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Believers in every generation have strived to be faithful “transformers.” History is filled with stories of powerful leaders and humble servants who, thanks to their sense of mission and purpose, changed their world for the better. For hundreds of years, our Sponsors have carried on Jesus’ healing work in the world. In essence, our Sponsors planted the seed of a ministry that has grown steadily, providing shelter, comfort and care to people in need. Over the years, these dedicated women and their collaborators – associates and physicians in communities all over the United States – have helped transform the lives of millions of people by providing care to meet patients’ physical and spiritual needs. Letter to Associates, Colleagues and Friends Today, Ascension Health is called to carry on this transfor- Q And you will learn about our Healthcare That Leaves mational work. Rooted in faith, and growing together, we No One Behind emphasis on creating a new model of access are building on the remarkable progress we have made as leadership that will help us accelerate our goal of achieving a healing ministry. 100 percent access to care. We are blessed with an opportunity to transform the way You will also read about the unique Enabling Strengths that healthcare is delivered in the United States, made manifest are helping us accomplish our Mission in a manner consistent by the implementation of our Strategic Direction as we with our Values. commit to providing Healthcare That Works, Healthcare That Q We are building a model community of Inspired People Is Safe, and Healthcare That Leaves No One Behind, for Life. by addressing the individual spiritual, physical, social and This work is made possible by our enabling inner strengths of professional needs of those who serve with us. inspired people, trusted partnerships, empowering knowledge, and vital presence in the communities we serve. Q We are creating Trusted Partnerships with other organizations that share our values. Through our Strategic Direction, we are in essence deepening our roots and extending our branches, ensuring that the Q We are developing Empowering Knowledge by using lives of those we serve are sustained and strengthened by technology to transform the care we provide. the care we provide. This Annual Report highlights the work Q We are working within the communities we serve to of associates and clinicians who are providing that Mission- ensure that we have Vital Presence and are where we are centered care every day and moving us to the realization of needed, how we are needed to be there. our Vision. For the good work and service of these caregivers, There is energy and enthusiasm around our Strategic we are proud and grateful beyond words. Direction as we continue to see the value in working together This year, Ascension Health made significant progress in a as a system. number of areas, including work begun on implementing our We have also made significant achievements in the areas Strategic Direction. of Mission Integration and Leadership Formation across Q You will read how the Healthcare That Works team is Ascension Health. Our commitment to forming and nurturing focusing its efforts on delivering a consistent, exceptional lay leadership is continuing, as leaders throughout the system Ascension Health Experience to persons we serve. actively participate in the Formation for Catholic Healthcare Q You will see that our Healthcare That Is Safe team is Ministry Leadership program and the Ongoing Executive exceeding its goals on our path toward clinically excellent care Formation program. We are committed to developing our with zero preventable injuries and deaths in our hospitals future leaders and fostering workplace spirituality so that our by July 2008. ministry may be sustained for centuries to come. To further our Mission, this year the Sponsors Council and the adopting guidelines by the Catholic Health Association for Board developed a strategic approach to strengthening the planning, measuring and documenting community benefits. Catholic health ministry, including a framework for considering This effort will help us better tell the story of our service to collaboration with other Catholic health systems. those in need, increasing understanding of our role in the healthcare safety net for the uninsured and underserved. We have been blessed with another strong year operationally, enabling us to increase our commitment to charity care. Hundreds of years ago, our Sponsors began this ministry Together, we provided nearly $704 million in Care of Persons of faith. Today, Ascension Health continues their legacy, Who Are Poor and Community Benefit in fiscal year 2006, extending this healing Mission through the work of more representing the seventh consecutive year we have been than 100,000 associates. We share a sacred obligation on able to increase the level of charity care our ministry provides. behalf of those we serve. It is a responsibility we accept This commitment is central to our Mission and one we share humbly; a call to ministry that demands the best of each of with Catholic healthcare organizations across the country. us, every day. Together, with God’s help, we will accomplish Ascension Health recently joined other Catholic systems in marvelous things. Jack Mudd, JD, JSD Sr. Barbara A. Moore, CSJ, PhD Anthony R. Tersigni, EdD, FACHE Chair, Board of Trustees Chair, Sponsors Council President and CEO The physician and nursing staffs at Saint Thomas Health Services are committed to bringing new therapeutic and informatics technologies to the patient care process that will transform the patient’s experience in receiving care. John Pirolo, MD Chief Medical Information Officer Saint Thomas Health Services Nashville, Tennessee I try to make everyone feel comfortable and treat them the way I would want to be treated if I was a patient. Angela Baker Patient Care Technician Carondelet Health Kansas City, Missouri 2020: Our Vision Realized Envisioning a Transformed Healthcare System We recently reached the end of our first year in We will fulfill our promise to those we serve by delivering Healthcare That Works, Healthcare That achieving the Strategic Direction we set forth last Is Safe and Healthcare That Leaves No One Behind, fall – a 15-year guide to realizing our Vision as for Life. This will be made possible by our enabling a Catholic health ministry. Our Strategic Direction strengths of inspired people, trusted partnerships, empowering knowledge and vital presence in the defines the preferred future state of Ascension communities we serve. Health and challenges us to extend our line of We made significant progress this year both in sight to the year 2020. continuing our efforts on behalf of our Call to Action and in developing the infrastructure and establishing Through the evolution of our Call to Action, it priorities for the work represented in our Enabling commits us to provide 100 percent access to safe, Strengths. In partnership with our Health Ministries, effective care in ways that satisfy patients, associates we are collaborating to define new ways to deliver and physicians. care, identify best practices and learn from one another. Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q I enjoy working at Lourdes because there is a real family atmosphere and a level of camaraderie between employees that is different from other hospitals in our community. Kevin A. Heintzelman, DO Lourdes Riverside Medical Associates Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial Hospital Binghamton, New York St. Vincent’s Hospital offers a unique sense of one-on-one interaction between associates and patients. Once you enter the facility, you can feel the compassion throughout the campus. Synoricery Crenshaw Pharmacy Technician II St. Vincent’s Hospital Birmingham, Alabama Healthcare That Works Leading the Way to the Ascension Health Experience Danielle Anderson* didn’t have any particular each step of her care, and listened to her questions expectations about hospital care before her first and concerns. It was the emphasis on meeting not only Danielle’s physical needs, but her emotional needs as inpatient stay. She had recently been diagnosed with well, that made the biggest impression
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