Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07076-9 — Yugoslavia in the Shadow of War John Paul Newman Index More Information Index Aćimović, Milan, 246 Association of Serbian Chetniks Petar Aleksandrov, Todor, 95 Mrkonjić, 105 Alexander, 18, 225 disbanded by Alexander, 215 Alexander Karadjordjević,16–17, 45–46, 54 resembles Radical party militia, 106 actions during parliamentary crisis Association of the Combatants of 1924–1925, 71–73 Yugoslavia, 168–169 and the ‘Salonika Trial’, 1917, 38 Association of War Invalids of the Kingdom assassinated, 224 of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, 58, cultivates ‘White Hand’,29 195–196 emphasizes Entente connection during Austria, 9 dictatorship years, 223 Austria-Hungary, 15 favours volunteers, 199 disorientation after 1918, 9 meets with Stepa Stepanović,76–77 intends to ‘de-nationalize’ Serbia, 37 monuments of, 69 its successor states, 9 powers under the Vidovdan Constitution, relations with Serbia, 1903–1914, 35 48–49 uses South Slav regiments in 1914, 2 proclaims unification of Yugoslavia, 129 Austro-Hungarian army supports Pašić in 1914, 35 its role in Austria-Hungary, 116–119 Alijagić, Alija, 138 relies on local knowledge in Balkan as communist martyr, 172–173 theatre, 121 All Quiet on the Western Front, 147 uses Croats and Bosnian Muslims in the Altgayer, Branimir, 245 Balkan theatre, 122 Amšel, Božidar, 164 Apis, 29, 52 Babić, Milan, 163 and the ‘Salonika Trial’,38 ‘Babunski’, Jovan Stojković, 31, 102–103 as ringleader of 1903 coup, 26 his monument unveilled in Veles, 89–90 Army of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and posthumously honoured by the Slovenes. See Yugoslav army Chetniks, 104 Association against Bulgarian Bandits, Balkan Alliance (Serbia, Montenegro 88, 97 Bulgaria, and Greece), 32 Association of Chetniks, 215, 223 Banat, 42 Association of Chetniks for the Freedom Banić, Milan, 225 and Honour of the Fatherland, 104 Barthou, Louis, 225 Association of Demobilized Salonikan Bartulović, Niko, 152, 156, 235, 252 Warriors in Skopje, 89 Bauer, Ante, 163 Association of Reserve Officers and Bay of Kotor (Cattaro), 125 Warriors, 18, 53, 58, 70, 214, Beneš, Edvard, 10 223, 244 Bevc, Ladislav, 168 applauds the dictatorship, 110 Birčanin, Ilija Trifunović, 74, 215, 218, close ties with French veterans, 64–66 236, 244 members involved with Chetniks in as commander of Dinara Division in Second World War, 251 1941, 252 282 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07076-9 — Yugoslavia in the Shadow of War John Paul Newman Index More Information Index 283 as leader of ORJUNA, 153 Croat People’s Peasant Party (HPSS), 48 becomes president of National rejects unification with Serbia and Defence, 216 Montenegro, 129 criticizes government, 234 Croat Republican Peasant Party (HPSS), sends note of support to Czechoslovakia, 138–139 235 concerns about ORJUNA, 155 targeted by IMRO, 96 Croatian God Mars, The, 254 Black Hand, the, 30, 52 Croatian Homeguard (Hrvatski domobran), formation of, 29 179 supports Princip and the Young Croatian Nationalist Youth, 155 Bosnians, 36 Croat-Serb Coalition, 130 Black Lamb and Grey Falcon,1–2 Čubrilović, Vasa, 236–237 