Pleasanton DECK THE HALLS Warm memorable holidays Weekly begin with decorations »14 6/,8))) .5-"%2s./6%-"%2 WWW.PLEASANTONWEEKLY.COM Presenting our Tri-Valley Heroes See Page 11 INSIDE THIS WEEK BUSINESS NEWS 7 ■ NEWS: Council to vote on downtown guidelines 5 ■ NEWS: Former cop charged with elder abuse 5 TRI-VALLEY LIFE 20 ■ LIVING: Home ec teacher has recipe for success 15 SECTIONS Arts & Entertainment NEW COMING SOON! The new Club One at Pleasanton Join as a CHARTER MEMBER for our best rates! BE ONE OF THE FIRST to call Club One at Pleasanton home. Club One at Pleasanton is our neighborhood club that brings together premium group fitness programming typically only found in high-end boutique studios with the exceptional member experience and amenities that we’re known for. Members enjoy all the convenient extras included in membership, so you can focus on you. Get back to what you love with the support and motivation of the industry’s best and a community of like-minded members. Scan the QR code to join online today at our lowest rate ($20 monthly savings)! Or schedule a sneak peek with our presale office by calling 925/271-0564. > Four dedicated studios: barre, group > Extensive group fitness schedule: barre, > Staff chiropractor fitness, indoor cycling & Pilates indoor cycling, yoga & more included > Family & member lounges with membership > 17,000 sq. ft. of fitness > Complimentary WiFi, day lockers, unlimited > Specialty TRX®, Pilates Reformer > 2,000 sq. ft. Playcare for infants & kids towels & toiletries & functional training up to 12 years old > Ample complimentary parking > The latest cardio & strength > Certified personal training training equipment CLUB ONE AT PLEASANTON s 5860 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588 s www.ClubOne.com/pleasanton s 925/271-0564 Page 2ÊUÊNovember 23, 2012ÊUÊPleasanton Weekly AROUND GRAHAM-HITCH Bloggers and freelance MORTUARY writers wanted. PLEASANTON Dignified Care & Compassionate Service Email writing samples BY JEB BING Since 1891 and a short bio to Saying goodbye [email protected]. to 2 old friends wo news reports in recent CLOCK REPAIR Timely Service days dampened a bit of Tthe holiday spirit in my Free Estimates household where Hostess-brand Free Pick-up & Delivery in Tri-Valley Twinkies and Ding Dongs used to be a favorite in our younger Advance Planning days. Then I learned that News- Byfield’s Clock Shop Call (925) 736-9165 week, which I carried for years them “in the clouds.” It’s hard to Made Easy in my college backpack and later spread a digital publication out Call Deanna for a FREE my briefcase, is also exiting the on the kitchen counter and leaf consultation. In-home through the pages, ads and all. See Your Best Look Your Best! market, or at least its print edi- visits available. tion is at the end of the year. Of course, we all read off our Perhaps it’s a case of advanced Smartphone, iPad and laptop Enjoy life with less dependence nostalgia, but there’s something screens now, including the daily on contacts or glasses. 