TOKYO WALKS PAGE 1 / 10 Practical Travel Guide - 305 TOKYO WALKS There are many ways to see Tokyo as it is a huge metropolis first-hand the pulse of one of the world’s most bustling cities. with a population of nearly 12 million where older traditions and Given herein are several recommended walking tours of Tokyo. newer fashions have been interacting harmoniously for four cen- If you wish more detailed information on each of the places of turies. One of the most recommendable ways, however, is to interest, please feel free to contact JNTO’s Tourist Information venture forth into the streets on your own so that you may feel Center. IMPERIAL PALACE AND KITANOMARU PARK Imperial Palace and Kitanomaru Park Yasukuni Shrine 靖国神社 Tourist Information Japan Railways (JR) H British Embassy National Diamond Hotel Shinkansen Theatre Subway Lines 国立劇場 Moats Tayasumon Gate 田安門 ●⑩ 0 200m Hanzomon Gate Chidorigafuchi 半蔵門 ●⑦ Nippon 千鳥が淵 Kitanomaru ●⑨ Budokan Hall Park 日本武道館 ●⑪ 北の丸公園 Kudanshita Sta. Imperial Palace Crafts Gallery 九段下駅 皇居 工芸館 Yurakucho Line 有楽町線 ●⑧ Science Museum Tozai Line 科学技術館 東西線 ●⑫ ●⑥ National Museum of Modern Art Kita-Hanebashimon Gate 東京国立近代美術館 北桔橋門 Imperial Household ●⑬ Sakuradamon Sta. Agency宮内庁 桜田門駅 Takebashi Sta. Metropolitan Sakuradamon Gate Higashi Gyoen 竹橋駅 桜田門 Police Department Nijubashi Bridge 東御苑 Mainichi Newspapers ●③ 二重橋 ●⑤ 毎日新聞社 Hirakawamon Gate Hibiya Line 平川門 日 比谷線 Sannomaru Shozokan ●② 宮内庁三の丸尚蔵館 Hibiya Park Imperial Kikkyomon Gate 日比谷公園 Palace Plaza Hanzomon Line 桔梗門 半蔵門線 皇居前広場 N ●④ Otemon Gate 大手門 Toei-Mita Line H Palace Hotel パレスホテルパレスホテル Hibiya Sta. 都営三田線 日比谷駅 Chiyoda Line Otemachi Sta. Otemachi Sta. TIC, JNTO Nijubashi-mae Sta. 千代田線 (1F, Shin-Tokyo Bldg.) 二重橋前駅 大手町駅 H Otemachi Sta. Shin-Marunouchi Marunouchi Bldg. 大手町駅 Yurakucho Sta. 丸ビル Bld. 新丸ビル 有楽町駅 Otemachi Sta. Marunouchi Line Tokyo International Forum Tokyo Sta. Marunouchi Hotel 丸ノ内線 東京国際フォーラム 東京駅 丸ノ内ホテル JR Yurakucho Sta. H 有楽町駅 ●① JR Tokyo Sta. 東京駅 H Like many Tokyoites including marathon lovers, you can enjoy the Imperial Palace’s abundant natural beauty, massive stone walls and quiet moats. You will be easily reminded of Japan’s earlier feudal times. ① – ⑬ correspond to those on the map above. 15 min. 10 min. 20 min. 10 min. ① Tokyo Sta. (JR or Subway Marunouchi Line) ........ ② Imperial Palace Plaza ........ ③ Nijubashi Bridge ......... ④ Otemon Gate ........ 15 min. 5 min. ⑤ Higashi Gyoen .............. ⑥ Kita-Hanebashimon Gate ............... ⑦ Kitanomaru Park (⑧Science Museum, ⑨Nippon Budokan Hall) 15 min. 5 min. 5 min. 30 min. (along the moat 15 min., inside Park 15 min.) ................ Tayasumon Gate .................. Yasukuni Shrine .................... ⑩ Chidorigafuchi ..................................................................................... 5 min. 5 min. ⑪ Crafts Gallery ........................ ⑫ National Museum of Modern Art .......................... ⑬ Takebashi Sta. (Subway Tozai Line) PAGE 2 / 10 TOKYO WALKS ④–⑥ Higashi Gyoen(東御苑) , or the East Garden of the holiday. Admission: ¥700. Imperial Palace, a 53-acre classical garden which was once the ⑨ Nippon Budokan Hall (日本武道館), built in the ancient site of the great donjon of Edo Castle, features some 250,000 Japanese architectural style for the Tokyo Olympics, has been trees including representative prefectural trees, a small muse- used for various sports meets and other events. um, several historical monuments and a small Japanese-style ⑩ Chidorigafuchi(千鳥ヶ淵) is known for the beauty of its garden. Open: 9:00–16:30 (–16:00 Nov.