Ex libris. Paris : American Library in Paris, 1923-[1925] https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015078848903 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-4.0 This work is protected by copyright law (which includes certain exceptions to the rights of the copyright holder that users may make, such as fair use where applicable under U.S. law), but made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license. You must attribute this work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Only verbatim copies of this work may be made, distributed, displayed, and performed, not derivative works based upon it. Copies that are made may only be used for non-commercial purposes. Please check the terms of the specific Creative Commons license as indicated at the item level. For details, see the full license deed at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0. PERIODICAL ROOM GENERAL LIBRARY y<ll¥ Uf MUM APR o l51?!b*i,omi '""JBb )i I MARCH 1925 Volume 2 Number 6 Price : 2 Francs. The American Novel of Democracy American Books in Soviet Russia The Macmillan Company's Contributions to French Studies Book Reviews - New Books 0 Current Magazines AMERICAN LIBRARY IN PARIS lO RUE DE LELYSBE r LESQUALITESDELAVOITURETTE ECONOMIQUE ET LEGERE CELLES DE LA GROSSE VOITURE LUXUEUSE ET RAPIDE SONT TOUTES REUNIES DANS la 12 cv. HOTCHKISS. c'est le JUSTE MILIEU CHAMPS ELYSEES HOTCHKISS SUBSCRIPTION BLANK " (To be filled in and sent to EX LIBRIS ". 10. Rue de l'Elysee. Paris) Please eater my subscription to EX LIBRIS for one year, commencing 20 francs (in France). , for which I enclose 25 francs (outside France). Full nam* Strut City Arr. or Dept Country CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS SHOULD BE MADE TO ORDER OF "EX LIBRIS L DetertpHn laafltlt of EX LIBRIS advertiien may be obtained at Its Information Bureau, rez-de-chauute, 10 rue it VEIysie. Volume 2 MARCH Number 6 EX LIBRIS —19 2 5 — The American Novel of Democracy " (The Editors are indebted to the Christian Science Monitor (or permission to reprint this article from its issue of February 3. 1925.) the most casual onlooker it must be Cavaliers of Virginia" by W. A. Carruthers, as TOapparent that the present-day effort to examples of portrayals of the life of Virginia ; fashion a true picture of the \ United "Standish of Standish" by Jane Austen, "The States through the medium of fiction is one of Coast of Freedom" by A. M. and A. J. Shaw, the outstanding and encouraging signs on the representing the life of Massachusetts ; and so American literary horizon, Of excess, bizarre- on for other states, New York, Maryland, rie, and vulgarity we witness a plenty. Of the Connecticut, the Carolines, Georgia and the hasty and transient, an inevitable superfluity. rest. We can discover by a minimum of effort But the amount of sincere and illuminating at least one novel and often more for each one interpretation, however much we may find of the colonies at this period. ourselves at odds with point of view or method, is impressive, and of happy augury for the future of American fiction. As a matter of fact, a survey of our previous To every American reader will occur many activity in this type of literature discloses a novels of the periods of our' history that follow : more independent and a more continuous of the Revolution, of the building of the Nation, tradition than our history can show in either of the struggles over slavery and state's rights poetry or the drama. The American scene, I culminating in the conflict of 1861, and then of have come to believe, has inspired more consist the reconstruction days, of rapid expansion ently original and characteristic reflection of which comprehended the conquest of the mighty itself in the novel than in any other form of west, on, through many phases of national letters. This judgment, be it understood, growth, down to the present hour. In a half applies to the continuous effort to grapple hour, by reference to guides to historical fiction concretely, in the experimental form which is and other compilations, one can visualize the fiction's special advantage, with the peculiar story suggested by more than a hundred of these conditions arising on American soil under the titles ; or, better still, one can pass, as it has been unique system of political democracy. my privilege recently, with lingering step, pausing with many an affectionate reminiscence, through the stacks of a great library, and pull down from their place three times that number Two methods of passing in review the signi of such novels. Many of them are deservedly ficant examples of this fiction are equally valua forgotten and they are naturally of widely ble. We can, of course, survey it chronologi varying merit ; but the historian of our spiritual cally in order of composition ; or we can arrange