- - -;;T=---?,--------- ********************************************************* ' - . - . ,. , *' MEMORIAL DAY* * Merch*ntsandOrganizatiónal $ponorship Financial Instliution Sponsorship * Pages 22.26 Päges**r*************************************************W**** 16-17 ' Niles and Mill Run come to terms ' Library commends onwheelchair placement Community Outreach program by ElleeisHlrscbfeld , byDlane Miller decisIon last Friday on a legalHerbert, architect designer and ' placement nf wheelchair palrom slorhholdr in Tiffany Produr- Merle Ronenblalt, Nilesdistrict's "communitY outreach" With Nues Village officials meeting of. - breathmg firedown their necks, in the playhouse. -lions -sparred with village of- LibraryDistrictemployee,program at a May 13 Mill Run personnel came to a Representing Mill Ras, Jim toiibiuiedon Page37 reported on the pacress of the ConllnuedonPageti Arnold named Kosiba voted ark Board 25 per copy VOL 24 NO 49 THE iuo, THURSDAY MAY 21rn flmIUhlIHhiiWflIHuiiOhIÍIuIàINIWuUi11fflU11n 111m Buy A: -. iuer.i. S::. ratherthanvote for himself. I..F.am:the -Dan Kosiha sgas reelected to. Kosiba was nominated -for a - his third - term as - Niles Park . third term as president by - - , Board President during Tnesday Beasse. : .. Pop nigkt'nParkBoardmeetiiig-- -- Bud4y PY - Votmg foKnsiba w Pa k Newly elected Commissioner .:BoardCoinminsSnners WalterJim Piershi nominated Beasse . byDavid(Bu d)Bessér - -- : ',.-.Day, .-5O,,,-M,.,-,,00k-,.und -for the presidency and wan the . - -Coi,llnued on Page 38 w renots ewbethe tsanewphmenabtweve . ElaiñeÚeinen.Knsiha-ahntaink . come acrossa new groupuf people in the rommu$ty whirh - - anÌ Bùddy Pbppy sawilIhe wevecamed OueIsoeers". -------- -- beIden Thiïrnday,May 21. Men :'.ViùÍtr-Sèrvi -- andwernen-fromNiles Mémôrial -- In Nileu there's à räup rulliug themselvesSPIN,Skaters' :osLdadAuiiIiary#7712wiIIbe p eels JuN11S Willimullm combe large mv al - on street corners and in shopping - vollem Theyvebeat dclswthlhNilesPa kB ardfo - rener5 with the little red flower m y months brow beatmg Ihe board a d trYl g tohuatiil which has keen _the syeìsholir - mb providing- anafl-year-rouixl skaliug program for their - flower on.Memorial Daysince its- -first sale by the Veterans of. -ForeignWars int922 :. ---. Attire It parkboa delti n a memberf theg op ,- . The proreeds..from the -poppy-. placed-himself rn nomination fora parle board seat, Ile came .sale are used exclusively for the - aid, .reIief:and:romfortofT - - disabled and-needy- veter,an -- Accordisg-topast-park board neetisg records, thëpark - and- the widows-and-orphans of - r board roatends SPIN owes the board money for beir a& - dedeased veterans.. Honor -the- tivities at-the-rink. Bal because many of the transactions - .- dead by helping theliving Bay a were flot in writing, SPIN argues theamount owedis not e Buddy. Poppy and wearit wb le SPIN claims Ibe a N 1orgasizal os a Skok woman took as to took many weeksago heraase we wrote - Nues to hold something whirk. was not in the interests of theoé skating -. : Public Hearing - Coieih.uedonpage39 - --: : . - .--ó4I1agè budget; Oakton 's Starving will hold a Pahlic Hearmg on the Artists. -Fair --------i1981.8 viUgebudg4 F rlComutanily artists and Thousands of handcrafted trafpeople are among the 125 items will he on sate over the - juriad esldhitarn who will hase weekénd, nIl priced at45 and . ; theIr works far aale m the 11h M Ndes Mayor N cholaa Blase signs a proclamation making June Vifiage holiday Volunteer Services of Skokie Valley monthLooking on are Mro .ndal Starving' Artista Arts and - Crnf$ Fair at Oahon Corn- Harvey (Sue) Schwartz (r ) of Skohie the group s president and . Mrs. David (Judy)ltantorczyk-,(t.) ofllkokle, secretary. -Volunteer - iIUUI . rntmtty Cottage. ._ S The fair will be held from 11 rarvings, macrame, and leather - imrviceo (t Skokie Valley; a-placement nèrvice for Ikone who wish. n.m. to 5 p.m., Memorial Stay work. The Village oS Niles Ad- to do vonoteer.workfnr-not-foproElt-agenrleu, nèeds odditinoal . weekend, May 23 and 24, at a new A sperial area net aside forministration Offices will be volontee s tfill numerous eqaefl.s from srhnolu and other agen closed Saturday, May 23 and -cies.. - - location - OCC/Skokie, 7701 Lin- children will also be part of the ---.---,- ...........: ... roIs ave. Admission and parking-fair.In the-Children's Art fei,---- ,-,monaay, amy a. -unroof - Formore informatln orto volunteer, rail the Volunteer Services MemorlalDav. -. -nurn,eaonrageu.- ------------------ office, 874-2881. - - Page 2 TheBugleThaNdaY, May 21, 1921 r' -_____ - -: Lioness' Helping - Nués vfw-- '° Auxiliary èlects I r ì.