Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 12(2):29g_3o6,1996 Copyright O 1996 by the American Mosquito Control Association, Inc. A SURVEY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MOSQUITO FAUNA OF MEXICO (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) RICHARD E DARSIE, JR. International Center for Public Heatth Research, University of South Carolina, P. O. Box 699, McClellanville, SC 29458 ABSTRACT A revised list of the mosquito species known to occur in Mexico contains 20 genera,37 subgenera, and 225 species. Several supraspecific categories have been described and species ieassigned since the last list was published in 1956. Based on present knowledge, there are 29 speciis that are kn-own only from Mexico. Eight species are deleted from the Mexican fauna. An extensive bibliography is included. INTRODUCTION dopunctipennis willardi Vargas, which is now a synonym of Anopheles McCracken As far as can be determined franciscanus Howard, Dyar, (Russell et al. 1963). and Knab (1915, l9l7) and Dyar (1920,1928) Important contributors in the 1960s were Diaz were the first to record the mosquito species that Najera (1960, 1963, 1966a, 1966b, 1967) and occur in Mexico. The former recorded 74 spe- Bram (1967). Additions to the fauna in the cies and the latter, 72 species. However, changes l97os were primarily due to the work on the have been made in the status and nomenclature "Mosquitoes of Middle America" project in of some taxa reported by them. For example, which Belkin (1970) Adames (1971), Arnell Dyar (1928) incorrectly recorded Aedes terrens (1973, 1976), Berlin (1969a, 1969b), Schick (Walker) from Mexico. Schick (1970a) stated (l97 Oa, 1970b), Valencia (197 3), and Zavortink that at the time much confusion surrounded this (1968, 1970, 1972,1973,1979a,1979b) all pro- taxon so that it could have been one of the 9 vided important additions to the fauna. species of the Terrenr group described by him. Heine- mann and Belkin (1977) published Table I is a list of the species names that have collection re- cords from Mexico and listed 124 been changed and the currently accepted desig- species. Dur- nate. ing this period Vargas (1976) listed Anopheles mediopunctatlrs (Theobald) from Mexico In the 1930s Dampf (1935 , 1936,1939), Hoff- but now it is man (1929, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939), ana known to occur no farther north than (Knight Martini (1932, 1935) contributed to the knowl- Panama and Stone 1977). ln the 1980s (1980) edge of the Mexican fauna; in the 1940s, Vargas and 1990s Faran and Faran and Linthi- (1981) and his colleagues made substantial progress in cum as well as Strickman (1988, 1989) the distribution and taxonomy of Mexican mos- and Wilkerson and Peyton (1990) made helpful quitoes (see 34 articles in the bibliography); in additions, especially in the form of identification the 1950s Vargas and Martinez-Palacios (1949, keys. Harbach (1991), Harbach and Peyton 1950, 1953a, 1953b, 1953c,1954,1956) contin- (1990, 1991), Peyton and Harbach (1991), and ued their work, and Lane (1953) published his Pecor et al. (1992) added to the knowledge of extensive treatment of Neotropical mosquitoes. the sabethine genera and, Culex (Melanoconion) Vargas (1956b) listed 136 species of non-ano- species. phelines. Eight ofthese taxa are now in different The large number of species found in Mexico, genera, 10 are in different subgenera, 14 without 225, as compared to the contiguous country to subgeneric placement by Vargas have been as- the south, Guatemala, with 139 (Darsie 1994), signed to subgenera, t have been synonymized, can be explained by the topography of the coun- and 6 do not occur in Mexico, viz., Aedes im- try. According to Folsom and Wardle (1934) the piger (Walker), Aedes punctor (Kirby), Aedes highlands of Mexico are in the Nearctic Region, fulvithorax Lutz, Culiseta impatiens (Walker), whereas the lowlands are Neotropical. Thus, Ne- Deinocerites epitedeus Knab, and Deinocerites arctic and Neotropical rnosquito species both spanius (Dyar and Knab), resulting in a net find suitable climatic conditions for survival and number of l2l. Vargas and Martinez-Palacios reproduction. Indeed, 32Vo (73 of 225) of the (1956) treated 26 taxa of anophelines. Since rhen fauna also occurs in the United States: however. only 2 species have been added, Anopheles ju- of the 73, 18 have extreme southern distribu- dithae Zavorlink and Anopheles evansae (Bre- tions, just barely qualifying as United States fau- thes), and one has been deleted, Anopheles pseu- na (Darsie and Ward 1981). Thble 2 is a system- 298 MoseurroEs oF MExIco 299 Table l. Correctionsin the mosquitospecies names used by Howard, Dyar, and Knab (1915, l9l7) and Dyat (1928). Prior name Current name Howard,Dyar, and Knab (1915,1917) Aedes calopus Meigen Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) Aedes