KEY to CAMDEN HISTORY REVIEW & CHS NEWSLETTER INDEX This index offers subject access to Camden History Society’s serial publications from 1970 to 2016 – viz. the annual Camden History Review, volumes 1 to 40; and the bimonthly CHS Newsletter, issues 1 to 278 Please note that all references to a subject, however brief, are included on this index. Articles devoted wholly or substantially to a subject are indicated by the symbol Scope Necessarily selective, this index is intended to assist those researching aspects of Camden’s local history. Excluded, therefore, are subjects mentioned in CHS publications but lacking any direct association with the Camden area. Included in the index are: Streets, localities, buildings, organisations and institutions located within, or immediately adjacent to, the London Borough of Camden, or the former Metropolitan Boroughs of Hampstead, Holborn and St Pancras; People having a direct connection with Camden, whether through residence or work; as visitors, performers at local venues, landlords, or architects of local buildings; or as grave occupants; Generic topics (e.g. theatres) treated within a Camden context. Newsletter notices and reviews of talks, walks, outings, exhibitions and books are indexed only where they include local historical detail of potential use to researchers. Items relating wholly to CHS domestic business are not indexed. Key main entry/entries Bold numerals, indicating * illustration included Camden History Review † map or plan volume number, are C* cover illustration followed by page number(s) BC back cover in normal type: IFC inside front cover e.g. 23 18, 20 = volume 23, n footnote pages 18 and 20. PH public house 26s denotes the Supplement Other abbreviations to Review 26 (2002): Catching the past: Met. Metropolitan reminiscences of 20th- PH public house century Camden. TCR Tottenham Court Rd VoH Vale of Health N indicates Newsletter issue WWI World War I number; e.g. N65, 144 = WWII World War II Newsletters 65 and 144. A Adams, William (circulating Agincourt Road 2 22 Albany, Leopold (Duke Aardent Design 39 23 library) N265 6 11 21 35 34 35 of) 35 19 abandoned babies 37 5 Adams, Sir William (later Sir Agnew, George Wm 29 5 Albany Chapel 24 48* 40 33n À Beckett, Gilbert 40 29 Wm Rawson) 30 16, 17, 18 Aida café 26 21 Albany Flats 26s 4 À Beckett, William 40 29 Adams Row N106, 152 Aiken, Mary 15 13 Albany Memorial Wing 35 19, 20 Abbas, Ali Mohammed Adamson Road N2, 226, 261 Aikin, Lucy N121 Albany Street 1 8, 11 2 23 20 8 N210, 262 Addison, William 2 10 Ailey, Alvin 30 35 3 33 7 10 9 17, 22 18 18-19* Abbey Estate 31 8 Addy, G H 36 30 Ainger, ‘Mr’ 29 16 21 16-17 26 12, 18 26s 4, 5 Abbey National warehouse 6 11 Adelaide PH 9 16 Ainger, Alfred 21 20-22 27 9 29 24 30 16 35 30 Abbey Road 12 26 18 13 11 15 17 8 N120, 216* Ainger, Rev Thomas 8 4-5 36 9, 11†, 14n 37 35† 39 28* 22 19 25 14 30 21n 31 31 Adelaide Gallery 32 20 21 10 25 31 34 27 N99 N57, 99, 122, 159, 165, 200, 261 32 22 37 5, 26 N68, 216 Adelaide Road 3 27 4 3 Ainger Road 3 16 18 4 barracks, see Regent’s Abbot, Charlie 15 22-23 8 3 11 15-19*† 12 28 24 40 N11*, 146 Park Barracks Abbott, Constable N176 17 7-8† 27 8 33 32 39 16 Ainslie’s (butchers) N68 bus garage 30 21 Abbott, Edwin Abbott 32 25, 27* 40 22 N16*, 43, 96, 117, 