S4252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 25, 1996 the nationally recognized Duke Univer- ground for Indiana’s burgeoning auto- Following World War II, he assumed sity Talent Identification Program, mobile industry. Indiana was home at the post of commander of the U.S.S. which identifies verbally and mathe- the time to such names as Coral Sea and then was chief of the Bu- matically gifted young people, and it Duessenburg, Cord, Marmon, Stutz, Na- reau of Aeronautics, rising to the rank offers regional residential courses to tional, Cole, Auburn, and Apperson. of vice admiral. From 1958 to 1962, he these special students. Dr. Alost has The first Indianapolis 500 was run in served as Vice Chief of Naval Oper- also overseen the establishment of 1911 and races have been run ever since. ations with the four-star rank of Admi- Northwestern Abroad, which provides In 1917, the track backstretch was ral. Because of his exceptionally meri- travel-study opportunities to students given over to the military for use as an torious efforts in that capacity, he was who wish to expand their knowledge of aviation maintenance training center. awarded the Distinguished Service other cultures. It became one of the first lighted run- Medal. I had the pleasure of working with ways in the world. Races were canceled In 1962, Admiral Russell was named Dr. Alost when we brought the Na- during the years 1917, 1918 and 1942–45 commander in chief of the Allied tional Center for Preservation Tech- out of respect for the war effort. Since Forces in Southern Europe, a position nology and Training to NSU, a na- those early days, the race has grown to he held until his retirement from ac- tional institution dedicated to historic become a rite of spring for millions of tive duty in 1965. His leadership during preservation. This one-of-a-kind center Americans, attracting the world’s larg- a time of heightened tensions earned was established by the National Park est 1-day sporting event crowd, as well Service to train cultural resource pro- him a Gold Star in lieu of the second as an immense broadcast audience. Distinguished Service Medal. fessionals and serve as a clearinghouse Indianapolis is the home of the for the transfer of historic preservation IndyCar racing industry, and the The advancement of the field of technology across the country. It is the month of May is an especially dynamic naval aviation owes a great deal to the innovate examples I have just cited time in our State. As race season be- work of Admiral Russell. He entered which have designated Northwestern gins, it is appropriate that we honor the field when biplanes ruled the skies State University as a premier institu- this uniquely American event and all and aided the development of super- tion for higher learning. those who have made it possible. In sonic fighters. For his work on the de- Dr. Alost’s service has also touched particular, we take pride in honoring velopment of the F–8 Crusader Navy those outside of the Northwestern com- the memory and vision of Tony fighter, the first ship-based fighter to munity. Over the years, numerous Hulman, Jr.; the steadfast service of fly faster than 1,000 miles per hour, Ad- civic, professional, and religious orga- his wife, Mary Fendrich Hulman; and miral Russell was awarded the pres- nizations have flourished under his their daughter, Mari Hulman George; tigious Collier Trophy in 1956. leadership. He has served as president as well as the strong leadership of Indi- Recognition of his work extends be- and on the board of directors of the anapolis Motor Speedway president yond the borders of the United States, Natchitoches Tourist Commission. As Anton H. George, who personifies the and is evidenced by his receipt of three an administrator and educator, he very future of IndyCar racing.∑ foreign decorations. These include: the served as president of the Louisiana f Order of Naval Merit (Grand Officer) by Council for Deans of Education, the Brazil, the Legion of Honor (Com- Louisiana Association for Colleges and TRIBUTE TO ADM. JAMES S. mander) by France, and the Peruvian Teacher Education, and the Louisiana RUSSELL Cross of Naval Merit (Great Cross). Association for Health, Physical Edu- ∑ Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, it is After retiring from active duty, Ad- cation and Recreation. with great sadness that I rise today to While Dr. Alost is a great source of miral Russell returned to the Tacoma record the passing of a truly great area and became a prominent member pride for Northwestern State Univer- American, Admiral James S. Russell. sity, he has also been honored with of that community. He remained active Adm. Russell built a remarkable leg- in the aerospace industry as a consult- many local, State, and national acy as a distinguished and decorated awards. In 