

WTF Official Ranking Report World Ranking M+87kg April 2017 (Includes Events until end of March) World Rank Member Name Member Number Country Total Points 1 Dmitriy SHOKIN UZB-1544 Uzbekistan 358.68 2 Radik ISAEV AZE-1637 Azerbaijan 349.74 3 Sajjad MARDANI IRI-7952 Iran 314.58 4 Abdoul ISSOUFOU NIG-1503 Niger 305.11 5 Dong-min CHA KOR-1509 Republic of Korea 228.46 6 Vedran GOLEC CRO-1505 Croatia 192.48 7 Anthony OBAME GAB-1521 Gabon 192.04 8 Mahama CHO GBR-1505 Great Britain 187.94 9 Arman-marshall SILLA BLR-1558 Belarus 181.99 10 Stephen LAMBDIN USA-1514 United States of America 177.48 11 Roman KUZNETSOV RUS-1524 Russia 168.59 12 Omar EL YAZIDI FRA-1570 France 146.92 13 Volker WODZICH GER-1817 Germany 142.99 14 Chol-ho JO KOR-1512 Republic of Korea 142.06 15 Maicon SIQUEIRA BRA-1732 Brazil 125.97 16 Rafael CASTILLO CUB-1517 Cuba 122.69 17 M'bar N'DIAYE FRA-1629 France 121.71 18 Vladislav LARIN RUS-1837 Russia 100.78 19 Ivan TRAJKOVIC SLO-1505 Slovenia 96.71 20 Tuarai HERY FPO-1537 French Polynesia 94.81 21 Martin SIO ARG-1576 Argentina 93.22 22 Jasur BAYKUZIYEV UZB-1517 Uzbekistan 82.74 23 Robelis DESPAIGNE CUB-1509 Cuba 82.19 24 Piotr HATOWSKI POL-1518 Poland 79.87 25 Yury KIRICHENKO RUS-1941 Russia 76.84 26 Jonathan HEALY USA-2086 United States of America 75.91 27 Firmin ZOKOU CIV-1516 Cote D'ivoire 75.53 28 Marc Andre BERGERON CAN-1651 Canada 75.01 29 Oleg KUZNETCOV RUS-1525 Russia 74.41 30 Leonardo BASILE ITA-1531 Italy 74.06 31 Ruslan ZHAPAROV KAZ-1589 Kazakhstan 70.42 32 Guilherme CEZÁRIO FELIX BRA-1549 Brazil 66.20 33 Rafail AIUKAEV RUS-3400 Russia 52.50 34 Ali SARI TUR-1636 Turkey 50.43 35 Victor Manuel BALLESTEROS GOMEZ MEX-1839 Mexico 48.53 36 Bugrahan KARAKAS TUR-1972 Turkey 46.04 37 Kaan KILIC TUR-1852 Turkey 45.07 38 Jesus PEREA TARIRA ECU-1582 Ecuador 43.70 39 Mohamed AYMAN EGY-1603 Egypt 43.52 40 Braian ELLIOT URU-1518 Uruguay 43.33 41 Marko DJURICIC SRB-1584 Serbia 42.24 42 Daniel ROS GÓ MEZ ESP-1568 Spain 37.96 43 Yassine TRABELSI TUN-1525 Tunisia 37.33 44 Mykhailo SHELEST UKR-2004 Ukraine 33.82 45 Yi YANG CHN-1743 China 32.21 46 Nicolas DORMAN NZL-1566 New Zealand 31.80 47 Adrian CABO ESTEBAN ESP-1573 Spain 30.80 48 Demetris MOUSTAKAS CYP-1530 Cyprus 30.64 49 Chika CHUKWUMERIJE NGR-1502 Nigeria 29.64 50 Yoon-min BAE KOR-3006 Republic of Korea 29.47 51 Christoph DECKER AUT-1513 Austria 28.99 52 Carlo MOLFETTA ITA-1532 Italy 28.78 53 Morteza SHIRI IRI-3281 