ISSN 1028334X, Doklady Earth Sciences, 2011, Vol. 440, Part 1, pp. 1222–1226. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011. Original Russian Text © D.V. Grazhdankin, V.V. Marusin, J. Meert, M.T. Krupenin, A.V. Maslov, 2011, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2011, Vol. 440, No. 2, pp. 201–206. GEOLOGY Kotlin Regional Stage in the South Urals D. V. Grazhdankina, V. V. Marusina, J. Meertb, M. T. Krupeninc, and Corresponding Member of the RAS A. V. Maslovc Received April 26, 2011 DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X11090170 According to the current tradition that has analogy with the Redkino Regional Stage [3, 4], we remained unchanged since 1977, the Upper Vendian propose to restrict the stratigraphic range of the Kotlin of the East European Craton is subdivided into three Regional Stage and match its lower boundary with the regional stages (horizons): Redkino, Kotlin, and marine flooding surface (mfs) that is traced across the Rovno. It is generally believed that the Redkino entire East European Craton (Fig. 2). This surface Regional Stage is characterized by casts and molds of transgressively overlies the Redkino and older strata softbodied organisms; the Kotlin, by diverse assem (locally, the crystal basement) on the southern slope of blages of carbonaceous compressions; the Rovno, by the Baltic Shield. In some sections (Valdai Borehole), the appearance of diverse ichnocoenoses [1]. It turned the Redkino shales preserve evidence of subaerial out that carbonaceous compressions also occur in the exposure in the form of kaolinite. We place the lower Redkino Regional Stage as a distinctive fossil assem Kotlin boundary in the base of a thin (4.7–7.6 m) unit blage [2, 3], whereas almost all casts and molds of soft of coarsegrained quartz and quartz–micaceous, bodied organisms in the Mezen Basin and South Urals rarely arkosic sandstones of the Gdov Formation. The are confined to a stratigraphic interval wedged main bulk of the Kotlin Regional Stage consists of between the Redkino and Kotlin and not represented gray, variegated, and redbrown clay and thinalter in the Moscow Basin [4]. It appears that the Redkino nating sandstones, siltstones, and shales [6]. lower boundary is older than previously thought: dur ing our fieldwork in 2009, we discovered volcanic tuffs The lower Kotlin boundary on the southeastern in the Perevalok Formation of the Sylvitsa Group in slope of Baltic Shield (southeastern White Sea area) is the Krutaya Gora section on the Us’va River (Central drawn at the base of the Erga Formation. In the sec Urals) that yielded a U–Pbzircon date of 567.2 ± tions along the Bol’shaya Torozhma and Zimn’yaya 3.9 Ma (Fig. 1). Considering a Rb–Sr (Cpx + bulk) Zolotitsa rivers, the lower Erga Formation comprises date of 608 ± 3 Ma for the explosive picritic breccia interstratified variegated wavebedded sandstones, intruded into the Kernos Formation (which underlies siltstones, and shales of the highstand systems tract the Staropechny Formation of Redkino Regional (HSST) transgressively overlying various parts of the Stage in the Central Urals) and a Sm–Nd (Cpx + Zimnegory Formation. The base of this unit is marked bulk) date of 569 ± 42 Ma for picrobasalts, trachyba by a marine flooding surface and packages (up to 2 m) salts, and trachyandesites of the Dvorets volcanogenic of wavebedded quartz sandstone with conglomerate complex of Upper Kernos Formation [5], the Redkino lenses. In the sections of Zimnie Gory, the lower Erga lower boundary age can be placed as 570–600 Ma. Formation consists of a cyclic stratification of units of dark gray thinbedded shales, packages of yellowish Fossils have been rather freely used to subdivide the gray sandstones, and intervals of alternating siltstones Upper Vendian into the regional stages, which inevita and shales. This succession (reaching 30 m in thick bly led to inflation of the paleontological characteris ness) represents a gentle incised valley fill constrained tic and correlation of heterochronous deposits. By by a marine regression surface (mrs) from below and a marine flooding surface from above and is interpreted as a transgressive system tract (TST) of the Erga a Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, sequence. The overlying unit of variegated interstrati Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, fied wavebedded sandstones, siltstones, and clays is pr. Akademika Koptyuga 3, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia coeval with a similar unit at the base of Erga Forma b University of Florida, Gainsville, FL 326112002 USA tion in the adjacent sections. The sharp facies change c Zavaritskii Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, allows direct tracing of the marine flooding surface at Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, the base of the highstand system tract of Erga sequence Pochtovyi per. 7, Yekaterinburg, 620075 Russia in outcrops and boreholes. We propose to match this email: [email