rC >s -&SS, , l 7 *UV«UUAWB.i^Wr-W7JJ.WS*J!A-WJJ. iWi JJ *t'W. u Tfi.uijiu.il mpmwiwfww' w«A»»!»m»!ww»mwwT»«n"»WBW^ Vol. 32 JANUARY, 1929 No. 3 Faithful Unto Death DAVID O. McKAY Sinking of the Vestris DAVID H. HUISH Herbert Hoover mary c. kimball Joseph Smith Memorial Farm angus j. cannon Jewish State in Palestine h. c. singer Stories—Weather Forecasts— The Breakaway annie d. palmer—harold thorpe jtM^iiinMiannriiiiiniiir - ' . ' - . T T . V. , ) . J *-^ : : |kv.-'.-v. :' op !^TW. ®^:\^.i^TOH(.Uiji SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES OFFER SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FARES FROM SALT LAKE CITY OR Oi TO LOS ANGELES AND RETURN BOTH WAYS VIA SAN FRANCISCO $50.50 TO LOS ANGELES VIA SAN FRANCISCO RETURNING DIRECT OR ROUTE REVERSED $58.00 Proportionately low fares from all other points in UTAH, IDAHO and MONTANA STOPOVERS ALLOWED AT ALL POINTS TICKETS ON SALE DAILY COMMENCING OCTOBER 1ST FINAL RETURN LIMIT 8 MONTHS FROM DATE OF SALE For further information CALL, WRITE or PHONE PRESS BANCROFT, GENERAL AGENT 41 SO. MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY PHONE WASATCH 3008—3078 Never Too Busy For Personal Attention- —OUR STUDENTS' SUCCESS IS OUR BIGGEST ASSET L. D. S. Business College ENROLL ANY MONDAY WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS PLEASE MENTION THE IMPROVEMENT ERA — — — . Home Electric Service— SAVES LABOR, TIME, ENERGY, WORRY AND MONEY —and makes the home a pleasanter and happier place to LIVE in. We invite you to come to any of our stores to inspect the large variety of electric servants avail- able. There are certainly some that you will want. Utah Power & Light Co. Efficient Public Service Family trees aren't like others. In others, appearance of the sap is an indication of continued vigor. Washington Post. * * * * My mother will be surprised when she gets my letter. "August," she used to say. "you are so stupid that you will never get a job," and in the last month I have had six. Lustige Welt {Berlin) * * —* * Motorist (held up for speeding) "I was hurrying up town to see my lawyer." — Traffic Cop (writing his ticket)- "Well, you'll have some more news for him now." London Humorist. Elias Morris & Sons Co. GEO. Q. MORRIS, Manager Mantels, Tiles and Memorials Set in All Parts of the West Write for Information 'Where the Fire Burns" 21 West South Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS PLEASE MENTION THE IMPROVEMENT ERA — $ EASY TERMS 107 <ASY TERMS Buys Complete Home Motion Picture Outfit Why not use this in genealogical work Get a LIVING record of the Family? NOT a toy but a practical camera for grown-ups—so easy and simple to oper- ate that a child can handle it. Think of the thrill you'll get taking your own motion pictures in and around your own home—your friends' homes or on your trips. SAME LENS TAKES and PROJECTS PICTURES. Our expert cinematog- rapher, in charge of this dept., will be glad to give you expert advice in the selection of a camera and in taking your own pictures. VERY COMPACT! Complete in carry- mi case larger than a port able phonograph Operates From Light Socket When Projecting WRITE FOR FREE POSTPAID CATALOG DAYNES-BEEBE MUSIC CO. "Older Than The State of Utah" 61 TO 65 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS PLEASE MENTION THE IMPROVEMENT ERA " IMPROVEMENT ERA JANUARY, 1929 Pres. Heber J. Grant Hugh J. Cannon Editor Associate Editor Melvin J. Ballard, Business Manager Organ of the Priesthood Quorums, the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations and the Schools of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints CONTENTS Point Lobos, California - Frontispiece A Picture in My Memory ...... cien Perrins 177 Faithful unto Death - David O. McKay 179 Sunshine and Shadow. A Poem - - - - a. Henderson 184 Sinking of the "Vestris" - - - David H. Huish 185 Rareness in Design - - - - Dorothy C. Retsloff 188 Interview with Seaman Maurice Howe - - - Glen Perrins 189 The Joseph Smith Memorial Farm. Illustrated - Angus J. Cannon 195 Repentance. A Poem - William Sykes 198 A Relative of Nancy Hanks Carries On Prof. H. R. Merrill 199 The Jewish State in Palestine - H. C. Singer 202 Soul Moonbeams, a Poem - - - - Lloyd O. Ivie 209 - Why Should I Be Law-Observing? - Delbert V . Groberg 210 Lessons from Common Things—I. Water - Dr. Franklin s. Harris 213 Winter's Many Blessings. A Poem - David Archibald 215 Herbert Hoover Mary c. Kimball 216 "PEACE Be UNTO YOU" .... Joseph S. Peery 220 Giant Lizards of Panama. Illustrated - Harold L. Snow 221 THE MOCKING BIRD. A POEM - Joseph Longking Townsend 223 Adventure with a Rattlesnake - Elmer A. Graff 224 Enlisted Soldiers of Our Forests - - - Wreno Bowers 225 The Breakaway. A Story .... Harold Thorpe 227 Weather Forecasts. A Story - - - Annie D. Palmer 230 Loved Companions. A Poem - - - Samuel B. M it ton 235 Messages from the Missions. Illustrated - 23 6 THE ONE Frederick W. Robertson 243 Editors' Table—The Returned Missionary - - 244 Books - ...... 