4167 First Street, Pleasanton sad about seeing old friends dis- online reports by the Pleasanton Call Valley EyeCare Center today appear. Weekly and its sister publications 925-846-5624 to schedule a covering Dublin, San Ramon and Crematory Privately Owned As for Twinkies, the demise of & Operated FREE LASIK CONSULTATION Danville. It’s just that for a career the Hostess products probably FD#429 Custom Wave Front LASIK newspaperman like me, there’s has more to do with healthier And Laser Vision Correction eating habits today than because still the leisurely pace a reader of a strike against the company finds in the feel and content of a Jonathan Savell M.D. by the Bakery, Confectionery, To- magazine like Newsweek. and bacco Workers and Grain Millers Both Hostess and Newsweek Michael Gagnon M.D. International Union (a mouthful leave a lot of history -- and em- Experienced Surgeons Stanford Faculty in itself), which is getting the ployees -- as they go. Roughly 18,500 workers will be out of blame. We haven’t had a Twinkie 925-460-5000 925-449-4000 in our house for years. Still, just work when Texas-based Host- Pleasanton Livermore as we keep an empty box of Mar- ess Brands finally shuts down. shall Field’s chocolate mints in Investors may buy some of the The online guide www.ValleyEyeCareCenter.com the cupboard, a Twinkie or two assets in the coming bankruptcy would be something to treasure sale, but Twinkies, Sno Balls and to Pleasanton if only to show the grandchil- Ding Dongs might be gone. Other businesses dren what truly unhealthy (but iconic brands, such as Wonder terribly tasty) treats we used to Bread and Dolly Madison, may t.BLFQVSDIBTFT eat. When the news broke, we find new bakers to use the popular t8SJUFBOESFBESFWJFXT dashed over to the Hostess out- brand names, but the workforce t'JOEEFBMTBOEDPVQPOT let store in Dublin, only to find at Hostess’ wholesale bakeries and wellness t#VZHJGUDFSUJöDBUFT it closed already. The shelves its retail outlets are already mostly t%JTDPWFSMPDBMCVTJOFTTFT still marked with Hostess brand gone. As one blogger put it, the at your door price tags at Safeway and Target baker’s union, in refusing to end When you shop locally, were also bare. Trying online, we its strike and accept lower wages good things happen to found the demand for Twinkies and benefits, “gave 18,000 people make our community was especially brisk with, at one an opportunity to find another stronger: NEW! time, more than 17,000 active job” in a still troubled economy. listings for Twinkies and prices Far fewer employees are af- t4BMFTUBYEPMMBSTTUBZJOUIF varying widely. In the end, we fected by Newsweek’s decision to DPNNVOJUZ took a pass, leaving the Hostess end its print edition on Dec. 31. t:PVIFMQUPTVTUBJOUIF treats to the memory books. The magazine has lost circulation VOJRVFBOEEJWFSTF Not so for Newsweek, though. and reduced staff since restructur- CVTJOFTTFTUIBUNBLFPVS Although my subscription lapsed ing under the ownership of the TIPQQJOHBSFBTWJCSBOU long ago as the weekly magazine Washington Post in 2008. It lost t:PVSFEVDFZPVSDBSCPO lost its zest for timely global news $11 million in the first quarter GPPUQSJOU reports, I wanted a copy for old of 2010, alone. Most newspapers t"OEXIFOZPVTIPQBU time’s sake to keep on the shelf and magazines today, including MPDBMMZownedCVTJOFTTFT along with old copies of publica- this one, are moving forward with ZPVBMTPTVQQPSUPVS tions such as the Christian Sci- online editions that have broad GSJFOETBOEOFJHICPST ence Monitor that also have gone appeal to the new digital genera- XIPBSFSVOOJOHUIFTF all-digital. There’s a