UTTEBA SCRIPTA EDEKAL REGISTER » 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 13 NUMBER 162 Ü N lT lO ^ Washington, Thursday, August 19, 1948 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT required under the said Act, until the CONTENTS Board is terminated by the President. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9987 H arry S. T ruman THE PRESIDENT Creating a B oard op Inquiry T o R eport T he W hite H ouse, Executive Order PaSe on Certain Labor D isputes Affecting August 17, 1948. Maritime industry of U. S.; crea­ the Maritime Industry of the U nited tion of Board of Inquiry to re­ [F. R. Doc. 48-7527; Filed, Aug. 18, 1948; S tates 10:51 a. m.] port on certain labor disputes 4779 WHEREAS there exist certain labor EXECUTIVE AGENCIES disputes (other than those referred to in Executive Order No. 9964 of June 3, TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Agriculture Department 1948, entitled “Creating a Board of In­ See also Commodity Credit Cor­ quiry to Report on Certain Labor Dis­ Chapter II— Production and Market­ poration; Forest Service. putes Affecting the Maritime Industry ing Administration (Commodity Proposed rule making: of the United States”) between em­ Credit) Potatoes, Irish, in Oregon and ployers (or associations by which such California_________________ 4795 employers are represented in collective Part 245—Irish P otatoes Rules and regulations: U. S. Standards: bargaining conferences) who are (1) SUBPART— 1948 LOAN PROGRAM steamship companies or who are en­ Grapefruit________________ 4787 gaged as operators or agents for ships This bulletin states the requirements Peanuts in shell, cleaned Vir­ engaged in service from or to North with respect to the 1948 Irish Potato Loan ginia type__ ____________ 4789 Atlantic ports from Hampton Roads, Program formulated by Commodity Tangerines________________ 4790 Virginia, to Portland, Maine, or from or Credit Corporation (hereinafter referred Alien Property, Office of to other ports of the United States or its to as CCC) and the Production and Mar­ Notices: Territories or possessions, (2) contract­ keting Administration (hereinafter re­ Vesting orders, etc.: ing stevedores, (3) contracting marine ferred to as PMA). Loans will be made Aussenliandel-Finanzierungs- carpenters, or (4) other employers en­ available on potatoes of the 1948 late gesselschaft m. b. H______ 4806 gaged in related or associated pier ac­ crop to growers or associations of Heinhorst, Sophia_________ 4808 tivities, and certain of their employees growers or their authorized agents, and Jungling, Marie____________ 4807 represented by the International Long­ contracting dealers in accordance with Kemper, Marie D__________ 4808 shoremen’s Association (A. F.‘ L.); and this bulletin, Klug, Emilie_____ _________ 4806 WHEREAS: in my opinion such dis­ sec. Krotoschiner, Heinz____ 4809 245.201 Administration. Lupfer, Bertah Elisabeth_ 4808 putes threaten to result in strikes or 245.202 Availability of loans. lockouts affecting a substantial part of Missotten, Simon____ ______ 4809 245.203 Approved lending agencies. Pabst, Calista Marie____ 4806 the maritime industry, an industry en­ 245.204 Eligible borrowers. 245.205 Eligible potatoes. Uhde, Anna Elisa, and Her­ gaged in trade, commerce, transporta­ man H; Uhde—_________ _ 4807 tion, transmission or communication 245.206 Applications and period for making loans. Webb, Oscar H., and Martin among the several States and with for­ 245.207 Approved forms. Behrens________ 4809 eign nations, which strikes or lockouts, 245.208 Amount of loan. Civil Aeronautics Board if permitted to occur, will imperil the 245.209 Storage charges. national health and safety: 245.210 Liens. •Notices: 245.211 Service fees. China National Aviation Corp.; NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the 245.212 Set-offs. hearing----------------------- 4800 authority vested in me by section 206 245.213 Interest rate. Coast Guard of the Labor-Management Relations 245.214 Insurance. Act, 1947 (Public Law 101, 80th Con­ 245.215 Maturity and satisfaction of loans. Notices: gress), I hereby create a Board of In­ 245.216 Deficiencies due to flood, fire, Tillamook Rock Light Station; quiry, consisting of such members as I lightning and windstorm. proposed discontinuance___ 4799 245.217 Loans in default. Commodity Credit Corporation shall appoint, to inquire into the issues 245.218 Purchase of notes. involved in such disputes. 