127, Ainsworth, Harrison 3 11 No.127(59) 36 9, 10, 11* Abbott, William 20 10 137, 138, 165, 204, 216 36 11 37 17 distillery 30 20 37 34 ABC bakery, see Aerated Adeline Place (once Air Raid Precautions, gas explosion 37 32-39* Bread Company Caroline Street) 16 28 see Civil Defence police station 37 33, 34* ABC Cards 2 27 Adler, Rev Dr Hermann 23 19 air-raid shelters 7 30 9 23 shops 37 34-35 ABC Cinema, Shaftesbury Adler, Larry 30 36 16 22-23 23 22-25 steam manufactory Avenue 20 36 30 30, 36 Admiral & Eagle PH 29 37 24 33; deep 16 25 23 22-23 30 16-21* 32 19 ABC Television 30 34 Admiral Mann PH 29 37 26 14 26s 10 30 33 35 33, 34 Alben, H 31 32 Abel, James N131 Admiral Nagle PH 29 37 N121, 184*, 243, 274, 276 Albert, Prince 18 18 20 11 Abell, John 3 13 Admiral Napier PH 29 36 air raids 21 20 29 2 30 11, 25 Abercorn Place N110 Admiral’s House 1 22* 6 12 7 2 World War One 5 25 7 30 37 38n 40 29, 30 N133 Abercrombie, Lady 5 7 N172 9 C*, 2-3* 29 34 N50, 90 8 24-25 25 22 N28, 31 Albert Hall (Bassett St) 6 10 Abercrombie, David 13 16, 18 Admiral’s Lodge 9 2 World War Two 2 8 3 8 4 21 Albert Road, see Abercrombie, Sir Admiral’s Walk 3 33 6 12 5 C*, 26-29 8 16, 21 9 23 Prince Albert Road Patrick 19 9 N142 7 2 9 2-3 29 34 N50, 261 15 28 16 20, 23-25* 17 8 Albert Street 7 10 12 26 Abercrombie, William N152 adultery in Highgate N130 19 9, 33n 20 3, 7*, 13, 35 21 16 N261, 263 Aberdare Gardens 31 7 N141 advertising 27 8 21 36 23 4* 24 48 25 22, 30 Albert Terrace 21 15-19 N261 Aberdeen, Lord 6 26 adverts painted on 26s 9-11, 16 28 9 30 13, 21, No.1 21 16* N48 Aberdeen House 40 22 buildings 22 22-23* 28 32 23 35 32, 33 36 32 Albery, Donald 30 34, 35 Abernethy House N263 Aerated Bread Company 39 21, 27 N45, 47, 52, 57, Albion Cottage 1 23 Abershaw, Jerry N16 7 3 25 47-50 N13 69, 117, 141, 147, 150, 171, Albion Grove 19 22 Abrahams, Aleck 25 9 factory 25 47*, 49, 50 172, 241*, 242, 243, Albion House N132 Abrahams, Peter 29 20 33 28 teashops 25 50* 27 17 248*, 256, 268 Albion Road, see Harben Road Acford, Elizabeth 37 19n Aethelred, ‘the Unready’ 36 16 Bloomsbury 39 2-8* Aldenham Street 20 10, 13, 18 Achilles Road 10 15-16 N37 Africa House (S Villas) 26s 14 bomb damage maps N149 Aldridge, Elizabeth 4 31 Ackermann, Rudolf 6 8 35 16 African National Congress casualties 16 25 Aldridge, Henry 40 28 Acland Central School N26, 53 26 6, 9, 10, 11 N182 22 11 30 26 N121 Aldridge’s 25 6, 9n Acol Court N275 Africans 12 10-14* 26s 14 fire fighting 26 13 39 6 Aldwinckle, Thomas W 30 12 Acol Road 31 6 N275 28 14 29 8-13 29 19, 20, 21n Hampstead 26 2, 23 Aldwych 32 31 Acton, Eliza N211 N67, 182, 222* 29 35 35 21 tram station 32 31 Acton Street 21 26 23 8 N159 Agamemnon Road N37 Holborn 2 11-15* Aldwych Close 25 42 Adam, Rev R G 27 7 Agar, Mr (BM user) 23 3 22 11-15* 26 30 Aldwychstrate 25 42 Adam, Robert (1728-92), Agar, William & family 30 33* N172 alehouses, see public houses see Adam brothers 1 8 4 8-9 N214, 246 Kentish Town 26s 10* Alexander, George 21 6 Adam, Robert (fl.2010) N244 Agar Band N44 Aird, Messrs 27 10 Alexander of Teck, Princess, Adam & Eve PH (Old St Agar Grove (once St Paul’s Airy, Anna 31 30 see Athlone, Countess of Pancras) 4 33 5 15* 13 29 Road) 4 6 27 4 28 11, 14 Airy, J Talbot 7 5 Alexandra, Queen 24 17 26 26 21 35; handbill 13 C* 34 7 N64, 198, 223 Aitchison, George