- Hands ?' rgu newoffiôers Seniot Citizens' 1 EquirEs aiff oft The Ludien Anoiliary lo Niles , -- Veterans of Foreign Wars Post VIE\XJSJ #7712 elected the following of- NEWS AND ficern for the coming year: jr- -President Mary Ellen. -Yactor, - L' .._.ecg2nm--_) Senior Vice President Madeline . ..The Berg, Jr.- Vice President Eunice V News foral1 NuesSeniors(age62 and over). -Rosenmeier, Treaosrer LaVerse - tozak-Secrètsl!y Anna Kroeger, from the Nues Senior Center - - Th11fldIY,MY1.11S1j: Seek, ouftofcourt.littPem!!tw!th:ÇhI9!on:térratò. Cbeplain Dorothy Keller, Con- 8O600akton, Nues '967.6lOOext. Th dsctreosShoronMatasnak, MlllRunve Nil.. Gnard Betty Graham, Truotee POSTALALERISIGNUP - - -- - Robhrta Fitch. - - I- Joint poblic installalion nl of- the postai alert prngram will be coodncteit on - firers will be held Sonday May24 - again from t Póssibló settláièíìt Wednesday, May 27 from 10 um. until sooniaod- ntom.yof a controversy at 5 p.m. at Bonher Hill Connlry ontil 3 p.m. This program is designed sothat those registered an Club, 6625 Milwaukee ave., Hiles. -'. this program will he checked on nhnoldmail begin lo ac- FOI1OIseèka al caisfroveray and aecunallaila lt netina the --- Misireos of Ceremenies -will he cumulate in their mail boxes to inssre that they aresafe and - VillagedNllenandMfflftanmeatrehaveatlastdecldedanhowto sui-t- ... : Ï - in-- waterrate . -, Aoxiliory Pant President Rober- wéll: This program is sponsored by the Niles Wemen's Çlobsiñ -allów piople ln-WheeIch ta lee performancea In tltheatre Filch and Inotalliog Officer coaporatino with the Hiles Post Oflice and the- Niles Senior - The Lionem Club nl Rilen will be nerving jsice and fruit te the °- : 5'd alatrsicUngtheQubIlcaIS1es. The ICIUtiOIIfOWsd lnùnple byaobaesaer will -he Aoniliary Pant President -. - Citinens' Services. - - Mill Run In goIng tójnntall a leant mw of temporary chalen which children participuting in Ihe Maine Towonlsip Special Olympics In Geraldine Mognolo.Alt mem- LookingBack be held on May 30 at Maine East Higk School-Inceted at Dempstec IIIRegislralion.fnc I - -can be replaced by aile or more wheelchairs. Hawever, while the Nba officials e a peaalble Blase said be expects Chicaga bers and friends are invited to at- - - - - SENIORFORUM - -- - no1 - - Seems nlmple1allclng through the chargea and counter- outof concI settlement with thewill eventually agree to a formal and Potter. tend. iiiThe Bugle The club bao donated $1M towards the cast of awards for Ibe -:-- -chargesto t!yI1d deterndne who thehad guyn asid who the gant- - city of Chicagn In their ongoingconbact with the sobarla to in-' Please join nor nenior forum which wilt meet this afternoon, - guyaareianotqniteaaeany. Andwhileitlnnateaaytojudgewho event. Cnme on ootaod cheerthese hoyo and girls on! - - - lliYearn Ago (May) dispute óver Chicago's recentdude a built-In cost factor te - . I Farmers market May 28 st 1 p.m. This tively-groop is responsible far thewlnner In, it Is a asce bet that for the brleftrmethey were used- water rate Increase.The enddetermine when water rate In- making suggestions concerning programs and activities at Ike - au pawns by the theatre, the people in Wheelehaira were the real Blase, Bradley, Wessen vie for result, accordIng te Niles Mayorcreases are necessary.Said tO provide space center, 50 nach sod every face and opinion io cherished at this - - - - Democcàtic committeeman peel Nicholas Blase, may be theBlase,"At seme point I see . SuperSenior uthned meeting. - - - - - Built In the early 1960'nMIII Ran Theatre in awned by the Golf --- In Maine Townahlp...Llann dance entabllslsmint of a COIItraCtOraIsomething totally different than for displays Mificorporation. Ithas been rented toTlffany Piodnetlona, lait., of at Bachee Hill honors Mg Mat- agreement with Chicago statingwhat we have today." !CECREAMSOCLAL - - Chlcaga since 1000. The head of Tiffany In Ifa chief nteckbalder Blase Called Chisiaga's 51 per at LeaningTower - - - ebeneM, wlsa has beennonilnated hew much and when water rate - - The Skakie Farmers MarketI JerryKaafman. - -- to eses for Lionn district gaver- ralseswilloceur. cent increase "anpf", will again have its pre500lalinn Our ice cream social wilt be on Friday, May 22 at 12:30. This lathe Slyearn Tiffany haarentad 9211190es theybave been ates!- nor...863 beard president Buddy Chicago increased Ita wateradding, "It's very difficult ta an- - Arthur Kaehler of Lincoln- Mr. Kaehler is a charter mem- area fr localgroups und -promises to be a fon event, with enteclainmeot tot the event . dit with the odlagè during at leant the lut eight yearn, napa one Kopald welcomes Luck and rates te surrOunding suburbs byderstand whatChicago will do wood, has been selected as Super her of the Leaning Tower Senior organizations. - prnoided by the grnup "We Three."- Tickets are $1.58. Please -- -, village ic1al. The canne of the friCtion han been MIII Run'a
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