Issue No. 69 2018 ADVERTORIAL Army trains its sights on technology 1H[WWRLWVSULPDU\UROHDVD'HIHQFHIRUFHWKH$UP\KDVDOZD\VUHOLVKHGLWVUROH %RRWXSWKHVLPXODWRU LQVNLOOVWUDLQLQJ 7KHH[FOXVLYHGLVWULEXWRUIRU)DQXF&1&LQ$XVWUDOLD0DFKLQH7RROVLVQRZ %\LWVYHU\QDWXUHWKH$UP\KDVDFRQWLQXDOLQIOX[RIQHZUHFUXLWVDQGPDQ\RI DEOHWRRIIHUWKH&1&6LPXODWRUZKLFKKDVEHHQGHVFULEHGE\HQJLQHHUVDQG WKHPDUHWUDLQHGWRSOD\DUROHLQWKHHVVHQWLDOVXSSRUWDVSHFWVRIWKHVHUYLFH ZRUNVKRSPDQDJHUVDURXQGWKHZRUOGDV§WKHPRVWVLJQLILFDQWEUHDNWKURXJKLQ $VWKHFRUQHUVWRQHRIVXSSRUW5$(0(WUDLQVUDZUHFUXLWVLQWRVNLOOHGRSHUDWLYHV WUDLQLQJIRUPDFKLQHWRROVHYHUWREHODXQFKHG¨ ZKRVHUYLFHDQGPDLQWDLQHYHU\WKLQJIURPDSXPSRUPRWRUWRDWDQNRU §,WKHOSVZRUNVKRSSHUVRQQHORIDOODJHVDQGOHYHOVRIVNLOOWROHDUQLQJ&1& KHOLFRSWHU RSHUDWLRQ7UDLQHHVXVHD&1&GLVSOD\0',NH\PDQXDOSXOVHJHQHUDWRUXVHGLQ ,QRUGHUWRDFKLHYHWKHQHFHVVDU\OHYHORIH[FHOOHQFHWKHPLOLWDU\UHTXLUHVILUVW PDFKLQLQJWRROVLQDGGLWLRQWROHDUQLQJSURJUDPPLQJDQGFKHFNLQJWKHFUHDWHG FODVVPDFKLQHVPDFKLQHU\DQGDQFLOODU\HTXLSPHQW PDFKLQLQJSURJUDP¨ 7KH$VLD3DFLILFUHJLRQDORIILFHRIWKH*URXS6\GQH\EDVHG0DFKLQH 7KH&1&6LPXODWRULVEDVHGRQWKH)DQXF6HULHVL¥0RGHO)SODWIRUPDQGFDQ 7RROVKDVEHHQDWUXVWHGSDUWQHURI5$(0(IRUVHYHUDOGHFDGHVDQGKDV EHRSHUDWHGLQHLWKHUPLOOLQJRUWXUQLQJFRQILJXUDWLRQV6WXGHQWVFDQSURJUDP VXSSOLHGDUDQJHRIPDFKLQHVWKDWDUHIRXQGLQWKH$UP\ªVZRUNVKRSVDWKRPH WKHVLPXODWRUDVDD[LVPLOORUDD[LVVSLQGOHWXUQLQJV\VWHP DQGDEURDG 7KHVHZRUOGFODVVVLPXODWRUVDUHSRUWDEOHDQGUHTXLUHRQO\DVWDQGDUGHOHFWULF 7KHVHLQFOXGHVXFKZRUOGIDPRXVEUDQGVDV&ROFKHVWHUDQG+DUULVRQODWKHV RXWOHW &ROFKHVWHUDQG+DUULVRQODWKHVKDYHEHFRPHDE\ZRUGLQWKHWUDLQLQJVSKHUH /RVWDQGIRXQG WKURXJKRXWWKHZRUOG7KH+DUULVRQ$OSKDPDQXDO&1&FRPELQDWLRQODWKHUDQJH ERDVWVWKHVLPSOHVWIODWEHG&1&ODWKHRQWKHPDUNHW (YHU\WHFKQLFLDQFXUVHV0XUSK\ªV/DZZKHQDQXUJHQWO\QHHGHGKDQGWRRORU 7KHIXOOUDQJHFRPSULVHVWKHD[LV;6UDQJHZLWKPRGHOVFRYHULQJVZLQJRYHU VSDUHSDUWLVPLVVLQJ EHGOHQJWKVIURPPPXSWRPPDQGEHGOHQJWKVRIXSWRPHWUHV 7KH*URXS&RPSDQ\7\NPD(OHFWUR[KDVWKHDQVZHU¥ODVHUPDUNLQJ 7KHFRPSDQ\ª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anual/CNC Lathes Full range from 330 - 760mm swing and centres to 6000mm. CLAUSING Milling Machines Both Horizontal and Vertical milling machines available to meet your needs. ERLO Drilling COLCHESTER Manual Lathes Full range of models from 330 - 554mm swing and ELECTROX Machines Wide range of drilling centres to 3000mm, some including CSS DRO. Laser Marking and tapping machines to Utilise a range of technologies to addresss a suit all applications. broad spectrum of marking applications. HARRISON Manual Lathes Phone: 02 9674 4738 Full range from 330 - 554mm swing and centres to 3000mm. Email: [email protected] Website: www.600machinetools.com.au Sole agents for… Colchester Harrison Erlo Clausing Fanuc Robodrills Tos Lagun YCM Electrox EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR: WO1 Dave Clarke EMAIL [email protected] Issue No. 69 2018 FOR NEXT ISSUE Articles should be sent to: The Editor The RAEME Craftsman S02 Corps Heritage HOC, ALTC Bandiana MILPO, VIC 3694 contents DEADLINE: 1 September 2019 For RAEME Birthday articles: regular items articles 13 December 2019 Head of Corps ..........................................2 With Skill and Fighting ............................8 Please note: Photos should be in Deputy Head of Corps (Ground) .............3 Maintenance Process Improvement ......11 colour if possible, with caption included. Images should ideally be at Deputy Head of Corps (Aero) .................4 Leaning 9 FSB .......................................12 least 300dpi and saved as a JPEG or Corps RSM .............................................. 5 A LEAN Approach to EMEOPS Intro .........14 TIFF. Save your text in Microsoft Word. Email or send your disc and photos S02 Corps ............................................... 