N202 27 9 31 C* 32 31 35 19 Adam & Eve PH (Tottenham Agar Town 1 12 5 4 3 20 Aitchison, Thomas 31 26 Alexandra Hospital 2 8 35 18, 19 Court) 3 4-5* 4 33 13 26* 7 7 12 24 20 12 21 16 Aitken, Maxwell 31 12 Alexandra House 21 24 22 20 26 17 N40 25 21 29 37 34 3 Aitken family 13 4 (Alexandra Rd) 37 19n Adam brothers 4 13, 17 N92, 140, 154, 155, 246 Ajax Road 10 15-16 N37 (Queen Square) 35 19, 20 10 19 11 4-5 21 30-31 Agas map 12 17 Akenside, Dr Mark 26 23 Alexandra Institution for 29 11 N195, 217, 262 Agate, James 30 33 N159 Akenside Road 15 7 Blind Females 35 18 Adams, Anne 3 15 Aged Governesses’ Asylum, 17 10n 27 11 N171, 194 Alexandra Mansions Adams, Clifton N112 see Governesses … Alan Baxter Associates N191 9 9, 11-12 24 18 Adams, Hyman 31 32 Aged Poor, Society for Aland Road 6 11 29 36 Alexandra Orphanage Adams, J (cheesemonger) N265 the 35 18 Albanian refugees 23 30 21 21-24* N161 Adams, Ronald N196 Aggs, Inspector 13 12 Albany, Duchess of 39 4 Alexandra Road 7 16 18 13 31 3, 7 34 16 37 19n N47, 79 site 16 25 28 31 39 8n N159 Annesley, Samuel 35 3 Argyle Street (once, in part, Estate N240* American Loyalists Annesley Lodge N155 Manchester Street) 4 33 Alexandra Theatre N18 27 20-24* N193 Anrep, Boris N146 8 23 16 24 17 13, 16 Alfred Place 4 18 22 14 American Red Cross 20 25 Ansell, Gertrude N211 25 5 34 19 36 10, 14n Nos 30-31 39 2-8* Amherst, Lord 8 18 Ansell, Jack 30 36 39 14, 36n N172 Alfred Terrace Mews 6 29 Amis, Kingsley N219, 255 Ansell, Walter N25 Argyle Walk N134 Alfred Villa (VoH) 10 18 Ampthill Square 8 8-9 Ant, Adam N261 Ariel Road 7 17 20 23 Algar’s Dancing Booth 24 19, 23 24 40 26 13 28 29*, 30, 31 anti-aircraft batteries 5 25 26 20 Arkwright Mansions Alhambra cinema N3 39 30, 33, 34†, 35* 32 29n 33 27 35 12 38 39* 24 27-28* 31 6 Alice, Princess, see Ampton Place 21 27 Anti-Apartheid Movement Arkwright Road 2 26 Athlone, Countess of Ampton Street 3 33 26 6-11* 31 11 39 12 5 26-27* 9 22-85 12 26, 31 19 8 Alix, William 7 32 N134, 147, 261 N78, 194 24 27-28* 38 10 N47, 88, 115, Al-Kharafi, Naseer N244 anarchists 31 19, 20 Anti-Conscription League 31 20 120, 147, 159, 261, 263, 272 All Hallows, Gospel Oak 37 17-18 N141 Anti-Duelling Association 13 13 Arlington, Earl & Countess of 2 27-28 20 32-35* Anastasio, Guiseppe N218 anti-Fascists 31 20 39 17, 22 10 1 16 14 25 22 N111, 129 anatomy school, see anti-Home Rulers 39 10 Arlington House 38 32 N155, 276 All Saints, Camden Town Cooke, Thomas anti-Semitism 26 2 35 9 Arlington Road (once Arlington 4 21 8 28 21 35 N167 Ancients, The 30 8 anti-slavery, see slavery Street & Grove St) 1 32 7 10 All Saints, Gordon Square Andersen, Hans Christian Anton, Elsie Jane 7 15 8 28 9 22 12 26 19 30†, 33 34 22 N129 33 2, 9* N183 Antrim Grove 29 22 N159 21 7, 16 23 8 24 48 25 16 All Saints, Highgate 3 6 Anderson, Sir Colin 29 34 Antrim Mansions 24 28 N159 30 25 N13, 57, 67, 76, 135, All the Year Round 39 34, 36 Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett Antrim Road 40 32 147, 160, 165, 180, 196, 215, Alla Marinella 26 21 16 31 24 42 25 29 Apollo (& the Muses) PH 259, 267 Allaly, Thomas 40 32n N152 32 18n N136, 194 28 28 N167 Arlington Street, see Arlington Rd Allam, M (gardener) N265 Anderson, Ellen N202 Apollo Player & Piano Co.
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