Iran 28.64 54 Alisher GULOV TJK-1507 Tajikistan 28.09 55 Kristopher Robert UY PHI-1547 Philippines 27.66 56 Dafydd SANDERS NZL-1517 New Zealand 27.65 57 Seung-hwan LEE KOR-2243 Republic of Korea 27.20 58 Lyle WALKER GBR-1898 Great Britain 26.28 59 Jayson GRANT JAM-1501 Jamaica 25.44 60 Djordje MARCETIC SRB-1515 Serbia 25.18 61 Carlos RIVAS VEN-1522 Venezuela 23.67 62 Elias EL HEDARI LIB-1502 Lebanon 23.61 63 Alexey PRYAZHNIKOV RUS-2256 Russia 22.50 64 Pita TAUFATOFUA TGA-1502 Tonga 22.02 65 Leandro SOUZA BRA-2642 Brazil 21.60 66 Konstantinos GKOLTSIOS GRE-1509 Greece 21.04 67 Phillip YUN USA-1601 United States of America 19.26 68 Cj HUARD BERRO CAN-1599 Canada 18.76 69 Teemu HEINO FIN-1501 Finland 18.30 70 Omid AMIDI IRI-4669 Iran 18.04 71 Adam MEYERS AUS-9954 Australia 17.78 72 Ramon FLORES III USA-3508 United States of America 17.51 73 Athanasios NIKOLAIDIS GRE-2392 Greece 16.94 74 Serdar YUKSEL TUR-1634 Turkey 16.78 75 Henry COOKEY GBR-1571 Great Britain 16.64 76 Jeroen WANROOIJ NED-1514 Netherlands 15.99 77 Abdelrahman ELHENDI EGY-1670 Egypt 15.90 78 Yeon-ho KANG KOR-2288 Republic of Korea 15.75 79 Alexander BACHMANN GER-1661 Germany 15.45 80 Mohammed EL KHARZAZI MAR-1509 Morocco 15.36 81 Toumani DIABATÉ MLI-1597 Mali 15.31 82 Emil KHADEEV RUS-2006 Russia 15.18 83 Sen QIAO CHN-1712 China 14.82 84 Leonardo ZAMORA CHI-1506 Chile 14.52 85 Farshad GHIAS SHANDI IRI-7722 Iran 14.32 86 Misael LOPEZ MEX-1543 Mexico 14.19 87 Jintao LIU CHN-1646 China 13.33 88 Yoon-keun PARK KOR-2603 Republic of Korea 13.32 89 Danilo VUKELIC SRB-1566 Serbia 13.25 90 Sergey PAK KAZ-1571 Kazakhstan 12.98 91 Karel ORTHOSIE NCD-1523 New Caledonia 12.96 92 Danylo IGNATIY UKR-1585 Ukraine 12.72 93 Mohamed GANNOUN MAR-1706 Morocco 12.40 94 Kristopher MOITLAND CABEZAS CRC-1500 Costa Rica 12.12 95 Carlos SANSORES MEX-108423 Mexico 12.00 95 Kyo-don IN KOR-1514 Republic of Korea 12.00 95 Hongyi SUN CHN-2219 China 12.00 98 Aleksandar DJORIC SRB-1625 Serbia 11.70 99 Jaxon SIMMONDS AUS-10158 Australia 11.66 99 David GEVONDYAN ARM-1563 Armenia 11.66 101 Mikel BERNAL FERNANDEZ ESP-1548 Spain 11.65 102 Dejan GEORGIEVSKI MKD-1545 Macedonia, FYROM 11.51 103 Itai Samuel SANGO MOZ-1531 Mozambique 10.99 104 Gabriel VAZ BRA-2066 Brazil 10.69 105 Hyeon-jun PARK KOR-3098 Republic of Korea 10.41 106 Anthony ARMARI AUS-5871 Australia 10.37 107 Siavash FAKHRAEI GASHTI IRI-7779 Iran 10.32 108 Arsen TCINARIDZE RUS-1892 