245.219 1948 schedule of loan rates per cwt. Rules and regulations: The Board shall have powers and du­ of potatoes. Loans and purchase agreements: Barley------------------------------ 4785 ties as set forth in Title II of the said A u t h o r it y : § § 245.201 to 245.219, inclusive, Grain sorghums___________ 4784 Act. The Board shall report to the issued under sec. 4 (a), 55 Stat. 498 as Wheat___________ 4782 President in accordance with the pro­ amended; 15 U. S. C. 713a-8; sec. 1 (b ), Pub. Law 897, 80th Cong., sec. 5, Pub. Law 806, Potatoes, Irish; 1948 loan pro­ visions of section 206 of the said Act on 80th Cong. gram------------------------------- 4779 or before August 20,1948. Customs Bureau Upon the submission of its report, the § 245.201 Administration. The pro­ gram will be administered in the field Notices: / Board shall continue in existence to per­ British Malaya, products; mark­ form such other functions as may be (Continued on next page) ing of country of origin_____ 4799 4779 4780 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE—Con. Federal Trade Commission Pase Title 7— Agriculture pase FEDEMLH&REGISTER Rules and regulations: Chapter I—Production and Mar­ '93* * ¿/M ire n t Cease and desist order; Shep­ keting Administration (Stand­ herd Knitwear Co., Inc_____. 4191 ards, Inspections, Marketing Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Forest Service Practices) : and days following official Federal holidays, Rules and regulations: Part 51—Fruits, vegetables, and by the Division of the Federal Register, the Land uses; Harney National other products (grading, cer­ National Archives, pursuant to the authority Forest_________________ 4792 tification, and standards) (3 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap- documents)-._____ 4787,4789,4790 proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Internal Revenue Bureau Chapter IX—Production and Mar­ amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ Proposed rule making: keting Administration (Mar­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ keting mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Income tax, nonresident alien A greem ents and tion is made only by the Superintendent of individuáis; foreign corpora­ Orders) : Documents, Government Printing Office, tions._____________________ 4794 Part 959—Irish potatoes grown Washington 25, D. C. in the counties of Crook, Des­ The regulatory material appearing herein is Land Management, Bureau of chutes, and Klamath in the keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Notices : State of Oregon, and Modoc which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Alaska; restoration to home­ and Siskiyou in the State of to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as stead entry of lands within California (proposed)--------- 4795 amended June 19, 1947. Tongass National Forest___ 4799 The F ederal R eg ister will be furnished by Title 16— Commercial Practices mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 New Mexico; air-navigation site Chapter I—Federal Trade Com­ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ withdrawal________________ 4800 mission: vance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: Part 3—Digest of cease and de- (minimum 15<0 varies in proportion to the Arizona; partial revocation of sist orders------------------------- 4791 size of the issue. Remit check or money Executive order withdrawing order, made payable to the Superintendent public lands____________ 4792 Title 19— Customs Duties of Documents, directly to the Government Lease or sale of small tracts, not Chapter I—Bureau of Customs, Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. exceeding five acres, for Department of the Treasury : There are no restrictions on the republica­ Part 16—Liquidation of duties tion of material appearing in the F ederal home, cabin, camp, health, R eg iste r. ■ convalescent, recreational, or (proposed)_________ 4793 business sites_____ ________ 4792 Part 17—Protests and reap- New Mexico grazing districts; praiseijients_______________ 4791 list of orders creating and Part 22—Drawback--------------- 4791 1947 SUPPLEMENT modifying grazing districts or Title 26— Internal Revenue to the affecting public lands in such Chapter I—Bureau of Internal districts------------ --------------- 4792 Revenue, Department of the CODE OF FEDERAL Securities and Exchange Com­ Treasury: REGULATIONS mission Part 29—Income tax; taxable . years beginning after Decem­ The following books are now Notices : ber 31, 1941 (proposed)-------- 4794 Hearings, etc: available: Columbia Gas System, Inc., Title 36— Parks and Forests Book 1: Titles 1 through 7, and Central Kentucky Nat- Chapter II—Forest Service, De­ including, in Title 3, Presiden­ ural Gas Co_____________ 4805 partment of Agriculture: tial documents in full text with Commonwealth & Southern Part 251—Land uses_________ 4792 appropriate reference tables and Corp. et al__________ *=— 4800 Title 43— Public Lands: Interior index. General Public Utilities Corp. Chapter I—Bureau of Land Man­ Book 2: Titles 8 through 17. et al____ ________ 4804 agement, Department of the Iowa Power and Light Co----- 4805 Book 3: Titles 18 through 30. Interior: Missouri Power & Light Co— 4805 Part 162—List of orders creat­ Book 4: Titles 31 through 42. New England Gas and Elec­ ing and
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