246 Leadership Week at B. Y. U. - - 246 Priesthood Quorums 247 Mutual Work .-....- 249 JOHN MILTON. A POEM .... Helen Kimball Orgill 261 Passing Events 262 Entered at the Post Office. Salt Lake City. Utah, as second-class matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October. 1917. authorized on July 2, 1918. Manuscripts submitted without the statement. "At usual rates." are considered free con- tributions. Photographs, unless their return is especially requested, will be destroyed. Published monthly at Salt Lake City: $2 per annum. Address: Room 406 Church 9) OffOffice Building. EDITOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Faithful unto Death, is the title of are before us all the time but about Elder David O. McKay's tribute to his which we know comparatively little. beloved friend and co-laborer in the This and the articles which are to fol- mission field, Pres. Joseph Wilford low will prove profitable to all who Booth. On two occasions Brother will give them attention. McKay visited this faithful worker in The Joseph Smith Memorial Farm, the isolated Armenian mission and can birthplace of the great modern prophet, speak authoritatively of his sterling will always be regarded as a shrine by qualities. By good fortune we are able this people. An excellent description to present to our readers photographs of the place, and a tribute to Elder of the five heroes who have laid down Junius F. Wells, who secured title to their lives in Palestine and Syria. the property, supervised the erection The Vestris Disaster is described in of the Monument, and also removed this issue by Elder David H. Huish, much of the existing prejudice, will be one of the survivors. His description found in this number. of the sinking of this vessel is touch- Inspired by the same spirit which ingly graphic in its simplicity. One moved the people of Mar Vista ward can almost see the helpless people strug- to such remarkable action, members of gling in the water. This article, as the Tremonton ward, Bear River stake well as that on the same subject by have completed a chapel cqsting $65,- Glen Perrins, should not be over- 285.00, with only one assessment. looked. In the next issue we will have The building was begun in March, a picture and a brief sketch of Elder 1928, and was dedicated November Keith W. Burt, who lost his life in this 25, 1828, by President Heber J. Grant. wreck. One thousand people were present at Blind and without hands, N. C. the dedicatory services. Bishop James Hanks, a native of Utah, has made a Walton and a committee of twenty national name for himself. His pluck men are given credit for the efficient is an inspiration to every person manner in which the chapel was erected acquainted with what he has achieved and paid for, and the fact that Sister in spite of such handicaps. In this Wilson, a widow, donated the ground issue Prof. H. R. Merrill gives a brief valued at $1,500.00 should not be but interesting account of this remark- overlooked. able man's life. The Jewish State, by H. C. Singer, The article on Herbert Hoover, by furnishes a good description of the Mrs. Mary C. Kimball, commences in Zionist movement and indicates how this number. The story of Mr. the Almighty is working through the Hoover, who was left an orphan and nations for the fulfillment of his pur- in poverty at a tender age, and who poses. There are few, if any, move- now, scarcely past middle life, is presi- ments in the world today which are dent-elect of the United States, reads attracting more attention and which like a romance. This will prove a val- are more worthy of note than is the uable supplement to the manual, Cap- return of the Jews to the land promised tains of Industry. The final install- centuries ago to their fathers. ment will appear in the February The attention of writers is again number. called to the fact that but one month Lessons from common things. Dr. remains for them to finish and submit F. S. Harris, president of the Brig- to us their stories in competition for ham Young University, treats the sub- the prizes of $50 and $25. All ject of water as the first of a number manuscripts must be in our hands by of similar articles on subjects which February 1. ! A Picture in my Memory (5ee Frontispiece} By Glen Perrins FELL in love with the beauty of the scene the I moment I saw it. Looking out across the bay in northern Cali- fornia I sat at Secure Point Lobos, one of the loveliest spots which mark the Monterey peninsula, for over an hour—enraptured It was growing dusk and I watched the golden sun sink like a ball of fire into the horizon.
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