Bogić, Bogomir, 219 ‘Čupa’, Ljuba Jovanović,35 Boj, 168, 228 Cvetković-Maček Agreeement. See Bojić, Milutin, 40 Sporazum Bojović, Peter, 38 Cvijić, Jovan, 82 Boroević, Svetozar, 121, 159 Cvitaš, Krunoslav, 163 Bosnia, 30 Czech Legions, 10 annexation of, 29 Czechoslovakia, 9, 13, 235, 243 Bregalnica, 56 and authoritarianism, 51 Brestovac, 190–191, 197 as victor state, 10 Broz, Josip. See Tito its soldiers during the First World War, 11 Bukšeg, Vilim, 162 Bulgaria, 9 d’Annunzio, Gabriele, 134 attack on former allies, 1913, 32 d’Esperey, Louis Franchet, 65 joins the Central Powers, 37 Dalmatia, 15, 42, 126 Dapčević, Peko, 259 Carinthia, 42, 144, 167 Davidović, Ljubomir Cemiyet, 106 during parliamentary crisis of Cer, 36, 58 1924–1925, 70 Chetniks (1903–1941), 30, 31, 32 Declaration Movement, 124 Chetniks, the, 258 Demobilization Ciglana, 189–190, 193, 197 as cultural process, 5 Circle of Serbian Sisters, 90–91 Democratic Party (DS), 47 Civic Guard, 233–234 battles Radical Party over land Committee for the National Defence of reform, 99 Kosovo. See Kosovo Committee Diklić, Slavko, 203 Committee for the Raising of a Monument Dimitrijević, Dragutin. See Apis to Serbian Heroes of 20 March who Dinara Division, 252 were Raided by Bulgarian Bandits on Dobruja, Battle of, 201–203 Good Friday, 89 Drašković, Milorad, 138, 153, 172 Committee for the Raising of a Monument Drina, River, 36 to the Fallen Soldiers of Šmartno Duić, Stjepan, 133 ob Paki, 165 Dušan the Mighty, 83, 87, 225 Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ), 258–259 Elegović, Ivo, 132 Conrad von Hötzendorf, Franz, 120 Federation of Inter-Allied Veterans Ćopić, Vladimir, 134, 172 (FIDAC), 59, 63–64, 201 Ćorović, Vladimir, 122, 236 holds congress in Belgrade, 220 Crkvenici, 136 France, 4, 12 Crnjanski, Miloš, 234 as victor state, 5 Croat Committee, 133–135 Frank, Josip, 130 Croat Legion, 133 Frankists, the Croat Peasant Party, 15 history 1914–1918, 130–131 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07076-9 — Yugoslavia in the Shadow of War John Paul Newman Index More Information 284 Index Frankists, the (cont.) Kaçaks, 41, 94, 97 mark All Souls’ Day at Mirogoj Kadrifakovo, 97 Cemetery, 169 Kajmakčalan, 56, 58, 229 put on trial in Belgrade, 135 Kalamegdan, 226 Franz Ferdinand, 36 King, Leroy, 142 Freikorps, 135 Klobučar, Vilim, 164 Klobučarić, Beno, 133 Gagliardi, Emanuel ‘Manko’, 133 Kolubara, River, 36 Garašanin, Ilija, 24 Korošec, Anton, 166 Germany, 6, 12, 198 Kosovo, 3, 14, 18, 41 Great Britain, 4, 12 Kosovo Committee, 95 as victor state, 5 Kosovo polje, 84 reaction to 1903 coup, 28 Kovač, Ante, 203, 206 Green Cadres, 42, 125 Kovačević, Mihailo, 97, 98 Gregorić, Milan, 163 Kovačević, Milan, 132 Krakov, Stanislav, 31, 87, 93 Hadžić, Stevan, 45, 61, 73, 74, as supporter of Zbor, 230 202–203, 223 in Second World War, 247 Heimwehr, 10, 134, 135 supports the Association against Heinzel, Vjekoslav, 163 Bulgarian Bandits, 97 Henneberg, Veceslav, 163 writes about the ‘classical south’,88 Herceg, Rudolf, 141–142 Kralj, Dušan, 163 Hitler, Adolf, 6, 201, 244, 245, 246, Kranjec, Marko, 151 253, 256 Krestintern (Peasant International), 71 Holy Spirit Poorhouse, 189 Krleža, Miroslav, 149, 