1985, he was recognized by ant and board member. However, his military officer and a respected civic the Louisiana Association of School second career, which spanned almost as leader in Washington State. many years as his first, was as a civic Executives as the State’s Educator of James Sargent Russell was born on the Year. In 1986, he received the Lead- leader who bridged the civilian and March 22, 1903, in Tacoma, WA, where military communities. Indeed, at an ership Award from the Louisiana Asso- he spent his childhood. Eager to serve ciation of Gifted and Talented Stu- age when many of his contemporaries his country in World War I, he at- dents. The citizens of Natchitoches were enjoying a quiet retirement, Ad- tempted to join the U.S. Navy after proclaimed him Man of the Year in miral Russell took an active role in graduating from high school. Because 1987. His achievements were heralded community affairs. he was too young, the Navy would not on a national level in 1989 when he was accept his enlistment. Instead, he fol- Admiral Russell leaves his wife, Ger- presented with the Phi Kappa Phi Dis- lowed his love of the sea, beginning his aldine; his son and daughter-in-law, tinguished Member Award. maritime career as a seaman in the Don and Katherine Russell; his daugh- Dr. Robert Alost’s lifetime of ter-in-law, Anitha Russell; five grand- achievement is truly an inspiration, Merchant Marine. In 1922, he entered the U.S. Naval children; and three great-grand- and he serves as an incredible role children. I wish to express my sincere model for those who believe that the Academy, from which he graduated in 1926. This marked the beginning of a sympathy and condolences to these and possibilities are limitless. It has been other members of his family. an honor and a privilege to know him. long and illustrious tour of duty with I congratulate Dr. Alost on his distin- the U.S. Navy. After serving aboard the All who are acquainted with Admiral guished career and wish him well as he battleship West Virginia, he entered the Russell know that his work has bene- enjoys the well-earned rewards of re- young field of naval aviation, and was fited and will continue to benefit tirement.∑ designated a Naval Aviator in 1929. countless individuals in Washington During World War II, then-Lieuten- State, across this Nation, and around f ant Commander Russell led Patrol the globe. Admiral Russell served his INDIANAPOLIS MOTOR SPEEDWAY Squadron 42 in the Aleutian Island country and community selflessly for AND THE INDIANAPOLIS 500 Campaign. For his heroism and excep- three-quarters of a century. He led by ∑ Mr. LUGAR. Mr. President, I rise tional service, he was awarded the Dis- example and earned the respect of all today as the month of May approaches tinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, who knew him. I and so many people to pay tribute to an important part of and the Legion of Merit. After serving —his friends, colleagues, family, and Hoosier heritage, the Indianapolis in the Office of the Chief of Naval Oper- community members—are sincerely Motor Speedway and the Indianapolis ations in Washington, DC, he returned grateful for his many contributions to 500. to combat duty in the Pacific and was military and civilian life. He leaves be- The Indianapolis Motor Speedway awarded a Gold Star in lieu of a second hind a great legacy and will not be was built in 1909 to provide a testing Legion of Merit. soon forgotten.∑ VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:07 Jun 20, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00158 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S25AP6.REC S25AP6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS April 25, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4253 TRIBUTE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF Coach Pitino, Athletic Director C.M. verted adults for money and sick pleasures. KENTUCKY WILDCATS Newton, and President Charles The foster care system which is designed to Wethington for restoring dignity, ex- provide protection and hope for neglected ∑ Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, as children actually feeds thousands into the my colleagues well know, I do not fre- citement, and honor to this proud pro- corrections system as felons each year. quently venture down to the other side gram. Their leadership provides an ex- Mothers are battered in front of and with of Pennsylvania Avenue. The current ample all of us in public life would do their children and many see no other option occupant of the White House and I do well to emulate.∑ but to suffer through this kind of domestic not always see eye to eye. But, times f violence year after year. But your services change and I am anxiously awaiting are making a difference.
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