Q:ongrrssional Rrcord United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 8oth CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION S. 311. An act authorizing the issuance of I speak also of the man who later gave SENATE a patent in fee to Charles Ghost Bear,_Sr.; American liberalism a new and even richer S. 312. An act authorizing the issuance of meaning-Andrew Jackson. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1948 a patent in fee to Charles Kills the Enemy; Although these meetings tonight are po­ S. 313. An act authorizing the issuance of litical gatherings, the things I wish to talk <Legislative day of Monday, February 2, a. patent in fee to Calvin W. Clincher; about are important to evefy citizen in the 1948) S. 409. An act for the relief of Milan Jand­ Nation, no matter , what political affiliation rich; .he or she may have. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, S. 457. An act for the relief of Anna Kong The party system prevails in this country. on the expiration of the recess. Mei; · I believe in it and have confidence in it. It The Chaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, S. 499. An act authorizing the iss~ance o~ constitutes the most effective means of pre­ a patent~ in fee to Mrs. Bessie Two Elk-Poor senting the issues of the day tO' the American D. D., offered the following prayer: Bear; people. 0 God, be merciful when we pray with S. 522. An act to authorize the sale of cer­ The party of progressive liberalism in the half our heart or listen with half our tain lands of the L'Anse Band of Chippewa United States, the party that carries on the Indians, Michigan; traditions of Jefferson and Jackson, the party mind, and pity us that we are torn as we · S. 542. An act authorizing the issuance of that has four times in succession received are ahd bedeviled with compromises. a patent in fee to Mrs. Ella; White Bull; the people's mandate is the Democratic Vainly we long for life without such S. 1133. An act providing for the per capita Party. ' difficult decisions, yet we know that we payment of certain moneys appropriated in This year its mandate must again be con­ have only ourselves to blame for the settlement of certain claims of the Indians sidered by -the people for renewal. tensions in which we live. of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in This is a year of challenge. I propose We need to pray that our own eyes be North Dakota; that we meet that challenge head on. s. 1,454. An act to amend the Public Health The people will again decide whether they opened to the truth. Deliver us from the Service Act in regard to certain matters of want the forces of positive, progressive lib­ reservations that would pray: "Thy king­ personnel and administration, arid for other eralism to continue in office, or whether, in dom come-but not yet; Thy will be purposes; these challenging times, they want to en­ done on earth-by other people." Help S. 1485. An act to authorize the Secretary trust their Government to those forces of each one of us to see that if Thy Holy of the Interior to dispose of certain lands conservatism which believe in the benefit Spirit is to lead America, He must be heretofore acquired for the Albuquerque of the few at the expense of the many. permitted to lead us. Indian School, New Mexico; This is the choice that Americans have If Thy will is to be done, we must do it. S. 1507. An act authorizing the sale of un­ had to make since the earliest years of the disposed of lots in Michel addition to the Republic: a choice between a parcel labeled 0 God, most merciful, consider not town of Polson, Mont.; and progressive liberalism and a parcel labeled our cowardice, but forgive our failings. S . 1591. An act to transfer certain trans­ reactionary conservatism. This being true, Harken to those prayers of our hearts mission lines, substations, appurt;mances, it is highly important to know what the which come to us in high moments when and equipment in .connection with the sale American people have found in each of these we forget ourselves and think of Thee. and disposition of electric energy generated parcels. Amen. at the Fort Peck project, Montana, and for Our Constitution made no provision for other purposes. · government by political parties. But politi­ THE JOURNAL cal parties were not long in developing in JEFFERSON-JACKSON DAY ADDRESS BY the early years of the Republic. Sharp dif­ On request of Mr. TAFT, and by unani­ THE PRESIDENT mous consent, the reading of the Journal ferences of opinion arose in George Wash­ of the proceedings of Wednesday, Feb­ Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. PresidEmt, I ask ington's Cabinet over the powers and pur­ ruary 18, 1948, was dispensed with, and unanimous consent to have printed in the poses of the new Government. the Journal was approved. body of the RECORD the address delivered Alexander Hamilton, first Secretary of the last evening by the President of the Treasury, frankly 'affirmed his belief that MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT government should be controlled by the rich United States at the Jefferson-Jackson and tb.e well-born. He believed that govern­ Messages in writing from the President Day dinner held at the Mayftower Hotel. ment should be aristocratic and that it of the United States were communicated There being no objection, the address should operate primarily in the interest of to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, wealth and privilege. secretaries. as follows: Fortunately for the people, there was also MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Mr. Chairman, my fellow citizens, it is a in Washington's administration a powerful great experience to be present at this gather­ man, Thomas Jefferson, who believed just A message from tlle House of Repre­ ing this evening. I appreciate your generous· as strongly that government should be by sentatives, by Mr. MAURER, one of its welcome and the evidence of your friend­ the whole people and for the whole people. reading clerks, communicated to the ship. Our meeting here is only one of many He was convinced that true democratic prog­ Senate the intelligence of the death of similar meetings that are being held ress could be attained only by extending Hon. JOHN M. ROBSION, late a Repre­ throughout the country in tribute and in political and economic liberty, religious free­ celebration. To all I send the warmest and dom, and educational opportunity. Jeffer­ sentative from the State of Kentucky, son passionately believed that the genius ot . and transmitted the resolutions of the most sincere greetings. We meet tonight on the occasion of the America rested in the ranks of ordinary men, House thereon. one hundredth anniversary of the Demo­ and that they must control the Government. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED cratic National Committee to honor two There could hardly have been a sharper great Americans. These men early in our cleavage than that between Hamilton and The message announced that the history inspired the people of this country Jefferson. Speaker had affixed his signature to the to assert their rights against privilege. They The supporters of Jefferson organized a following enrolled bUis, and they were endowed the United States with a liberal political party of progressive liberalism that signed by the President pro tempore: philosophy and tradition. And at the same has continued in American political life down S. 257. An act for the relief of Yoneo Sakai; time they were practical men, able to trans­ to the present · day. · That party is toqay · S. 305. An act for the relief of Mrs. Hilda late liberal philosophy into law and political known as the Democratic Party. Margaret McGrew; · . fact. The followers of Alexander Hamilton also s. 310. An act authorizing the issuance of I speak of the father of American liberal­ banded themselve~ together as a political a patent in fee to Jonah Williams; ism-Thomas Jefferson. party. This, the party of conservatism, the XCIV-91 1435 1436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 20 party of rule by and for the privileged few, had to fight throughout our history have Their political descendants are to be. found has its counterpart in our national life today. been the forces of selfish wealth and privilege. among those who were afraid to attempt re­ I have long been impressed by the con­ The party of progressive liberalism-the covery in the 1930's, and who are now afraid tinuity of these two political philosophies Democratic Party-believes today, as it has to make farsighted preparations for Ameri- throughout American history. always believed, that it is the duty of popu­ can prosperity. I h ave been impressed because the policies lar government to protect and promote the Let the. farmers and workers and average of their disciples are such faithful images · interests, not of just the privileged few, but businessmen of today-the· kind of people in of t h e philosophies themselves. The parcel of all the groups and individuals in our whom Jefferson and Jackson h ad such faith­ of reaction ary conservatism may ·be wrapped Nation. ponder where they would be now if the timid in bright colors and gay tin sel, but when The Democratic Party believes today, as it men with little ideas had gained mastery you open it you always find part y rule for has always believed, that vigilance and action during the m,ore recent crises in our history.
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