( , "", '.. -', "";;;c,,,~, ",""""".~.. , """"'_ .. :"'.~' '~J ii"" .~..., ~"':'~" '""'iL ti' , . II 1 ,,' I .. -Page~~==~~ Sixt~en ______________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~---------------------7'------~-==.ur=s~ay~,_.=cl=.~.~W~,~1~95~2TH. I.WISH pOST Th d 0 iron Curtain Lifts; 350,000 Jews Weigh A ,I Mrs. N. Partrick, endorsed by the versity of Manitoba where he gained ,in the older .colonies _is 4,500 pounds LondoDi _ Jewish emigration from the eastern European ments to facilitate emigration on a large Bcale were aban- Talks now taking place I DAVID ORLIKOW He was Commanding Officer of No. a law degree in 1939. He then, served", 'annually, it was ,stated, while fami­ Civic Voters Civic Election satellite countries to Israel will be resumed soon, according donehd 18 months ago... II' t d 5000 ' t estf to rebvlivet the ' '\'. Seeking re-election on the CCF 5 Ships CompanY,Royal Canadian ~e.ag:ue1 with the" Canadian Army through lies in the newer settlements earn t 'f t' . hin L' d '. T eagreements Orlgma y guaran ee , emlgron s a a avora e urn; ~ar~ierIt 18 now Conunittee and, Women's Voters o m orma lon reac g_ on on. , . " . month from RQrnania and" 3,000 from Hui).gary, alone. Poland-the remaining 350,000 Jews, I' ticket as Ward Three alderman is Sea Cadets, and is, presently p~esi­ the war. about 3,000 pounds. League for Ward 3 school tru~tee, The agreements between the 1sra;h and. satelhte govern- lifted its ban 'on Jewish emigration last month, Europe. ' . David Orlikow. A school trustee dent of the North Winnipeg District, has been c'oncerned with educational - II :for three terms, Mr. Orlikow lead Boy Scouts. 'NEW 9UILTSJ the fight, during his first term on the Ukraine at the age of 7. mattters as far back as she can re­ T.T.Shule Notes • '.' World -Wide News Roundup 1 i member. This is - only natural for Under the chairmanship of Mitchell Beautifully Made I ' CoWlcil, to ammend the Licensing JACK KING II IKE PENS JEWISH BRIGADE STORY, . the daughter of a teacher. Capable, Wagner, regular Friday Night ser­ REPAms & ALTERATIONS Act so that places of Dusiness might A ,businessman with an e;tensive TEL AVIV - The per, capita extent of' book readership in Israel is ~ices will be held in the synagogue ro OLD QUIT.""" & <1USmONS , be legally barre\:! from practisiog record of community service and conscientious, and- community mind­ , second only to that of New Zealand, which. is at the top of the scale, the , ed, Mrs. Partrick has lived in Ward of the new Tahnud Torah, I "Publishers' Weekly," an American book trade joumal, notes in a recent discrimination against patrons be­ leadership, and with a record for' M~theson 3 for 27 years. She is interested io and Powers. Dr. Tarlakower, pro-' artic~e covering American book sales activities in the Middle East and. cause of race or color. Mr. Orlikow­ getting things done,. is Jack King, securing more- federal. and provincial fessor 'of sociology at the University other parts of the world. ' ,I recently placed on the books aoy­ independent. aldermanic'- candidate . "There is a great hunger for American books and books about America I aid for Winnipeg schools. Mrs. o~ J e~alem,. will be/the guest I I law esta~lishing minimum standards for Ward 'Three. "Independent' in <.1-,1-1 in Israel today, because the people there see dose parallcla between the , speaker at the first Friday Night . of Israe the early history of the States," Joseph of heat for blocks. He has been thought - dependable in action" Partrick was educated in. Winnipeg and United Marks, public and· high schools, service, to he held Oct. 17, 8.30 of Doubleday & Company, told "I'ublisbe<s Weekly" shortly active in the J~ish Labor. Commit­ are no mere sl.ogans when applied 23, 1952 I i, i p.m. Cantor Brow8tone and ,the THURSDAY, from a nioe-week trip through EuJ:upe and Israel: tee _and in oth~r areas within the to Mr~ King, ~y the group _of citi­ School Trnstees Vol. "Crusade in Europe" is selling very well in the E. BACHYNSKI: The youngest of Tahnud Torah choir will also par­ Jewish Community.' zens who banded together to unani­ CHOIR PROVIDES MUSICAL TREAT: Hebrew edition by Ktavim io Tel Aviv, Mr. Marks said. For : I all candidates in this year's civic ticipate. Hosts and hostesses for ~ously select him' as '3 candidate. 