protected], [email protected], surface with the lower boundary of the Kotlin [email protected] Regional Stage in the southeastern White Sea area. 1222 KOTLIN REGIONAL STAGE IN THE SOUTH URALS 1223 According to this correlation, the transgressive sys 206Pb/238U tems tract of Erga Formation with a diverse assem (а) blage of casts and molds of softbodied organisms is not part of the Kotlin Regional Stage. In the Moscow Basin, the marine flooding surface is traced at the base of quartz and arkosic sandstones of 580 the Pereslavl’ beds of Lubim Formation [7]. In the 0.094 Central Urals, we place this surface at the lower boundary of dark gray and variegated siltstones and shales of the Konovalovka Member of the Chernoka men Formation that overlies various parts of the Cher nokamen Formation. The marine flooding surface is 540 difficult to trace in the Mezen Basin characterized by Sample 090315 567.2 ± 3.9 Ma the highest subsidence rates on the craton. We draw 0.086 MSWD = 1.14 the lower Kotlin boundary by the appearance of varie N = 16 gated rocks in the “Mezen Formation.” We therefore propose to establish the Kotlin Regional Stage as an equivalent of the highstand sys 0.67 0.690.71 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.79 0.81 0.83 tems tract of the Erga sequence bounded by the (b) marine flooding surface below and the marine regres 590 sion surface above. In order to preserve the correlation function of the Kotlin for the Upper Vendian stratigra phy, we suggest exclusion from the Kotlin Regional 570 Stage of the Padun Formation of Mezen Basin (and 0.092 the lithologically similar Reshm Formation of Mos cow Basin) that contains trace fossils Diplocraterion of 550 the Lontova Regional Stage [8]. The Kotlin Regional Stage is characterized by a specific assemblage of fossil softbodied organisms. 530 The highstand systems tract of the Erga sequence (southeastern White Sea area, Mezen Basin, western 0.084 Sample 08259 510 548.2 ± 7.6 Ma slope of the Central Urals) yielded fossil arumberi MSWD = 1.6 amorph organisms. Threedimensional casts of N = 8 rangeomorphs and psammocorals, casts and molds of dickinsoniomorphs, bilateromorphs, and tribrachio 0.62 0.660.70 0.74 0.78 0.82 morphs found in the upper part of Winter Mountains 207Pb/235U (Zimnie Gory) sections, as well as fossil dickinsonio morphs, petalonamae, and rangeomorphs in Konov Fig. 1. U–Pbzircon date of volcanic tuffs from Perevalok alovka and Krutikha members of the Chernokamen Formation of the Sylvitsa Group, Central Urals (a), Formation in the Sylvitsa Rivers sections of the Cen and from the Zigan Formation of the Asha Group, South tral Urals all have the Kotlin age. Strata cropping out Urals (b). in the middle reaches of the Onega River on the south eastern margin of the Vetrenyi Poyas Ranges and tary origin. Apart from Psammichnites, the ichno yielding threedimensional casts of petalonamae, tri coenoses also include relatively large vertical burrows brachiomorphs, and rangeomorphs are also related to of sedentary polypoid organisms Bergaueria and the Kotlin Regional Stage [9]. Astropolichnus and vertical burrows of wormlike The lower part of the highstand systems tract of the organisms Scolithos, as well as trace fossils from the Erga sequence is characterized by trace fossils, of underlying strata: meandering horizontal meniscate which the most important is Psammichnites found in traces Nenoxites, small epirelief pairs of ridges Archae the lower Erga Formation in the coastal cliffs of the onassa, meandering horizontal traces Planolites, and Winter Mountains (southeastern White Sea area). It is small Bergaueria. preserved as a pair of ridges (hyporelief and epirelief) formed as a result of burrow collapse that was made The paleontological characteristic of the Zigan within the sediment by bilaterian organisms. These Formation of Asha Group (western slope of South organisms moved in the horizontal plane and had a Urals) is also very interesting. Based on the discovery vertical snorkel for collecting detritus from the surface. of casts and molds of softbodied organisms, the strata When crosscutting of Psammichnites is observed, an are correlated with the Redkino Regional Stage [10]. older trace is not obliterated but instead is superim Sedimentological analyses of Zigan sections demon posed by a successive trace implying an intrasedimen strate that this formation is part of a highstand systems DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES Vol. 440 Part 1 2011 1224 GRAZHDANKIN et al. Podolia 504 zbr V Moscow Basin 483 Southeastern Central Urals Redkino khm White 1700 IV borehole Sea area oku 405 1205 757 stu V V res kru V mrs South Urals pad Ust’Katav zha 1365 623 dan 525 III lub III III zig 548.2 ± 7.6 III nag erg che 154 mfs 1576 498 1110 445 mfs nep1 yar zim 553 I II 555.3 ± 0.3 gav II II 1714 II mog mrs ver bas 210 gru mrs 558 ± 1 I lya 557 ± 13 500 ury I per I 1 2 3 4 567.2 ± 3.9 bak 5 6 7 8 9 10 sta mrs 608 ± 3; 569 ± 42 Fig.
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