Russia 10.00 109 Victor FELIZ DOM-1546 Dominican Republic 9.75 110 Hyeon-jun PARK KOR-2313 Republic of Korea 9.72 111 Brandon IVEY USA-1557 United States of America 9.60 112 Ivan SOLIC CRO-3265 Croatia 9.53 112 Martin CEDRAS SYC-1102 Seychelles 9.53 114 Alejandro VILARIÑ O FERNANDEZ ESP-1988 Spain 9.43 115 Jeyhun HASANLI AZE-1608 Azerbaijan 9.32 116 Hamza KATTAN JOR-1535 Jordan 9.29 117 Florian MEYER GER-1752 Germany 9.27 118 Braxton WARREN USA-7696 United States of America 8.85 119 Ivan RADOS CRO-2205 Croatia 8.78 120 Bahri TANRIKULU PLE-1869 Palestine 8.64 120 Sam WARE PNG-1568 Papua New Guinea 8.64 120 Mohcene BOUKERCHA ALG-1659 Algeria 8.64 123 Gabriel DIAZ PUR-2217 Puerto Rico 8.61 124 Zouhair BARAZZOUK MAR-2225 Morocco 8.16 124 Pablo FERNANDEZ EIRAS ESP-1694 Spain 8.16 126 Shane LYNCH IRL-1559 Ireland 7.73 127 Saleh Sultan A ALKHAIBARI KSA-1761 Saudi Arabia 7.67 128 Zeph PUTNAM II USA-5573 United States of America 7.66 129 Andrew CUNNANE CAN-1611 Canada 7.56 130 Seydou GBANE CIV-1523 Cote D'ivoire 7.49 131 Jae-gwang PARK KOR-2256 Republic of Korea 7.34 131 Paul MCFARQUHAR USA-8331 United States of America 7.34 133 Dylan MCILRAITH AUS-9924 Australia 7.20 133 Issa BAMBA CIV-1521 Cote D'ivoire 7.20 135 Jamie GAYMER AUS-8457 Australia 6.70 136 Remy ALAZOULA CAF-1503 Central African Republic 6.67 136 Mohammad Mizanur RAHAMAN BAN-1507 Bangladesh 6.67 136 Jordan STEWART CAN-1587 Canada 6.67 136 David ADJETEY GHA-1503 Ghana 6.67 136 Peter VASSILY AUS-1510 Australia 6.67 136 Tzu-yi TSENG TPE-1809 Chinese Taipei 6.67 142 Alberto CELESTRIN GER-1522 Germany 6.60 143 Marko GRBIC SRB-1585 Serbia 6.51 144 Dimitrios TSACHTSIRLIS GRE-1522 Greece 5.89 145 Angel MARTINEZ GONGORA MEX-8406 Mexico 5.75 146 Matt ROSS CAN-1603 Canada 5.59 147 Lucas OLIVEIRA BRA-1735 Brazil 5.56 148 Aleksander DOBRZENIECKI POL-1537 Poland 5.45 148 Aaron CRUTCHER USA-5876 United States of America 5.45 150 Mehran ASKARI IRI-5394 Iran 5.40 150 Doo-yeun RYU KOR-2230 Republic of Korea 5.40 152 Bobby DARVISH USA-3041 United States of America 5.38 153 Gwang-won SEO KOR-2461 Republic of Korea 5.36 154 Jack Ryan SPALL GBR-2314 Great Britain 5.29 154 Claudiu Ioan Paraschiv ROSEANU ROU-1517 Romania 5.29 156 Fernando MANRESA BRA-1738 Brazil 5.28 157 Jaume MARTINEZ CID ESP-1574 Spain 5.25 158 Daniel ROMERO MOYANO ESP-2248 Spain 5.18 159 Arsen GRIGORYAN ARM-1522 Armenia 5.14 159 Shamil GASANOV RUS-4397 Russia 5.14 161 Smaiyl