–Feb.), (–17:00 Apr. cherry blossoms in spring, and for its enjoyable boating in the 15–Aug.). Closed: Mon., Fri., Dec. 23, Dec. 28–Jan.3 and the pond. Boat service: Mar. 1–Nov. 30, 9:30–16:00 (minor days of imperial ceremony. Admission: Free. Sannomaru changes depending on the season). Closed: Mon. Rental row Shozokan(宮内庁三の丸尚蔵館) in the Garden display to boat: ¥500 (¥800 during cherry blossom’s season) for 30 min. the general public a portion of the roughly 7,000 pieces of art ⑪ Crafts Gallery, The National Museum of Modern Art, works that were donated by the Emperor in June 1989. Tokyo(東京国立近代美術館 ・工芸館), displays 20th century For more information: http://www.kunaicho.go. jp/eindex.html paintings, prints, sculptures and other art works. The red- ⑦ Kitanomaru Park(北の丸公園) is an extensive turfed gar- brick building was originally the headquarters of the Imperial den with a path running through it from Kitahanebashi-mon Guard and is today an Important Cultural Property. Gate. On the east side of the path are Nippon Budokan Hall, Open:10:00–17:00. Closed: Mon. and Dec. 28–Jan. I and the Science Museum and National Museum of Modern Art, and days for change of exhibitions. Admission: ¥200. on the west is a cluster of trees growing around a pond. ⑫ Art Museum, The National Museum of Modern Art, ⑧ Science Museum(科学技術館) , a five-story building, houses Tokyo(東京国立近代美術館) , displays art works of the 20th three-dimensional displays of exhibits covering all fields of century. Open: 10:00–17:00 (–20:00 on Fridays). Closed: modern science ranging from space science to agriculture. Mon. and Dec. 28–Jan.1 and the days for change of exhibi- Open: 9:30–16:50 (enter by 16:00). Closed: Wed., (minor tions. Admission: ¥420. changes depending on the season) year-end & New Year’s For more information: http:// www.momat.go.jp/english/ UENO-ONSHI PARK and VICINITY ●① JR Uguisudani Sta. 鴬谷駅 Ueno-Onshi Park and Vicinity Japan Railways (JR) Tokyo National Museum 東京国立博物館 Keisei Railways National Museum of ●④ Nature and Science Subway Lines Kanei-ji Temple 国立科学 ●⑤ Monorail 寛永寺 博物館 National Museum ●③ of Western Art JR Ueno Sta. ●② 国立西洋美術館 上野駅 Ueno Sta. 0 300m Jomyoin Temple 浄名院 Koen-guchi Exit. 公園口 Atré Ueno Hibiya Line 日比谷線 Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan アトレ 上 野 Metropolitan Festival Hall Ueno-no-mori Art Museum 東京文化会館 Art Museum 東京都美術館 Marui Dept. Store 上野の森美術館 丸井 Kiyomizu Kannondo Entrance Hall 清水観音堂 ●⑩ Ameyoko St. The University Art Museum, ●⑨ Statue of Tokyo National Univ. of Ueno Zoo Takamori Saigo Fine Arts & Music 上野動物園 西郷隆盛像 Keisei-Ueno Sta. JR Okachimachi Sta. 東京芸術大学付属美術館 Five-story Pagoda 京成上野駅 御徒町駅 ●⑦ 五重塔 ●⑥ The Shitamachi Museum Toshogu Shrine 下町風俗資料館 N Higashien Sta. ●⑧ 東照宮 東園駅 ●⑫ Matsuzakaya Dept. Store ●⑪ 松坂屋 → Toei Oedo Line To Akihabara Shinobazu Pond 都営大江戸線 Ueno-Hirokoji Sta. 不忍池 上野広小路駅 Ueno-Okachimachi Sta. Nishien Sta. 上野御徒町駅 西園駅 Ginza Line 銀座線 Yushima Sta. Chiyoda Line ●⑭ 湯島駅 千代田線 Yushima Tenjin Shrine ① – ⑭ correspond to the below. ●⑬ 湯島天神 This is a stroll into history, culture and natural scenery. 10 min. 5 min. 3 min. ① JR Uguisudani Sta. ........................... ② Jomyoin Temple ③ Kanei-ji Temple .......................... ④ Tokyo National Museum ........................... 5 min. 2 min. 4 min. ⑤ National Museum of Nature and Science ..................... ⑥ Ueno Zoo ....................... ⑦ Five-story Pagoda ⑧ Toshogu Shrine .................. 