cuneatus Dyar and Knab Aedes angustivittatus Dyar and Knab Aedes oswaldi Ltrtz Aedes terrens (Walker) Anopheles strigimacula Dyar and Knab Anopheles punctimacula Dyar and Knab Culex eumimetes Dyar and Knab C ulex sti gmato so ma Dy ar Culex factor Dyar and Knab Culex nigripalpus Theo. Culex investigator Dyar and Knab Culex inhibitator Dyar and Knab Culex proclamator Dyar and Knab Culex declarator Dyar and Knab Culicella maccrackenae Dyar and Knab Culiseta particeps (Adams) Culiseta dugesi Dyar and Knab Culiseta particeps (Adams) I o b lot ia di g itatus (Rondani) Tric hop ro so pon di g itatum (Rondani) Lutzia bigoti Bellardi Culex bigoti Bellardi M egarhinus grandio sa (Williston) Toxorhynchites grandiosa (Williston) M eg arhinus long ip es Theo. Toxorhynchites grandiosa (Williston) Megarhinus moctezuma Dyar and Knab Toxorhynchites theobaldi (Dyar and Knab) Megarhinus superbus Dyar and Knab Toxorhynchites haemomhoidalis superbus Dyar and Knab P soropho ra dis c ruc ians (Walker) P sorophora varipe s (Coquillett) P sorop ho ra po stic atus (Wiedemann) Psorophora ferox (Von Humboldt) Psorophora toltecum Dyar and Knab Psorophora columbiae (Dyar and Knab) Psorophora virescens Dyar and Knab P so ro p ho ra howardi i Coquillett Sabethoides nitidus Theo. Sabethes chloropterus (Von Humboldt) Uranotaenia basalis Howard, Dyar, and Uranotaenia coatzacoalcos Dyar and Knab Knab Wyeomyia ablabes Dyar and Knab Wyeomyia adelpha Dyar and Knab Dyar 1928 Aedes alleni Turner Aedes zoosophus Dyar and Knab Anopheles cruzii Dyar and Knab Anopheles neivai Howard, Dyar, and Knab Culex federalis Dyar Culex erythrothorax Dyar Culicella maccrackenae Dyar and Knab Culiseta particeps (Adams) Joblotia dig itata (Rondani) Tric hop ro sop on di g itatum (Rondani) M egarhinus grandiosus (Williston) Toxorhynchite s grandiosa (Williston) Megarhinus superbus Dyar and Knab Toxorhynchite s haemorrhoidalis superbus Dyar and Knab Psorophora tolteca Dyar and Knab Psorophora columbiae (Dyar and Knab) Sabethoides chloropterus (Von Hum- Sabethes chloropterus (Von Humboldt) boldt) atic index of the mosquitoes of Mexico. The list Aedes shannoni Vargas and Downs, Aedes sum- has been derived from the literature. idero Schick, Aedes tehuantepec Sehick, ard Ae- The following 29 species are known only from des vargasi Schick; and in the minor genera: Mexico: Aedes amabilis Schick, Aedes atactav- Anopheles aztecus Hoffman, Culex diamphidius ittatus Arnelll Aedes chionotum Zavortink. Aedes Peyton and Harbach, Culex jalisco Berlin, Culex diazi Schick, Aedes gabrtel Schick, Aedes guer- rejector Dyar and Knab, Culex sandrae Berlin, rero Berlin, Aedes idanus Schick, Aedes knabi Culex schicki Berlin, Deinocerites mcdonaldi (Coquillett), Aedes laguna Amell and Nielsen, Belkin and Hogue, Psorophora pruniosa Martini, Aedes lorrainaea Berlin. Aedes niveoscutum Za- P so ro p ho ra s t on e i Y ar gas, Sab et hes o rt i zi Var gas vortink, Aedes ramireel Vargas and Downs, Ae- and Diaz Najera, and Wyeomyia stonei Vargas des schicki Zavortink, Aedes schroederi Schick. and Martinez-Palacios. 300 JounNnl oF THE AMERIcIN Mosqurro Cotrrnol Assocrerroll Vol. 'Iable 2. Systematicindex to the mosquitoes Table 2. Continued. of Mexico. Stbg. O c hle rotatus Lynch Aribalzaga ANOPHELES Meigen l8l8 angustivittatus Dyar and Knab 1907 Subg. Anopheles Meigen 1818 atactavittatus Arnell 1976 apicimacula Dyar and Knab 19O6 bimaculatus (Coquillett 1902) aztecus Hoffman 1935 campestris Dyar and Knab 1907 bradleyi King 1939 canadensis (Theobald l9ol) crucians Wiedemann 1828 condolescens Dyar and Knab 1907 eiseni Coquillett 1902 dorsalis (Meigen 1830) fausti Yargas 1943 dupreei (Coquillett 1904) franc iscanus McCracken I 904 epactius Dyar and Knab 1908 freeborni Aitken 1939 euplocamus Dyar and Knab 1906 gaboldoni Vargas l94l fluviatilis (Lvtz l9M) hectoris Giaquinto-Mira 1931 fulvus (Wedemann 1828) judithae Zavortink 1969 hastatus Dyar 1922 neomaculipalpas Curry 1931 infirmatus Dyar and Knab 1906 p ar ap unc t ip enni s Martini 1932 laguna Arnell and Nielsen 1972 parapunctipennis guatemalensis De Leon mitchellae (Dyar 1905) 1938 monticola Belkin and McDonald 1957 p se udo p unc tip enni s Theobald I 90 I muelleri Dyar l92O punctimacula Dyar and Knab 19O6 nigromaculis (Ludlow 1906) punctipennis Say 1823 scapularis (Rondani 1848) quadrimaculatus Say t824 serratus Theobald l90l vestitipennis Dyar and Knab 1906 shannoni Vargas and Downs l95O walkeri Theobald 1901 sollicitans (Walker 1856) xelajuensis De Leon 1938 spencerii (Theobald l9ol) Subg. Kerreszia Theobald 1905 squamige r (Coquillett 1902) neivai Howard, Dyar, and Knab l9l2 s t i g mat ic u s Edw ards 1922 (1913) taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann I 821) thelcter Dyar 1918 Subg. Nyssorhynchus Blanchard 1902 tormentor Dyar 1906 albimanus Weidemann 1820 and Knab (Theobald
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