PAGE SIX THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1914 HO6RESS IN SOUTHERN SENATOR WEST ON Our furniture stands the test of JOB time. It’s built of the best ma- [ STATES^HENOMINfIL ATJA/ASHINGTON terial. Atlanta, Ga., March 5. —Hon. W. .6. j Columbus, Ga., March 4.—The Indus- West, of' Valdosta, newly appointed | al Index says in its issue for this senator, will arrive in Washington to- ;ek: If your home is not as cozy and day and be swr orn in before the United beginning of the spriig I “The first states Senate sometime tomorrow. His comfortable as you would like >n,th finds a volume of industrial and commission was signed late Tuesday nstruction operations and activities it, why not come and complete ai d mailed at w ni 1,1 this section that is unusual even for r ton to Senator Hoke Smith, who will T!sTu?ffl!fflFffS?r e southeast, a the feature being introduce his new colleague and be his warding number important of a of sponsor at the ceremony. ntracts. Senator West will announce his po- You willfind just the thing to “Thirty-eight new corporations hav„ litical plans very shortly after assum- en organized with minimum capital make your home comfortable ing his seat. Governor Slaton will not aggregating i icks $1,543,200. announce his intentions as to candidacy without excessive cost. engine repair shops and for the senate until after Senator ¦•11 be established Birminghan. at West’s announcement. It is believed j at a cost of about $1,500,000. by his friends that Governor Slaton | ''Banks are being organized at Dub- ha will declare his candidacy for the The Allison Furniture Comp ’y si and Sycamore, Ga, and Thomaston, the United States senate within a Phone 2n 3 Americus, Georgia n|a. A banking and trust company short time. th capital SIOO,OOO is pre- rt stock of It is believed that the governor and bring to begin business at Valdosta, his appointee will by no means oppose each other, and should Governor Sla- Q“An aditional contract for paving A Scene From “The Rose Maid” Opera House, Tuesday, March 10th ton decide to offer for the unexpired of Hillsborough county, Flor- term, Senator West will not make the “•li, withTirick has been awarded, mak- Statesboro, Ga.; fraternal building, At- ice and light plants, West Palm Beach, race for re-election. a total of $369,200 of contracts PREACHER] L light pow er plants, Mette . Cook and Opelika, Fla.; and “HOUGH NECK” Heat With Gas lanta, Ga.; hospital building, r the kind just placed by that countv, Ga.; fertilizer factory, Ellen ton, Ga.: Ala.; hotel building, Jacksonville, Fla.; had happened to him. ifth more to be award* d. bottling plant, Andalusia, Ala.; lum- TALKS FROM SHOULDER jail buildings, Chambers and Taladega « Mel Trotter is a “rough neck” in We have just Florida, received T“St Johns county, has ber plants, and Perry, Fla. Alabama and Camden county, Lebanon the usually accepted sense of that at5527,- counties, '»arded a conditional contract A franchise for building and operat- Georgia; paving, Moultrie, Ga., and Atlanta, March 5.—“There was a hog term, so far as language and manneis a shipment brick-paved of stoves and for the construction of ing an electric street railway in Bra- Opelika, Ala.; warehouse, West Palm in my heart, and as long as it was are concerned, but he has the most ghways. dentown, Fla., has been granted.” tr Beach, Fla there I had to carry swill to it. I wonderful conviction of his own per- .“A contract has been awarded at hot plates, prices to our II “Some of the contracts awarded are used to peddle my shoes and let my sonal salvation, of any man at the tmpa, Fla., for the erection of a 140- as follows: family go hungry in order to buy beer whole conference. He was a practi- “om addition to a hotel building. TO MAKE FARMERS customers at cost. “Bank buildings, Savannah, Ga., and and for that hog. But God hopeless drunkard, and was ">n w’hiskey cally , I“Dade county, Georgia, will vote OUT OF BOY PRISONERS Tampa, Fla., and bank building addi- took that hog out of my heart, and for headed from the gutter to a suicide’3 Ve issuance of $60,000 of road con- tion, New' Decatur, Ala.; sewer and seventeen years since I have never grave, when he stumbled into a rescue ruction bonds and Milton, Fla., upon Public Utilities Company I New York, s.