If you seek a delightful Avoid' the fricnd.<;hip of peniHsula, look about you. the had and Ihc ciimily of —Motto of Micliigan. the good. • Seventy-fourth year, No; 20 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1933 Twelve Pages Crows Repel Attacks, Hunters Are Forced Blue Eyed Baby Boj^ WORKING FOR SALES TAX SALES TAX MEASURE IS FARMERS MIT ADVICE To Abandon Two Automobiles In Retreat Offered For Adoption L ARGUES RULES Three or four hundred crows in the decided to go home and return the A boy, just seven months old, wants DtPADniMP. D next night. vicinity of Mason had hearty laughs a home. He has blue eyes, light hair Ni IN SENATE; PARTY FOR BEER SALE; MORE Wednesday'night at the expense of C. But alas, only one automobile was and a fair complexion. He was aban­ Ross Hilliard, Nelson Brown, Richard in sight when the two men and tlie doned in a Lansing hospital. For Brown and Hall-Siagh, Inc. The at­ boy returned to the parking place. seven months he has been cared for by OF FARM MORTGAGE AC tack of Hilliard, Brown & Son on a After a few minutes of search Rich­ Lansing and Ann Arbor hospitals. The LINES STRICTLY DRAWN APPLICATIONS GRANTED crow colony was a lot of fun for all ard Brown stubbed his toe on the top University hospital and local doctors parties. The crows won, as the at­ of his father's chariot. Then It was have given the boy a clean bill of UNDER LASH OF GOVERNOR, VENDORS NOT FOLLOWING LOWER INTEREST RATES MAY found that Brown had parked his car BE RESULT OF NEW LAW. tackers were driven off with the loss health. J, M, Hewitt, superintendent HOUSE DEMS PASS BILL. IIOUKS SET HY COUNCIL. of two cars. At the time of going to in a quagmire, Hilliard returned to of the Ingham county detention home press the sedan belonging to Nelson Mason and told Robert Reeser at the in Mason, has charge of the boy, . Mr, Scnat* Expected To Rewrite Unwieldy »Ioiiiis Provided For ItedciupOoii of Brown and a large service car owned Chevrolet garage about the difficulty, Hewitt will gladly give 'full particu­ Mrs. Rny Ileiitli smd Mrs. Tony Si- Tiinii Sold For Mortgage, iloiuls by Hall-Slagh, Inc. are about three Mr. Reeser jumped into the wrecker lars, fHortsure Designed By Univer­ ninnc Receive Unanimous .Ap­ and drove to the woods. 1,0 be Issued. feet below ground in a quagmire near "The market for boys is not brisk," sity Professors. proval of Council. Mason, The wrecker went down ns soon as Mr, Hewitt says, "There is a waiting it was driven off the main road. An list for girls but we have trouble find­ By.V, J. Brown Many farmers are anxiously await­ Hilliard and Brown had a crow- hour was spent in jacking up the Sessions extending until nearly mid­ Aldermen, the city attorney and the ing suitable homes for boys. This mayor on Monday night debated at ing complete information regarding shooting expedition scheduled Wed­ wheels and attaching chains. Then baby' boy is normal in every way. night on three nightsfof the present the provisions of the emergency farm nesday night. They borrowed Joy Brown's car was pulled partly, out of week mark the beginning of the end length the merits of tho recommenda­ There arc no parents to complicate tion 'made tlie weelc previous that the mortgage act. Information relative Davis' stuffed owl and engaged Rich­ the mire. Just as success seemed as­ the relationship between the foster of the 57th legislature. It is always to the operation of the act and tlic ard Brown to go along to help throw sured tho wrecker again gave a trem­ parents and the son," thus. When members see the current state liquor control commission allow method of procedure to secure relief 200 dead birds into a pit," or and sank beneath the mud. The of bills coming from committees Mason beer vendors to sell beer only is not yet available. It is reported The theory that a stuffed owl will block and tackle was attached to a swelling to flood stage, then they be­ until H o'clock on week nights and that details of the relief plan will be draw the attack of crows was proved tree .with tlio belief that high land gin to hold long continuous sessions until midnight on Saturdays with sell­ made known within another week. correct. At first a few crows came could be reached. But the tree was and soon tho Important ineasures are GOVERNOR COMSTOCK ing prohibited Sundays. All attacks Among the many provisions.of the around to investigate and then hur­ dragged out by the roots and fell FEDERAL FARM ACT W out of tho way and adjournriiont thus Gov, William A, Comstock has