' ST. CATHARINES STANDARD JANUARY 13, 1969 Time Out To Buy Car, Learn About Life NIAGARA FALLS REVIEW School Dropouts Encouraged January 10, 1969 By Easy Entrance To College By BARRY BUTSON reading to any degree, during Planning tions, you'd need only get 42 Grade 12 diploma are also the three years or more ' Standard Reporter he was right. The average student taking credit courses in the out of school, he should be able would have to brush up on his continuing education division We do not encourage j to pass 'this test, basic geometry and algebra at night. :;ourse | high school dropouts, the There are 80 questions to textbooks before he passed Yumesh Kothare, the head oV Niagara College counsellor answer on the reading test this test. Niagara's counselling services,! some very easy, some But even if you fal a Uttle sees stated categorically. not so an even higher percentage' offered easy — and to pass only about short on one or more of the of adult students entering But a case can be made fchei half of the answers must be tests, the college will allow you college once the numl>CT ot A course in "envii-onmental showing that the new com correct. to take one of their upgrading humanities courses is increased. quality", community planning | If you want to courses. munity college does en- go into a tech- This means you would Mr. Kothare said that only 20^ in a broad sense, will be gi- nical course you will have to have to spend one ni^t a week applicants without Grade 12 I'en at the Niagara College courage students to drop j write a miathematics test as from late June until late August have been rejected or "recban-| )f Applied Arts and out of the long grind of well, and in some oases studying the a mech- subject m which nelled." as he puts it. ; rechnology, Welland. starting high school for an easier j anical aptitude test. If you you are considered weak. Do all IVIr. Kothare. however, doss' Jan. 14. route to higher education choose one of the many courses right in the upgrading course, not think the college admissira The course will comprise a | and higher pay . that in the humanities, your testing and, in most cases, you're ad- tests are too easy. He pointSd, presentation of findings of wonderful, candy - colored, is over with the first two. mitted to the full-time program out that the college is looking experts in the field of land chocolate - coated route of The math test is probably the of your choice. for mature students with deep^ air water pollution, and and the admission test. toughest of them all. although Niagara College counsellors interest in the course they want will be conducted by guest here, too, you only have take the position that someone Here's the hypothesis, the to to enter. lecturer Harry Kohli. achieve a raw score of 40 to w-ho haisn't finislied trick your friendly high school Grade 12 High scho<d students should The object of the course is enter the three-year should be given student-next-door may have coui'se or a second be warned, he said, not to to give citizens who are con- 30 to enter the two-year techni- chance and for this reason few think they can use up bis sleeve right now at this admission cerned about the progress and cal course. persons over 16 who apply tests as a very moment, since this is the ba<^ door to the development of their com- Since there are 90 questions, through the admission test route college. time of year yoimgsters start I to get a score of 40 you'd are turned away. There are ' tiunity an opportunity not only dropping out. 60 He said the admission tests 0 discuss the answers to have to answer at least 50 of them working on their col- are not an easy way in as much 1 Suppose he's in Grade 10 at questions pollution but to see the correctly, if you at- lege diploma right now, most of as they are salvation for the, St. Catharines Collegiate and answers put into practice. tempted to answer all of them in humanities courses. student who has — made what has been getting good marks | The eight-week course them. To get a raw score of An undetermiaed number of used to be a fatal inustake — without too much trouble all j commences at 7.30 p.m. at 30. if you attempted 90 ques- people who haven't their quit school too soon. through school. But he's sick the college campus o n and tired of the whole hang-up. Woodlawn Rd. There is a $15 He is 16-years-old and can legal fee to cover registration. ly leave school. He knows he, can get an interesting job, buy a oar he "needs," and have his evenings free, and at the same time learn a lot more about the "real" world. So he quits; keeping in his mind that if he wants to get more education wihen he's 19 he oan go over to Nliagara, or one of -the other 15 community col- NIAGARA FALLS REVIEW ', leges in Ontario, and write the admission tests. 