“ Many a young man goes away to seek his fortune when Fortune is seeking him at home” H 'nniiMiiiniiiiiimiiiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiMHiiiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiin^ illinium— ——•—»**■•.......................11111 | AROOSTOOK ■ TIMES SHIRE TOWN OF f April 13f 1860 to AROOSTOOK COUNTY § December 27, 1916 miNNHNHiniMiiiuuHmniniimiHiuuii! TIM ES F.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil IIOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1923 NUMBER THIRTY'-FIVE VOLUME LXIII CARIBOU FAIR PRESQUE ISLE FAIR DREW-BISH0P , Margaret Dillon, 1.59, the groat rac­ HOULTON FAIR A very pretty wedding occurred in Although rainy weather prevented FINE HIGHWAY WEATHER & SPUDS ing mare that heat. John It. Braden Eastport Wednesday afternoon, Aug. the carrying out of the entire program 22 at 2 o’clock when Miss Alice Kath­ over his home track in 1921, is coming of racing events, those who attended NEARLY FINISHED NOW IN PROGRESS ryn Bishop daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BENEFIT COUNTY are loud in their praises of the most here right off the Grand Circuit, to try Sanford Bishop, and Ralph Hudson excellent entertainment furnished. I i l l J f J and do it again. Drew of Fairfield were united in mar­ Besides a most comprehensive to tlI6 AlTCcMiy uOOfl She will start in the $2,<)(!() free-for- The Best Ever Held— Large riage. The ceremony was performed The Two are Working Out ' showing of farm products and house- I at the home of t ie bride’s parents on hold work, the battle sheds and poul- j all at tho Northern Maine Fair, on Roads in Aroostook Crowd Assured with Hawkes avenue by the Rev. C. F But­ for a Prosperous Year Thursday, Sept. <!. try houses were filled. terfield of Brewer and the double ring The midway was a good one and Besides John R. Braden, 2.(12%, the County Good Weather service was used The house was ar­ in Aroostook was well patronized. The platform i contenders will he Jackson Grattan, tistically decorated with a color entertainment was pronounced the The1 first day of the Houlton Fair Much comment as is always tlie cus­ What will be one of the finest 2.OIL, from Houlton, and Dan Hedge- scheme of green and white, ever­ best ever seen in this section, and the brought out a good sized number of tom has been made on the coolness of pieces of Gravel road in the county as wood, 2.041 .j. greens and cut flowers being used. baloon man made several very satis­ people ami the entire' display is one* the weather, but there is one thing well as the state, is the piece being This will he the tastest field to face The bride is the eldest daughter of factory flights. of tin* finest ever seen. certain that the Garden of Maine is built from Presque Isle to Easton or a starter on a half-mile track, in turf Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Bishop and is Caribou people do not claim to have The weather was not of the beset not the only place where the weather Spragues Mill by Boone Brewer. history. a graduate of Boynton High school in the largest fair in the state, but it is and there1 was some rain during the is exceptionally cool as will be seen This road is of the regulation type Margaret Dillon, in the race here in the class of 1915. She is also a grad­ always a good one and well attended. afternoon hut nothing to interfere from the following clipping from a a stone base with V drain graded and 1921 made a new state mark of 2.05Vl>. uate of Colby college, class of 1920 Following is a summary of the with the racing program. Saturday Boston paper. surfaced with gravel and if anyone which was equalled at Caribou, last and has taught two years in the Shead racing events: Boston, in common with all New doubts the fact that this road is being week, by Braden. The Pride of Pres­ The three races carded on the first Memoral High school and one year in FIR8T DAY I built in a thorough manner he should England, yesterday experienced an­ que Isle heat the mare at Woodstock day of the fair failed to contribute Milton, Mass other day of shivering, the thermo­ 2.30 Trot »tako— Purse $500 ^ I go over the work and see what a fine anything spectacular. The first two Capt. O’Nell, brg (Willard) N. B., the next work, after losing to The groom is the son of Mr. and meter at the federal weather bureau Seldon C, bm (Groves) 2 2 2' Job they are doing. her here, so he lias an even chance at