5mrrEMB~~sEIgfEMBER 1, 196Z1962 - SATURDAY NEWPORT, R. I.1. 11:5811:58 amarn The President and2nd MrD.xto. Kennedy departed fannfarm by .. CBrcar and motored to Balley·.Bailey*~Beach.13each, (Also Caroline) lZ:05 - 1:00 pm ":430tWent swimmingswfatming atet Bailey'sBa ilt yts Beach. 1;08 pm Ret'tlf'nedRetamed toto thethe fa:nn.farm. 1:25 pm TheTbs President,Prsafdent, Mrs.Mre. Kennedy.Eennedy, )"b.h5r. and Mrs. ..P.uchinclo8e.Aachinclo~s,JnnetJtcne t andand Hmee&%me$ AuchinslossAuchinslos s depa.rteddeparted abo8.rd board thetbe HoneyHoney Fit7.Fftz andand wentwent forfor ns cruiee.cruise. TheShe PresidentPresident ...wentvent toto thethe Nava.lNaval BaseEase toto loo};look atat USSUSS JOSE-pbJoseph KennedyKennedy andand thenthen cruisedcruised aroundaround OouldGould Island.Island. 2.:55 pm FeturuedRcturoad toto HammersxnithHzmrnz~srnithdock.dock, TheThe Pre6identPresident andand Mrs.Mrs. KennedyKennedy a.ndan3 Jame:;James AuchinclossAuchincloss d:t'ovedrove aroundaround FoctZofi - tAdams,.. oc..ms, returningrekrning toto thetke f.armfarm atat 3:203:20 pm.pm. StrNDAY, SEPTEtv{BE'R 2, 1962 NEWPORT. R.I. <):51 am TheThe PresidentPresident andand Mrl1.Mr&. KennedyKennedy drovedrove toto St.St. ~tary'shfary'a CatbolicCatholic Chul"ch.Church. 10:00 • 10:45 ar.n AttendedAttended MassMass atat St.St. lviary·.h3arytsCatholic Catholic Church.Church. 12:13 - 1:03 pm TheThe PresidentPresident 'V,'ent toto BaneY~5lBailoy!s BeachBeach totowqtcb wqtch CarolineCaroline swim.swim. 1:15 - 3:30 pm CruiseCruise aboardabuard thethe ManitouManitou withwith thethe followingfollowing SenatorSenator andand Mrs.Mrs. PeU,PeU, andand daughter,daughter, JanetJanet JamesJames Auchinc1os8At~chioclosu SybilSybil MillarMillar CountessCountese C~esplCrespi Mr.Mr. FieldsFields andand son.aon, NoKQfurther furtheractivity activity recordedrecorded thisthis date.date. MONDAY,MONDAY, SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER 3.3, 19621962 (LABOR{LABOR DDAY)..,\Y) NEWPORT. R. I. 10:31 am The%&a President,fresident, Ca.roline,Carolina, andand Hon.Piel"l·eHon. Pierre Salinger·Salinger departeddeparted byby helicopterhelicopter fo:$."fop HyannisHyar~nisP.ort,Port, Mass.baaso. HYHYAh?JfSANNIS PORT.PORT, ~fASMAS 11:OZ am Arrived atat HyannisHyznris Port.Port, MAIn.Maroe. TheyThey boarded thethe Marli-r.Marliz fOJ"for aa cruiee,cruise, returhing at2;05at2:05 pm toto thethe KennedyKeanedy dock.dock. 2:152:tS -- 3:103:10 pmpm CTollsedCraised againagain inin thethe W..arUn.War&. 3:313:31 pmprn TheThe party boarded chopperchopper andand rehnnedreturned toto HammersmithHanmrrsmith l"'aTmFarm atat 3:453:35 pm NEWPORT. R. I• s:ss pm .Arrived back at Hamn'1~r$mitbFarm. 4:15 pm TheThe President,President, Mrs.Mrs. Kennedy,Kennedy, CarollneCaroline andand JohnJohn ,Jr., Jr. departeddeparted byby autoauto andand motoredmatored toto Baileyt:;Bailey's Beach.Beach. 4;~3 - 5:15 pm Went for a ~wimpwim atst BaileyrflBaileylr; Bea.ch.Beach, 5:30 pm Returned toto the·residence.the.reaidence. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 19621962 NEWPORT, R.R,II ; , 9:04 am The President was airborne from Newport, .R. I.1. WASHINGTON, D. 9:56 atn ArArrivedrived at Andrews Air Force Base. 10:00 am Departed AndrewsAndrew e via helicopterhelicopter.•. 'l .• 10:10 am Arrived at the WhiteU7hite House. 