1969 JANUARY 14, , It's impossible to tell how I many students are thinking about admission teste when they drop out of high school, bant but if they knew how easy the operale |. CATHARINES STANDARD / tests were ifs safe to say Students college methe v.. there would be plenty of The branch in them. JANUARY 18 , 1969 ,.,.aCon,n,unHvCone.; J _/ including The first th'ing they must do sei vices banking be is write a standarcUzed learning and will student loans, capability — intelligence Business M- And The Americans by Jay quotient (IQ) — test. iioerated students on Generally speaking, a studentj :i!,istration needs only have an basis. IQ of 104 or rotating ^...Jenl- Niagara College Concert second studeni. 1 better to qualify for any three- This is the " which y e a r technical or tousdness new facilily Bringing Popular Group course. The average person hasi an IQ of 100. The well-known group. Jay and The Americans, will give j The culrOff point Tor the a concert at Centennial High School in Welland Jan. 29, spon- one-year courses Is generally sored by Niagara College of Arts and Technology. ^ supervised , M hp suij an IQ of 97. But even if your will "e such as Cara lege bank The group has had some hi^-selUng hits of the opened in Sept. IQ is only 90, you will still get welland branch which was Mia, Come A Little Bit Closer, and Some Enchanted Even- a look. a / Commerce. ing. Their latest single. This Magic Moment, is now 27th on Hank "t E^^ei7one ivlio seeks admis- tJie national charts and climbing. sion -without tt^e regular Grade The local Ragged Edges wUl appear with the U.S. group 12 qualifications must also write in the concert. deter- a reading test, which Tribune] I mines whether or not he can The Evening keep up with the sort of work required at the college. - October 15, 1969' I If the hypothetical student^ I had tthe required IQ of 104 or I better and kept up with his IST^ CATHARINES STANDARD JANUARY 11, 1969 allege Trying T Niagara C< Little P Get Lus bdJINVI iddV 11V1A/S soipoy |s;uD^v VD^ IIV 6SI$ jajHJ "jouiii 'dinnd 'qnj, JOiBj;suomap 'oois sabs 6S[$ Ja^se^v uids JaAooH 6liS *" 'OeiS SAGS 'joie.ns -uoLuap 'sisseito [eijaduii 6iS$ ^.Al M010) pajinbsj: apej; ojj -jaAes spns q;iM paads-s 'VOa 'jaqSBj^ D!:lBUJ05nv 'X\uo 16 ino 3uio3 'sa.nx Moug z 681$ leaH GL'Z liiojj a;iu!jui JoieuiAja^ '/ijuo g 66'i siBsg ege, Toronto's tree Thwc are m 856 residents Hving in m Bochdale m hnt n. during an art class. only " about 200 are fall-toe stndents The rest jaqsBAvqsra axnjaa 'A"0 Z residential college at Toron- In an atmosphere %9Z to's Ryerson of recri- ing," Lee say Polyteehnical In- mination and pa^npsy stitute. squabbling over portant. The S]l3HSVMHSia details, S|3pojA( jooy The the residents called have proposed colleges might split do' their first general do well to consider meeting the straight Rochdale's j JD3Q 04 paDnpay early in the fall and shaky first months. the coun- to gang up on cil discovered, Waern sa.vs, Anyone, Some of resident or not that the residents siA/nnDVA who were "teiise ments pays came . his $25 fee can he a and hostile." member of 1-50 resident:, ^ Rochdale and par- A nucleus of r e s i d e n t s, V^3yn3 ticipate moved out, 11V : in its mm learning experi- many of them so alienated from ences. of noise, dr all types of formal structure, But of the formless semi ; 850 residents, didn't want a council at only all. the UD|d +uaLuADd about 200 are full-time Others opposite e sBjolq aDioq^ Asog umq wanted a bigger ad- Rochdale students, and objected to wl the ministration. Finally a 12- rest use it as a home was imposed while member interim council was NOI1D313S ISia studying elsewhere, leged presenci ^Od Aiy' mainly at appointed. It will serve the until colics University of Toronto. early agents i spring when a new deci- UJOM doqs JO '""^^ f™™ sionon Problems o( pgjJDOi A|4q6i|s »92 a structure m^ be ' .'; ' '! '1' To The Editor Niagara St.
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