—Through the waterowrks system, Midville, Ga ; March v'anted drink.” mission. He was literally “saved,” a — 'iter and light bonds. —Successors to apartment houses, Atlanta, Ga., and generosity of tws o public spirited That was Mel Trotter’s version of and that’s why he believes so vividly ki“Among the items of construction Birmingham, Ala.; church building citizens, farm consisting of 610 the theological doctrine of sin eradica- ip the power of salvation. He is talk- Americus and brk to be done, as reported this week a Gas Electric Co. completion, Milledgeville, Ga.; lighting acres, situated between Midletown tion, as expressed before 5,000 people ing to a packed auditorium every day, M. I e the following: W. CASE, Manager, plants, Bartow and Wadley, Ga.; pa - and Goshen, N, Y., has been donated at the Atlanta Bible Conference this and he is handing out a line of talk I f*Apartment houses, three, Atlanta, 1 ing, Meade, Fla.; water- city, where boy morning. nobody in Atlanta ever heard from ki_, and Huntsville, Ala.; church build- $35,000, Ft. to the use of the that system, Wadley, Ga. prisoners may taught Trotter, who is the greatest rescue a pulpit before. Mgs, Adel, Ga, Edgewater, Ala., Lake- works be scientific plants boys the world, said that HERBERT HAWKINS LJtid. Fla., and church building addi- “Industrial will b? establish- farming. The first crowd of mission worker in as the today. They he didn’t care a rap whether what he Mme. Pevsner says the Hebrews Tn, Columbus. Ga.; factory building, ' ed follows: were sent to farm Insurance And Surety Bonds. “Cannery, Hastings, Fla.; cotton oil will build model house, said fitted in wdth the church dogma should have a nation of their own; SUm Beach, Fla.; school building, first a bunk Specialty—Autos mills, Troy, A’a.; they get to on or said he knew then New York city will not be made at 2 per cent sienna, Ga.; sewer system., Sanford. : Moulton and fur- after w'hieh will down eradication not. He ' talking about because it into a mere state, after all. if a.; dormitories, Locust Grove and : nace rebuilding, SIIO,OOO, Ensley, Ala.; the methods of farming. what he was PLANTERS BANK BLDG. Pbone No. I£6 St. Louis Ousts Vice Colony. WOMAN IMPERSONATES St. Louis, Mo., March 5. The en- tire segregated vice district of SL Louis has been closed for all time. SEPTEMBER MORN The n;w law making this possible jfollowed a crusade wT aged by the Opening Ccmmittee of One Hundred for the Grand Tomorrow Atlanta, March 5. —Thiee women suppression figure prominently in today’s news in of commercia ized vice. It means the elimination from St. Atlanta. As always, the police are ; Louis of about seventy resorts an,l finding the “skirts” at the bottom cf about 800 inmates. Police captains, several affairs. are held personally responsible i.t Morn” in U. S. WOOLEN MILLS CO. Impersonating “September of violations. her attire, or lack of attire, Mrs. Etta Bailey’s Old Stand Forsyth Street Williams was arrested at the Peach- tree Inn, hiding in a closet, and R. H. Jarrell was taken into custody at the EAT LESS MEAT Let us tell you what we are and what'we are doing. Selling direct mill to man. Immense same time. The night clerk had sum- facilities, largest chain of stores, middle-maa profit, places us in a position in a most positive moned the police, saying the man had IF BACK HURTS guarantee to save you at least one-half. been beating the woman. everywhere showing city of both When Fred J. Wilson was held un- Stores the largest assortments ever shown before in this der SI,OOO bond by Recorder Broyles Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid- neys, Bothers imported and domestic woolen, including Blues, Grays, Checks and Drapes. on a charge of highway robbery, Judge If Bladder Broyles ordered that his wife also be You. ro Made to order brought before him. Suit C Eating meat regularly eventually "I don’t know what to do with you,” produces kidney trouble in some fornsi Overcoat Fit said the recorder. “Your husband is a Made to or other, says a well known authority, thief and will be sent up for four because the uric acid in meat excites years.” Our Near-by Stores: the kidneys, they become overwork- Our Near-by Stores “Tell my mother, in Chicago,” sa d MONTGOMERY, ALA. ed; get sluggish; clog up and cause the girl wife. The message was AMERICUS, GA. BRISTOL, VA. all sorts of distress, particularly- sent, and a reply came promptly. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. HUNTINGTON, TV. VA. backache and misery in the kidney FREE! FREE! FREE! “I will do nothing for her,” it said. ATLANTA, GA CHARLESTON, W. VA. 'region;I rheumatic twinges, severe The 17-year-old girl was without i CHARLESTON, S. C. - WILLIAMSON, W. VA. headaches, acid stomach, cor.stipatioo, friend in the city. Miss Ethel Ciaxton, SWTER, 8.
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