10:12 am Entered the office~office. 11:10 .. 11:20 am Hon. Lawrence O'Brien0'Brien 11:30 - 1:10 pm Hon.Hnn. Dean Rusk Hon. Charles Bohlen Hon. on: Martin Hillenbrand Hon. Robert Kennedy Hon. McGeorge Bundy 12:15 - 12:30 pm The President went to the Rose Garden to greet the m.embersmembers of the Schola CantoCantorumrum of the University of Arkansas, which had just won the first prize at the competition in Arezzo, Italy. In addition to tbethe members of aboveabwe group, the followingfollov~ingwere present: Senator and Mrs. John Wm. Fulbright Mrs. Elizabeth Wynnfelter,Wynnfelter. Senator Fulbright's dau Senator and Mrs. John L. McClellan Hon. E. C. ~athin~eGathings Hon. WilbugWilbur:g I).D. Mills Hon. James W. Trimble Hoa.Hon. Oren ~arrisHarris Hon. Dale Alford Hon. Catherine D. Norrell and daughter Kitty Johnson,J obnson, Senator FulbrightFulbright's 's office Clare Buchanan, Senator Fulbright'sFulbrightt s office Pat Jennings, Senator FulbrighttsFull:>right's office H. E. SergioS~rgio Fenoaltea, Ambassador of Italy 1:20 - 1:23 pm . Mr. and Mrs. Philip Maher (Mr. Maher is CongreCongressional sirional candidatefromcandidate MissouMO .. f rom ISSOU 1:40 pm The President want to the Mansion. (LUNCH) , TUESD.ATUESDAY,Y. SEPTEMBERWPTEMBER4,-I, 196~l962 Page 3:45 pmprp The President retw'nedreturned to the office.oKice. 4:004:OO - 4:504:SD pm.pm Bon..HOD. Dean Ru:skRusk HO:l.Hoa, Chal"1esCbrIes Bohlenboblea Hon..Hun, Ma.l't~Martin HUleS1brandHillenbrand Hon..Son. Robert. Kennedy Kamedy Hon.Hnn, ;'1cGeor:e&fcCieorge·.B=dy.Blady 5:00 • 6:00 pm BIPAR'tISANEiIPARTliSAN LEGISLATIVE LEADERS l\!EETINGAlEETING Senator Mike }.!a.na£ieldFAansffeld Senator J. W. Fulbright Ser.atorSerator RichardRichzrrd B. Russell Senator&-tor Everett M.1.4. Dirks·enDirksen Senator ThoIna.DThomas H. KuebelKucbl .Senator~nator BOU1"keE ourke HickenlooparHickenloope t. Senator AtexonderAlexzmde~ 'WileyWife y Senator John Sparkman Speaker John McCormackAicCormacL ConlgressrrunCOf1gres~ID3n C.niCzd Albert C011greCmgreasmanssman Carl Vinson C.:mgl·essmanC.;.ngressnzan Charles A. Ha.lleckHaUeck CongressmanGongressman Leslie~slie C. ArendsArender CoegressmanGorgressman RobertRcbezt B.6. Chiperiield GangrcssmanCongress::nan ArxnisteadArmistead Selden 6:05 - 6:55 pm ( Senator .AlbertAlbert Gore ) OFFTHERECORDOFF THE RECORD 7:00 - 7:30 pm Hon. TheodoraTheodore SorensenSoreasen Hon. Pierre Salinger&linger .. 7:~5 Hun.Hon. MeGeorgeMcGeorge Bundy • - 7:30 pm 7:35 pm The President went to the pout,,pool, thentbeil to the Mansion..Mansion. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 196Z1962 8:45 am LEGISLATIVEmGISLATIVE LEADERS :BREAI<FASTBREAKFALST Speaker .JolmJobW. W, McCormackMcCorznack SenatorSeaator MikeMfke Mansfield Senator -GeorgeGeorge Smathers,Sznatbars. CongressmanCortgreseman Carl Albert Congres.m...nGongreanma HaleHslt BogS.Bogga Hon..Xoa Lawrence O'Brien.O'Brien Hon.ffm. KeMethKenneth Of_DonnellOtDonneU Hon. Pierre SalingerSalingsr Hon. Theodore Sorensen 9:Z5 am TheTbe President arrlvedarrived in the oUice.office. 