, ., .·:C"",,,,,,c'·"'·""f"j£'"" .... ':'£'?'~Jf;f:~""~~I. '.-'< ':')':"->. i ,~~"~~~ '7he~ftt~ \ GUARDIAN J• GRESHAM MACHEN· EDITOR 1936·1937 Sunday Sehools For Salvation Edmund P. Clowney (Page 35) • The {ltristian's Comfort in a HostUe World Le Roy B. Oliver (Page 37) • Released Time Evangelism Frances L. Poundstone (Page 40) • Seienee and Evolution Edward J. Young (Page 42) • Colorado's Children Barriet Z. Teal (Page 43) "In thy light shall we see light." 34 THE PRESBYTERIAN ,GUARDIAN Fehrnary 16 Dave You Noticed That ••• Version of 1901. The question of the faithfulness of the new translation to the ~E National Opinion Research Center bers are Catholics and that national com­ original text of Scripture wiII be of the .I. of the University of Denver says that mittees are to have two-thirds of their greatest possible interest and concern to 42% of Americans go to church or syna­ members from the Roman Church. all who hold to the inspiration of the gogue at least once a week and 64% at Scriptures. least once a month. Not one Christian in good standing is However 69% of Catholics report that on the list of Japanese war criminals. Dr. John R. Richardson, reviewing Dr. they go once a week at least, while for There are five, however, who had given up Cornelius Van Til's Syllabus on Syste­ Protestants the figure is only 36% and a previous Christian profession. matic Theology for Juniors in The Soutb­ for Jews only 9%. em Presbyterian Journal, speaks highly of According to regions, attendance at least Some American army chaplains in Japan its spiritual and intellectual value. "For­ once a month amounts to 77% in the are giving funds "for the rebuilding of a tunate indeed," he states, "are theological South, 63% in New England and the modernist theological seminary in Tokyo. students who have the privilege of sitting, Middle Atlantic States, 62% in the Mid­ at the feet of this distinguished teacher dle West, but only 44% in the Rocky Progress is being made, at conferences of the Reformed Faith." Mountain and Pacific Coast states. of representatives, towards the organic union of the Presbyterian Church of Eng­ The United Presbyterian Church and , There was wagered on dog races III land and the Congregational Churches of the Reformed Church in America have Great Britain in 1944 the sum of £70,­ England and Wales. undertaken to explore the possibilities of 452,961, through the betting windows union. A joint meeting of the committees alone. Perhaps as much again was gambled In spite of Allied control, Italian au­ of the two churches has been held, and on dogs through private bookmakers. thcrities are hesitant about giving the "go­ preliminary work is being carried forward Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish ahead" signal to the Protestant churches by five sub-committees. opposition to a new dog racing track in in Italy who want to settle questions aris­ Boston, Mass., has forced abandonment ing out of war difficulties. At a recent rally of "Young Calvinists" -,i of the proposal. held in Grand Rapids there was an at­ The heroic man who as dean of Trond­ tendance of five thousand. The rally was ~, J. Edgar Hoover says that 21.4% of the heim cathedral in Norway defied the Nazis sponsored by the American Federation of arrests in the U. S. last year were of peo­ with a militant Christian sermon in 1942, Reformed Young Men's Societies and the ple too young to vote. has just been made bishop of that diocese. American Federation ,of Reformed Young f, Women's Societies, which cooperate in ,: i The U. S. Supreme Court has ruled The First Baptist Church of Memphis publishing the attractive monthly, The that the principles of freedom of religion has a girl interpret the minister's sermons Young,Calvinist. At the same season nearly and freedom of the press require private in sign language for the deaf while he is forty other rallies were held in other parts owners of towns, and the government preaching. of the country with an attendance of itself, to permit the distribution of religious nearly nine thousand. Most of the speak­ tracts freely, even though the town prop­ Even the return of eighty chaplains will ers were ministers in the Christian Re­ erty is owned entirely by a private cor­ not fill the vacancies in the churches of formed Church. poration or by the Federal government. the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The provisional committee of the World In Norway a Christian youth movement The Protestant Episcopal bishop of Council of Christian Churches is sched­ in the schools and universities is flourish­ Western Michigan hopes that the whole uled to meet in Geneva, February zoth