difference tion. In Newsweek’s case, however, CVTJOFTTFT EPOBUJOHUP Order Online for between keeping newspapers and the decision is more of a last gasp, DPNNVOJUZFWFOUTBOE magazines compared to storing a sad ending for a once-great na- DBVTFT IJSJOHPVSLJETBOE FREE DELIVERY or In-store Pick-up tional magazine. N HFUUJOHJOWPMWFEJONBLJOH 1MFBTBOUPOBCFUUFSQMBDF About the Cover Good for Business. These community leaders were honored Monday night with the first-ever Tri-Valley Heroes awards presented by the Pleasanton Weekly and its sister Good for You. (see map online) online publications — Dublin Tri-Valley Views, San Ramon Express and Good for the Danville Express. From left to right, they are Chris Miller, Bob Tucknott, (888) 99-Harborside Cynthia Ruzzi, San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District Chief Richard Community. Price, Jeff Seaberg, Cassandra Bankson, Claire Williams, Sandra J. Wing www.harborsidehealthcenter.com/ep and Darlene Gayler. Photo by Jay Flachsbarth. Design by Trina Cannon. Visit $$"!*!'"" &!"%e ShopPleasanton.com today )# ( Vol. XIII, Number 45 Pleasanton WeeklyÊUÊNovember 23, 2012ÊU Page 3 Streetwise ASKED AT HANDLES 2012 WEEKLY MEETING NOTICES What does turning 40 mean to you? City Council Special Meeting Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. Council Chamber, 200 Old Bernal Avenue UÊ `«ÌÊ>ÊÀiÃÕÌÊiÃÌ>Là }ÊwÝi`Ê>`ÊÕvÀÊÀivÕÃiÊViVÌÊ>`Ê Help those ÀiVÞV}ÊÃiÀÛViÊÀ>ÌiÃÊvÀÊÀiÃ`iÌ>Ê>`ÊViÀV>ÊVÕÃÌiÀà UÊ Ã`iÀÊÌ iÊ«iiÌ>ÌÊ«ÌÃÊvÊi>ÃÕÀiÊ**Ê«ÀÛÃÃÊÀi>Ìi`ÊÌÊÌ iÊ in need with the Lisa Cole `iÛi«iÌÊvÊ Ã`iÊ>Ài>ÃÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ ÌÞÊvÊ*i>Ã>Ì Mom, teacher, and 40th birthday girl UÊ *ÕLVÊi>À}\Ê*££änÓ{É*£ÓäÇn]Ê ÌÞÊvÊ*i>Ã>ÌÊqÊ Ã`iÀÊÌ iÊ À>vÌÊ Pleasanton ÜÌÜÊëÌ>ÌÞÊÕ`iiÃÊvÀÊViÀV>ÊLÕÃiÃÃiÃÊ>`ÊëiV>Ê It sounds so cliche to say that you are as iÛiÌÃÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ ÜÌÜÊ-«iVwVÊ*>ÊÀi>Ê­ ÜÌÜ®Ê>`ÊÀi>Ìi`Ê *i>Ã>ÌÊÕV«>Ê `iÊ­* ®Ê>i`iÌÃ]ÊVÕ`}ÊÌ iÊVÀi>ÌÊvÊ Weekly young as you feel, but I’m finding that it is iÜÊ Ã«Ì>ÌÞÊ`ÃÌÀVÌÃÊ>`ÊiÜÊ ÕÀ]ÊÃi]Ê>`Ê«iÀ>ÌÊÀiµÕÀiiÌÃÊvÀÊ true. Turning 40 is less about a number and ëÌ>ÌÞÊÕÃiÃÊ ÜÌÜÆÊ>`Ê>Ê ÌÞÜ`iÊ* Ê>i`iÌÊV >}}ÊÜ iÊ ÀiÃÌ>ÕÀ>ÌÃÊÃiÀÛ}Ê>V ÊÕÃÌÊ>««ÞÊvÀÊ>Ê `Ì>Ê1ÃiÊ*iÀÌ]Ê>`ÊvÀÊ Holiday Fund more about living in the moment, being my Ì iÊ«Ài«>À>ÌÊvÊ>Ê i}>ÌÛiÊ iV>À>Ì best self and having gratitude for the abun- dance of blessings in my life. Planning Commission Visit 7i`iÃ`>Þ]Ê ÛiLiÀÊÓn]ÊÓä£ÓÊ>ÌÊÇ\ääÊ«°° PleasantonWeekly.com/ Council Chamber, 200 Old Bernal Avenue UÊ PUD-93, Bruce Myers, Danville School Street Investment HolidayFund to donate. Ê ««V>ÌÊvÀÊ*>i`Ê1ÌÊ iÛi«iÌÊ­*1 ®Ê iÛi«iÌÊ*>Ê>««ÀÛ>Ê ÌÊVÃÌÀÕVÌÊ>ÊvÕÀÌÊ`iÌ>V i`ÊÃ}iv>ÞÊ iÊ`iÛi«iÌÊÊ>Ê Lisa Guerrera >««ÀÝ>ÌiÞÊÓ°ÓÎ>VÀiÊÃÌiÊV>Ìi`Ê>ÌÊÎÈÓÊ-ÞV>ÀiÊ,>`Ê>`Ê>ÊÛ>V>ÌÊÌÊ ­* Ê{nÊ£ÇÊÇÊ{®]ÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ ÀÌ Ê-ÞV>ÀiÊ-«iVwVÊ*>Ê>Ài> On behalf of those Teacher on leave, 40-year-old rockstar UÊ P12 1693, Arun Pai, General Contractor I’m hoping it’s the new 20! I was a little ner- Ê ««V>ÌÊvÀÊ iÃ}Ê,iÛiÜÊ>««ÀÛ>ÊÌÊVÃÌÀÕVÌÊ>Ê>««ÀÝ>ÌiÞÊ{]ÓÈnÊ who ultimately õÕ>ÀiÊvÌÊÃ}iÊv>ÞÊ iÊÜÌ Ê>ÊÇ£ÊõÕ>ÀiÊvÌÊ>ÌÌ>V i`Ê}>À>}iÊ>ÌÊ vous about my 40th birthday, because of the ÈäÈÊLÊ,>V Ê ÀÛi]ÊÌÊxÊvÊÌ iÊLÊ,>V Ê ÃÌ>ÌiÃÊÊ benefit from your “over-the-hill” mentality.
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