6 13 CSSB – 113 Workshop Coy ................18 and we’ll take it from there. From The Editor ........................................7 HQ FORCOMD – Maintenance Reform ...19 DISCLAIMER Operations ..............................................70 Simulation & Spanners .........................20 The views expressed in this Unit Jottings ............................................72 Maintenance First, Duty Second ...........22 journal are the personal views of Maintaining the Modern DJFHQ ............24 the authors, and unless otherwise stated, do not in any way reflect RAEME Officer Basic Course ...................25 RAEME policy. Centenary of the Battle of Le Hamel ....26 Published by: Introduction to Service, PMGMV ...........28 PMGMV .....................................................29 It’s Official – Drone Racing is a Sport ....30 Ü > Ã -%$)! Military International Drone Racing ......31 Walsh Media Services Pty Ltd The RAEME Corps Conference – 2018 ....32 Level 3, 18-20 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 Corps Taking Points: Topic 1...................32 GPO Box 3497, Rundle Mall SA 5000 Corps Taking Points: Topic 2...................33 Phone: (08) 8221 5600 Fax: (08) 8221 5601 Corps Taking Points: Topic 3...................34 Email: [email protected] Corps Taking Points: Topic 4...................35 Web: www.walshmedia.com.au Corps Taking Points: Topic 5...................36 The attention of advertisers is drawn to the Trade Practices Act 1974 and the provisions Corps Taking Points: Topic 6 .................37 in the Act which apply to advertising. It is not possible for the Corps of the Royal Australian Corps Taking Points: Topic 7...................37 Electrical and Mechanical Engineers to ensure that the advertisements which are published in Topic 1 ....................................................38 this magazine comply in all respects with the Act and the responsibility must therefore be Topic 2 ....................................................42 RAEME CRAFTSMAN2018 on the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisement for publication. Topic 3 ....................................................45 Walsh Media Services Pty Ltd and RAEME reserve the right to refuse any advertisement Topic 4 ....................................................56 without stating the reason. All original material produced in this magazine remains the property of the publishers and cannot be Topic 5 ....................................................60 reproduced without authority. No responsibility is accepted for incorrect information contained Topic 6 ....................................................64 in advertisements or editorials. Topic 7 ....................................................66 1 messages & reports Head of Corps BRIG Andrew Freeman – COMD 17 CSS Bde It has been another amazing year for the Australian Army and our Corps. It has been a year that has seen the appointment of a new Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Rick Burr, the deployment of many RAEME officers and soldiers overseas, the constant Force Generation Cycle preparing our soldiers for war, and the continual introduction of new equipment. This operational/work tempo has now become the new normal and we in RAEME have embraced it. I have been fortunate throughout the year to visit many units across Army and I have witnessed the great work we as a Corps are doing. Our significant contribution to the Australian Army is recognised and frequently acknowledged by the senior leadership and our reputation as professional technicians grows in strength. The HOC presenting the outgoing The HOC presenting the This year I had the opportunity to visit our Colonel in Chief, His Royal Deputy Heads of Corps with retiring Representative Colonel Highness, Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. Although the Duke recognition of their service to Commandant, BRIG McGahey, of Edinburgh is 97, I found him to be most engaging and still very RAEME. CSC, for his service to the Corps. interested in what our Corps is up to. The main reason for my visit was to thank His Royal Highness for his commitment to remain appreciative that we valued his commitment to RAEME. We also associated with our Corps. spoke about our Corps Banner – The Prince Philip Banner, which he recalled presenting it to us in 1986, and of our 75th Anniversary – I thanked him for the letter he sent which I read aloud at the Corps Dining-in-Night that was held at the National War Memorial. I would like to make mention of our Corps Conference which was held in October at Sydney. The Corps Conference, like the Army, must be self-correcting and continuously change and evolve in order to remain relevant and effective. This year the conference was very structured and I would like to acknowledge the work done by our seven Topic Leads who wrote and led the discussion papers in the months leading up to the conference, as well as presenting their findings
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