Makati City fficer 4. JOSE ROBERTO R. ANTONIO N M Y Managmg 21F Paciftc Star Building. Sen Gil Puyat comer Makati Director \o-Da? -{Lb Avenue, Makati City 5. RICARDOP.CUERVA N M 21F Paciftc Star Building, Sen Gil Puyat comer Makali tYL- n1u-YoX Arranr ra Malrati .1itu 6.
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