238, 253–255 Horvat, Josip, 35, 135, 202 Krstić, Andjeljko, 101 talks about Radić’s appeal, 139 Kuhar, Lovro, 166 Hranilović, Dane, 203, 207 Kujunčić, Mihailo, 101 Hrvoj, Dragutin, 163 Kulturbund, 245 Hungary, 9, 42 Kušutić, Mirko, 170 Kvaternik, Eugen Dido, 180 Independent State of Croatia (NDH), Kvaternik, Slavko, 159, 163, 253–255, 16, 245 256, 257 Inter-Allied Ex-Serviceman’s Federation. See FIDAC Laxa, Vladimir, 121, 163 Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Lazar Hrebeljanović (‘Tsar Lazar’), 83 Organization (IMRO), 41, 51, Lazarević, Laza, 186 87, 224 League of War Combatants, 168 reactivated after First World War, Leontić, Ljubo, 74, 152 95–96 Lipošćak, Antun, 121, 128, 159, 162, Ionescu, Take, 11 172 Italy, 6, 42 Little Entente, 10, 235 Ljotić, Dimitrije, 236 Jelačić, Josip, 186 in Second World War, 247–248 Jelić, Branimir, 179–180 Ljubljana, 151 Jeras, Josip, 168 Lovrić, Lujo, 164, 200–201, Jevdjević, Dobroslav, 152, 156, 252 216 JO. See Yugoslav Committee (JO) as mascot of Alexander’s dictatorship, Jonić, Velibor, 229, 247 224 Journey’s End, 147 memoirs, 203 Jovanović, Arso, 259 prominence during Alexander’s Jovanović, Branko, 45, 54–55, 160 dictatorship, 222 Jovanović,Dušan, 143 speaks at FIDAC congress in Belgrade, Jovanović, Slobodan, 39, 236 220 Jurišić-Šturm, Pavle, 75–76 Lukinić, Edo, 75 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07076-9 — Yugoslavia in the Shadow of War John Paul Newman Index More Information Index 285 Macedonia, 3, 14, 18, 32 Ogrizović, Milan, 172 Maček, Vladko, 133, 233, 253 Organization of Yugoslav Nationalists war record, 139 (ORJUNA), 59, 70, 72, 228, 251 Mačkov Kamen, 58 attacks the Retired Officers’ Society, Maksimović, Desanka, 236 162–163 Malobabić, Rade, 39 brawl with communists at Trbovlje, Maribor, 136, 137 154–155 Marić, Krsto, 155 brawl with communists on All Souls’ Marseilles, 225 Day, 173 Masaryk, Tomáš, 10, 50 disbanded by Alexander, 214 Mašin, Draga, 26 formation of, 156 Matasić, Ante, 132 members’ career paths, 156 May Declaration. See Declaration Movement Osijek, 125, 136, 137 Medjimurje, 42 Ottoman Empire, 9 Memorandum of the Union of Volunteers, 200 Meštrović, Ivan, 220, 225 Partisanship, 16, 99 Metzger, Josip, 134 Pašić, Nikola, 35, 36, 71 Mihaljević, Mihovil, 129 acts against Apis, 1917, 38–39 Miletić, Niko, 153 dissolves government, 1922, 208 Ministry of Religious Affairs, 55–57 Paul (Prince), 226, 243 Ministry of Social Policy, 187, 191, 194 Pavelić, Ante, 16, 115, 163, 225, 253, 256 Ministry of the Army and Navy, 61 defends Frankists in 1921, 135 Mirogoj, 256 goes into exile, 181–182 Mišić, Živojin, 33, 37, 65 responds to killings in parliament, 1928, Moljević, Stevan, 235, 251 177–178 Monastir, 41 Pavičić, Josip, 190, 197–198 Monument of Gratitude to France, 221 Pazman, Josip, 132, 163 Moslavina, 191–193 Peasant Guard, 233–234 Mostar, 153 Pećanac, Kosta Milovanović, 74, 215, 230 Mussolini, Benito, 7 active in paramilitary ‘flying units’, 102–103 Načertanije,24 as leader of ORJUNA, 153 Nagodba, 118 career in First World War and 1920s, National Council of Slovenes, Croats, 107–108 and Serbs, 42, 47 in Second
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