ing. One of the leaders is Professor O. C. project for the union of his church with to 23rd, at which time actions wiII be Hallesby whose book on P!ayer appeared the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. taken to convene the first world Assembly in English before the war. will be dropped. He believes that the of the Council, which had been originally House of Bishops should have been given intended for the United States in 1941. The President of the Missouri Synod an opportunity to discussthe matter freely. Among the American members expected Lutheran Church, who has just returned to attend areJohn R. Mott, Henry Smith from a trip through devastated Europe, On February 11th a new version of the Leiper, Samuel McC. Cavert, and Douglas criticizes the Federal Council and the New Testament, to be known as the Re­ Horton. The calling of the Council, ac­ World, Council of Churches for sup­ vised Standard Version, will be offered for cording to Dr. W. A. Visser 't Hoeft, porting a drive to unite the Protestant sale for the first time. In preparation for general secretary of the provisional com­ Churches of Germany. fifteen years by a large committee of mittee, is not to become "merely an organ American scholars, the translation is a re­ of practical collaboration and theological An organization called Unitas, spon­ vision of the American Standard Version conversation between Churches which de­ sored by Roman Catholics, is attempting of 1901. It takes account of the Authorized fend their sovereignty"; rather it is "to to enlist Christians who are not Catholics (King James) Version of 1611, however, hold up constantly before the Churches in promoting international good-will. It is for evidently one of its' chief aims is to the image of one holy apostolic Church, notable that the union is controlled by an recover the simple, classic English style of which contains a judgment and a promise international committee all of whose mem- this version, which was largely lost in the for each Church." The Presbyterian Guardian is published semi-menthly from September to July. inclusive.' and monthly in August by The Presbyterian Guardian Publishing Cor,.,a· tien, 728 Schaff Building, 1505 Race Street. Philadelphia. Pa.• at the folloWing rates. payable in advance. for either old or new subscribers in any part of the world. pOsta•• !r~J)ald.: $2.00 p.er. year; $.1.0.0 forftve months; five or more copies eith.e.r to s.evarate addresses or in a package to one address. $1.25 each per yea.r; introd.ctory rate for neW ml'scrlb~s cmly. tJll'~e mPllt!>. for 25c; 10c per .inj:lc copy. E!llc!'~<! ;t,~ ~~collll cia,' matter March 4, 1937, at the po.t 0IIIce at Philadelphia, P.... under the Act of March 3. 18T9. i.. ~~~~"\- 'oi' ,~;:, . r5tXt\A~b¥NA¥&,f\:e';; . -"'$ 3- J 1946 THE PRESBYTERIAN GUARDIAN 35 S'unday Schools For Salvation By the REV. EDMUND P. CLOWNEY Pastor of the First Orthodox Presbyterian Church, New Haven, Conn. HE outlook for many American tinguished from the world, and them to teach the child until he is about to T Sunday schools is as cheerless as that are without, and united with be­ become a communicant member of their traditional basement quarters. lievers; and all who are baptized in the church. Rather they will be com­ Some observers even predict that the the name of Christ, do renounce, and mitted to a whole program of religious whole institution will pass with this by their baptism are bound to fight teaching and training. generation. Such a suggestion is a against the devil, the world, and the Can the Sunday school be made rousing challenge to every true friend flesh: they are Christians, and feder­ the chief feature of such a program? of the Sunday school. But before the ally holy before baptism, and there­ No one can deny that the Sunday champion of the Sunday school rushes fore are they baptized .. ." school can aid in such a program, but to horse and rides off in all directions The aim of the church's instruction it cannot bear the main load. In the at once, he 'might do well to reflect of these children is not to win them first. place, it is too limited in time. for a moment. A preacher should aim to Christianity, as if those that had Taken by itself, a twenty-minute pe­ at a little more than the salvation of been received in Christ's arms were riod of instruction at weekly intervals his sermon; the Sunday school leader aliens in need of reconciliation; the is a starvation diet for the Christian should have a little more in mind than aim is rather to bring them to full child. It is also limited in its staff. the salvation of the Sunday school.
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