CANDY MAKING AT HOME ARY M WRI T M . GH TWO HUNDRED WAYS T O MAKE C AN D Y WIT H H O M E F LA V O R A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L F IN IS H PHILAD ELPHIA THE PENN PUBLISHING C O MPANY 1915 C OP YRIGHT 1 9 15 BY THE PENN PUB LISH ING COMPANY Can d y -M ak i n g at H ome C o n ten ts GENERAL D IRECTIONS F OR CANDY-MAKING Uten sils In gredien ts A Few Thin gs the C an dy - M aker Should Kn ow Th e Colorin g an d Flavoring II THE KI . MA NG O F FONDANT Fon an t d . Choc olate Fon dan t M aple Fon dan t HARD CANDIEs Chocolate Chips Cin n amon Jibb Fig Brittle Bu tter - S cotc h Fren c h B utter - S cotch M aple Pan ocha Horeh ou n d Can dy Chocol ate Taffy ‘ M olasses Tafiy Nu t Taffy CONTENTS Lemon S tick C an dy Pepp ermin t S ti c k C an dy S tr awb erry Drop s Hon ey Pepp ermi n t Tablets M aple Tabl ets Fru it Tablets Ros e N ou gat Rai sin S tic ki es ’ Van a Tafl ill y . ' S alt Water Tafiy ' Tafiy Dreams With Nut Cen ters FUDoEs AND CARAMELS Ch oc ol ate Fu dge M aple S u gar Fu dge B u rn t Almon d Fu dge ‘ C ofiee Fu dge M ars hmallow Fu dge Pean u t Fu dge Fig Fu dge Divin ity Fu dge C oc oan u t Fu dge Fr ui t Fu dge Cin n amon Fu dge Pin eappl e Fu dge Lay er Fu dges C oc oan u t M ar shmallow F u dge A n other C ocoan u t M arshmall ow B arl ey Fu dge C off ee C aramel s C ocoan u t C aramels CONTENTS Chocolate C aramels S u ltan a Car amel s Nu t Chocolate C aramels Van illa C aramel s Strawb erry C aramels Jelly C aramel s Chocolate Cream C ar amels M olass es C aramels Fran c on i a Caramels Tu tti - Fru tti C ar amels B u ttern u t Caramels Carrot Caramels NUT CANDI Es Chocol ate Almon ds Brown Almon d Nou gat White Nou gat Pean u t Brittle Almon d Toff ee ' S ou thern Ha" eln u t Tofiee M exic an Pan ochia Pralin es Cream Nu t B ars M aple an d B u ttern u t Cream Chocol ate Nu t Can dy Nu t B on b on s C an died Chestn uts Gl ac " Nu ts Waln u t B on bon s Pean u t M olas ses Can dy M exican Nu t C on fec tion CONTENTS Nut Loaf Nut S tuff ed Fru i t Cherry an d Almon d Confection FR UIT CANDI Es Qu in ce C on fection s M ar aschin o D rop s S trawberry Divin ity Fu dge Tu tti - Fr u tti Cream Pear aram C els . M ar" ip an Fruit C an di es S ur r se ates p i D . ars ma ow Fru t F e M h ll i u dg . Froste Fru t Fu e d i dg . Cherry Foam Fig Favorites Pin eapple M arshmallows Fruit Chocolate B alls Watermelon D ain ty D ate D elight ‘ Stufied Prun es Fruit Roll Jelly Cake C an dy SEA FOAM AND CREAM CANDIEs Gin ger Creams Lemon Creams Pepp ermin t Creams M aple Creams Waln u t Creams Cocoanut Creams CONTENTS Hon ey Creams Vanilla Sea Foam M aple Foam Can died CherryFoam Nu t Foam Chocolates M aple D elight BoNBONs Chocolate Creams c a eam W t Fru t enters Cho ol te Cr s i h i C . Chocol ate Creams With Nu t Cen ters How to C oat Ch ocolate Creams B on b on s M ade With Cocoan u t Nu t B on b on s Fruit B on bon s A ssorted B on bon s How to Dip With Fon dan t Ori en tal B on bon s POP-CORN SWEETs Molasses Pop - C orn B alls Chocolate Pop - C orn B alls Sn ow Pop - Corn B alls Ice Pop - C orn B alls Pop - Corn D ain ty Crystalli" ed Pop -C orn Pop - Corn B ars Maple Pop - Corn B ars Pop - C orn M acaroon s Cherokee Crisp CONTENTS Pop - C orn Almon d Nou gat Pop - C orn Brittl e Pop - Corn Fu dge MACAROONS AND MI SCELLANEO US SWEETs Almon d M acaroon s Cream M ac aroon s Jas min e M ac aroon s Qu een M ac aroon s Ch oc ol ate M ac aroon s C oc oan u t M ac aroon s Hic kory - Nu t M acaroon s Pean u t M ac ar oon s Ch erry M acaroon s C off ee M acaroon s Ch oc ol ate M acaroon s Pi stachi o M acaroon s Cin n amon M acaroon s Marshmall ows C oc oan u t M arshmall ows O ran ge M arshmall ows B u tterc u p s Hodge- Podge C an dy C an died S weet Potato B all s Per sian C on fec tion Tu rkis h C on fec tion Arabi an C on fec tion Hon eyc omb C an dy Tu rki sh D elight Appl e S weetmeats Chocol ate A rabi cs CONTENTS Orien tal B on bon s C an dy Potatoes Divin ity Hash CAKE CON FECTI ONERY AND LITTLE SWEETs B on bon Cakes Spice Nu ts Chocolate Nuts Waln u t Wafers Pean ut Jumbl es C ocoan u t Ju mbles Fru it Roc ks Raisin Spirals Fruit B ars M aple Drops Gin ger Chip s Gin ger Wafers M arshmallow Cakes Gin ger Nu ts German Gin ger B alls Cin n amon Cri sps Choc olate Stic ks Oran ge C akes Cocoan u t Drop s Almon d C akes Pean u t Wafers German Wafers Jap an ese Wafers En glish Wafers D eliciou s Tea Cookies Raisin Cookies CONTENTS Love Diamon ds M armal ade Diamon ds Lemon C akes M apl e Nu t Wafers Van illa Wafers Chocol ate Di amon ds C ori an der C akes Peach Bl ossom Cakes Wild Rose C akes Cream Nu t Pu ff s Spi ce Fin gers C ar away C ooki es D ai sy C akes Van illa S u gar C akes Choc ol ate Gin ger Drops C ocoan u t Fruit D rop s Preserved Fru it D ai n ties Jelly Ju mbl es Chocol ate Nu t Wafers Lady Fin gers Fru it Pu ff s Nut Tarts INDE" CHAPTER I Gen eral Direction s f or Can dy- M akin g Can dy - Maki n g at Home CHAPTER I GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING WE fin d it quite possible to make just as d e li ci ou s candy at home as can be bought of the most famo u s manufacturers . Of course there are a f ew kinds of candies that can be made only with the aid of special machi nery " but there are enough kinds that can be made with u tensils found in the ordinary kitchen "with a few more added" to make all the variety that one may wish for . By making ou r own candies i n the home we have the assurance that they are at least pure and clean, and that they will cost us no more than the d d d - cheaper gra es of can y . Can y making is very 13 - 14: CANDY MAKING AT HOME n w fascinating, and there is no reaso hatever why on e cannot be a successful candy-maker after a h we few trials at it . In t is first chapter give a f ew general directions in candy- making that will make ou t it easier to carry all the recipes that follow . UTENSILS All the utensils that are needed in candy - mak c of o ing are sau epans granite or p rcelain, a double boiler, spoons, a spatula, candy dipper, platter or marble slab, a thermometer, and boxes or pans f in which to mold certain kinds o candies . Bon f or b bon molds are useful molding bon ons, but are not n ecessary as they can easily be molded w ab s o ith the fingers . A thermometer is not lu tely necessary since on e can learn to get the dif f er en t stages by dropping and testing the syrup in cold water " but the thermometer makes it much easier to get the syrup cooked to exactly the right degree . In buying a thermometer on e choose that is guaranteed by its maker, since some thermometers are apt to break when the syrup is boiled to a high degree as it must be in GENERAL DIRECTIONS 5 a n r e . ar e r e m ki g the ha d candi s There small, liable candy thermometers on the market that do d a and e not cost a great e l, make it much asier for - the candy maker .
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