![IS 1885-3-1 (1965): Electrotechnical Vocabulary, Part 3: Acoustics, Section 1: Physical Acoustics [LITD 7: Audio, Video and Multimedia Systems and Equipment]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान का अधकार, जी का अधकार” “परा को छोड न 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 1885-3-1 (1965): Electrotechnical vocabulary, Part 3: Acoustics, Section 1: Physical acoustics [LITD 7: Audio, Video and Multimedia Systems and Equipment] “ान $ एक न भारत का नमण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी चराया नह जा सकताह ै”ै Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS : 1885 (Part III/Set 1) 7 1965 Indiern Standard ELECTROTECHNIhL VOCABULARY ?ARl HIACOUSTICS Section I Physical Acoustics . Electrotechnical Standards Sectional Committee, ETDC 1 Chainnan Representing SHRI K. P. S. NAIR Central Water & Power Commission (Power Wiq) Members SHRI S. N. VINZE (Alternate to Shri K. P. S. Nair) ADDITIOWALCHIEF ENGINEER Dire&e&e General of Posts & Telegraphs (l&i&-y of Tmnsport t Communications) DIRECTOROF TELEGRAPHS(L) (AUnnete) PX~F D. J. BADKAS fndian Institute of Science, Bangalore DR H. V. GOPALAKRISHNA (MWmste) SHRI G. C. BATTACHARYA Heavy Electric& (India) Ltd, Bhopal SHII B. S. BHAG~WALIA (Altemute) SHRI V. W. CHEMBURKAR Indian Electrical Manufacturers’ ABaociotion, Calcutta Swrr C. G. W. OVERTON(Altem&) SRRI P. N. DEOBHAKTA Rlectrlsal Appiiances and Accessories Sectional Committee, ETDC 7, IS1 DIRECTOR Electronics urd Rahr Development Establis-t (Ml of Defence), Bangalore SHRI G. D. JOGLEKAR Primary Cells t Batteries Sectional Committee, ETDC 16, ISI; ancl Secondary Cells and Bat- terles Sectional Committee, ETDC 11. IS1 SHRI S. N. MUKERJI National ‘Feet House, Calcutta SHRI A. R. NARAYANA RAO Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta SHRI U. K. PATWARDHAN Transformers Sectional .Committee, ETDC 16, IS1 SHRI R. RADHAKRISHNAN Central Electra-Chemical Research lnstitate (CSIR), Ksrdkudi SHRI H. N. VENKOBARAO(A&Y@&) SHRI V. V. RAO Department of Posts & Telegraphs, Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing (Continued on page 2) ‘IVDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHAIPUR SHAH Z&FAR MARG’ NEW DELHI llW02 , IS : 1885 (Part III/Set 1) - 1965 (Gontinued jvom page 1) Members Representing SHRI U. S. SAVAKOOR Inspection Wing, Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals, Department of Supply SHRI A. S. NAGARKATTI (AZtevnate) SHRI S. SWAYAMBU Switchgear and Controlgear Sectional Committee, ETDC 17, IS1 SHRI R. K. TANDAN National Physical Laboratory (CSIR), New Delhi SHRI S. THIRUVENKATACHARI Electronic Equipment Sectional Committee, ETDC 24, IS1 . SHRI V. VENUGOPALAN Insulators and Accessories Sectional Committee, ETDC 3, ISI; and Conductors and Cables Sectional Committee, ETDC 32, IS1 SIiRI J. S. ZAVERI Rotating Machinery Sectional Committee, ETDC 15. IS1 SHRI Y. S. VENKATESW.~RAN, Director General, IS1 (Esoficio Member) Director (Elec tech) (Secmtavy) Acoustics Sectional Committee, ETDC 27 Chairman DR M. PANCROLY National Physical Laboratory (CSIR), New Delhi Members SHRI A. N. AHUJA Ahuja Radios, New Delhi SHRI I. S. AHUJA (Alternate) SHRI T. S. BHALLA All India Radio Merchants’ Association, Bombay S&RI V. J. BHATT (Alternate) SHRI D. N. CHAUDHURI (Alternate) SHRI L. S. V. EASWAR (AZterrtate) SHRI G. S. BOLINA G. W. Balkar & Co, Jullundur SHRI H. JOGA RAO State Broadcasting Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh LT-COL M. L. MIDHA Directorate General of Inspection (Ministry of Defeme) LT-COL D. SWAROOP (Alternate) SHRI S. N. MUKERJI National Test House, Calcutta SHRI B. P.- Gaos~ (Altersate) SHRI A. V. PA1 Electronics Limited, Faridabad SHRI H. SINGH (Alternate) DR B. S. RAMAKRISHNA Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore RESEARCH ENGINEER Directorate General of All India Radio S~RIMATI C. K. KESAVAN (Alternate) SHRI M. SANKARALIGAM Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (Inspection Wing) SHRI M. V. SHANKAR Railway Board (Ministry of Railways) DR D. SRINIVASAN Directorate General of Research & Development (Ministry of Defence) ’ DR D. L. SUBRAHMANYAM Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CSIR), Pilani SHRI K. D. PAVATE (AZtevnate) (Continued on page 28) 2 IS : 1885 (Part III/Set 1) - 1965 Indian Standard ELECTROTECHNICAL VOCABULARY PART III ACOUSTICS Section I Physical Acoustics 0. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard (Part III/Set 1) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 24 April 1965, after the draft finalized by the Electrotechnical Standards Sectional Committee, in consultation with the Acoustics Sectional Committee had been approved by the Elecko- technical Division Council. 