OF MESA COLLEGE Vol. 46, No. 2 Monda-y, Sept. 22, 1975 -Jim_Cheska1y i................ ,_,_ - -·---, Sept. 22- 27 T'he New Jethro Tull = I i ON SALE AT $3. 79 I [Plus the entire Catalog Music at $3.99 each]· I- I= 5i1H11UIDIIDUIIUU1llllllllllUUlllllUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUJIIIIII UIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIUIIUIUIIHBUIHlllffl-ll!M!11111111111•111DIIIIIIIIIIUUIUIIIIIIIIIIUU-IIIUIIWUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINHHHIUul RECORD RWNDOVv'NS•••••••••••••••••••••••• Want Ads -'l "By BRUC.E~llRlll.OR !Mike Post but is totally outstanding, and enjoyable. toUege Campus Representafive "'.:!! Railheail Overture Anyone who likes .synthesi-z.ed sound ~ .Mlf...:,005 should definitely buv this record. Needed to sell Brand Name Stereo ~~ Steve llillage components to students at lowest prices. lfish Rising The h\llma:n Brothers Band :E: High Commission No Investment re· VR13-11S On his first solo · album, "Railhead Win, Lose, or Draw ,"3i Overture," Mike Post £stablil;he-s himself CP0156 quired. Serirms Inquiries ONLY! E as a very unusual Moog _player. Together :FAD COMPONENTS• INC. 0 Steve Hillage is the impresario of 20 :Passaic Ave. -.r.: conceptual music. On this album, "Fish with this backup musicians he inter­ The Allman Brothers Band {or should Fairfield, "New 'Jersey07NUli ::: "Rising," he gets together with the weaves a melodious mixture of songs it be Brother) has a brand new album that are done superbly. out. It is called "Win, Lose, or Draw." g European band he plays with, "Gong," Cl. and they play some fantastic musk. The first side is distinct in that it From a musical ..sense it does sound ID "The concept that Hillage us:e·s in this contains the only song which has a tie in good, but historically it could be, and CAMERA FDR SAL'E ·~ album is one of a fishy story. Fie with the title. It happens to be a title actually is, different from the old band gi transfers his own name int-0 "Hillfish," song. The song starts out with a train sound. Yashica TLX Electro, 1. 7 lens normal 1 and he transfe-rs all the instruments into chugging along from a d~ad stop. On the , On the covers of this album you'll find 50mm, '135 f 2.8 Suntar, gadget bag; N fish, such as gitfish, organiish, basoofish, rest oi the first side he tries to build up an empty poker talJle with cards all alid assorted ac:cl!Ssories, $225, excellent ~ etc. All in all, .it's mindblowring. , steam, with the highest point coming at out, as if whoever was playing had just condition, cash only, leave message for ~ To go along with the conCJpt , some of the fourth song, "Wouldn't it be Nice." quit. This record is definitely comparable Judi Crim in Vocational .Bldg. "Room "' th.e s.ongs are as follows: lnghB In­ From this general point the album to drawing to a four straight in poker, if M122. ' ' volution, Solar Music: !\lite, 'Ji~ .Mefil. flattens out with very good music, you get it you'll have it made, but if you t.ations of the Soa.ke, O,a.tglrL "'EYdut:mJ\ in<>luding his hit son_g, ''The Rockford don't, you'll wish that you'd sat this fl'he Salmon Song, and Aftqgltii 'Jhey Files." hand out. t1ELP w~~rm are truly artists in their own ti DT<! This album happens to be an instru­ Overall, the music is clean, and Smokestack _Records .needs a third or This is a good album to buy if you are mental, it's better that way. Post has Gregg's vocals are what you would fourth year accounting major to work trying to eithe:r branch out in .music, or gotten these tools to work together in a expect, good buy raspy, you might as part-time. Call 245-0721 or apply in if you're just a music lover. way that is near to being unexplicatable, well draw and hope for an ace. person at 317 Rood Ave. Ne·w dorm officers, vr,sitation choices What's Happening Dorm officers for the 1975-76 school (room 320). Saturday, noon to midnight Friday • SBA elections, 8~30 - 4~30, at year have been appointed. They will Offkers for Aspen Hall, East Wing, Sunday, noon to 10 p.m. the College Center. assist students in need of information on include: President, Dave Sanford (room dorms. 220); Vice President, Bob Yetter (room Saturday · On campus: Mes.a College Dorm officers for Juniper Hall include: 239); Secretary-treasurer, Myron Nib­ Cattle Contest. 