1 min. 5 min. 2 min. ⑨ Kiyomizu Kannondo Hall ................................. ⑩ Statue of Takamori Saigo ................................. ⑪ Shinobazu Pond ..................................... 15 min. 5 min. ⑫ Shitamachi Museum ......................... ⑬ Yushima Tenjin Shrine ...................... ⑭ Yushima Sta. (Subway Chiyoda Line) ② Jomyoin Temple(浄名院) is an old temple noted for its ter.) Admission: Free. 84,000 “Jizo” (Bodhisattva) stone images serenely standing in ③ Kan-eiji Temple (main hall) (寛永寺), used to be the the quiet compound. Open: 7:00–17:00 daily (–16:30 in win- most important Buddhist center in Edo (old Tokyo) during TOKYO WALKS PAGE 3 / 10 the Tokugawa reign. Besides the main hall which still exists, Shogunate. Its architectural style presents a delightful harmo- there were 36 halls and towers and 36 subsidiary temples on ny of brilliant colors with symmetrical lines and angles. The the vast grounds which now form Ueno-Onshi Park. (⑨ stone-flagged approach to the front gate of the shrine is lined Kiyomizu Kannondo Hall. Open: 9:00–17:00 daily. Admission: on either side with hundreds of tall bronze lanterns, which Free.) and (⑦ the Five-Story Pagoda) are also reminders of its were the gifts of feudal lords. Open: daily 9:00–sunset. former grandeur. Admission: ¥200. ④ Tokyo National Museum (東京国立博物館) is the oldest ⑩ Bronze Statue of Takamori Saigo(西郷隆盛像) , 3.63 m museum in Japan with over 110,000 objects associated high, is the most beloved of Tokyoites. General Saigo (1827– with Japanese and Far Eastern ancient and medieval art. 1877), then a staff officer of the Imperialist forces, saved Edo Open: 9:30–17:00 (–18:00 on Sat., Sun. & national holidays from threatened devastation in the battle of 1868 which led in Apr.–Sep.; –20:00 on Fri. during special exhibition to the fall of the Tokugawa regime. periods in Apr.–Dec.) Closed: Mon. and Dec. 26–Jan. 1. ⑪ Shinobazu Pond(不忍池) , just below the hill on the zoo Ad mission: ¥600. property, is a sanctuary for ducks and other waterfowl and is For more information: http://www.tnm.go.jp/en noted for its lotus flowers in August. ⑤ National Museum of Nature and Science(国立科学博物 ⑫ The Shitamachi Museum(下町風俗資料館) , here you can 館) is devoted to both universal and Japanese scientific see what the people’s lives were like in “Shitamachi,” a com- achievements and phenomena. Open: 9:00–17:00 (–20:00 on moners’ town, in the early 20th century. Open: 9:30–16:30. Fri). Closed: Mon. and Dec. 28 –Jan. 1. Admission: ¥600. Closed: Mon., year-end and New Year’s holiday. Admission: For more information: http:www.kahaku.go.jp/english/ ¥300. ⑥ Ueno Zoo(上野動物園) has the greatest collection of some ⑬ Yushima Tenjin Shrine(湯島天神) , have been founded in 2,600 animals of 464 species from all over the world. It con- the 14th century, is noted for the many plum trees dotting its sists of two parts, Higashi-en and Nishi-en, which are con- grounds. Enshrined here is Michizane Sugawara, a great schol- nected by a 300 m monorail line. Open: 9:30–17:00 (enter by ar of the 9th century. During the spring examination season, 16:00). Closed: Mon. and Dec. 29 –Jan. 1. Admission: ¥600. the shrine is thronged by students praying for their success in ⑧ Toshogu Shrine(東照宮) , built in the 17th century, dedi- the entrance examinations.
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