events went in straight heats with Mrs. Hudson Drew of Fairfield for­ here registering a minimum of 52 de­ ! This concern although new to this grees, which was not only the lowest Bannon, bg (Smith) 333 least of repeating. Col. Axwortiiy pushing Bonnie Girl to merly of Houlton and is a graduate of Capt. Ames, bg (Taylor) 4 4 4 section live built practically a half a mark touched by the mercury this There will he two other horses in a fourth start to win in the 19 class. Colby College, Class of 1919 after month but also the lowest on any Aug. Time— 2.18%; 2.2014: 2.19. mile a week and the way that they Harry Nevers, driving two Houlton $500 the race, not to be overlooked, Jack- which he took a post graduate course 23 in many years. Junior Free-For-All— Puree have been going since they started Tnoakla, blkm (Johnson) 1 1 1 son Grattan and Dan Hedgewood, who horses, had a big day with two first at the University of Pennsylvania. The minimum of 52 in this city was 2 2 3 they will have the road all graded as the official reading, but in Springfield Calgary Earl, chs (Meyers) are likely at any time to 11 pset the moneys, in addition to piloting Peter He is a member of Phi Delta Theta Silver King, brg (Burrlll) 4 3 2 far as the C. P. track in Presque Isle and other districts in the state still dope. Tanlae to a new state record for l’our- fraternity and is now associated in lower marks were recorded, ranging Oro Flno, bs (Willard) 3 4 4 the 15th of September. The conduct Additional Grand Stand reserved vi ar olds. The mark of 2.12*4 was business with the Dennison Manufac­ as far down as 41. Tlmo—2.10; 2.11%; 2.12 calls for the road to go as far as Dud- 2.14 Trot and Paoo Stake, Purse $500 seats have, been arranged for and a made in the second heat of the 2.18 turing Company at Framingham, !• A few readers may wonder what 1 t 1 j ley street, but the selectmen of the Zom Q, blkg (Sunderlln) limited number have been set aside mixed race. The same horse held the Mass., as chemist. this has to do with potatoes, it has a The Problem, blks (Johnson) 2 2 4 ] town have made arrangements for the for Houlton for Free-For-All day and state mark for t liree year-olds last After a short honeymoon the young whole lot, and it means at least a mil­ Little Anna S. bm (Brlckley) jj ® j contractors to build as far as the (\ year. lion dollars to Aroostook county for College Swift, blkg (Schuman) will ho on sale at Leighton Feeloy’s. couple will make their home in Fram­ 4 4 g ! P. tracks which when completed will Dr. Gano, bg (Groves) Houlton as usual will ho well repre­ 'Phe first visit to Houlton of Earl Jr., ingham. The out, of town guests at with this kind of weather the many give an improved road the entire dis­ Moy The Great, bg (Gerow) 6 6 5 sented at this Fair as at all others the guidless wonder, furnished an .as­ tlx* wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Guy diseases which might attack thi tance from Houlton to Presque Isle, Time—2.11%; 2.11%; 2111%. that art- held in this section. tonishing exhibition of ‘‘horse sense" G. Bonney of Portland. huge potato crop, an* delayed and from Houlton to Mars Hill the road AVO 0140938 when the IS year old veteran traveled every day like this means that the FfM-For-AII— Puree $500 has been treated with Tarvia and the a full mile without sulky or driver, tubers in the ground are obtaining John R. Braden, chs by John treatment on the rest of the Trunk MAINE’S SEED POTATO BUSI­ NO. TELEGRAPH CO. R. Gentry (Willard) 1 1 1 scoring to the wire in the approved just so much more size and the larger ♦> •) *) line work will he done after the road Col Bldwell, bg (Johson) NESS SHOWS A BIG GAIN fashion, the sire of Calgary Earl got ASKS RATE REDUCTION the yield the more money will come 3 4 3 has been in use for a year. Dan Hedgewood, ba (Cameron) Commissioner of Agriculture Frank away as if he was in the midst of a A public utility has filed a petition into Aroostook. For three years the Jackson Orattan, bs (Sunderlln) 3 4 3 This work is in accordance with the I\ Washburn said Wednesday that the strong brush. Clinging to the outside with the Public Utilities commission 1 farmer and grower of potatoes lias Time % *4 % mile plan as outlined for Aroostook county 1st Heat 32 1.04 1.35*4 2.06% farmers art1 taking a renewed interest of t track and traveling the long asking that its rates bo reduced.
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