DUISEBAY KAZ-1561 Kazakhstan 5.00 161 Rui YANG CHN-1799 China 5.00 163 David GEVONDYAN USA-2271 United States of America 4.92 164 Marcin CHOLAJDA POL-1516 Poland 4.82 165 Jalal KHODAMI BOROUJENI IRI-7756 Iran 4.80 166 Ocelotzin SANCHEZ MEX-1562 Mexico 4.68 167 Stergios ROIDIS GRE-2085 Greece 4.61 168 Hicham MASSAOUDI GER-2287 Germany 4.58 169 Uche CHUKWUMERIJE NGR-1512 Nigeria 4.54 169 Moises MOLINARES COL-1573 Colombia 4.54 169 Gaignault BOYIPAMBA COD-1575 DR Congo 4.54 172 Marc LENKEWITZ GER-2460 Germany 4.53 173 Reyhan WATERFORD AUS-9892 Australia 4.50 174 Geon-sub SHIN KOR-4967 Republic of Korea 4.32 174 Nick BAYHI USA-8469 United States of America 4.32 174 Shaun CLARK USA-3799 United States of America 4.32 174 Dong-young LEE KOR-2614 Republic of Korea 4.32 174 Abderrahim LABIDI TUN-1577 Tunisia 4.32 174 Nakul MALHOTRA IND-1510 India 4.32 174 Wisam AKM IRQ-1504 Iraq 4.32 174 Badreddin Ismail Ibrahim KHALFUNI LBA-1505 Libya 4.32 174 Relja PROSENICA SRB-1561 Serbia 4.32 183 Christian SUH USA-5162 United States of America 4.30 184 Talha BAYRAM TUR-1895 Turkey 4.27 185 Louie BEATTY AUS-5212 Australia 4.15 186 Salamat KURBANIYAZOV KAZ-1659 Kazakhstan 3.83 187 Tolunay KARA TUR-3743 Turkey 3.78 188 Ray ANDRADE PER-1689 Peru 3.77 189 Okay DUZTEPE TUR-1643 Turkey 3.64 190 Mahdi KHODABAKHSHI IRI-12021 Iran 3.60 190 Mostafa NAZERI IRI-7797 Iran 3.60 190 Ayoub BASSEL MAR-1832 Morocco 3.60 190 Rommel DUDIN JOR-2100 Jordan 3.60 190 Bouazza El Hainouni GER-3852 Germany 3.60 195 Juan Pablo HERRERA GUA-1547 Guatemala 3.55 196 Hayk AMIRBEKYAN CAN-2002 Canada 3.51 197 Ahmad MOHAMMADI IRI-7743 Iran 3.45 198 Saidolim NUMONOV UZB-1642 Uzbekistan 3.25 199 Kirles EZZAT EGY-1715 Egypt 3.24 199 Aness BEKLARABI UAE-1872 United Arab Emirates 3.24 199 Erick MENDOZA MEX-119574 Mexico 3.24 202 Osman Ugur KOCAK TUR-2756 Turkey 3.23 203 Zhaoyong MA CHN-1575 China 3.17 203 Kai CHANG TPE-1558 Chinese Taipei 3.17 205 Kuba CHROBOCINSKI POL-1776 Poland 3.02 205 Min-kwang CHO KOR-2692 Republic of Korea 3.02 205 Young-jin KIM KOR-2705 Republic of Korea 3.02 205 Mehdi BELKAHE AUS-10709 Australia 3.02 205 Jean-paul ESCOBAR USA-2986 United States of America 3.02 205 Min HEO KOR-4942 Republic of Korea 3.02 205 Timofei MARKIN RUS-4966 Russia 3.02 205 Vadim MELNIKOV RUS-5155 Russia 3.02 205 Wisam Sattar ALIKORDIMOHAMMED IRQ-2175 Iraq 3.02 205 Jose Joel ALBARRAN

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