The Indiana Bildor TM Official Publication Produced for Members of the Indiana Builders Association, Inc. The Only Statewide News Coverage of Residential/Light Commercial Construction January, 2007 Happy New Year Volume 43, No. 1 Lt. Governor Becky Skillman to Indiana’s Midwest Builders Convention Address IBA Board at January Meeting January 17-18, 2007 t. Governor Becky Skillman will and 18th. Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis address the Indiana Builders Asso- Several committees will meet in conjunc- L ciation (IBA) Board of Directors at tion with the Board meeting and all mem- - Register Today 1-800-377-6334 - their January 16th Board of Direc- bers are invited to attend the meetings of tors meeting. The meeting will be held from their choice. All meetings will be held at Attendees at Indiana’s 2007 Mid- to President and Chief Operating Officer and 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm the Indiana Convention Center, 100 S. Capi- west Builders Convention will now oversees daily operations for the In- at the Indiana Con- tol Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana. A “Win Big at the Indiana Builders dianapolis Motor Speedway, including the vention Center in Committees meeting on Tuesday, Janu- Speedway” by participating in the Hall of Fame Museum and the Brickyard downtown India- ary 16th, are: 8:30-9:30 am Senior Officers 30 seminars instructed by industry experts, Crossing Inn and Golf Course. napolis. Meeting; 9:30-10:30 am Housing Protec- viewing the product demonstrations on the Chitwood was also an integral part of his The Lt. Governor tion Fund Board; 10:30-12:30 pm Execu- exhibit hall floor, meeting with the family’s entertainment business, the well- will update Board tive Committee (by invitation only); 1:00- industry’s leading suppliers to known Chitwood Thrill Show, members on the eco- 2:30 pm Rural On-Site Wastewater Sub- learn about the latest products beginning at age five. He be- nomic development committee; 1:30-2:30 pm Builder & Asso- and services available, be- gan his career as a stuntman opportunities happen- ciate Area Vice Presidents’, Local Presidents’ ing motivated by the key- and later specialized in ing around the state Council, Local Executive Officers’ Coun- note speaker, and being en- precision driving. and present insight Lt. Governor cil, and Educational Scholarship Founda- tertained by the closing “The Convention is into the issues being Becky Skillman tion Board; 2:30-4:00 p.m. Codes Commit- session juggler. It’s two not all work,” com- addressed by the state administration. tee, Membership Committee, Associates’ days of learning, network- ments Carl Shepherd, Lt. Governor Skillman is committed to Committee, Remodelors’ Council, and Land ing, and recharging. IBA’s Convention revitalizing Indiana’s economy for the ben- Use Committee. “Industry professionals Chairman. “We’ve got efit of all Hoosiers. She is a long-standing An Issues Briefing on Indiana’s Impact desiring to be prosperous in plenty of fun on the champion of Indiana communities, and has Fee statute will be held from 12:30-1:30 the upcoming year will make agenda with remote- led the way on a statewide strategy for re- pm. Attendees will find out how Indiana’s the time to attend this controlled car races, a ca- building our state’s small cities and towns. Impact Fee Statute applies to their local event,” comments Cindy sino party, door prizes, At the same time, Lt. Governor Skillman community. Roger Stephens, IBA’s Local Bussell, Chief Operating and a professional jug- has worked to make the agricultural indus- Governmental Affairs Specialist, and Bryan Officer and Liaison to the Convention Com- gler.” try a cornerstone of Indiana’s economic Babb, a litigator and appellate attorney spe- mittee. “The knowledge gained from the See the enclosed Convention Special Edi- comeback. cialist with Bose, McKinney & Evans, will experts presenting the seminars and the net- tion for all of the details. Save money by A lifelong public servant, Lt. Governor present current examples of how communi- working with other housing industry pro- registering today by fax at (317) 236-6342 Skillman held county offices for 16 years ties are implementing impact fees in Indi- fessionals make every minute worth the in- or by calling IBA toll-free at 1-800-377- and served as president of the Association ana. Bring your questions and get answers vestment.” 