Review Turk J Endocrinol Metab Endocrine Effects of Coffee Consumption Kahvenin Endokrin Etkileri Marmara University Pendik Research and Training Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, İstanbul, Turkey Caffeine has been found to exert various biological effects Kafein; antiproliferatif, antianjiyogenik, antimetastatik etki- including, antiangiogenic, antiproliferative, antimetastatic leri, artmış yağ oksidasyonu, glikojenin kas içinde mobili- activity, increased fat oxidation and mobilization of glyco- zasyonu, artmış lipoliz gibi çeşitli biyolojik etkileri gen in muscle, increased lipolysis, and reduction of body fat. gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmada amacımız kahve tüketiminin en- The aim of this review is to analyze the endocrine effects of dokrin sistem üzerine olan etkilerini incelemektir. Mayıs coffee consumption. A systematic literature search was con- 2019'a kadar yayınlanan ve kahve tüketimi ve diyabet, os- ducted on PubMed and Web of Science databases seeking teoporoz, tiroid hastalıkları, adrenal ve gonad fonksiyonları articles published until May 2019, dealing with coffee con- hakkında yayınlanan makaleler PubMed ve Web of Science sumption and diabetes, osteoporosis, thyroid gland, adre- veritabanlarında sistematik olarak tarandı. Epidemiyolojik nal, and gonads. The results of the most epidemiologic çalışmalar, kahve tüketiminin tip 2 diyabet riskini azaltmada studies reported that coffee consumption has positive ef- olumlu etkisi olduğunu, kemik mineral yoğunluğu üzerinde fects on combating type 2 diabetes risk, has no significant anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığını ancak yüksek kahve tüketen effects on BMD (Bone Mineral Density) levels but fracture grupta kırık riskinin daha yüksek olduğunu, tiroid kanseri risk was shown to be higher in the high coffee consumer üzerinde anlamlı etkisinin olmadığı, SHBG seviyelerini art- group. Coffee intake has no significant effect on thyroid can- tırdığı, doğurganlık üzerine etkisi olmadığını ancak spontan cer, increases SHBG levels, has no effect on fertility but hig- abortus riskini artırdığını göstermiştir. Kahve tüketimi ve en- her consumption was related to spontaneous abortion. dokrin etkiler üzerine yapılan çalışmaların çelişkili sonuçları Studies pertaining to coffee consumption and endocrine ef- olup net etkilerini belirleyebilmek için uzun takip süreli kli- fects have contrary results. More randomized clinical stu- nik çalışmalar gereklidir. dies with a long term follow up period are required. Keywords: Coffee; diabetes mellitus; fertility; Anahtar kelimeler: Kahve; diabetes mellitus; fertilite; gonadal hormones; osteoporosis; gonadal hormonlar; osteoporoz; thyroid diseases tiroid hastalıkları Introduction North Europeans. Boiled coffee is fre- Coffee is one of the most popular beverages quently consumed by the inhabitants of the consumed worldwide, thereby enhancing its Balkan area, Ireland, North Africa, and market demand (1). Turkey. Statistics reveal that the average con- Scientists have extracted numerous bioac- sumption of coffee ranges from 2-4 cups tive compounds, such as chlorogenic acids per day in western societies. Western (CGA), polyphenols, diterpenes, caffeine, countries prefer to consume brewed coffee and caffeine metabolites (1,2) from this while instant coffee is popular among the complex beverage. Address for Correspondence: Tuğçe APAYDIN, Marmara University Pendik Research and Training Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, İstanbul, Turkey Phone: :+90 554 4036978 E-mail: [email protected] Peer review under responsibility of Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Received: 18 Oct 2019 Received in revised form: 21 Jan 2020 Accepted: 30 Jan 2020 Available online: 13 Feb 2020 1308-9846 / ® Copyright 2020 by Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey. Publication and hosting by Turkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) DOI: 10.25179/tjem.2019-71878 Owing to the presence of these bioactive coffee on developing type 2 diabetes. components, there is an increased scientific Epidemiological studies conducted among interest in the potential health benefits of different populations throughout the world regular coffee consumption. Recent studies highlighted the positive effects of coffee in have reported that coffee exerts functional combating the risk of type 2 diabetes, in a effects on human health. The effect of coffee dose-dependent manner. Studies suggested intake on malignancy has already been re- that 3-4 cups of coffee per day were capable ported in various studies. Presently, re- of reducing the risk of development of T2DM search is mostly focused on exploring the (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) by approximately scientific aspect of the