0.2 It has not been found possible to prepare the electrotechnical voca- bulary as a complete volume which is,, therefore, being issued in several parts each having one or more sections. Other parts so far pubhshed are: IS: 1885(Part I)-1961 Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part I Funda- mental definitions IS : 1885(Part II)-1961 Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part II Machines and transformers *IS: 1885(Part IV/Set l)-1965 Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part IV Electron tubes and valves, Section 1 Receiting valves )IS: lSSS(Patt IV/Set 2)-1965 Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part IV Electron tubes and valves, Section 2 X-ray tue IS: 1885(Part V)-1965 Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part V Quartz crystals IS : 1885(Part VI)-1965 Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part VI Printed circuits IS : 1885(Part VII)-1965 Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part VII Semiconductor devices IS : 1885(Part VIII)-1965 Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part VIII Secondary cells and batteries 0.3 In view of large number of aspects of acoustics including electro acoustics to be covered, it has been decided to prepare this part in a number of sections. This section deals with phy$cal acoustics. *sincerevised. ’ ,, 3 _~ ------ - . IS : 1885 (Part III/h 1) - 1965 UJ~;tance has been derived from the following while preparing this IEC Pub 50(08) Electra-acoustics. International Electrotechnical Com@ssion. B.S.661: 1955 Glossary of acoustical terms. British Standards Institution. S-1.1-1960 Acoustical Terminology (including technical shock and vibration). American Standards Association. -1. SCOPE 1.1 This section of Part III acoustics of IS: 1885*, covers terms relating to physical acoustics. 2. GENERAL 2.1 Sound a) Disturbance in a material medium capable of exciting the sensation of hearing. NOTE 1 -By extension, the term sound is sometimes applied to any dis- turbance, irrespective of frequency in a material medium. NOTE 2 - Disturbance is any change of a physical quantity from its equilibrium position. b) Sensation of hearing caused by a disturbance in a material medium. 2.2 Acoustics - Science of sound. 2.8 Acoustic - An adjective derived from ‘ acoustics ‘, used to qualify a term when it has properties or characteristics associated with sound waves. NOTE-The following examples have the properties or characteristics asso- ciated with sound waves and hence would take acoustic: impedance, inertance, load (radiation field), output (sound power), evergy, wave, medium, signal, conduit, absorptivity, transducer. 2.4 Acoustical - An adjective derived from ‘ acoustics ‘, used to qualify a term when it does not itself have the properties or characteristics asso- ciated with sound waves. NOTE1 -The following examples do not have the requisite physical charac- teristics and therefore take acoustical: society, method, engineer, school, glossary, symbol problem, measurement, point of view, end-use, device. NOTE 2 - The use of adjectives acoustic and acoustical are analogous to those of the adjectives electric and electrical. ’ l&ctrotechnical vocabulary. , 4 IS : 1885 (Part III/Set 1) - 1%5 2.5 Signal a) A disturbance used to convey information. b) The information to be conveyed over a communication system. 2.6 Sonic - An adjective used to refer to speeds of sound in air. NOTE- Supersonic and subsonic are terms used to denote speeds above and befow that of sound. 2.7 Periodic Quantity - A quantity which is reproduced identically at equal intervals of the independent variable (time, space, etc) [see 3.24 of IS: 1885(Part I)-19611 2.8 Aperiodic Quantity - A quantity approaching steady condition without oscillations. 2.9 Simple Harmonic, Quantity - A periodic quantity that is a sinu- soidal function of time. 2.10 Period (of a Periodic Quantity) - The minimum interval of the independent variable after which the same characteristics of the periodic quantity recur [see 3.23 of IS: 1885(Part I)-19611. 2.11 Cycle (of a Periodic Quantity) -The complete range of states or values through which the periodic quantity passes before repeating itself identically [see 3.6 of .IS: 1885(Part I)-19611. 2.12 Frequency (of a Periodic Quantity) - Reciprocal of period [see 3.11 of IS: 1885(Part I)-19611. 2.13 Fundamental Frequency (of a Periodic Quantity) - The frequency of a sinusoidal quantity which has the same period as the periodic quantity.
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