boon against Iho resolution failed and the across the wrecker. act is a clause whereby federal land ried off to neighboring woods for re­ made possible. wielding the big stick the past week recommendation still stands althoin^-h In favor of two pot measures, Tho Mason beer vendors do not follow it. banks-will be reimbursed by the inforcements. Then Brown emitted a Then Cecil Hall arrived on the scene Regardless of one's attitude towai-ds FARMERS first was tho diversion of weight tax government up to one and one-halt few wlcrd crow calls and the air was with another truck. But it was too the sales tax Idea, the stern fact re­ Alderman William H, Swartout of per cent on interest rate reductions. filled with the birds. But the intrepid late. Both Brown's car and tlie wreck­ mains that the stato and thei local money by the Kulp bill and tho sec­ tho flrst ward opened tho attack on Under the clause mterest may be re­ hunters discovered themselves to be er were too far down. After an hour STATE FARMERS WILL HAVE ond was the passage of the sales tax the resolution passed May 8, Ho said of futile effort the party set out for VOICE IN NEW RELIEF LAW. units of government must have rev­ duced from six per cent to four and too far in the woods for good shots enues. The property tax system upon in the house. that he thought the resolution was un­ one-half per cent. The federal land at the birds. The crows ganged the Mason with the raucous cries of the fair in that Mason business men arc crows ringing in their ears, .Vcrcuge lleiliicnons. Allotment Bene­ which government in Michigan, since bank will bo paid in such case one and owl and the men had to rush up and Its beginning has depended hns broken prevented from enjoying business Lhat ono-half per cent by the government club them off in order to save the owl. Mr, Hall reports that with dry fits .Vnd Miirketing Agreements is permissible outside tho city limits. Covered By New Liiw. down. Deficits in both state and local and the borrower will be charged in­ When new shooting positions were lo­ weather he expects both cars will be treasuries are constantly mounting. VETE E PLANS He explained that inasmuch as he was , terest of four and one-half per cent cated darkness had fallen and the men salvaged before July 4, one of the sponsors of the resolution The passage of the farm adjustment This condition cannot forever main­ 0 instead of the original six per cent. tain. The sales tax appears to be tho that ho could not move to have it I'e- Payments Stoppe<l act by congress and the signing of it consldcrod. Aid, E, J, l^lotchor of tho by President Roosevelt is the begin­ only immediate source of revenue and EMORIAL SE Farmers unable to pay the install­ Ancient Auto Shown such a tax appears inevitable. F second ward came to the aid of his AMERICAN n USES ning of a national program with the colleague and moved that the resolu­ ments on their mortgages will be for­ COMMUNITY OBSERVANCE OF Alongside New Cars avowed purpose of increasing tho pur­ In tho face ot such an emergency tion bo reconsidered. However, after given payments on the principal for MEMORIAL DAY I'l.ANNEO. live years. During that period they chasing power of farmers, with a con­ and in the waning hours of the ses­ tho debate Aid. Flotclior changed his sion, able members of the house re­ win pay only the interest. However, "FUiSTOAIDCO Automobiles were coming to tho sequent effect of bettering the econ­ mind and withdrew his motion so the omic condition of all classes of people. gretted the loss of time \vhich-marked Program tfo he. in Proshylerian in order to take advantage of that front in 1910, Horses were beginning Church, Unite to Plirliile to Cenic- recommendation made by tho council provision all interest, insurance and MANY SUPPLIES PUIICIIASED BY The act, as passed, has three main consideration of the administration May 8 still stands. to lose their fear of the contraptions. sales tax bill, A personal appeal of tfery to Pliy Rcspet-.t. taxes will have to bo paid by the LEGION COUNCIL. The cars, while not entirely depend­ sections. The first concerns the bet­ Views at Varlliiice mortgagor. Extensions of time will terment of farm conditions by a plan the governor to his party henchmen Aid. Swartout declared that in his able,, had passed the experimental to stan.d by him nnd save him from Plans for the observance of Memor­ not be granted to those able to pay, it Veterans' Orgiini/.ation Spends Funds stage.
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