development, as recorded in these historical the novels in the order of the times portrayed, imaginative reconstructions, will do well to regardless of the date of their authorship. Were turn back in faithful and intelligent and sympa we, for instance, assembling lists of titles accord thetic examination of them. In good time, I ing to the latter classification we should immedi devoutly hope, someone with the requisite ately recall the many stories of the Colonial devotion and enthusiasm will not only classify period : "To Have and To Hold", "Prisoners them in their entirety, but^with judicious dis of Hope", both by Mary Johnston, and "The crimination write their history as a magnificent 163 chapter of our literary chronicle. For as a sup with the essential qualities of a new and plement to the stirring pageant of our history hardy civilization, bringing order into the they constitute a priceless record of the endeavor wilderness. of the spirit of America to express itself year by year, in all the richness and fullness of this form. Of particular value at this period was the publication in three attractive volumes in London and Edinburgh of "Brother Jonathan," written by that versatile and indefatiguable pioneer of This pageant of our national story begins American culture, John Neal of Portland, formally in time with Hugh Brackenridge's Maine. He had gone to England a few years "Modern Chivalry or the Adventures of Captain previously as an enthusiastic, self-appointed Farrago and Teague O'Regan," published in ambassador with what we should call today parts between 1792 and 1805, a sort of American an international vision. Impressed with the and Hudibras, and hence a satire. Don Quixote necessity of explaining his country to the mother Teague and his master, Captain Farrago, in country, he poured forth a veritable flood of fashion, travel about the country, adventurous articles into the columns of British periodicals, entering eagerly into the novel political life of the and in 1825 culminated his valuable service newly-founded the republic. By this means by publishing this novel which visualizes the author makes them lenses, as it were, through "brothers Jonathan" collectively. After a hun we look upon of the which the intimate nature dred years, which happily has not banished the great governmental experiment. The book is book into oblivion, it stands as the first work of influence now forgotten, but for fifty years its fiction inspired by the zealous desire to further was marked ; in 1846 we an editor of a new find the cause of Anglo American amity. declaring of the author : aim of edition "The Out of such beginnings has developed the his was to raise the standard demo writing of American novel of democracy, flourishing more cracy. He believed that a popular work like ... and more vigorously as it has spread into various the present was the best means of diffusing forms. There is the historical interpretation is correct ideas of governme"nt. The satire which flowered in countless varieties particularly against ignorance and the directed presumption between 18% and 1902, such as those of Winston and arrogance of ignorance." This obviously Churchill, Owen Wister, Mary Johnston and was a novel with a dominating social purpose. other honorable names. There are the Utopian And its moral preoccupation is a significant novels, "The Traveler from Altruria" (1894) by forecast of the motive which has animated its Howells, Bellamy's "Looking Backward" (1888) numerous successors. and the less-known "Equality" (1897), and Haw Based upon a similar plan is "The History of thorne's version of the community experiment the Female American or the Extraordinary in "The Blithedalel Romance" (1852). There Adventures of Unca Eliza Winkfield, Compiled is the novel of the problem of the "melting-pot." by Herself," appearing first in 1814. It is There is the novel of the economic problems : surely no mere chance that these two early Norris's "Octopus" and "The Pit," Alice French's works should both disclose even in the title the "The Man of the Hour," and W. A. White's "A prominent element of adventure in the life of Certain RichiMan," There is the novel of the young nation. Six years after the latter manners shrewdly delineated, as by Howells, novel our earliest professional fiction writer Irving Bacheller or Edith Wharton. And there launched upon the world the first of a memorable is Mark Twain, spokesman of the Mississippi series which was to establish a European fame valley. for American story. This was 'Precaution" of James Fenimore Cooper, to be followed soon by "The Spy" in 1821, "The Pioneers" and Towards this vast valley has the novel of "The Pilot" in 1823, and his enduring work, democracy turned recently with irresistible "The Last of the Mohicans" in 1826.
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