6334. of Indiana Counties. She went on to serve in laymen’s terms at this briefing. This brief- Speakers presenting the seminars in 2007 three terms in the Indiana Senate, represent- ing is open to any interested member of include the nation’s best - David Seiders, ing five southern Indiana counties. Today, IBA. Bob Schultz, John Palumbo, Kay Green, Lt. Governor Skillman steers the There will NOT be a meal served at the Jack Gallagher, John Schleimer, Dr. Ron Administration’s legislative agenda Board meeting, therefore there is no cost to Wells, Joy Leppert, Robert “Dot Com” Jack- through the Indiana General Assembly. She attend. son, Dr. Brad, Tom Stephani, Jim Carr — PAID is the President of the Senate and the Sec- Pre-reservations are NOT necessary for the list goes on with over 50 great speakers PRSRT STD US POSTAGE retary of Agriculture and Rural Develop- the Board meeting. However, you must reg- disseminating their proven tools and tech- PERMIT NO.279 ment. ister at the door for attendance records. Ex- niques. The seminars have been geared to INDIANAPOLIS, IN Lt. Governor Skillman oversees the first- ecutive Committee members are asked to assist companies with the changing ever Indiana State Department of Agricul- call in reservations to (800)377-6334, as a economy and housing climate. ture and the Office of Community and Ru- lunch will be served at the Executive Com- Several of the seminars are approved for ral Affairs. She also chairs the Indiana mittee meeting. continuing education credits for the Indi- Counter Terrorism and Security Council Hotel accommodations may be available ana Real Estate License and the Indiana and oversees the Office of Energy and De- at the Indianapolis Marriott downtown, 350 Home Inspector License. Local licensing fense Development, Indiana Housing and W. Maryland St., Indianapolis. The room districts have also approved several semi- Community Development Authority, and rate is $139 plus tax. Reservations can be nars for continuing education credits. the Office of Tourism Development. made via the internet at Joie Chitwood, President and Chief Op- As Governor Daniels’ partner, Lt. Gover- www.indymarriott.com, the group code is erating Officer of the Indianapolis Motor nor Skillman is focused on fostering eco- IBAIBAA. Reservations may also be made Speedway, will present the keynote address nomic development, reforming state gov- by calling the Marriott Indianapolis at during the Opening Ceremonies on Wed- ernment and restoring the fiscal integrity (317)822-3500 or (877)640-7666. Be sure nesday, January 17th from 10:45 a.m. to of Indiana. to state you are with Indiana’s Midwest 12:00 noon in the Wabash Valley Ballroom. This Board of Directors session precedes Builders Convention to receive the special Joie Chitwood III joined the staff of the the opening of Indiana’s 2007 Midwest rate. Rooms are limited and cannot be guar- Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS) as se- Builders Convention, hosted by the Indi- anteed as all room requests are filled on a nior vice president, business affairs in late ana Builders Association on January 17th first-come, first-serve basis. 2002. In December 2004, he was promoted Indiana Builders Association 44670 Box P.O. Indianapolis, IN 46244-0670 Page 2, The Indiana Bildor January, 2007 Together We Can Meet the Challenges Ahead t the November Board session, I menting them. ticipation, ideas, and help in accomplishing stood beside the leaders of your President’s Our focus will be on maintaining mem- these lofty goals. To the nearly 500 members A Indiana Builders Association bership and giving our members tools to actively serving on state committees, I thank (IBA) and told them “I am Message sustain their businesses. Additionally, we you for your time, talents, ideas, and commit- humbled to be your 2007 President, to be- By Stephen will make education a priority thru semi- ment. To the other 5,300 great members, I come a part of the leadership of IBA. IBA is Robinson, nars, classes, information, and the IBA Hous- ask you to review the committees and coun- an association made great by its members.” GMB, CGB, CGR, CAPS, ing University. We will work on educating cils form and consider providing your exper- The past state presidents meet annually New Castle consumers and future members as well. tise in one of these areas. Together, we can as IBA’s Nominating Committee and inter- President, We will identify avenues for diversifica- accomplish incredible feats. view candidates for all elected positions Indiana Builders Association tion of age, gender, and ethnicity in our I would like to thank all of you for this within the organization. After the inter- membership to not only grow our associa- opportunity to serve you this year. I would views, they meet for their annual past presi- team of senior officers that are each bril- tion, but to bring in new ideas and to give also like to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for dents’ dinner. I was privileged to break bread liant, dedicated, and experts in each of their us an even broader representation of the the ability to serve, my father for making me with them, an experience that only enhances specialties, giving the senior officer team a housing industry. the man I am, and my wife and family for my respect for this organization, its mem- tremendous sense of balance and great We will strive for greater participation their support in all I do.
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