effect of coffee on 25%, as compared to those consuming less type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, and cere- than 2 cups per day. The relative risk of brovascular diseases. All these medicinal ef- T2DM for the highest level of coffee intake fects of coffee are attributed to the presence (>6 cups/day) was estimated to be 0.71 of various bioactive compounds like caffeine, (0.67-0.76) for caffeinated coffee and 0.79 chlorogenic acid, and cafestol. Caffeine has (0.69-0.91) in case of decaffeinated coffee been known to exhibit several biological ef- (1,4). In addition, increasing coffee con- fects, such as antiproliferative, antiangio- sumption +1 cup/day incurred a decrease of genic, antimetastatic activities, increased fat 11% on T2DM risk in the following four oxidation, and mobilization of glycogen in years. On the other hand, reducing coffee muscles, increased lipolysis, and decreased consumption by more than 1 cup/day in- body fat (3). creased the risk of development of T2DM in Recent clinical and laboratory data implicate four years by 17% (1,5). Both caffeinated that endocrine tissues could also be the tar- and decaffeinated coffee, filtered and instant gets of coffee compounds. The present re- coffee were associated with reduced risk of view aims to analyze the clinical trials that T2DM (6–8). Studies also suggested that evaluated the consequences of coffee con- this inverse association was applicable to sumption on endocrine disorders. very high levels of coffee consumption. Dose-response analysis suggested that 12% Methods (0.88 (0.86-0.90)) reduced risk of T2DM A systematic literature search was con- was attributed to the intake of every 2 ducted on PubMed and Web of Science data- cups/day of caffeinated coffee. On the other bases seeking articles published until May hand, intake of every 2 cups/day of decaf- 2019 using a combination of the following feinated coffee was associated with an 11% Medical Subject Headings terms and key- (0.89 (0.82-0.98)) reduced risk (9). A re- words: coffee ‘AND’ (diabetes ‘OR’ type 2 di- cent study from a low coffee consumer abetes ‘OR’ thyroid ‘OR’ goiter ‘OR’ country, Iran also concluded a lower risk of hypothyroid ‘OR’ hyperthyroid ‘OR’ thyroid diabetes or pre-diabetes among the coffee cancer ‘OR’ infertility ’OR’ osteoporosis ‘OR’ consumer group (10). vitamin D ‘OR’ adrenal). However, few epidemiologic studies failed to Constraints were used for advanced search: report any correlation between coffee con- adults, human, clinical trial, and search sumption and type 2 diabetes risk (11). fields: title/abstract. Additionally, we scruti- Q 2: Is it the caffeine in coffee that causes nized references within identified papers as diabetes? well as articles that had come to our atten- tion through other means. Published reports opined that both caf- feinated and decaffeinated coffee consump- Coffee and Type 2 Diabetes tion lowered the risk of type 2 diabetes (7,10,12,13). Q1: Does coffee consumption reduce type 2 There are controversial studies about the ef- diabetes risk? fect of decaffeinated coffee on type 2 dia- Although the correlation of coffee with the betes risk. A prospective cohort study pathogenesis of diabetes is still controver- reported a negative relationship between sial, special attention has been given to es- caffeinated coffee and type 2 diabetes risk. timate the possible beneficial effects of However, this study failed to establish any 2 effect of decaffeinated coffee on the devel- receive any coffee for 16 weeks. Second- opment of T2DM (14). hour glucose levels were found to be lower for the caffeinated group. When adjusted Q3: Does coffee consumption affect according to waist circumference, caf- glycemic control? feinated and decaffeinated groups were as- There are a few studies reflecting the out- sociated with a modest reduction in glucose come of coffee consumption on glucose lev- levels post 2-hour glucose load (19). els in type 2 diabetic patients. Studies Randomized controlled trials were also con- suggested that exaggerated postprandial ducted estimating the short-moderate term glucose and altered insulin responses owing effects of coffee on glucose metabolism and to the presence of caffeine might lead to im- insulin sensitivity. In a trial, the glucose and paired glycemic control (15). This contradic- insulin levels were recorded during the sec- tory effect might result from the acute effect ond week of the regular coffee intake period of coffee. However, habitual consumption and two weeks of abstinence period in 26 might indulge in the positive effects of this healthy volunteers. Fasting plasma glucose beverage. Therefore, it is difficult to com- levels were similar but fasting insulin levels pare the studies investigating
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