12:00 - 6:00, 'Houston and President, Peg Walter (room 213); Vice lack (room 225); and Athletic Director, 2. Walter Walker Hall. President, Audrey Klien (room 333); Steve Snyder (room 119). Friday, 3 p.m. to midnight Student nurses assouiation meet on Secretary-Treasurer, Michelle _Davis Pinon Hall dorm officers are: Presi­ Saturday, n.oon to midni_ght campus, 9:00 in the cafeteria. (room 103); and Social Chairman-Parlia­ dent, Ray Esparsen; Vice President, Sunday, noon to 10 p.m. Boosters barbeque south of College mentadan, Sharli Small (room 334). Kevin Cox: and Treasurer, Bill Sommer­ Monday - Thursday, n:one Center on the lawn at 6:00 p.m. Juniper Rail's Governing Board con­ ville. Mavericks vs. Colorado School of Mines sists of the following members: Fir;it As of yet visitation hours have not football _game, 8:00 p.m. Floor East, Debbie Durbin; Second Floor been decided upon. Dorm members nre 3 Sunday • Movie, "Bob and Carol and East, Linda Helgoth; Third Floor East, now voting on three suggestions: Ted and Alice," 8:00 p.m. Patty Cherry; "Fir.st Floor West, Karen No visitation _Kohler; Second FJoor West, Linda Ca- Monday · SBA cabinet meeting in therD and Third Floor West, Ann 1. Until visitation hours are set, please north meeting room at 6:30 p.m. do not violate the present no visitation Steinbeck. Monday, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday - faculty counsel at 12 Aspen ILiall officers west wing are: Tuesday, none signs. President, Jodi Cotten (room 215); Vice Wednesday, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. w w .: w w w President, Debbie Grossman {rooqi 320); Thursday, none and Secretary-Treasurer, Janie ' Jones "Friday, 3 p.m. to midnight • We mot onlly ha·ve: Guy's & Gals Pants But Guy"s & Gals ~--"-' W'aStern srrirts !Discolheq1 wre., Lounge, and Dancj~g (21 and 1over). But Fine Eve.nmg Djning Sporls lflearty Daily Lunches Shirts Belts & Buckles and All Else to ~eep your 'body s10~no R't:h. av~~•. ~oatiing as HOT as your narne! ~~o 1ilo>­ OuaHt:Y & Buys 7th "dnd Main (almost .2~2108 }Improve Yourr Reading Skills! ~.{; "-::; Reading is the most important learn- her their meanings and how to use them. ·i::i:: Do you read every single word? Depending upon your "eye span" you '..:l ing sJQill one can acquire for success and Do you go back over what you have will perceive one, two or more words in 1"" enjoyment throughout life. It is an read? each fixation. The avera_ge college stu­ ; integral part of our personal and Do you always read at the same dent, for example, "h·as a span of 1.1 ADAPT YOUR:'.SPEED SO Y011 ·°' working lives. Consider how much time speed? words and makes four fixations per ll1NUF,RSTAND-rrHE :MATERJAL ·~ every day is spent reading newspapers, Has your reading speed and compre­ second. :;:: letters, books, menus, directions or hension remained static for a numher of Vocalizing wordB impeded reading U"l signs! Ei,ghty-five percent of college years? progress. Poor readers are inclined to A good reader must learn to balance ~ work, for example, involves reading. The kill above from evaluate..... whisper, use their lips, enunciate silently """ better you read, the mare yhou will in their throat , or visualize thea.words in speed with accuracy. Don't expect to ~ succeed in study or work, and enjoy the their mind. If you have any of these bad read everything at the 1-ame rate. 1..ike a ...; time you spend with books. Do you use your lips, throat or mind habits they should be broken because well-tuned car, your eyes must adapt to f' , Reading is basically the understanding to "vocalize" words? (You are probably they slow down understanding. Learn to the terrain. Above all, you must under­ IJ.J of words and the association between Jiilll using the childh.ood habit of sound­ move your eyes continually forward at a stand and remember what you are ~- them. To improve reading skills you ing out each word. T_his 11lows -you pace that allows the brain to understand. reading. ] must increase your ability to see and down.] · 'train your eyes io increase th.eir span Read with a purpose, be a~are of .: understand grouping .of words, or ideas, Do strange words constantly s t. op your by taking in more than nne word at a what you an reading and why. Your ""' at a speed and in a mann!'r that is pn,~ress? [Your vocabulary needs im­ time. You can make your eye fix on speed should he adjusted to the type of comfortable to you. To be a good reader proving.I related words, pharses, or short lines in material. Don"t expect to whiz through a vou must concentrate on what you are Do you read every single word? [You one brief stop. · chapter of biolo_gy at the -~ame rate as a chapter of a novel. doing and learn to use your eyes to the sh.ould train your eyes to span j)hrases Don't alh1w your eyes to go back oHr hest of your ability.
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