July 11, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S7295 Antitrust and all the Commissioners I think it is only right, Mr. Presi- line reads, ``Doby Shows Strong Arm as who are going to be nominated over at dent, to hail today on the Senate floor He Works at Second Base.'' FCC, as well, all need to take a lot of the quiet courage of a man who did the I submit, Mr. President, that Larry time in deliberating over what those same thing just 3 months later in the Doby showed a lot more than that on individuals are going to do before we American League. Bill Veeck of the that now distant July day. Larry Doby vote to confirm them as a consequence Cleveland Indians saw that Larry Doby showed what America could and what of the impact that they are going to was leading the Negro National League America should be. So on behalf of peo- have, not just upon us, but especially with a .458 batting average and 13 home ple of the State of Ohio and on behalf upon the consumers, upon whom all of runs. Veeck and Doby then made a his- of all Americans, I rise today in the us, at the end of the day, depend. toric decision, a decision that amount- Senate to say thank you to Larry Doby Mr. President, I look forward to hav- ed to an act of faith in America's fu- and to pay tribute to this very fine ing an opportunity later to come down, ture. They decided that the opposition gentleman. and I most especially look forward to to Jackie Robinson's entry into the Mr. President, I yield the floor. not only yielding the floor, but listen- Major Leagues was a throwback, a ves- Mr. GORTON addressed the Chair. ing to the majority leader. I yield the tige of the past, and that racial toler- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The dis- floor. ance was the wave of the future. It was tinguished Senator from Washington is Mr. LOTT addressed the Chair. a brave choice and a tough choice, but, recognized. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. STE- of course, it was the right choice. Mr. GORTON. Mr. President, I ask VENS). The majority leader. Larry Doby said later that Bill Veeck unanimous consent to speak for 5 min- f ``didn't see color. To me, he was in utes as if in morning business. every sense colorblind, and I always The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without LEGISLATIVE SESSION knew he was there for me.'' objection, it is so ordered. Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- Mr. President, that was a very char- f imous consent that the Senate return acteristically generous and gracious TAX PLAN DIFFERENCES to legislative session. statement by Larry Doby because it Mr. GORTON. Mr. President, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without was Larry Doby himself, after all, who House of Representatives and the Sen- objection, it is so ordered. had to be brave out on the playing field. Larry Doby had to be brave in a ate recently passed tax relief plans f time of segregation and other terrible that will help every American at every MORNING BUSINESS indignities inflicted on African-Ameri- stage of life. They are obviously not cans. He showed the courage that was the solution to all of our problems, but Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- needed 50 years ago, and all Americans they are a first step in the right direc- imous consent that there now be a pe- today ought to be grateful for his ex- tion. riod for the transaction of morning ample. These carefully crafted tax relief business, with Senators permitted to Again, here is another quote from packages will not only make an imme- speak therein for up to 10 minutes Larry Doby. ``Kids are our future, and diate difference in the monthly budgets each. we hope baseball has given them some of middle-class families but will also The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without idea of what it is to live together and encourage the risk taking that will objection, it is so ordered. how we can get along, whether you be raise the future standard of living for f black or white.'' us, for our children, and for our grand- Mr. President, the accomplishments children. They will accomplish both HONORING LARRY DOBY of Larry Doby on the baseball diamond goals by giving tax credits to people Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, this past are well known. In 1948, his first full who pay taxes and who bear the cost of Tuesday night, the eyes of the Nation season in the Major Leagues, he led the raising the next generation and by re- and a good part of the world were fo- Indians to victory in the World Series, ducing taxes on saving and investing. cused on Cleveland and the playing of batting .318 and hitting a game-win- Why do we need tax relief now? Con- the All Star Game. This was an All ning home run. He was named to the sider the following: total taxes, Fed- Star Game that had, I think, particular All Star team every single year from eral, State, and local combined, take significance. This, of course, is the 50th 1949 to 1955. In 1952, Larry Doby led the up almost one-third of the U.S. econ- anniversary of Jackie Robinson's en- American League in home runs and in omy. That means that for every 8 hours trance into major league baseball, runs scored. Two years later, in 1954, he of work the average taxpayer spends when the so-called color line was actu- led the league in home runs and in almost 3 hours of work to pay the tax ally finally broken. RBI's. He left the Indians in 1956 to collector rather than bringing it home It was appropriate that the honorary play for the Chicago White Sox and to meet family needs. captain of the American League was later for the Detroit Tigers. Larry Following our lead, President Clinton Larry Doby. It was also appropriate Doby retired in 1959 but returned to has offered a tax relief plan of his own. that the other honorary captain was baseball in 1978 to manage the White We congratulate him on continuing to Frank Robinson. Frank Robinson, of Sox, becoming only the second African- move in our direction, agreeing to tax course, who played when I was a young American manager in the history of credits not just for young kids but for boy for the Cincinnati Reds, played the major leagues. The first, as I stat- teenagers, too, and also for giving fam- very well, and then went on later to be ed, of course, as we know, was the ilies some relief from the death tax. the first African American manager in great Frank Robinson, who managed But our plan and the President's still the American League for Cleveland. the Cleveland Indians from 1975 to 1977. have some big differences. Most impor- Mr. President, on July 5, 1947Ð50 Mr. President, as I have said, Larry tantly, we strongly believe that his years agoÐLarry Doby became the Doby's contribution to baseball is well plan sells the middle class short. We first African-American to play in the known. That is why he was chosen to think he has a much too narrow defini- American League. Earlier that year, of serve as honorary captain of this year's tion of middle class, one that includes course, Jackie Robinson was the first American League team at the All Star as rich too many families that most person to be signed and to play for the Game this past Tuesday night. But people would see as solidly middle Brooklyn DodgersÐthe first African when everyone at Jacobs Field rose class. American to play in the major Tuesday night at the All Star Game to In particular, we think the Presi- leaguesÐand Larry Doby was the first honor this great American, we thanked dent's plan has a strange bias against African American to play in the Amer- him even more for his message of rec- families with working moms. He is ican League. onciliation and racial brotherhood. much too quick to put families with Earlier this year, we as a nation paid I have a copy of the Cleveland Plain working mothers in the rich category tribute to Jackie Robinson for the Dealer article from July 6, 1947. This just because they need two incomes to courage and for the integrity showed in article described Larry Doby's first make ends meet, to pay their taxes, breaking baseball's color barrier. game as a Cleveland Indian. The head- and to stay on top of their bills. S7296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE July 11, 1997 For example, let us say dad's a teach- The assistant legislative clerk pro- look forward to the day we can cele- er and makes $40,000. Everyone knows ceeded to call the roll. brate a similar milestone. The Riggs' he is not rich. Now let us say mom's Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask commitment to the principles and val- also working and she makes $30,000, unanimous consent that the quorum ues of their marriage deserves to be sa- money that goes to help raise their call be rescinded. luted and recognized. three kids, pay their taxes, and save The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without f for retirement. Almost everyone would objection, it is so ordered. WISHES DO COME TRUE FOR KIDS still say this family is not rich.
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