9:45 - 9:57 am The P~esldentPresident signed S. 2399 - Designation of Frederick DouglasliDouglass Home as a Part of theeePark System inin the National Capital. The followingfo11owing attended the signingsigdng ceremony: SenatorSenator MikeMike Man.fieldManafield SenatorSenator GeorgeGeorge A. SmathersSrnathers SenatorSenator PhilipPhilip A. HartHart SpeakerSpeaker JohnJob McCormackMcCormack CongressmanCongressman CarlCar1 Albert Congres.manCoag~srmaaHaleHale BoggsBogga CongressmanCongressman CharlesCharles C.C, DiggsDiggs CongressmanGongressman J.3. T.T, RutherfordRutherford JohnJohn A. Carver.Carver, ASlll~tantAasiotant SecretarySecretary ofof thethe InteriorInterior Mra.Mrs. RosaRoea L.L. GraggOragg President,President, National Association ofof ColoredColored WomentsWoman's ClubsClubs Mrs.Mre, MaryMary E.E. C.C. QregoryGregory ChairmanChairman ofof thethe DouglassDocrglaerr TrusteeTrustee BoardBoard MiMien•• MabelMabsl E.DiSgsE. Diggs Vice ChairmanChairman ofof DouglassDougfaes TrusteeTrustee BoardBoard Mrs.Mrs. GeorgiaGeorgla Anderson ChairmanChairman otof D.D. C.C. HeadquarteraHeadquarter4 BoardBoard MiseMiae MinnleMinnie Helson.Helson, NationalNational Secreta:rySecretqry Mr.Mr. HerbertHerbert Reid.Reid, LegalLegal AdvisorAdvisor Dr.Dr. MordecaiMordecai JohnsonJohnson PresidentPrc~identEmeritusEmeritus ofof HowardHoward UniversityUnivcreity Mr.Mr. OscarOscar Chapman.Cbapmaa, -formerformer SecretarySecretary ofof thethe Inte!'icIuteric Dr.Dr. JosephJoseph Douglass.Douglas a, grandsongrandson ofof FrederickFrederick DouglafDouglar - WEDNEBDAY,WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER S.1. 19621962 PagePage 22 10:1810:18 -- 10:3210:32 ~am Hon.Hon. C.C, BurkeBurke ElbrlckE3brick U.W. S.S. AmbassadorAmbassador toto PortugalPortugal 12:0012:OO -- lZ:1012~10aDQam ThemePresidentPresident greetedgreeted thethe ExperimentEsperiment inin Internationalfnte rnational LivingLiving GroupGroup ~nin thethe "RoseRose Garden.Garden, Among themthem were representativesrepresent;rtiv88of of India..India, Iran.Iran. Pakistan.Paldstan. Europe.Europe. lZOOf ZOO pm TheTbPresidentPresident went toto thethe pool.pod. 1:23f:23 pmpm ToTo thethe Mansion.Mansion. (LUNCH)(LUNCH) 3:503:50 pm TheThe PresidentPresident returnedzeturned toto thetbe oUke.otfice. 4:104:lO -- 4:234:23 pmprn (Mr.(Mr. JohnJohn Reynolds)Reynolds) OFFOFF THETHE RECORDRECORD 5:005:OO -- 6:156:15 pmpm OFFOFF THET?IE RECORDRECORD MEETINGMEETING - (Hon.(Hon. RobertRobert McNamara)McNarnara) (Han.(Hon. DeanDean Rusk)Ruak) (Han.(Hon. GlennOlenn &aborg)hctborg) (Dr. Jerome Wiesner)V?fesner) (Hon.(Hon. McGeorgeMcGsorge Bundy) (Holl.(Nan. Carl Kaysen)Ksysea) (Han.(Hon. James Webb)\?ebb) (Hon.(Hon, RobertRobart Seamans) (Commissioner Leland Hayworth.Hayworth, AEC) (Mr. Dana Orwick.Orwick, Department of State) (Gerald(Qerald Johnson,3 ohnson, Department of Defense)Dcfcnse) (Dr. Harold Brown, Department of Defense) 6:18 - 7:26 pm. (Hon.(Hon. Arthur Ooldbel"g)Goldberg) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. WalterWdter Reuther)Reather) 1:40 pm The President went to the pool, then to the Mansion.Mansion, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 196Z1962 9:~5 am The ProsidentPresident al'rivedarrived in the office. 10:30 - 10:40 am Hon.Hon, Dean RuskResk 10:40 - 11:30 am NATIONALPfnTIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL The Prasid.entPrasfdeat Eon.Son, Ad~ianAdrian S.6. Fisher.Fisher, Acting Director, ACDA Mon.Hon.
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