'DALL this. edition, the General wrote a special secticm on tOO history of the GEORGE STAPLETON: is this elections is Edward Bachynski, 25- the eveniog will'he: and Mrs: lewish Brigade in Europe during World War year's CCF running mate to Ald. D. year-old Ward 3 school board can­ Mr. n:. - ,Mr~ King is especially interested Alec Billinkoff, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. S. LANDAU flew \11 Orlikow 'for a Ward 3 aldermanic i? improving: winnipeg's congested didate, makillg his first entry into' Keen .Interest 'I~ Epstein' Talk REPORT ISRAEL PRISONS OVERFLOWING .seat. He is president of the Canada civic contests.. ' Thomson, Mr. and Mrs.. M. M. 132 ·Princess St. Phone 92-4877 . TEL A'vIV _ "Prisons are so crowded' that judges curtail sentences, traffic situation, and will also keep -I Packers local union and an execu­ He wa's educated ,here and now Sucharov, Mr. and. Mrs. 1. Cristall, For and in some cases offenders have been freed before the end of their prison I tive officer of the' Winnipeg Labor his eye on rent limits and the pros~ works for a lumber supply company. and Mr.. and Mrs. M. Lapkin A terms," B. Sbitreet, the M'mister of Police, told a gathering. arranged by Council. He was a Winnipeg Labor He 'is supported by the North Draws Record Utowd ToY-A Event I. pecl for keeping taxes down. He has special invitation to att~nd the first' the Jerusalem Workers' Council recenlly. Council nominee to the court of a plan to relieve ~'Main street and Winnipeg Taxpay'ers' Association) a Stenographer . Many prisons have refused to accept more inmates unless premise. referees on National Selective Ser- group of which he has been secretary Friday Ni~ht service has been ex­ - I i Salter: ,street, congestion, 'involving ~ be enlarged, and as a result, he said, judges are becoming reluctant to . vice. and vice-president respectively. ' tended to the executive members of unpose prison sentences, The opportunity of rehabilitating law-breakers straightening Kelvin street, remov­ II PE::\ER TARAS!{A . SAUL CHERNIACK: After com­ the' three' men's' Zionist -dubs," and , Wanted··f was well-nigh impossible iu conditions of saeh overerowdiog.·· . ! ,I ing street -car 'tracks, and ~o:ristr~ct­ pleting' an initial two-year tenn on , , A stand in favor of the amalga­ their ladies. Good salary and con­ "Juvenile delinquents account for 4a per cent of criminals in several ing a bridge joining up with Disraeli school board, Cherniack is seeking parts of the country," the Minister declared, addiog that the police were mation of muhic~palities and against ditions to experienced ! >, Rabbi A. 'ravetz, principal of th~ I ! street. re-election as the only CCF school well aware of the inadequacy with whieh this problem was beiog dealt. I, ',' turning over City Hydro in its en­ trustee candidate.in. Ward 3. Tahnud Torah. sChool, will be' the '.' stenographer. Apply , tirety to the Province ol.' any other ( Mr_ Cherniack was educated at guest speaker at the second Friday MUTUAL AGENCIES DETERIORAnON IN PRODUCT QUAI,.lTY Machray and St.' Jahnts Technical HAJl?A - '\The public must defend itself against the . bad produets authority, are two main planks in Night service, to take place Friday, 984 Main St. that some unscrupulous manufacturers try to palm off oUi it, by reporting I schools before attending, the Uni­ I i the platform of Peter Taraska, seek­ lf rr 'm rEt '" Oct. 24, at.8 o'clock. His topic will an . to the C~n!<?l Divi.sion of the Conuneree Ministry," A. Lehrmaun, ing re-election to the City Council. be "A World in Chaos." . ' ' Furnished Room for Rent .of the D1VlSlOn, srod recently at a press conference here. Ald. Taraska previously served on iijeuillitoue lhtuetliug :furnished room f.or rent on main He called on factory workers to report all cases of their employers' ,- -, - , "forging" products, in order to stop this "moral at its source. the School Board' for eight years, ARABS BENEF1T floor. Board if desired. Available ~rrOpti.on" (Cont. from page 1) Nov. 1. 590 Pritchard Ave. Co~umers had become m?re quality conscious lately"and the many corn .. and wa~ _ chai~. for two years. Isra~li accoWlts. or' in lifting eco­ plaints had helped to raIse standards and prevent the sale of inferior nomIC embargoes. A member of the Young Man Wanted goods, he said. Israeli delegation said that "there Reliable young man wanted fol' DlU'ing the half J;~' January to July, IL.lOO,OOO worth of goods werll are absolutely no' strings attached to wholesale warehouse. Apply, to George. Soudack,' who . arrived ,-in confiscated by the DIVlSlDn, IL.60,OOO worth in Jn1y aloue. '. this agreement." The- agreement was Western·- Drygoods and Importing Winnipeg over the' week-end from PROTEST RESIGNA nONS AT FOOD COUNCIL reached' after a long,. series, of dis­ Co., 90 Albert St. his second trip to Israel since State" .TEL A A number of doctors on the Nutrition Council, which cUssions between the Palestin.e Con­ FOR RENT vr.y :- GAltA.GE . hood, described Youth Aliyah efforts ad~",! the M>l1lStry of Cammerce on food.
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